path: root/internal/lsp/protocol/typescript/code.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'internal/lsp/protocol/typescript/code.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1448 deletions
diff --git a/internal/lsp/protocol/typescript/code.ts b/internal/lsp/protocol/typescript/code.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index dcb1b67a5..000000000
--- a/internal/lsp/protocol/typescript/code.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1448 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-useless-return */
-// read files from vscode-languageserver-node, and generate Go rpc stubs
-// and data definitions. (and maybe someday unmarshaling code)
-// The output is 3 files, tsprotocol.go contains the type definitions
-// while tsclient.go and tsserver.go contain the LSP API and stub. An LSP server
-// uses both APIs. To read the code, start in this file's main() function.
-// The code is rich in heuristics and special cases, some of which are to avoid
-// extensive changes to gopls, and some of which are due to the mismatch between
-// typescript and Go types. In particular, there is no Go equivalent to union
-// types, so each case ought to be considered separately. The Go equivalent of A
-// & B could frequently be struct{A;B;}, or it could be the equivalent type
-// listing all the members of A and B. Typically the code uses the former, but
-// especially if A and B have elements with the same name, it does a version of
-// the latter. ClientCapabilities has to be expanded, and ServerCapabilities is
-// expanded to make the generated code easier to read.
-// for us typescript ignorati, having an import makes this file a module
-import * as fs from 'fs';
-import * as ts from 'typescript';
-import * as u from './util';
-import { constName, getComments, goName, loc, strKind } from './util';
-var program: ts.Program;
-function parse() {
- // this won't complain if some fnames don't exist
- program = ts.createProgram(
- u.fnames,
- { target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2018, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS });
- program.getTypeChecker(); // finish type checking and assignment
-// ----- collecting information for RPCs
-let req = new Map<string, ts.NewExpression>(); // requests
-let not = new Map<string, ts.NewExpression>(); // notifications
-let ptypes = new Map<string, [ts.TypeNode, ts.TypeNode]>(); // req, resp types
-let receives = new Map<string, 'server' | 'client'>(); // who receives it
-let rpcTypes = new Set<string>(); // types seen in the rpcs
-function findRPCs(node: ts.Node) {
- if (!ts.isModuleDeclaration(node)) {
- return;
- }
- if (!ts.isIdentifier(node.name)) {
- throw new Error(
- `expected Identifier, got ${strKind(node.name)} at ${loc(node)}`);
- }
- let reqnot = req;
- let v = node.name.getText();
- if (v.endsWith('Notification')) reqnot = not;
- else if (!v.endsWith('Request')) return;
- if (!ts.isModuleBlock(node.body)) {
- throw new Error(
- `expected ModuleBlock got ${strKind(node.body)} at ${loc(node)}`);
- }
- let x: ts.ModuleBlock = node.body;
- // The story is to expect const method = 'textDocument/implementation'
- // const type = new ProtocolRequestType<...>(method)
- // but the method may be an explicit string
- let rpc: string = '';
- let newNode: ts.NewExpression;
- for (let i = 0; i < x.statements.length; i++) {
- const uu = x.statements[i];
- if (!ts.isVariableStatement(uu)) continue;
- const dl: ts.VariableDeclarationList = uu.declarationList;
- if (dl.declarations.length != 1)
- throw new Error(`expected a single decl at ${loc(dl)}`);
- const decl: ts.VariableDeclaration = dl.declarations[0];
- const name = decl.name.getText();
- // we want the initializers
- if (name == 'method') { // mostly StringLiteral but NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral in protocol.semanticTokens.ts
- if (!ts.isStringLiteral(decl.initializer)) {
- if (!ts.isNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(decl.initializer)) {
- console.log(`81: ${decl.initializer.getText()}`);
- throw new Error(`expect StringLiteral at ${loc(decl)} got ${strKind(decl.initializer)}`);
- }
- }
- rpc = decl.initializer.getText();
- }
- else if (name == 'type') { // NewExpression
- if (!ts.isNewExpression(decl.initializer))
- throw new Error(`89 expected new at ${loc(decl)}`);
- const nn: ts.NewExpression = decl.initializer;
- newNode = nn;
- const mtd = nn.arguments[0];
- if (ts.isStringLiteral(mtd)) rpc = mtd.getText();
- switch (nn.typeArguments.length) {
- case 1: // exit
- ptypes.set(rpc, [nn.typeArguments[0], null]);
- break;
- case 2: // notifications
- ptypes.set(rpc, [nn.typeArguments[0], null]);
- break;
- case 4: // request with no parameters
- ptypes.set(rpc, [null, nn.typeArguments[0]]);
- break;
- case 5: // request req, resp, partial(?)
- ptypes.set(rpc, [nn.typeArguments[0], nn.typeArguments[1]]);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(`${nn.typeArguments?.length} at ${loc(nn)}`);
- }
- }
- }
- if (rpc == '') throw new Error(`112 no name found at ${loc(x)}`);
- // remember the implied types
- const [a, b] = ptypes.get(rpc);
- const add = function (n: ts.Node) {
- rpcTypes.add(goName(n.getText()));
- };
- underlying(a, add);
- underlying(b, add);
- rpc = rpc.substring(1, rpc.length - 1); // 'exit'
- reqnot.set(rpc, newNode);
-function setReceives() {
- // mark them all as server, then adjust the client ones.
- // it would be nice to have some independent check on this
- // (this logic fails if the server ever sends $/canceRequest
- // or $/progress)
- req.forEach((_, k) => { receives.set(k, 'server'); });
- not.forEach((_, k) => { receives.set(k, 'server'); });
- receives.set('window/showMessage', 'client');
- receives.set('window/showMessageRequest', 'client');
- receives.set('window/logMessage', 'client');
- receives.set('telemetry/event', 'client');
- receives.set('client/registerCapability', 'client');
- receives.set('client/unregisterCapability', 'client');
- receives.set('workspace/workspaceFolders', 'client');
- receives.set('workspace/configuration', 'client');
- receives.set('workspace/applyEdit', 'client');
- receives.set('textDocument/publishDiagnostics', 'client');
- receives.set('window/workDoneProgress/create', 'client');
- receives.set('window/showDocument', 'client');
- receives.set('$/progress', 'client');
- // a small check
- receives.forEach((_, k) => {
- if (!req.get(k) && !not.get(k)) throw new Error(`145 missing ${k}}`);
- if (req.get(k) && not.get(k)) throw new Error(`146 dup ${k}`);
- });
-type DataKind = 'module' | 'interface' | 'alias' | 'enum' | 'class';
-interface Data {
- kind: DataKind;
- me: ts.Node; // root node for this type
- name: string; // Go name
- origname: string; // their name
- generics: ts.NodeArray<ts.TypeParameterDeclaration>;
- as: ts.NodeArray<ts.HeritageClause>; // inheritance
- // Interface
- properties: ts.NodeArray<ts.PropertySignature>
- alias: ts.TypeNode; // type alias
- // module
- statements: ts.NodeArray<ts.Statement>;
- enums: ts.NodeArray<ts.EnumMember>;
- // class
- members: ts.NodeArray<ts.PropertyDeclaration>;
-function newData(n: ts.Node, nm: string, k: DataKind, origname: string): Data {
- return {
- kind: k,
- me: n, name: goName(nm), origname: origname,
- generics: ts.factory.createNodeArray<ts.TypeParameterDeclaration>(),
- as: ts.factory.createNodeArray<ts.HeritageClause>(),
- properties: ts.factory.createNodeArray<ts.PropertySignature>(), alias: undefined,
- statements: ts.factory.createNodeArray<ts.Statement>(),
- enums: ts.factory.createNodeArray<ts.EnumMember>(),
- members: ts.factory.createNodeArray<ts.PropertyDeclaration>(),
- };
-// for debugging, produce a skeleton description
-function strData(d: Data): string {
- if (!d) { return 'nil'; }
- const f = function (na: ts.NodeArray<any>): number {
- return na.length;
- };
- const nm = d.name == d.origname ? `${d.name}` : `${d.name}/${d.origname}`;
- return `g:${f(d.generics)} a:${f(d.as)} p:${f(d.properties)} s:${f(d.statements)} e:${f(d.enums)} m:${f(d.members)} a:${d.alias !== undefined} D(${nm}) k:${d.kind}`;
-let data = new Map<string, Data>(); // parsed data types
-let seenTypes = new Map<string, Data>(); // type names we've seen
-let extraTypes = new Map<string, string[]>(); // to avoid struct params
-function setData(nm: string, d: Data) {
- const v = data.get(nm);
- if (!v) {
- data.set(nm, d);
- return;
- }
- // if there are multiple definitions of the same name, decide what to do.
- // For now the choices are only aliases and modules
- // alias is preferred unless the constant values are needed
- if (nm === 'PrepareSupportDefaultBehavior') {
- // want the alias, as we're going to change the type and can't afford a constant
- if (d.kind === 'alias') data.set(nm, d);
- else if (v.kind == 'alias') data.set(nm, v);
- else throw new Error(`208 ${d.kind} ${v.kind}`);
- return;
- }
- if (nm === 'CodeActionKind') {
- // want the module, need the constants
- if (d.kind === 'module') data.set(nm, d);
- else if (v.kind === 'module') data.set(nm, v);
- else throw new Error(`215 ${d.kind} ${v.kind}`);
- }
- if (v.kind === 'alias' && d.kind !== 'alias') return;
- if (d.kind === 'alias' && v.kind !== 'alias') {
- data.set(nm, d);
- return;
- }
- if (v.kind === 'alias' && d.kind === 'alias') return;
- // protocol/src/common/protocol.foldingRange.ts 44: 1 (39: 2) and
- // types/src/main.ts 397: 1 (392: 2)
- // for FoldingRangeKind
- if (d.me.getText() === v.me.getText()) return;
- // error messages for an unexpected case
- console.log(`228 ${strData(v)} ${loc(v.me)} for`);
- console.log(`229 ${v.me.getText().replace(/\n/g, '\\n')}`);
- console.log(`230 ${strData(d)} ${loc(d.me)}`);
- console.log(`231 ${d.me.getText().replace(/\n/g, '\\n')}`);
- throw new Error(`232 setData found ${v.kind} for ${d.kind}`);
-// look at top level data definitions
-function genTypes(node: ts.Node) {
- // Ignore top-level items that can't produce output
- if (ts.isExpressionStatement(node) || ts.isFunctionDeclaration(node) ||
- ts.isImportDeclaration(node) || ts.isVariableStatement(node) ||
- ts.isExportDeclaration(node) || ts.isEmptyStatement(node) ||
- ts.isExportAssignment(node) || ts.isImportEqualsDeclaration(node) ||
- ts.isBlock(node) || node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) {
- return;
- }
- if (ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) {
- const v: ts.InterfaceDeclaration = node;
- // need to check the members, many of which are disruptive
- let mems: ts.PropertySignature[] = [];
- const f = function (t: ts.TypeElement) {
- if (ts.isPropertySignature(t)) {
- mems.push(t);
- } else if (ts.isMethodSignature(t) || ts.isCallSignatureDeclaration(t)) {
- return;
- } else if (ts.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(t)) {
- // probably safe to ignore these
- // [key: string]: boolean | number | string | undefined;
- // and InitializeResult: [custom: string]: any;]
- } else
- throw new Error(`259 unexpected ${strKind(t)}`);
- };
- v.members.forEach(f);
- if (mems.length == 0 && !v.heritageClauses &&
- v.name.getText() != 'InitializedParams') {
- return; // Don't seem to need any of these [Logger, PipTransport, ...]
- }
- // Found one we want
- let x = newData(v, goName(v.name.getText()), 'interface', v.name.getText());
- x.properties = ts.factory.createNodeArray<ts.PropertySignature>(mems);
- if (v.typeParameters) x.generics = v.typeParameters;
- if (v.heritageClauses) x.as = v.heritageClauses;
- if (x.generics.length > 1) { // Unneeded
- // Item interface Item<K, V>...
- return;
- }
- if (data.has(x.name)) { // modifying one we've seen
- x = dataChoose(x, data.get(x.name));
- }
- setData(x.name, x);
- } else if (ts.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) {
- const v: ts.TypeAliasDeclaration = node;
- let x = newData(v, v.name.getText(), 'alias', v.name.getText());
- x.alias = v.type;
- // if type is a union of constants, we (mostly) don't want it
- // (at the top level)
- // Unfortunately this is false for TraceValues
- if (ts.isUnionTypeNode(v.type) &&
- v.type.types.every((n: ts.TypeNode) => ts.isLiteralTypeNode(n))) {
- if (x.name != 'TraceValues') return;
- }
- if (v.typeParameters) {
- x.generics = v.typeParameters;
- }
- if (data.has(x.name)) x = dataChoose(x, data.get(x.name));
- if (x.generics.length > 1) {
- return;
- }
- setData(x.name, x);
- } else if (ts.isModuleDeclaration(node)) {
- const v: ts.ModuleDeclaration = node;
- if (!ts.isModuleBlock(v.body)) {
- throw new Error(`${loc(v)} not ModuleBlock, but ${strKind(v.body)}`);
- }
- const b: ts.ModuleBlock = v.body;
- var s: ts.Statement[] = [];
- // we don't want most of these
- const fx = function (x: ts.Statement) {
- if (ts.isFunctionDeclaration(x)) {
- return;
- }
- if (ts.isTypeAliasDeclaration(x) || ts.isModuleDeclaration(x)) {
- return;
- }
- if (!ts.isVariableStatement(x))
- throw new Error(
- `315 expected VariableStatment ${loc(x)} ${strKind(x)} ${x.getText()}`);
- if (hasNewExpression(x)) {
- return;
- }
- s.push(x);
- };
- b.statements.forEach(fx);
- if (s.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let m = newData(node, v.name.getText(), 'module', v.name.getText());
- m.statements = ts.factory.createNodeArray<ts.Statement>(s);
- if (data.has(m.name)) m = dataChoose(m, data.get(m.name));
- setData(m.name, m);
- } else if (ts.isEnumDeclaration(node)) {
- const nm = node.name.getText();
- let v = newData(node, nm, 'enum', node.name.getText());
- v.enums = node.members;
- if (data.has(nm)) {
- v = dataChoose(v, data.get(nm));
- }
- setData(nm, v);
- } else if (ts.isClassDeclaration(node)) {
- const v: ts.ClassDeclaration = node;
- var d: ts.PropertyDeclaration[] = [];
- const wanted = function (c: ts.ClassElement): string {
- if (ts.isConstructorDeclaration(c)) {
- return '';
- }
- if (ts.isMethodDeclaration(c)) {
- return '';
- }
- if (ts.isGetAccessor(c)) {
- return '';
- }
- if (ts.isSetAccessor(c)) {
- return '';
- }
- if (ts.isPropertyDeclaration(c)) {
- d.push(c);
- return strKind(c);
- }
- throw new Error(`Class decl ${strKind(c)} `);
- };
- v.members.forEach((c) => wanted(c));
- if (d.length == 0) {
- return;
- } // don't need it
- let c = newData(v, v.name.getText(), 'class', v.name.getText());
- c.members = ts.factory.createNodeArray<ts.PropertyDeclaration>(d);
- if (v.typeParameters) {
- c.generics = v.typeParameters;
- }
- if (c.generics.length > 1) {
- return;
- }
- if (v.heritageClauses) {
- c.as = v.heritageClauses;
- }
- if (data.has(c.name))
- throw new Error(`Class dup ${loc(c.me)} and ${loc(data.get(c.name).me)}`);
- setData(c.name, c);
- } else {
- throw new Error(`378 unexpected ${strKind(node)} ${loc(node)} `);
- }
-// Typescript can accumulate, but this chooses one or the other
-function dataChoose(a: Data, b: Data): Data {
- // maybe they are textually identical? (e.g., FoldingRangeKind)
- const [at, bt] = [a.me.getText(), b.me.getText()];
- if (at == bt) {
- return a;
- }
- switch (a.name) {
- case 'InitializeError':
- case 'CompletionItemTag':
- case 'SymbolTag':
- case 'CodeActionKind':
- case 'Integer':
- case 'Uinteger':
- case 'Decimal':
- // want the Module, if anything
- return a.statements.length > 0 ? a : b;
- case 'CancellationToken':
- case 'CancellationStrategy':
- // want the Interface
- return a.properties.length > 0 ? a : b;
- case 'TextDocumentContentChangeEvent': // almost the same
- case 'TokenFormat':
- case 'PrepareSupportDefaultBehavior':
- return a;
- }
- console.log(
- `409 ${strKind(a.me)} ${strKind(b.me)} ${a.name} ${loc(a.me)} ${loc(b.me)}`);
- throw new Error(`410 Fix dataChoose for ${a.name}`);
-// is a node an ancestor of a NewExpression
-function hasNewExpression(n: ts.Node): boolean {
- let ans = false;
- n.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
- if (ts.isNewExpression(n)) ans = true;
- });
- return ans;
-function checkOnce() {
- // Data for all the rpc types?
- rpcTypes.forEach(s => {
- if (!data.has(s)) throw new Error(`checkOnce, ${s}?`);
- });
-// helper function to find underlying types
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
-function underlying(n: ts.Node | undefined, f: (n: ts.Node) => void) {
- if (!n) return;
- const ff = function (n: ts.Node) {
- underlying(n, f);
- };
- if (ts.isIdentifier(n)) {
- f(n);
- } else if (
- n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.StringKeyword ||
- n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword ||
- n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword ||
- n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword ||
- n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.NullKeyword ||
- n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword ||
- n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword ||
- n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword) {
- // nothing to do
- } else if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(n)) {
- f(n.typeName);
- } else if (ts.isArrayTypeNode(n)) {
- underlying(n.elementType, f);
- } else if (ts.isHeritageClause(n)) {
- n.types.forEach(ff);
- } else if (ts.isExpressionWithTypeArguments(n)) {
- underlying(n.expression, f);
- } else if (ts.isPropertySignature(n)) {
- underlying(n.type, f);
- } else if (ts.isTypeLiteralNode(n)) {
- n.members.forEach(ff);
- } else if (ts.isUnionTypeNode(n) || ts.isIntersectionTypeNode(n)) {
- n.types.forEach(ff);
- } else if (ts.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(n)) {
- underlying(n.type, f);
- } else if (ts.isParenthesizedTypeNode(n)) {
- underlying(n.type, f);
- } else if (
- ts.isLiteralTypeNode(n) || ts.isVariableStatement(n) ||
- ts.isTupleTypeNode(n)) {
- // we only see these in moreTypes, but they are handled elsewhere
- } else if (ts.isEnumMember(n)) {
- if (ts.isStringLiteral(n.initializer)) return;
- throw new Error(`472 EnumMember ${strKind(n.initializer)} ${n.name.getText()}`);
- } else {
- throw new Error(`474 saw ${strKind(n)} in underlying. ${n.getText()} at ${loc(n)}`);
- }
-// find all the types implied by seenTypes.
-// Simplest way to the transitive closure is to stabilize the size of seenTypes
-// but it is slow
-function moreTypes() {
- const extra = function (s: string) {
- if (!data.has(s)) throw new Error(`moreTypes needs ${s}`);
- seenTypes.set(s, data.get(s));
- };
- rpcTypes.forEach(extra); // all the types needed by the rpcs
- // needed in enums.go (or elsewhere)
- extra('InitializeError');
- extra('WatchKind');
- extra('FoldingRangeKind');
- // not sure why these weren't picked up
- extra('DidChangeWatchedFilesRegistrationOptions');
- extra('WorkDoneProgressBegin');
- extra('WorkDoneProgressReport');
- extra('WorkDoneProgressEnd');
- let old = 0;
- do {
- old = seenTypes.size;
- const m = new Map<string, Data>();
- const add = function (n: ts.Node) {
- const nm = goName(n.getText());
- if (seenTypes.has(nm) || m.has(nm)) return;
- if (data.get(nm)) {
- m.set(nm, data.get(nm));
- }
- };
- // expect all the heritage clauses have single Identifiers
- const h = function (n: ts.Node) {
- underlying(n, add);
- };
- const f = function (x: ts.NodeArray<ts.Node>) {
- x.forEach(h);
- };
- seenTypes.forEach((d: Data) => d && f(d.as));
- // find the types in the properties
- seenTypes.forEach((d: Data) => d && f(d.properties));
- // and in the alias and in the statements and in the enums
- seenTypes.forEach((d: Data) => d && underlying(d.alias, add));
- seenTypes.forEach((d: Data) => d && f(d.statements));
- seenTypes.forEach((d: Data) => d && f(d.enums));
- m.forEach((d, k) => seenTypes.set(k, d));
- }
- while (seenTypes.size != old)
- ;
-function cleanData() { // middle pass
- // seenTypes contains all the top-level types.
- seenTypes.forEach((d) => {
- if (d.kind == 'alias') mergeAlias(d);
- });
-function sameType(a: ts.TypeNode, b: ts.TypeNode): boolean {
- if (a.kind !== b.kind) return false;
- if (a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword) return true;
- if (a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.StringKeyword) return true;
- if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(a) && ts.isTypeReferenceNode(b) &&
- a.typeName.getText() === b.typeName.getText()) return true;
- if (ts.isArrayTypeNode(a) && ts.isArrayTypeNode(b)) return sameType(a.elementType, b.elementType);
- if (ts.isTypeLiteralNode(a) && ts.isTypeLiteralNode(b)) {
- if (a.members.length !== b.members.length) return false;
- if (a.members.length === 1) return a.members[0].name.getText() === b.members[0].name.getText();
- if (loc(a) === loc(b)) return true;
- }
- throw new Error(`544 sameType? ${strKind(a)} ${strKind(b)} ${a.getText()}`);
-type CreateMutable<Type> = {
- -readonly [Property in keyof Type]: Type[Property];
-type propMap = Map<string, ts.PropertySignature>;
-function propMapSet(pm: propMap, name: string, v: ts.PropertySignature) {
- if (!pm.get(name)) {
- try { getComments(v); } catch (e) { console.log(`552 ${name} ${e}`); }
- pm.set(name, v);
- return;
- }
- const a = pm.get(name).type;
- const b = v.type;
- if (sameType(a, b)) {
- return;
- }
- if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(a) && ts.isTypeLiteralNode(b)) {
- const x = mergeTypeRefLit(a, b);
- const fake: CreateMutable<ts.PropertySignature> = v;
- fake['type'] = x;
- check(fake as ts.PropertySignature, '565');
- pm.set(name, fake as ts.PropertySignature);
- return;
- }
- if (ts.isTypeLiteralNode(a) && ts.isTypeLiteralNode(b)) {
- const x = mergeTypeLitLit(a, b);
- const fake: CreateMutable<ts.PropertySignature> = v;
- fake['type'] = x;
- check(fake as ts.PropertySignature, '578');
- pm.set(name, fake as ts.PropertySignature);
- return;
- }
- console.log(`577 ${pm.get(name).getText()}\n${v.getText()}`);
- throw new Error(`578 should merge ${strKind(a)} and ${strKind(b)} for ${name}`);
-function addToProperties(pm: propMap, tn: ts.TypeNode | undefined, prefix = '') {
- if (!tn) return;
- if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(tn)) {
- const d = seenTypes.get(goName(tn.typeName.getText()));
- if (tn.typeName.getText() === 'T') return;
- if (!d) throw new Error(`584 ${tn.typeName.getText()} not found`);
- if (d.properties.length === 0 && d.alias === undefined) return;
- if (d.alias !== undefined) {
- if (ts.isIntersectionTypeNode(d.alias)) {
- d.alias.types.forEach((tn) => addToProperties(pm, tn, prefix)); // prefix?
- return;
- }
- }
- d.properties.forEach((ps) => {
- const name = `${prefix}.${ps.name.getText()}`;
- propMapSet(pm, name, ps);
- addToProperties(pm, ps.type, name);
- });
- } else if (strKind(tn) === 'TypeLiteral') {
- if (!ts.isTypeLiteralNode(tn)) new Error(`599 ${strKind(tn)}`);
- tn.forEachChild((child: ts.Node) => {
- if (ts.isPropertySignature(child)) {
- const name = `${prefix}.${child.name.getText()}`;
- propMapSet(pm, name, child);
- addToProperties(pm, child.type, name);
- } else if (!ts.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(child)) {
- // ignoring IndexSignatures, seen as relatedDocument in
- // RelatedFullDocumentDiagnosticReport
- throw new Error(`608 ${strKind(child)} ${loc(child)}`);
- }
- });
- }
-function deepProperties(d: Data): propMap | undefined {
- let properties: propMap = new Map<string, ts.PropertySignature>();
- if (!d.alias || !ts.isIntersectionTypeNode(d.alias)) return undefined;
- d.alias.types.forEach((ts) => addToProperties(properties, ts));
- return properties;
-function mergeAlias(d: Data) {
- const props = deepProperties(d);
- if (!props) return; // nothing merged
- // now each element of props should have length 1
- // change d to merged, toss its alias field, fill in its properties
- const v: ts.PropertySignature[] = [];
- props.forEach((ps, nm) => {
- const xlen = nm.split('.').length;
- if (xlen !== 2) return; // not top-level
- v.push(ps);
- });
- d.kind = 'interface';
- d.alias = undefined;
- d.properties = ts.factory.createNodeArray(v);
-function mergeTypeLitLit(a: ts.TypeLiteralNode, b: ts.TypeLiteralNode): ts.TypeLiteralNode {
- const v = new Map<string, ts.TypeElement>(); // avoid duplicates
- a.members.forEach((te) => v.set(te.name.getText(), te));
- b.members.forEach((te) => v.set(te.name.getText(), te));
- const x: ts.TypeElement[] = [];
- v.forEach((te) => x.push(te));
- const fake: CreateMutable<ts.TypeLiteralNode> = a;
- fake['members'] = ts.factory.createNodeArray(x);
- check(fake as ts.TypeLiteralNode, '643');
- return fake as ts.TypeLiteralNode;
-function mergeTypeRefLit(a: ts.TypeReferenceNode, b: ts.TypeLiteralNode): ts.TypeLiteralNode {
- const d = seenTypes.get(goName(a.typeName.getText()));
- if (!d) throw new Error(`644 name ${a.typeName.getText()} not found`);
- const typ = d.me;
- if (!ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(typ)) throw new Error(`646 got ${strKind(typ)} not InterfaceDecl`);
- const v = new Map<string, ts.TypeElement>(); // avoid duplicates
- typ.members.forEach((te) => v.set(te.name.getText(), te));
- b.members.forEach((te) => v.set(te.name.getText(), te));
- const x: ts.TypeElement[] = [];
- v.forEach((te) => x.push(te));
- const w = ts.factory.createNodeArray(x);
- const fk: CreateMutable<ts.TypeLiteralNode> = b;
- fk['members'] = w;
- (fk['members'] as { pos: number })['pos'] = b.members.pos;
- (fk['members'] as { end: number })['end'] = b.members.end;
- check(fk as ts.TypeLiteralNode, '662');
- return fk as ts.TypeLiteralNode;
-// check that constructed nodes still have associated text
-function check(n: ts.Node, loc: string) {
- try { getComments(n); } catch (e) { console.log(`check at ${loc} ${e}`); }
- try { n.getText(); } catch (e) { console.log(`text check at ${loc}`); }
-let typesOut = new Array<string>();
-let constsOut = new Array<string>();
-// generate Go types
-function toGo(d: Data, nm: string) {
- if (!d) return; // this is probably a generic T
- if (d.name.startsWith('Inner') || d.name === 'WindowClientCapabilities') return; // removed by alias processing
- if (d.name === 'Integer' || d.name === 'Uinteger') return; // unneeded
- switch (d.kind) {
- case 'alias':
- goTypeAlias(d, nm); break;
- case 'module': goModule(d, nm); break;
- case 'enum': goEnum(d, nm); break;
- case 'interface': goInterface(d, nm); break;
- default:
- throw new Error(
- `672: more cases in toGo ${nm} ${d.kind}`);
- }
-// these fields need a * and are not covered by the code
-// that calls isStructType.
-var starred: [string, string][] = [
- ['TextDocumentContentChangeEvent', 'range'], ['CodeAction', 'command'],
- ['CodeAction', 'disabled'],
- ['DidSaveTextDocumentParams', 'text'], ['CompletionItem', 'command'],
- ['Diagnostic', 'codeDescription']
-// generate Go code for an interface
-function goInterface(d: Data, nm: string) {
- let ans = `type ${goName(nm)} struct {\n`;
- // generate the code for each member
- const g = function (n: ts.PropertySignature) {
- if (!ts.isPropertySignature(n))
- throw new Error(`expected PropertySignature got ${strKind(n)} `);
- ans = ans.concat(getComments(n));
- const json = u.JSON(n);
- let gt = goType(n.type, n.name.getText());
- if (gt == d.name) gt = '*' + gt; // avoid recursive types (SelectionRange)
- // there are several cases where a * is needed
- // (putting * in front of too many things breaks uses of CodeActionKind)
- starred.forEach(([a, b]) => {
- if (d.name == a && n.name.getText() == b) {
- gt = '*' + gt;
- }
- });
- ans = ans.concat(`${goName(n.name.getText())} ${gt}`, json, '\n');
- };
- d.properties.forEach(g);
- // heritage clauses become embedded types
- // check they are all Identifiers
- const f = function (n: ts.ExpressionWithTypeArguments) {
- if (!ts.isIdentifier(n.expression))
- throw new Error(`Interface ${nm} heritage ${strKind(n.expression)} `);
- if (n.expression.getText() === 'Omit') return; // Type modification type
- ans = ans.concat(goName(n.expression.getText()), '\n');
- };
- d.as.forEach((n: ts.HeritageClause) => n.types.forEach(f));
- ans = ans.concat('}\n');
- typesOut.push(getComments(d.me));
- typesOut.push(ans);
-// generate Go code for a module (const declarations)
-// Generates type definitions, and named constants
-function goModule(d: Data, nm: string) {
- if (d.generics.length > 0 || d.as.length > 0) {
- throw new Error(`743 goModule: unexpected for ${nm}
- `);
- }
- // all the statements should be export const <id>: value
- // or value = value
- // They are VariableStatements with x.declarationList having a single
- // VariableDeclaration
- let isNumeric = false;
- const f = function (n: ts.Statement, i: number) {
- if (!ts.isVariableStatement(n)) {
- throw new Error(`753 ${nm} ${i} expected VariableStatement,
- got ${strKind(n)}`);
- }
- const c = getComments(n);
- const v = n.declarationList.declarations[0]; // only one
- if (!v.initializer)
- throw new Error(`760 no initializer ${nm} ${i} ${v.name.getText()}`);
- isNumeric = strKind(v.initializer) == 'NumericLiteral';
- if (c != '') constsOut.push(c); // no point if there are no comments
- // There are duplicates.
- const cname = constName(goName(v.name.getText()), nm);
- let val = v.initializer.getText();
- val = val.split('\'').join('"'); // useless work for numbers
- constsOut.push(`${cname} ${nm} = ${val}`);
- };
- d.statements.forEach(f);
- typesOut.push(getComments(d.me));
- // Or should they be type aliases?
- typesOut.push(`type ${nm} ${isNumeric ? 'float64' : 'string'}`);
-// generate Go code for an enum. Both types and named constants
-function goEnum(d: Data, nm: string) {
- let isNumeric = false;
- const f = function (v: ts.EnumMember, j: number) { // same as goModule
- if (!v.initializer)
- throw new Error(`goEnum no initializer ${nm} ${j} ${v.name.getText()}`);
- isNumeric = strKind(v.initializer) == 'NumericLiteral';
- const c = getComments(v);
- const cname = constName(goName(v.name.getText()), nm);
- let val = v.initializer.getText();
- val = val.split('\'').join('"'); // replace quotes. useless work for numbers
- constsOut.push(`${c}${cname} ${nm} = ${val}`);
- };
- d.enums.forEach(f);
- typesOut.push(getComments(d.me));
- // Or should they be type aliases?
- typesOut.push(`type ${nm} ${isNumeric ? 'float64' : 'string'}`);
-// generate code for a type alias
-function goTypeAlias(d: Data, nm: string) {
- if (d.as.length != 0 || d.generics.length != 0) {
- if (nm != 'ServerCapabilities')
- throw new Error(`${nm} has extra fields(${d.as.length},${d.generics.length}) ${d.me.getText()}`);
- }
- typesOut.push(getComments(d.me));
- // d.alias doesn't seem to have comments
- let aliasStr = goName(nm) == 'DocumentURI' ? ' ' : ' = ';
- if (nm == 'PrepareSupportDefaultBehavior') {
- // code-insiders is sending a bool, not a number. PJW: check this after Feb/2021
- // (and gopls never looks at it anyway)
- typesOut.push(`type ${goName(nm)}${aliasStr}interface{}\n`);
- return;
- }
- typesOut.push(`type ${goName(nm)}${aliasStr}${goType(d.alias, nm)}\n`);
-// return a go type and maybe an assocated javascript tag
-function goType(n: ts.TypeNode | undefined, nm: string): string {
- if (!n) throw new Error(`goType undefined for ${nm}`);
- if (n.getText() == 'T') return 'interface{}'; // should check it's generic
- if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(n)) {
- // DocumentDiagnosticReportKind.unChanged (or .new) value is "new" or "unChanged"
- if (n.getText().startsWith('DocumentDiagnostic')) return 'string';
- switch (n.getText()) {
- case 'integer': return 'int32';
- case 'uinteger': return 'uint32';
- default: return goName(n.typeName.getText()); // avoid <T>
- }
- } else if (ts.isUnionTypeNode(n)) {
- return goUnionType(n, nm);
- } else if (ts.isIntersectionTypeNode(n)) {
- return goIntersectionType(n, nm);
- } else if (strKind(n) == 'StringKeyword') {
- return 'string';
- } else if (strKind(n) == 'NumberKeyword') {
- return 'float64';
- } else if (strKind(n) == 'BooleanKeyword') {
- return 'bool';
- } else if (strKind(n) == 'AnyKeyword' || strKind(n) == 'UnknownKeyword') {
- return 'interface{}';
- } else if (strKind(n) == 'NullKeyword') {
- return 'nil';
- } else if (strKind(n) == 'VoidKeyword' || strKind(n) == 'NeverKeyword') {
- return 'void';
- } else if (strKind(n) == 'ObjectKeyword') {
- return 'interface{}';
- } else if (ts.isArrayTypeNode(n)) {
- if (nm === 'arguments') {
- // Command and ExecuteCommandParams
- return '[]json.RawMessage';
- }
- return `[]${goType(n.elementType, nm)}`;
- } else if (ts.isParenthesizedTypeNode(n)) {
- return goType(n.type, nm);
- } else if (ts.isLiteralTypeNode(n)) {
- return strKind(n.literal) == 'StringLiteral' ? 'string' : 'float64';
- } else if (ts.isTypeLiteralNode(n)) {
- // these are anonymous structs
- const v = goTypeLiteral(n, nm);
- return v;
- } else if (ts.isTupleTypeNode(n)) {
- if (n.getText() == '[number, number]') return '[]float64';
- throw new Error(`goType unexpected Tuple ${n.getText()}`);
- }
- throw new Error(`${strKind(n)} goType unexpected ${n.getText()} for ${nm}`);
-// The choice is uniform interface{}, or some heuristically assigned choice,
-// or some better sytematic idea I haven't thought of. Using interface{}
-// is, in practice, impossibly complex in the existing code.
-function goUnionType(n: ts.UnionTypeNode, nm: string): string {
- let help = `/*${n.getText()}*/`; // show the original as a comment
- // There are some bad cases with newlines:
- // range?: boolean | {\n };
- // full?: boolean | {\n /**\n * The server supports deltas for full documents.\n */\n delta?: boolean;\n }
- // These are handled specially:
- if (nm == 'range') help = help.replace(/\n/, '');
- if (nm == 'full' && help.indexOf('\n') != -1) {
- help = '/*boolean | <elided struct>*/';
- }
- // handle all the special cases
- switch (n.types.length) {
- case 2: {
- const a = strKind(n.types[0]);
- const b = strKind(n.types[1]);
- if (a == 'NumberKeyword' && b == 'StringKeyword') { // ID
- return `interface{} ${help}`;
- }
- // for null, b is not useful (LiternalType)
- if (n.types[1].getText() === 'null') {
- if (nm == 'textDocument/codeAction') {
- // (Command | CodeAction)[] | null
- return `[]CodeAction ${help}`;
- }
- let v = goType(n.types[0], 'a');
- return `${v} ${help}`;
- }
- if (a == 'BooleanKeyword') { // usually want bool
- if (nm == 'codeActionProvider') return `interface{} ${help}`;
- if (nm == 'renameProvider') return `interface{} ${help}`;
- if (nm == 'full') return `interface{} ${help}`; // there's a struct
- if (nm == 'save') return `${goType(n.types[1], '680')} ${help}`;
- return `${goType(n.types[0], 'b')} ${help}`;
- }
- if (b == 'ArrayType') return `${goType(n.types[1], 'c')} ${help}`;
- if (help.includes('InsertReplaceEdit') && n.types[0].getText() == 'TextEdit') {
- return `*TextEdit ${help}`;
- }
- if (a == 'TypeReference') {
- if (nm == 'edits') return `${goType(n.types[0], '901')} ${help}`;
- if (a == b) return `interface{} ${help}`;
- if (nm == 'code') return `interface{} ${help}`;
- if (nm == 'editRange') return `${goType(n.types[0], '904')} ${help}`;
- if (nm === 'location') return `${goType(n.types[0], '905')} ${help}`;
- }
- if (a == 'StringKeyword') return `string ${help}`;
- if (a == 'TypeLiteral' && nm == 'TextDocumentContentChangeEvent') {
- return `${goType(n.types[0], nm)}`;
- }
- if (a == 'TypeLiteral' && b === 'TypeLiteral') {
- // DocumentDiagnosticReport
- // the first one includes the second one
- return `${goType(n.types[0], '9d')}`;
- }
- throw new Error(`911 ${nm}: a:${a}/${goType(n.types[0], '9a')} b:${b}/${goType(n.types[1], '9b')} ${loc(n)}`);
- }
- case 3: {
- const aa = strKind(n.types[0]);
- const bb = strKind(n.types[1]);
- const cc = strKind(n.types[2]);
- if (nm === 'workspace/symbol') return `${goType(n.types[0], '930')} ${help}`;
- if (nm == 'DocumentFilter' || nm == 'NotebookDocumentFilter' || nm == 'TextDocumentFilter') {
- // not really a union. the first is enough, up to a missing
- // omitempty but avoid repetitious comments
- return `${goType(n.types[0], 'g')}`;
- }
- if (nm == 'textDocument/documentSymbol') {
- return `[]interface{} ${help}`;
- }
- if (aa == 'TypeReference' && bb == 'ArrayType' && (cc == 'NullKeyword' || cc === 'LiteralType')) {
- return `${goType(n.types[0], 'd')} ${help}`;
- }
- if (aa == 'TypeReference' && bb == aa && cc == 'ArrayType') {
- // should check that this is Hover.Contents
- return `${goType(n.types[0], 'e')} ${help}`;
- }
- if (aa == 'ArrayType' && bb == 'TypeReference' && (cc == 'NullKeyword' || cc === 'LiteralType')) {
- // check this is nm == 'textDocument/completion'
- return `${goType(n.types[1], 'f')} ${help}`;
- }
- if (aa == 'LiteralType' && bb == aa && cc == aa) return `string ${help}`;
- // keep this for diagnosing unexpected interface{} results
- // console.log(`931, interface{} for ${aa}/${goType(n.types[0], 'g')},${bb}/${goType(n.types[1], 'h')},${cc}/${goType(n.types[2], 'i')} ${nm}`);
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- if (nm == 'documentChanges') return `TextDocumentEdit ${help} `;
- if (nm == 'textDocument/prepareRename') {
- // these names have to be made unique
- const genName = `${goName("prepareRename")}${extraTypes.size}Gn`;
- extraTypes.set(genName, [`Range Range \`json:"range"\`
- Placeholder string \`json:"placeholder"\``]);
- return `${genName} ${help} `;
- }
- break;
- case 8: // LSPany
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(`957 goUnionType len=${n.types.length} nm=${nm} ${n.getText()}`);
- }
- // Result will be interface{} with a comment
- let isLiteral = true;
- let literal = 'string';
- let res = 'interface{} /* ';
- n.types.forEach((v: ts.TypeNode, i: number) => {
- // might get an interface inside:
- // (Command | CodeAction)[] | null
- let m = goType(v, nm);
- if (m.indexOf('interface') != -1) {
- // avoid nested comments
- m = m.split(' ')[0];
- }
- m = m.split('\n').join('; '); // sloppy: struct{;
- res = res.concat(`${i == 0 ? '' : ' | '}`, m);
- if (!ts.isLiteralTypeNode(v)) isLiteral = false;
- else literal = strKind(v.literal) == 'StringLiteral' ? 'string' : 'number';
- });
- if (!isLiteral) {
- return res + '*/';
- }
- // I don't think we get here
- // trace?: 'off' | 'messages' | 'verbose' should get string
- return `${literal} /* ${n.getText()} */`;
-// some of the intersection types A&B are ok as struct{A;B;} and some
-// could be expanded, and ClientCapabilites has to be expanded,
-// at least for workspace. It's possible to check algorithmically,
-// but much simpler just to check explicitly.
-function goIntersectionType(n: ts.IntersectionTypeNode, nm: string): string {
- if (nm == 'ClientCapabilities') return expandIntersection(n);
- //if (nm == 'ServerCapabilities') return expandIntersection(n); // save for later consideration
- let inner = '';
- n.types.forEach(
- (t: ts.TypeNode) => { inner = inner.concat(goType(t, nm), '\n'); });
- return `struct{ \n${inner}} `;
-// for each of the intersected types, extract its components (each will
-// have a Data with properties) extract the properties, and keep track
-// of them by name. The names that occur once can be output. The names
-// that occur more than once need to be combined.
-function expandIntersection(n: ts.IntersectionTypeNode): string {
- const bad = function (n: ts.Node, s: string) {
- return new Error(`expandIntersection ${strKind(n)} ${s}`);
- };
- let props = new Map<string, ts.PropertySignature[]>();
- for (const tp of n.types) {
- if (!ts.isTypeReferenceNode(tp)) throw bad(tp, 'A');
- const d = data.get(goName(tp.typeName.getText()));
- for (const p of d.properties) {
- if (!ts.isPropertySignature(p)) throw bad(p, 'B');
- let v = props.get(p.name.getText()) || [];
- v.push(p);
- props.set(p.name.getText(), v);
- }
- }
- let ans = 'struct {\n';
- for (const [k, v] of Array.from(props)) {
- if (v.length == 1) {
- const a = v[0];
- ans = ans.concat(getComments(a));
- ans = ans.concat(`${goName(k)} ${goType(a.type, k)} ${u.JSON(a)}\n`);
- continue;
- }
- ans = ans.concat(`${goName(k)} struct {\n`);
- for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
- const a = v[i];
- if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(a.type)) {
- ans = ans.concat(getComments(a));
- ans = ans.concat(goName(a.type.typeName.getText()), '\n');
- } else if (ts.isTypeLiteralNode(a.type)) {
- if (a.type.members.length != 1) throw bad(a.type, 'C');
- const b = a.type.members[0];
- if (!ts.isPropertySignature(b)) throw bad(b, 'D');
- ans = ans.concat(getComments(b));
- ans = ans.concat(
- goName(b.name.getText()), ' ', goType(b.type, 'a'), u.JSON(b), '\n');
- } else {
- throw bad(a.type, `E ${a.getText()} in ${goName(k)} at ${loc(a)}`);
- }
- }
- ans = ans.concat('}\n');
- }
- ans = ans.concat('}\n');
- return ans;
-// Does it make sense to use a pointer?
-function isStructType(te: ts.TypeNode): boolean {
- switch (strKind(te)) {
- case 'UnionType': // really need to know which type will be chosen
- case 'BooleanKeyword':
- case 'StringKeyword':
- case 'ArrayType':
- return false;
- case 'TypeLiteral': return false; // true makes for difficult compound constants
- // but think more carefully to understands why starred is needed.
- case 'TypeReference': {
- if (!ts.isTypeReferenceNode(te)) throw new Error(`1047 impossible ${strKind(te)}`);
- const d = seenTypes.get(goName(te.typeName.getText()));
- if (d === undefined || d.properties.length == 0) return false;
- if (d.properties.length > 1) return true;
- // alias or interface with a single property (The alias is Uinteger, which we ignore later)
- if (d.alias) return false;
- const x = d.properties[0].type;
- return isStructType(x);
- }
- default: throw new Error(`1055 indirectable> ${strKind(te)}`);
- }
-function goTypeLiteral(n: ts.TypeLiteralNode, nm: string): string {
- let ans: string[] = []; // in case we generate a new extra type
- let res = 'struct{\n'; // the actual answer usually
- const g = function (nx: ts.TypeElement) {
- // add the json, as in goInterface(). Strange inside union types.
- if (ts.isPropertySignature(nx)) {
- let json = u.JSON(nx);
- let typ = goType(nx.type, nx.name.getText());
- // }/*\n*/`json:v` is not legal, the comment is a newline
- if (typ.includes('\n') && typ.indexOf('*/') === typ.length - 2) {
- typ = typ.replace(/\n\t*/g, ' ');
- }
- const v = getComments(nx) || '';
- starred.forEach(([a, b]) => {
- if (a != nm || b != typ.toLowerCase()) return;
- typ = '*' + typ;
- json = json.substring(0, json.length - 2) + ',omitempty"`';
- });
- if (typ[0] !== '*' && isStructType(nx.type)) typ = '*' + typ;
- res = res.concat(`${v} ${goName(nx.name.getText())} ${typ}`, json, '\n');
- ans.push(`${v}${goName(nx.name.getText())} ${typ} ${json}\n`);
- } else if (ts.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(nx)) {
- const comment = nx.getText().replace(/[/]/g, '');
- if (nx.getText() == '[uri: string]: TextEdit[];') {
- res = 'map[string][]TextEdit';
- } else if (nx.getText().startsWith('[id: ChangeAnnotationIdentifier]')) {
- res = 'map[string]ChangeAnnotationIdentifier';
- } else if (nx.getText().startsWith('[uri: string')) {
- res = 'map[string]interface{}';
- } else if (nx.getText().startsWith('[uri: DocumentUri')) {
- res = 'map[DocumentURI][]TextEdit';
- } else if (nx.getText().startsWith('[key: string')) {
- res = 'map[string]interface{}';
- } else {
- throw new Error(`1100 handle ${nx.getText()} ${loc(nx)}`);
- }
- res += ` /*${comment}*/`;
- ans.push(res);
- return;
- } else
- throw new Error(`TypeLiteral had ${strKind(nx)}`);
- };
- n.members.forEach(g);
- // for some the generated type is wanted, for others it's not needed
- if (!nm.startsWith('workspace')) {
- if (res.startsWith('struct')) return res + '}'; // map[] is special
- return res;
- }
- // these names have to be made unique
- const genName = `${goName(nm)}${extraTypes.size}Gn`;
- extraTypes.set(genName, ans);
- return genName;
-// print all the types and constants and extra types
-function outputTypes() {
- // generate go types alphabeticaly
- let v = Array.from(seenTypes.keys());
- v.sort();
- v.forEach((x) => toGo(seenTypes.get(x), x));
- u.prgo(u.computeHeader(true));
- u.prgo('import "encoding/json"\n\n');
- typesOut.forEach((s) => {
- u.prgo(s);
- // it's more convenient not to have to think about trailing newlines
- // when generating types, but doc comments can't have an extra \n
- if (s.indexOf('/**') < 0) u.prgo('\n');
- });
- u.prgo('\nconst (\n');
- constsOut.forEach((s) => {
- u.prgo(s);
- u.prgo('\n');
- });
- u.prgo(')\n');
- u.prgo('// Types created to name formal parameters and embedded structs\n');
- extraTypes.forEach((v, k) => {
- u.prgo(` type ${k} struct {\n`);
- v.forEach((s) => {
- u.prgo(s);
- u.prgo('\n');
- });
- u.prgo('}\n');
- });
-// client and server ------------------
-interface side {
- methods: string[];
- cases: string[];
- calls: string[];
- name: string; // client or server
- goName: string; // Client or Server
- outputFile?: string;
- fd?: number
-let client: side = {
- methods: [],
- cases: [],
- calls: [],
- name: 'client',
- goName: 'Client',
-let server: side = {
- methods: [],
- cases: [],
- calls: [],
- name: 'server',
- goName: 'Server',
-// commonly used output
-const notNil = `if len(r.Params()) > 0 {
- return true, reply(ctx, nil, errors.Errorf("%w: expected no params", jsonrpc2.ErrInvalidParams))
-// Go code for notifications. Side is client or server, m is the request
-// method
-function goNot(side: side, m: string) {
- if (m == '$/cancelRequest') return; // handled specially in protocol.go
- const n = not.get(m);
- const a = goType(n.typeArguments[0], m);
- const nm = methodName(m);
- side.methods.push(sig(nm, a, ''));
- const caseHdr = ` case "${m}": // notif`;
- let case1 = notNil;
- if (a != '' && a != 'void') {
- case1 = `var params ${a}
- if err := json.Unmarshal(r.Params(), &params); err != nil {
- return true, sendParseError(ctx, reply, err)
- }
- err:= ${side.name}.${nm}(ctx, &params)
- return true, reply(ctx, nil, err)`;
- } else {
- case1 = `err := ${side.name}.${nm}(ctx)
- return true, reply(ctx, nil, err)`;
- }
- side.cases.push(`${caseHdr}\n${case1}`);
- const arg3 = a == '' || a == 'void' ? 'nil' : 'params';
- side.calls.push(`
- func (s *${side.name}Dispatcher) ${sig(nm, a, '', true)} {
- return s.sender.Notify(ctx, "${m}", ${arg3})
- }`);
-// Go code for requests.
-function goReq(side: side, m: string) {
- const n = req.get(m);
- const nm = methodName(m);
- let a = goType(n.typeArguments[0], m);
- let b = goType(n.typeArguments[1], m);
- if (n.getText().includes('Type0')) {
- b = a;
- a = ''; // workspace/workspaceFolders and shutdown
- }
- u.prb(`${side.name} req ${a != ''}, ${b != ''} ${nm} ${m} ${loc(n)} `);
- side.methods.push(sig(nm, a, b));
- const caseHdr = `case "${m}": // req`;
- let case1 = notNil;
- if (a != '') {
- if (extraTypes.has('Param' + nm)) a = 'Param' + nm;
- case1 = `var params ${a}
- if err := json.Unmarshal(r.Params(), &params); err != nil {
- return true, sendParseError(ctx, reply, err)
- }`;
- if (a === 'ParamInitialize') {
- case1 = `var params ${a}
- if err := json.Unmarshal(r.Params(), &params); err != nil {
- if _, ok := err.(*json.UnmarshalTypeError); !ok {
- return true, sendParseError(ctx, reply, err)
- }
- }`;
- }
- }
- const arg2 = a == '' ? '' : ', &params';
- // if case2 is not explicitly typed string, typescript makes it a union of strings
- let case2: string = `if err := ${side.name}.${nm}(ctx${arg2}); err != nil {
- event.Error(ctx, "", err)
- }`;
- if (b != '' && b != 'void') {
- case2 = `resp, err := ${side.name}.${nm}(ctx${arg2})
- return true, reply(ctx, resp, err)`;
- } else { // response is nil
- case2 = `err := ${side.name}.${nm}(ctx${arg2})
- return true, reply(ctx, nil, err)`;
- }
- side.cases.push(`${caseHdr}\n${case1}\n${case2}`);
- const callHdr = `func (s *${side.name}Dispatcher) ${sig(nm, a, b, true)} {`;
- let callBody = `return s.sender.Call(ctx, "${m}", nil, nil)\n}`;
- if (b != '' && b != 'void') {
- const p2 = a == '' ? 'nil' : 'params';
- const returnType = indirect(b) ? `*${b}` : b;
- callBody = `var result ${returnType}
- if err := s.sender.Call(ctx, "${m}", ${p2}, &result); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return result, nil
- }`;
- } else if (a != '') {
- callBody = `return s.sender.Call(ctx, "${m}", params, nil) // Call, not Notify
- }`;
- }
- side.calls.push(`${callHdr}\n${callBody}\n`);
-// make sure method names are unique
-let seenNames = new Set<string>();
-function methodName(m: string): string {
- let i = m.indexOf('/');
- let s = m.substring(i + 1);
- let x = s[0].toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
- for (let j = x.indexOf('/'); j >= 0; j = x.indexOf('/')) {
- let suffix = x.substring(j + 1);
- suffix = suffix[0].toUpperCase() + suffix.substring(1);
- let prefix = x.substring(0, j);
- x = prefix + suffix;
- }
- if (seenNames.has(x)) {
- // various Resolve and Diagnostic
- x += m[0].toUpperCase() + m.substring(1, i);
- }
- seenNames.add(x);
- return x;
-// used in sig and in goReq
-function indirect(s: string): boolean {
- if (s == '' || s == 'void') return false;
- const skip = (x: string) => s.startsWith(x);
- if (skip('[]') || skip('interface') || skip('Declaration') ||
- skip('Definition') || skip('DocumentSelector'))
- return false;
- return true;
-// Go signatures for methods.
-function sig(nm: string, a: string, b: string, names?: boolean): string {
- if (a.indexOf('struct') != -1) {
- const v = a.split('\n');
- extraTypes.set(`Param${nm}`, v.slice(1, v.length - 1));
- a = 'Param' + nm;
- }
- if (a == 'void')
- a = '';
- else if (a != '') {
- if (names)
- a = ', params *' + a;
- else
- a = ', *' + a;
- }
- let ret = 'error';
- if (b != '' && b != 'void') {
- // avoid * when it is senseless
- if (indirect(b)) b = '*' + b;
- ret = `(${b}, error)`;
- }
- let start = `${nm}(`;
- if (names) {
- start = start + 'ctx ';
- }
- return `${start}context.Context${a}) ${ret}`;
-// write the request/notification code
-function output(side: side) {
- // make sure the output file exists
- if (!side.outputFile) {
- side.outputFile = `ts${side.name}.go`;
- side.fd = fs.openSync(side.outputFile, 'w');
- }
- const f = function (s: string) {
- fs.writeSync(side.fd!, s);
- fs.writeSync(side.fd!, '\n');
- };
- f(u.computeHeader(false));
- f(`
- import (
- "context"
- "encoding/json"
- "golang.org/x/tools/internal/jsonrpc2"
- errors "golang.org/x/xerrors"
- )
- `);
- const a = side.name[0].toUpperCase() + side.name.substring(1);
- f(`type ${a} interface {`);
- side.methods.forEach((v) => { f(v); });
- f('}\n');
- f(`func ${side.name}Dispatch(ctx context.Context, ${side.name} ${a}, reply jsonrpc2.Replier, r jsonrpc2.Request) (bool, error) {
- switch r.Method() {`);
- side.cases.forEach((v) => { f(v); });
- f(`
- default:
- return false, nil
- }
- }`);
- side.calls.forEach((v) => { f(v); });
-// Handling of non-standard requests, so we can add gopls-specific calls.
-function nonstandardRequests() {
- server.methods.push(
- 'NonstandardRequest(ctx context.Context, method string, params interface{}) (interface{}, error)');
- server.calls.push(
- `func (s *serverDispatcher) NonstandardRequest(ctx context.Context, method string, params interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
- var result interface{}
- if err := s.sender.Call(ctx, method, params, &result); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return result, nil
- }
- `);
-// ----- remember it's a scripting language
-function main() {
- if (u.gitHash != u.git()) {
- throw new Error(
- `git hash mismatch, wanted\n${u.gitHash} but source is at\n${u.git()}`);
- }
- u.createOutputFiles();
- parse();
- u.printAST(program);
- // find the Requests and Nofificatations
- for (const sourceFile of program.getSourceFiles()) {
- if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
- ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, findRPCs);
- }
- }
- // separate RPCs into client and server
- setReceives();
- // visit every sourceFile collecting top-level type definitions
- for (const sourceFile of program.getSourceFiles()) {
- if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
- ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, genTypes);
- }
- }
- // check that each thing occurs exactly once, and put pointers into
- // seenTypes
- checkOnce();
- // for each of Client and Server there are 3 parts to the output:
- // 1. type X interface {methods}
- // 2. func (h *serverHandler) Deliver(...) { switch r.method }
- // 3. func (x *xDispatcher) Method(ctx, parm)
- not.forEach( // notifications
- (v, k) => {
- receives.get(k) == 'client' ? goNot(client, k) : goNot(server, k);
- });
- req.forEach( // requests
- (v, k) => {
- receives.get(k) == 'client' ? goReq(client, k) : goReq(server, k);
- });
- nonstandardRequests();
- // find all the types implied by seenTypes and rpcs to try to avoid
- // generating types that aren't used
- moreTypes();
- // do merging
- cleanData();
- // and print the Go code
- outputTypes();
- console.log(`seen ${seenTypes.size + extraTypes.size}`);
- output(client);
- output(server);