AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-01-24Fix Android.mk.android-cts-4.2_r1android-4.2_r1android-4.2.2_r1.2android-4.2.2_r1.1android-4.2.2_r1android-4.2.1_r1.2android-4.2.1_r1.1android-4.2.1_r1android-4.1.2_r2.1android-4.1.2_r2android-4.1.2_r1android-4.1.1_r6.1android-4.1.1_r6android-4.1.1_r5android-4.1.1_r4android-4.1.1_r3android-4.1.1_r2android-4.1.1_r1.1android-4.1.1_r1jb-releasejb-mr1.1-releasejb-mr1-releasejb-mr0-releaseBrett Chabot
2012-01-18Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'Anatol Pomozov
2012-01-17Little javadoc changes.Hugo Hudson
2012-01-12Two new features for ProxyBuilder:Jesse Wilson
2012-01-12Better exception message when construction fails.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-11Adopt Hugo Hudson's AppDataDirGuesser in the core DexMaker. It's far too cumb...Jesse Wilson
2012-01-11Android.mk file for building in the tree.Hugo Hudson
2012-01-10Fix build on a JVM.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-10Fill in unimplemented caching tests.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-10Implement a cache for proxy classes.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-10Update Javadocs.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-10More documentation, including method documentation for all methods on Code.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-10Merge branch 'master' of https://code.google.com/p/dexmakerJesse Wilson
2012-01-10Add a move opJesse Wilson
2012-01-10Rename declareConstructor() to declare(). Add more parameter validation and t...Jesse Wilson
2012-01-09Synchronization.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-09Move documentation on Code.javaJesse Wilson
2012-01-09More documentation on Code generation.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-09New unary op and other APIsJesse Wilson
2012-01-09Nuke package-info classes. These were offending jarjar.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-09More documentation. Rename compare ops.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-07One cast() method for both numeric and type casts.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-07Replace two methods not() and negate() with a new type UnaryOp and an op() me...Jesse Wilson
2012-01-06Javadoc cleanupJesse Wilson
2012-01-06Freshen Javadocs.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-06Use 'new Label()' rather than 'Code.newLabel()' to make it clear that allocat...Jesse Wilson
2012-01-06Use jarjar to repackage dx to avoid conflicts with dx.jar.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-06Use one dex directory instead of two.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-06Add a big example in DexMaker on its use. Also fix up some of the problems en...Jesse Wilson
2012-01-05Rename DexGenerator to DexMaker.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-05Include move-parameter instructions for the 'this' parameter if it exists.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-03Publish Javadocs to the web.Jesse Wilson
2012-01-03Move ProxyBuilder to the .stock subpackage (better names welcome) and kill De...Jesse Wilson
2012-01-03Add an ant build file for repeatable builds. This doesn't include a <junit> t...Jesse Wilson
2012-01-03Don't require use of dx-implementation detail class AccessFlags in the public...Jesse Wilson
2012-01-03Initial add of dx and dexmaker.Jesse Wilson