path: root/basebuilder-3.6.2/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/builderTemplate/readme.html
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+<title>org.eclipse.ve.releng.builder README</title>
+<p><b><font size="+2">**template**<BR><BR>README </font></b></p><p>Last Updated:
+Dec 5, 2003</p><p>This document describes how to build &lt;project&gt;components
+from the command line using Ant scripts in this project and org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder.</p><p><br>
+<b>Table of Contents</b><br> <br> <a href="#description">Description</a><br> <a href="#prereq">Prerequisites</a><br>
+<a href="#setup">Setup</a><br> <a href="#components">Run the Build</a><br> <a href="#antbuildproperties">Ant
+properties defined build.properties</a><br> <a href="#buildconfigs">&lt;project&gt;
+Configurations</a><br> <a href="#examples">Examples</a><br> <br> </p><p><b><a name="description"></a>Description</b></p><p>org.eclipse.&lt;project&gt;.releng.builder
+contains Ant scripts that invoke script generators in org.eclipse.pde.build to
+build all shipped <a href="#components">components of &lt;project&gt;:</a> SDK,
+runtime, tests, and examples.<br> <br> </p><p><b><a name="prereq"></a>Prerequisites</b><br>
+</p><p>1. <a href="http://www.cvshome.org/">CVS</a> version 1.10 or higher (For
+<a href="http://ftp.cvshome.org/release/binary/win32/cvs-1-11-9.zip"> CVS 1.11.9
+WIN32</a>).<br> 2. <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/download.html">1.4 level
+JDK</a>.<br> 3. <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/download.html"> A 1.3 level
+Windows JRE</a> to compile against.<br> 4. <a href="http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/">Info-Zip
+zip and unzip</a><br> 6. org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder and org.eclipse.&lt;project&gt;.releng.builder
+from <a href="http://dev.eclipse.org/viewcvs/">dev.eclipse.org</a>.<br> <br> </p><p><b><a name="setup"></a>Setup<br>
+<br> </b>1. Add the CVS and Info-Zip executables to your path as required.<br>
+2. Add the 1.4 jre/bin directory of the installed JDK to your path.<b><br> </b>3.
+Check out org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder and org.eclipse.&lt;project&gt;.releng.builder
+into a directory.<b><br> <br> <br> <a name="run"></a>Run the Build</b></p><p>
+cd to org.eclipse.&lt;project&gt;.releng.builder directory and execute the following
+command (currently the build.xml script can only be executed in a headless eclipse
+due to <a href="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=35923">bug 35923</a>):
+</p><p>&quot;java -cp ../org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main
+-application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile build.xml -Dbuilder=<a href="#components">sdk
+| runtime| examples | tests</a> [Ant properties to override in a <a href="#antbuildproperties">component's
+build.properties</a>] &quot;<br> </p><p><br> <b><a name="components"></a></b>The
+component property value sets the name of the directory in org.eclipse.&lt;project&gt;.releng.builder
+which contains the Ant scripts that build a given an &lt;project&gt; component
+as descibed below: <br> <br> </p><table width="100%" border="1"> <tr> <td width="20%">Component
+(directory name in org.eclipse.&lt;project&gt;.releng.builder)</td><td width="80%">Description</td></tr>
+<tr> <td width="20%">sdk</td><td width="80%">This directory contains the scripts
+used to build the &lt;project&gt; SDK. A &lt;project&gt; SDK is comprised of binaries,
+source, and developer documentation.</td></tr> <tr> <td width="20%">runtime</td><td width="80%">This
+directory contains the scripts used to build the &lt;project&gt; runtime. The
+&lt;project&gt; runtime component contains binaries only.</td></tr> <tr> <td width="20%">examples</td><td width="80%">This
+directory contains the scripts used to build the &lt;project&gt; Examples. The
+&lt;project&gt; Examples contain binaries and source. </td></tr> <tr> <td width="20%">tests</td><td width="80%">This
+directory contains the scripts used to build the &lt;project&gt; Automated testing
+environment. This test framework can be used to run JUnit plugin tests on a &lt;project&gt;
+SDK from the command line.</td></tr> </table><p><br> <b><a name="antbuildproperties"></a>Ant
+Properties Settings in a component's build.properties<br> <br> </b>The following
+properties are pre-defined in the build.properties file for the specified component.
+They can be overridden by setting them at the command line at build time or by
+changing them directly in the component's build.properties file.</p><table width="100%" border="1">
+<tr> <td>Name</td><td>Description</td></tr> <tr> <td>baseos,basews,basearch</td><td>The
+os, ws and arch values of a pre-built eclipse component being compiled against.
+See list of possible values in the table of <a href="#buildconfigs">build configurations</a>.</td></tr>
+<tr> <td height="26">baseLocation</td><td height="26">A directory separate from
+buildDirectory which contains pre-built plugins and features against which to
+compile. The basedirectory must not contain any features, plugins or fragments
+which are already or will be located in the buildDirectory (see below).</td></tr>
+<tr> <td>bootclasspath</td><td>Sets the value for the attribute &quot;bootclasspath&quot;
+in calls to the <a href="http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/javac.html">Ant
+&lt;javac&gt; task</a> in a plugins' build.xml. Default set to ${java.home}/lib/rt.jar.</td></tr>
+<tr> <td height="36">buildDirectory</td><td height="36"> <p>The absolute path
+to a working directory where the source for the build will be exported, where
+scripts will be generated and where the end products of the build will be located.
+On Windows systems, the path length should not exceed thirty characters due to
+possible path length limitations when compiling some classes. </p></td></tr> <tr>
+<td>buildId</td><td>The build name. Default set to &quot;build&quot;.</td></tr>
+<tr> <td>buildLabel</td><td>Refers to the name of the directory which will contain
+the end result of the build. Default set to ${buildType}.${buildId}, ie.&quot;I.build&quot;.
+This directory will be created inside the location specified by the ${buildDirectory}
+property.</td></tr> <tr> <td>buildType</td><td> <p>Letters I, N, S, R or M are
+used to identify builds as being one of the following:<br> <br> I - Integration<br>
+N - Nightly<br> S - Stable<br> R - Release<br> M - Maintenance<br> </p><p> If
+set to N, all source will be checked out from the HEAD stream. In all other cases,
+tags as specifed in map files will be used when exporting plugins to the buildDirectory.
+</p></td></tr> <tr> <td>collPlace</td><td>The directory relative to ${buildLabel}
+in which built features and plugins are gathered. Default set to &quot;.&quot;.</td></tr>
+<tr> <td>collBase</td><td>The directory relative to ${buildLabel} in which to
+execute zip of the ${collPlace}directory and configuration specific root files.</td></tr>
+<tr> <td>configs</td><td> <p>An ampersand separated list of configurations to
+build where a configuration is specified as &lt;os&gt;,&lt;ws&gt;,&lt;arch&gt;.<br>
+ie.configs=&quot;win32,win32,x86 &amp; linux, motif, x86 &amp; linux, gtk, x86&quot;.
+The default setting (*,*,*) should be used for platform-independant components.</p></td></tr>
+<tr> <td>javacDebugInfo</td><td>Sets the value for the attribute &quot;debug&quot;
+in calls to the <a href="http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/javac.html">Ant
+&lt;javac&gt; task </a>in a plugins' build.xml. Default set to on.</td></tr> <tr>
+<td>javacFailOnError</td><td>Sets the value for the attribute &quot;failonerror&quot;
+in calls to the <a href="http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/javac.html">Ant
+&lt;javac&gt; task</a> in a plugins' build.xml. Build will continue even if there
+are compilation errors when this is set to false.</td></tr> <tr> <td>javacSource</td><td>Sets
+the value for the attribute &quot;source&quot; in calls to the <a href="http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/javac.html">Ant
+&lt;javac&gt; task</a> in a plugins' build.xml. Default set to 1.3.</td></tr>
+<tr> <td>javacTarget</td><td>Sets the value for the attribute &quot;target&quot;
+in calls to the <a href="http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/javac.html">Ant
+&lt;javac&gt; task</a> in a plugins' build.xml. Default set to 1.1.</td></tr>
+<tr> <td>javacVerbose</td><td>Sets the value for the attribute &quot;verbose&quot;
+in calls to the <a href="http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/javac.html">Ant
+&lt;javac&gt; task</a> in a plugins' build.xml. Default set to true.</td></tr>
+<tr> <td>mapVersionTag</td><td> <p>Sets the tag attribute in a call to the <a href="http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/cvs.html">Ant
+&lt;cvs&gt; task </a>to check out org.eclipse.&lt;project&gt;.releng, the map
+file project on dev.eclipse.org used in the build. The default is &quot;HEAD&quot;</p><p>Can
+be set to a specific tag to download the map files used for a previous integration
+build. Typically, these tags are in the form &quot;v&lt;build id in About dialog&gt;&quot;
+for example &quot;v200307110800&quot; will checkout the map files used to run
+the integration at the specified date/time. These scripts work with builds &gt;
+??<br> </p></td></tr> <tr> <td>timestamp</td><td>A timestamp used to fill in value
+for buildid in about.mappings files. The timestamp is also used to tag the org.eclipse.&lt;project&gt;.releng
+project on dev.eclipse.org only when an appropriate value for mapCvsRoot is provided
+and when the tagMaps Ant property is set. </td></tr> <tr> <td>zipargs</td><td>Arguments
+to send to the zip executable. ie. zipargs=-y on Linux preserves symbolic links.</td></tr>
+</table><p><br> </p><p><font size="+1"><b><a name="buildconfigs"></a>&lt;project&gt;
+Build Configurations</b></font></p><p><b></b>A configuration refers to the combination
+of the operating system, windowing system and processor architecture for which
+the component is intended. Currently, all &lt;project&gt; components are platform
+independent.<br> <p><br> <br> <b><a name="examples"></a>Examples<br> <br> </b>
+<p><a href="#ex1">Build SDK including javadoc on Windows</a><br> <a href="#ex5">Build
+Runtime component on Linux</a><br> <a href="#ex5.1">Build test component in a
+directory containing a previous SDK buildDirectory</a> <br> <a href="#ex6">Building
+examples against a &lt;project&gt; SDK installed in eclipse on Windows</a><br>
+</p><p><b><br> <a name="ex1"></a>Build Windows SDK component with javadoc generation
+on Windows</b></p><p><b>java -cp ..\org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder\startup.jar
+org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile
+build.xml -Dbuilder=sdk -Dbootclasspath=C:\JRE131\lib\rt.jar -Djavacfailonerror=true
+-DjavacVerbose=false -DbuildDirectory=c:\mybuild\eclipse</b> <br> <br> This builds
+a &lt;project&gt; SDK in the directory c:\mybuild\eclipse. &quot;-DjavaVerbose=false&quot;
+indicates that no compile logs will be generated and &quot;-Djavacfailonerror=true&quot;
+will cause the build to fail if there are any compile errors. <b></b> <br> </p><p><b><a name="ex4"></a>Build
+&lt;project&gt; runtime component on Linux</b></p><p><b>java -cp ../org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/startup.jar
+org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile
+build.xml -Dbuilder=runtime -DbuildDirectory=/builds/runtime/eclipse</b></p><p>This
+builds a &lt;project&gt; runtime in the directory &quot;/builds/runtime/eclipse&quot;.<br>
+<br> <br> <b><a name="ex5.1"></a>Build test component in a directory containing
+a source from a previous SDK build on Windows</b></p><p><b>java -cp ..\org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder\startup.jar
+org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile
+build.xml -Dbuilder=tests -Dbootclasspath=C:\JRE131\lib\rt.jar -DbuildDirectory=c:\builds\sdk\eclipse
+-Djavacfailonerror=true</b></p><p></p><p>This builds an the &lt;project&gt; test
+plugins in the same directory where an SDK was previously built. The build will
+fail if there are compile errors.<br> </p><p><br> <b><a name="ex7"></a>Building
+examples against a &lt;project&gt; SDK installed in eclipse on Windows</b></p><p><b>java
+-cp ..\org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder\startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main
+-application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile build.xml -Dbuilder=examples
+-Dbootclasspath=C:\JRE131\lib\rt.jar -DbuildDirectory=c:\examples\eclipse -DbaseLocation=c:\eclipse
+-Dbaseos=win32 -Dbasews=win32 -Dbasearch=x86 -Djavacfailonerror=true</b></p><p></p><p>This
+builds &lt;project&gt; examples in the directory c:\examples against a &lt;project&gt;
+SDK installed in eclipse in the directory c:\examples\eclipse. The build will
+fail if there are compile errors.<br> </p><p>&nbsp;</p>