path: root/testing/protopack/pack.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/protopack/pack.go')
1 files changed, 721 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/protopack/pack.go b/testing/protopack/pack.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..683ce0bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/protopack/pack.go
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package protopack enables manual encoding and decoding of protobuf wire data.
+// This package is intended for use in debugging and/or creation of test data.
+// Proper usage of this package requires knowledge of the wire format.
+// See https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding.
+package protopack
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "math"
+ "path"
+ "reflect"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+ "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire"
+ "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
+// Number is the field number; aliased from the protowire package for convenience.
+type Number = protowire.Number
+// Number type constants; copied from the protowire package for convenience.
+const (
+ MinValidNumber Number = protowire.MinValidNumber
+ FirstReservedNumber Number = protowire.FirstReservedNumber
+ LastReservedNumber Number = protowire.LastReservedNumber
+ MaxValidNumber Number = protowire.MaxValidNumber
+// Type is the wire type; aliased from the protowire package for convenience.
+type Type = protowire.Type
+// Wire type constants; copied from the protowire package for convenience.
+const (
+ VarintType Type = protowire.VarintType
+ Fixed32Type Type = protowire.Fixed32Type
+ Fixed64Type Type = protowire.Fixed64Type
+ BytesType Type = protowire.BytesType
+ StartGroupType Type = protowire.StartGroupType
+ EndGroupType Type = protowire.EndGroupType
+type (
+ // Token is any other type (e.g., Message, Tag, Varint, Float32, etc).
+ Token token
+ // Message is an ordered sequence of Tokens, where certain tokens may
+ // contain other tokens. It is functionally a concrete syntax tree that
+ // losslessly represents any arbitrary wire data (including invalid input).
+ Message []Token
+ // Tag is a tuple of the field number and the wire type.
+ Tag struct {
+ Number Number
+ Type Type
+ }
+ // Bool is a boolean.
+ Bool bool
+ // Varint is a signed varint using 64-bit two's complement encoding.
+ Varint int64
+ // Svarint is a signed varint using zig-zag encoding.
+ Svarint int64
+ // Uvarint is a unsigned varint.
+ Uvarint uint64
+ // Int32 is a signed 32-bit fixed-width integer.
+ Int32 int32
+ // Uint32 is an unsigned 32-bit fixed-width integer.
+ Uint32 uint32
+ // Float32 is a 32-bit fixed-width floating point number.
+ Float32 float32
+ // Int64 is a signed 64-bit fixed-width integer.
+ Int64 int64
+ // Uint64 is an unsigned 64-bit fixed-width integer.
+ Uint64 uint64
+ // Float64 is a 64-bit fixed-width floating point number.
+ Float64 float64
+ // String is a length-prefixed string.
+ String string
+ // Bytes is a length-prefixed bytes.
+ Bytes []byte
+ // LengthPrefix is a length-prefixed message.
+ LengthPrefix Message
+ // Denormalized is a denormalized varint value, where a varint is encoded
+ // using more bytes than is strictly necessary. The number of extra bytes
+ // alone is sufficient to losslessly represent the denormalized varint.
+ //
+ // The value may be one of Tag, Bool, Varint, Svarint, or Uvarint,
+ // where the varint representation of each token is denormalized.
+ //
+ // Alternatively, the value may be one of String, Bytes, or LengthPrefix,
+ // where the varint representation of the length-prefix is denormalized.
+ Denormalized struct {
+ Count uint // number of extra bytes
+ Value Token
+ }
+ // Raw are bytes directly appended to output.
+ Raw []byte
+type token interface {
+ isToken()
+func (Message) isToken() {}
+func (Tag) isToken() {}
+func (Bool) isToken() {}
+func (Varint) isToken() {}
+func (Svarint) isToken() {}
+func (Uvarint) isToken() {}
+func (Int32) isToken() {}
+func (Uint32) isToken() {}
+func (Float32) isToken() {}
+func (Int64) isToken() {}
+func (Uint64) isToken() {}
+func (Float64) isToken() {}
+func (String) isToken() {}
+func (Bytes) isToken() {}
+func (LengthPrefix) isToken() {}
+func (Denormalized) isToken() {}
+func (Raw) isToken() {}
+// Size reports the size in bytes of the marshaled message.
+func (m Message) Size() int {
+ var n int
+ for _, v := range m {
+ switch v := v.(type) {
+ case Message:
+ n += v.Size()
+ case Tag:
+ n += protowire.SizeTag(v.Number)
+ case Bool:
+ n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(false))
+ case Varint:
+ n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v))
+ case Svarint:
+ n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v)))
+ case Uvarint:
+ n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v))
+ case Int32, Uint32, Float32:
+ n += protowire.SizeFixed32()
+ case Int64, Uint64, Float64:
+ n += protowire.SizeFixed64()
+ case String:
+ n += protowire.SizeBytes(len(v))
+ case Bytes:
+ n += protowire.SizeBytes(len(v))
+ case LengthPrefix:
+ n += protowire.SizeBytes(Message(v).Size())
+ case Denormalized:
+ n += int(v.Count) + Message{v.Value}.Size()
+ case Raw:
+ n += len(v)
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type: %T", v))
+ }
+ }
+ return n
+// Marshal encodes a syntax tree into the protobuf wire format.
+// Example message definition:
+// message MyMessage {
+// string field1 = 1;
+// int64 field2 = 2;
+// repeated float32 field3 = 3;
+// }
+// Example encoded message:
+// b := Message{
+// Tag{1, BytesType}, String("Hello, world!"),
+// Tag{2, VarintType}, Varint(-10),
+// Tag{3, BytesType}, LengthPrefix{
+// Float32(1.1), Float32(2.2), Float32(3.3),
+// },
+// }.Marshal()
+// Resulting wire data:
+// 0x0000 0a 0d 48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 21 10 |..Hello, world!.|
+// 0x0010 f6 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 01 1a 0c cd cc 8c 3f |...............?|
+// 0x0020 cd cc 0c 40 33 33 53 40 |...@33S@|
+func (m Message) Marshal() []byte {
+ var out []byte
+ for _, v := range m {
+ switch v := v.(type) {
+ case Message:
+ out = append(out, v.Marshal()...)
+ case Tag:
+ out = protowire.AppendTag(out, v.Number, v.Type)
+ case Bool:
+ out = protowire.AppendVarint(out, protowire.EncodeBool(bool(v)))
+ case Varint:
+ out = protowire.AppendVarint(out, uint64(v))
+ case Svarint:
+ out = protowire.AppendVarint(out, protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v)))
+ case Uvarint:
+ out = protowire.AppendVarint(out, uint64(v))
+ case Int32:
+ out = protowire.AppendFixed32(out, uint32(v))
+ case Uint32:
+ out = protowire.AppendFixed32(out, uint32(v))
+ case Float32:
+ out = protowire.AppendFixed32(out, math.Float32bits(float32(v)))
+ case Int64:
+ out = protowire.AppendFixed64(out, uint64(v))
+ case Uint64:
+ out = protowire.AppendFixed64(out, uint64(v))
+ case Float64:
+ out = protowire.AppendFixed64(out, math.Float64bits(float64(v)))
+ case String:
+ out = protowire.AppendBytes(out, []byte(v))
+ case Bytes:
+ out = protowire.AppendBytes(out, []byte(v))
+ case LengthPrefix:
+ out = protowire.AppendBytes(out, Message(v).Marshal())
+ case Denormalized:
+ b := Message{v.Value}.Marshal()
+ _, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b)
+ out = append(out, b[:n]...)
+ for i := uint(0); i < v.Count; i++ {
+ out[len(out)-1] |= 0x80 // set continuation bit on previous
+ out = append(out, 0)
+ }
+ out = append(out, b[n:]...)
+ case Raw:
+ return append(out, v...)
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type: %T", v))
+ }
+ }
+ return out
+// Unmarshal parses the input protobuf wire data as a syntax tree.
+// Any parsing error results in the remainder of the input being
+// concatenated to the message as a Raw type.
+// Each tag (a tuple of the field number and wire type) encountered is
+// inserted into the syntax tree as a Tag.
+// The contents of each wire type is mapped to the following Go types:
+// VarintType => Uvarint
+// Fixed32Type => Uint32
+// Fixed64Type => Uint64
+// BytesType => Bytes
+// GroupType => Message
+// Since the wire format is not self-describing, this function cannot parse
+// sub-messages and will leave them as the Bytes type. Further manual parsing
+// can be performed as such:
+// var m, m1, m2 Message
+// m.Unmarshal(b)
+// m1.Unmarshal(m[3].(Bytes))
+// m[3] = LengthPrefix(m1)
+// m2.Unmarshal(m[3].(LengthPrefix)[1].(Bytes))
+// m[3].(LengthPrefix)[1] = LengthPrefix(m2)
+// Unmarshal is useful for debugging the protobuf wire format.
+func (m *Message) Unmarshal(in []byte) {
+ m.unmarshal(in, nil, false)
+// UnmarshalDescriptor parses the input protobuf wire data as a syntax tree
+// using the provided message descriptor for more accurate parsing of fields.
+// It operates like Unmarshal, but may use a wider range of Go types to
+// represent the wire data.
+// The contents of each wire type is mapped to one of the following Go types:
+// VarintType => Bool, Varint, Svarint, Uvarint
+// Fixed32Type => Int32, Uint32, Float32
+// Fixed64Type => Uint32, Uint64, Float64
+// BytesType => String, Bytes, LengthPrefix
+// GroupType => Message
+// If the field is unknown, it uses the same mapping as Unmarshal.
+// Known sub-messages are parsed as a Message and packed repeated fields are
+// parsed as a LengthPrefix.
+func (m *Message) UnmarshalDescriptor(in []byte, desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) {
+ m.unmarshal(in, desc, false)
+// UnmarshalAbductive is like UnmarshalDescriptor, but infers abductively
+// whether any unknown bytes values is a message based on whether it is
+// a syntactically well-formed message.
+// Note that the protobuf wire format is not fully self-describing,
+// so abductive inference may attempt to expand a bytes value as a message
+// that is not actually a message. It is a best-effort guess.
+func (m *Message) UnmarshalAbductive(in []byte, desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) {
+ m.unmarshal(in, desc, true)
+func (m *Message) unmarshal(in []byte, desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, inferMessage bool) {
+ p := parser{in: in, out: *m}
+ p.parseMessage(desc, false, inferMessage)
+ *m = p.out
+type parser struct {
+ in []byte
+ out []Token
+ invalid bool
+func (p *parser) parseMessage(msgDesc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, group, inferMessage bool) {
+ for len(p.in) > 0 {
+ v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(p.in)
+ num, typ := protowire.DecodeTag(v)
+ if n < 0 || num <= 0 || v > math.MaxUint32 {
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Raw(p.in)), nil
+ p.invalid = true
+ return
+ }
+ if typ == EndGroupType && group {
+ return // if inside a group, then stop
+ }
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Tag{num, typ}), p.in[n:]
+ if m := n - protowire.SizeVarint(v); m > 0 {
+ p.out[len(p.out)-1] = Denormalized{uint(m), p.out[len(p.out)-1]}
+ }
+ // If descriptor is available, use it for more accurate parsing.
+ var isPacked bool
+ var kind protoreflect.Kind
+ var subDesc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
+ if msgDesc != nil && !msgDesc.IsPlaceholder() {
+ if fieldDesc := msgDesc.Fields().ByNumber(num); fieldDesc != nil {
+ isPacked = fieldDesc.IsPacked()
+ kind = fieldDesc.Kind()
+ switch kind {
+ case protoreflect.MessageKind, protoreflect.GroupKind:
+ subDesc = fieldDesc.Message()
+ if subDesc == nil || subDesc.IsPlaceholder() {
+ kind = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch typ {
+ case VarintType:
+ p.parseVarint(kind)
+ case Fixed32Type:
+ p.parseFixed32(kind)
+ case Fixed64Type:
+ p.parseFixed64(kind)
+ case BytesType:
+ p.parseBytes(isPacked, kind, subDesc, inferMessage)
+ case StartGroupType:
+ p.parseGroup(num, subDesc, inferMessage)
+ case EndGroupType:
+ // Handled by p.parseGroup.
+ default:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Raw(p.in)), nil
+ p.invalid = true
+ }
+ }
+func (p *parser) parseVarint(kind protoreflect.Kind) {
+ v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(p.in)
+ if n < 0 {
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Raw(p.in)), nil
+ p.invalid = true
+ return
+ }
+ switch kind {
+ case protoreflect.BoolKind:
+ switch v {
+ case 0:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Bool(false)), p.in[n:]
+ case 1:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Bool(true)), p.in[n:]
+ default:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Uvarint(v)), p.in[n:]
+ }
+ case protoreflect.Int32Kind, protoreflect.Int64Kind:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Varint(v)), p.in[n:]
+ case protoreflect.Sint32Kind, protoreflect.Sint64Kind:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Svarint(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v))), p.in[n:]
+ default:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Uvarint(v)), p.in[n:]
+ }
+ if m := n - protowire.SizeVarint(v); m > 0 {
+ p.out[len(p.out)-1] = Denormalized{uint(m), p.out[len(p.out)-1]}
+ }
+func (p *parser) parseFixed32(kind protoreflect.Kind) {
+ v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(p.in)
+ if n < 0 {
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Raw(p.in)), nil
+ p.invalid = true
+ return
+ }
+ switch kind {
+ case protoreflect.FloatKind:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Float32(math.Float32frombits(v))), p.in[n:]
+ case protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Int32(v)), p.in[n:]
+ default:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Uint32(v)), p.in[n:]
+ }
+func (p *parser) parseFixed64(kind protoreflect.Kind) {
+ v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(p.in)
+ if n < 0 {
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Raw(p.in)), nil
+ p.invalid = true
+ return
+ }
+ switch kind {
+ case protoreflect.DoubleKind:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Float64(math.Float64frombits(v))), p.in[n:]
+ case protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Int64(v)), p.in[n:]
+ default:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Uint64(v)), p.in[n:]
+ }
+func (p *parser) parseBytes(isPacked bool, kind protoreflect.Kind, desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, inferMessage bool) {
+ v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(p.in)
+ if n < 0 {
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Raw(p.in)), nil
+ p.invalid = true
+ return
+ }
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Uvarint(v)), p.in[n:]
+ if m := n - protowire.SizeVarint(v); m > 0 {
+ p.out[len(p.out)-1] = Denormalized{uint(m), p.out[len(p.out)-1]}
+ }
+ if v > uint64(len(p.in)) {
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Raw(p.in)), nil
+ p.invalid = true
+ return
+ }
+ p.out = p.out[:len(p.out)-1] // subsequent tokens contain prefix-length
+ if isPacked {
+ p.parsePacked(int(v), kind)
+ } else {
+ switch kind {
+ case protoreflect.MessageKind:
+ p2 := parser{in: p.in[:v]}
+ p2.parseMessage(desc, false, inferMessage)
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, LengthPrefix(p2.out)), p.in[v:]
+ case protoreflect.StringKind:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, String(p.in[:v])), p.in[v:]
+ case protoreflect.BytesKind:
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Bytes(p.in[:v])), p.in[v:]
+ default:
+ if inferMessage {
+ // Check whether this is a syntactically valid message.
+ p2 := parser{in: p.in[:v]}
+ p2.parseMessage(nil, false, inferMessage)
+ if !p2.invalid {
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, LengthPrefix(p2.out)), p.in[v:]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Bytes(p.in[:v])), p.in[v:]
+ }
+ }
+ if m := n - protowire.SizeVarint(v); m > 0 {
+ p.out[len(p.out)-1] = Denormalized{uint(m), p.out[len(p.out)-1]}
+ }
+func (p *parser) parsePacked(n int, kind protoreflect.Kind) {
+ p2 := parser{in: p.in[:n]}
+ for len(p2.in) > 0 {
+ switch kind {
+ case protoreflect.BoolKind, protoreflect.EnumKind,
+ protoreflect.Int32Kind, protoreflect.Sint32Kind, protoreflect.Uint32Kind,
+ protoreflect.Int64Kind, protoreflect.Sint64Kind, protoreflect.Uint64Kind:
+ p2.parseVarint(kind)
+ case protoreflect.Fixed32Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind, protoreflect.FloatKind:
+ p2.parseFixed32(kind)
+ case protoreflect.Fixed64Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind, protoreflect.DoubleKind:
+ p2.parseFixed64(kind)
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid packed kind: %v", kind))
+ }
+ }
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, LengthPrefix(p2.out)), p.in[n:]
+func (p *parser) parseGroup(startNum protowire.Number, desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, inferMessage bool) {
+ p2 := parser{in: p.in}
+ p2.parseMessage(desc, true, inferMessage)
+ if len(p2.out) > 0 {
+ p.out = append(p.out, Message(p2.out))
+ }
+ p.in = p2.in
+ // Append the trailing end group.
+ v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(p.in)
+ if endNum, typ := protowire.DecodeTag(v); typ == EndGroupType {
+ if startNum != endNum {
+ p.invalid = true
+ }
+ p.out, p.in = append(p.out, Tag{endNum, typ}), p.in[n:]
+ if m := n - protowire.SizeVarint(v); m > 0 {
+ p.out[len(p.out)-1] = Denormalized{uint(m), p.out[len(p.out)-1]}
+ }
+ }
+// Format implements a custom formatter to visualize the syntax tree.
+// Using "%#v" formats the Message in Go source code.
+func (m Message) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) {
+ switch r {
+ case 'x':
+ io.WriteString(s, fmt.Sprintf("%x", m.Marshal()))
+ case 'X':
+ io.WriteString(s, fmt.Sprintf("%X", m.Marshal()))
+ case 'v':
+ switch {
+ case s.Flag('#'):
+ io.WriteString(s, m.format(true, true))
+ case s.Flag('+'):
+ io.WriteString(s, m.format(false, true))
+ default:
+ io.WriteString(s, m.format(false, false))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("invalid verb: " + string(r))
+ }
+// format formats the message.
+// If source is enabled, this emits valid Go source.
+// If multi is enabled, the output may span multiple lines.
+func (m Message) format(source, multi bool) string {
+ var ss []string
+ var prefix, nextPrefix string
+ for _, v := range m {
+ // Ensure certain tokens have preceding or succeeding newlines.
+ prefix, nextPrefix = nextPrefix, " "
+ if multi {
+ switch v := v.(type) {
+ case Tag: // only has preceding newline
+ prefix = "\n"
+ case Denormalized: // only has preceding newline
+ if _, ok := v.Value.(Tag); ok {
+ prefix = "\n"
+ }
+ case Message, Raw: // has preceding and succeeding newlines
+ prefix, nextPrefix = "\n", "\n"
+ }
+ }
+ s := formatToken(v, source, multi)
+ ss = append(ss, prefix+s+",")
+ }
+ var s string
+ if len(ss) > 0 {
+ s = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(ss, ""))
+ if multi {
+ s = "\n\t" + strings.Join(strings.Split(s, "\n"), "\n\t") + "\n"
+ } else {
+ s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, ",")
+ }
+ }
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T{%s}", m, s)
+ if !source {
+ s = trimPackage(s)
+ }
+ return s
+// formatToken formats a single token.
+func formatToken(t Token, source, multi bool) (s string) {
+ switch v := t.(type) {
+ case Message:
+ s = v.format(source, multi)
+ case LengthPrefix:
+ s = formatPacked(v, source, multi)
+ if s == "" {
+ ms := Message(v).format(source, multi)
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T(%s)", v, ms)
+ }
+ case Tag:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T{%d, %s}", v, v.Number, formatType(v.Type, source))
+ case Bool, Varint, Svarint, Uvarint, Int32, Uint32, Float32, Int64, Uint64, Float64:
+ if source {
+ // Print floats in a way that preserves exact precision.
+ if f, _ := v.(Float32); math.IsNaN(float64(f)) || math.IsInf(float64(f), 0) {
+ switch {
+ case f > 0:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T(math.Inf(+1))", v)
+ case f < 0:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T(math.Inf(-1))", v)
+ case math.Float32bits(float32(math.NaN())) == math.Float32bits(float32(f)):
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T(math.NaN())", v)
+ default:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T(math.Float32frombits(0x%08x))", v, math.Float32bits(float32(f)))
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ if f, _ := v.(Float64); math.IsNaN(float64(f)) || math.IsInf(float64(f), 0) {
+ switch {
+ case f > 0:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T(math.Inf(+1))", v)
+ case f < 0:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T(math.Inf(-1))", v)
+ case math.Float64bits(float64(math.NaN())) == math.Float64bits(float64(f)):
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T(math.NaN())", v)
+ default:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T(math.Float64frombits(0x%016x))", v, math.Float64bits(float64(f)))
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T(%v)", v, v)
+ case String, Bytes, Raw:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%s", v)
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T(%s)", v, formatString(s))
+ case Denormalized:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%T{+%d, %v}", v, v.Count, formatToken(v.Value, source, multi))
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type: %T", v))
+ }
+ if !source {
+ s = trimPackage(s)
+ }
+ return s
+// formatPacked returns a non-empty string if LengthPrefix looks like a packed
+// repeated field of primitives.
+func formatPacked(v LengthPrefix, source, multi bool) string {
+ var ss []string
+ for _, v := range v {
+ switch v.(type) {
+ case Bool, Varint, Svarint, Uvarint, Int32, Uint32, Float32, Int64, Uint64, Float64, Denormalized, Raw:
+ if v, ok := v.(Denormalized); ok {
+ switch v.Value.(type) {
+ case Bool, Varint, Svarint, Uvarint:
+ default:
+ return ""
+ }
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, formatToken(v, source, multi))
+ default:
+ return ""
+ }
+ }
+ s := fmt.Sprintf("%T{%s}", v, strings.Join(ss, ", "))
+ if !source {
+ s = trimPackage(s)
+ }
+ return s
+// formatType returns the name for Type.
+func formatType(t Type, source bool) (s string) {
+ switch t {
+ case VarintType:
+ s = pkg + ".VarintType"
+ case Fixed32Type:
+ s = pkg + ".Fixed32Type"
+ case Fixed64Type:
+ s = pkg + ".Fixed64Type"
+ case BytesType:
+ s = pkg + ".BytesType"
+ case StartGroupType:
+ s = pkg + ".StartGroupType"
+ case EndGroupType:
+ s = pkg + ".EndGroupType"
+ default:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("Type(%d)", t)
+ }
+ if !source {
+ s = strings.TrimSuffix(trimPackage(s), "Type")
+ }
+ return s
+// formatString returns a quoted string for s.
+func formatString(s string) string {
+ // Use quoted string if it the same length as a raw string literal.
+ // Otherwise, attempt to use the raw string form.
+ qs := strconv.Quote(s)
+ if len(qs) == 1+len(s)+1 {
+ return qs
+ }
+ // Disallow newlines to ensure output is a single line.
+ // Disallow non-printable runes for readability purposes.
+ rawInvalid := func(r rune) bool {
+ return r == '`' || r == '\n' || r == utf8.RuneError || !unicode.IsPrint(r)
+ }
+ if strings.IndexFunc(s, rawInvalid) < 0 {
+ return "`" + s + "`"
+ }
+ return qs
+var pkg = path.Base(reflect.TypeOf(Tag{}).PkgPath())
+func trimPackage(s string) string {
+ return strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(s, pkg), ".")