path: root/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 329 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index bdcd98cf6..000000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Utilities for discovering the directories associated with workspaces.
-Workspaces have a variety of important concepts:
-* The bootstrap repository. BOOTSTRAP/chromite/bootstrap is expected to be in
-the user's path. Most commands run from here redirect to the active SDK.
-* The workspace directory. This directory (identified by presence of
-WORKSPACE_CONFIG), contains code, and is associated with exactly one SDK
-instance. It is normally discovered based on CWD.
-* The SDK root. This directory contains a specific SDK version, and is stored in
-This library contains helper methods for finding all of the relevant directories
-from __future__ import print_function
-import json
-import os
-from chromite.cbuildbot import constants
-from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
-from chromite.lib import osutils
-MAIN_CHROOT_DIR_IN_VM = '/chroots'
-# The presence of this file signifies the root of a workspace.
-WORKSPACE_CONFIG = 'workspace-config.json'
-WORKSPACE_IMAGES_DIR = 'build/images'
-WORKSPACE_LOGS_DIR = 'build/logs'
-# Prefixes used by locators.
-class LocatorNotResolved(Exception):
- """Given locator could not be resolved."""
-class ConfigFileError(Exception):
- """Configuration file writing or reading failed."""
-def WorkspacePath(workspace_reference_dir=None):
- """Returns the path to the current workspace.
- This method works both inside and outside the chroot, though results will
- be different.
- Args:
- workspace_reference_dir: Any directory inside the workspace. If None,
- will use CWD (outside chroot), or bind mount location (inside chroot).
- You should normally use the default.
- Returns:
- Path to root directory of the workspace (if valid), or None.
- """
- if workspace_reference_dir is None:
- if cros_build_lib.IsInsideChroot():
- workspace_reference_dir = constants.CHROOT_WORKSPACE_ROOT
- else:
- workspace_reference_dir = os.getcwd()
- workspace_config = osutils.FindInPathParents(
- os.path.abspath(workspace_reference_dir))
- return os.path.dirname(workspace_config) if workspace_config else None
-def ChrootPath(workspace_path):
- """Returns the path to the chroot associated with the given workspace.
- Each workspace has its own associated chroot. This method returns the chroot
- path set in the workspace config if present, or else the default location,
- which varies depending on whether or not we run in a VM.
- Args:
- workspace_path: Root directory of the workspace (WorkspacePath()).
- Returns:
- Path to where the chroot is, or where it should be created.
- """
- config_value = GetChrootDir(workspace_path)
- if config_value:
- # If the config value is a relative path, we base it in the workspace path.
- # Otherwise, it is an absolute path and will be returned as is.
- return os.path.join(workspace_path, config_value)
- # The default for a VM.
- if osutils.IsInsideVm():
- return os.path.join(MAIN_CHROOT_DIR_IN_VM, os.path.basename(workspace_path))
- # The default for all other cases.
- return os.path.join(workspace_path, WORKSPACE_CHROOT_DIR)
-def SetChrootDir(workspace_path, chroot_dir):
- """Set which chroot directory a workspace uses.
- This value will overwrite the default value, if set. This is normally only
- used if the user overwrites the default value. This method is NOT atomic.
- Args:
- workspace_path: Root directory of the workspace (WorkspacePath()).
- chroot_dir: Directory in which this workspaces chroot should be created.
- """
- # Read the config, update its chroot_dir, and write it.
- config = _ReadLocalConfig(workspace_path)
- config['chroot_dir'] = chroot_dir
- _WriteLocalConfig(workspace_path, config)
-def GetChrootDir(workspace_path):
- """Get override of chroot directory for a workspace.
- You should normally call ChrootPath so that the default value will be
- found if no explicit value has been set.
- Args:
- workspace_path: Root directory of the workspace (WorkspacePath()).
- Returns:
- version string or None.
- """
- # Config should always return a dictionary.
- config = _ReadLocalConfig(workspace_path)
- # If version is present, use it, else return None.
- return config.get('chroot_dir')
-def GetActiveSdkVersion(workspace_path):
- """Find which SDK version a workspace is associated with.
- This SDK may or may not exist in the bootstrap cache. There may be no
- SDK version associated with a workspace.
- Args:
- workspace_path: Root directory of the workspace (WorkspacePath()).
- Returns:
- version string or None.
- """
- # Config should always return a dictionary.
- config = _ReadLocalConfig(workspace_path)
- # If version is present, use it, else return None.
- return config.get('version')
-def SetActiveSdkVersion(workspace_path, version):
- """Set which SDK version a workspace is associated with.
- This method is NOT atomic.
- Args:
- workspace_path: Root directory of the workspace (WorkspacePath()).
- version: Version string of the SDK. (Eg. 1.2.3)
- """
- # Read the config, update its version, and write it.
- config = _ReadLocalConfig(workspace_path)
- config['version'] = version
- _WriteLocalConfig(workspace_path, config)
-def _ReadLocalConfig(workspace_path):
- """Read a local config for a workspace.
- Args:
- workspace_path: Root directory of the workspace (WorkspacePath()).
- Returns:
- Local workspace config as a Python dictionary.
- """
- try:
- return ReadConfigFile(os.path.join(workspace_path, WORKSPACE_LOCAL_CONFIG))
- except IOError:
- # If the file doesn't exist, it's an empty dictionary.
- return {}
-def _WriteLocalConfig(workspace_path, config):
- """Save out a new local config for a workspace.
- Args:
- workspace_path: Root directory of the workspace (WorkspacePath()).
- config: New local workspace config contents as a Python dictionary.
- """
- WriteConfigFile(os.path.join(workspace_path, WORKSPACE_LOCAL_CONFIG), config)
-def IsLocator(name):
- """Returns True if name is a specific locator."""
- if not name:
- raise ValueError('Locator is empty')
- return (name.startswith(_WORKSPACE_LOCATOR_PREFIX)
- or name.startswith(_BOARD_LOCATOR_PREFIX))
-def LocatorToPath(locator):
- """Returns the absolute path for this locator.
- Args:
- locator: a locator.
- Returns:
- The absolute path defined by this locator.
- Raises:
- ValueError: If |locator| is invalid.
- LocatorNotResolved: If |locator| is valid but could not be resolved.
- """
- if locator.startswith(_WORKSPACE_LOCATOR_PREFIX):
- workspace_path = WorkspacePath()
- if workspace_path is None:
- raise LocatorNotResolved(
- 'Workspace not found while trying to resolve %s' % locator)
- return os.path.join(workspace_path,
- if locator.startswith(_BOARD_LOCATOR_PREFIX):
- return os.path.join(constants.SOURCE_ROOT, 'src', 'overlays',
- 'overlay-%s' % locator[len(_BOARD_LOCATOR_PREFIX):])
- raise ValueError('Invalid locator %s' % locator)
-def PathToLocator(path):
- """Converts a path to a locator.
- This does not raise error if the path does not map to a locator. Some valid
- (legacy) brick path do not map to any locator: chromiumos-overlay,
- private board overlays, etc...
- Args:
- path: absolute or relative to CWD path to a workspace object or board
- overlay.
- Returns:
- The locator for this path if it exists, None otherwise.
- """
- workspace_path = WorkspacePath()
- path = os.path.abspath(path)
- if workspace_path is None:
- return None
- # If path is in the current workspace, return the relative path prefixed with
- # the workspace prefix.
- if os.path.commonprefix([path, workspace_path]) == workspace_path:
- return _WORKSPACE_LOCATOR_PREFIX + os.path.relpath(path, workspace_path)
- # If path is in the src directory of the checkout, this is a board overlay.
- # Encode it as board locator.
- src_path = os.path.join(constants.SOURCE_ROOT, 'src')
- if os.path.commonprefix([path, src_path]) == src_path:
- parts = os.path.split(os.path.relpath(path, src_path))
- if parts[0] == 'overlays':
- board_name = '-'.join(parts[1].split('-')[1:])
- return _BOARD_LOCATOR_PREFIX + board_name
- return None
-def LocatorToFriendlyName(locator):
- """Returns a friendly name for a given locator.
- Args:
- locator: a locator.
- """
- if IsLocator(locator) and locator.startswith(_WORKSPACE_LOCATOR_PREFIX):
- return locator[len(_WORKSPACE_LOCATOR_PREFIX):].replace('/', '.')
- raise ValueError('Not a valid workspace locator: %s' % locator)
-def WriteConfigFile(path, config):
- """Writes |config| to a file at |path|.
- Configuration files in a workspace should all use the same format
- whenever possible. Currently it's JSON, but centralizing config
- read/write makes it easier to change when needed.
- Args:
- path: path to write.
- config: configuration dictionary to write.
- Raises:
- ConfigFileError: |config| cannot be written as JSON.
- """
- # TODO(dpursell): Add support for comments in config files.
- try:
- osutils.WriteFile(
- path,
- json.dumps(config, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')),
- makedirs=True)
- except TypeError as e:
- raise ConfigFileError('Writing config file %s failed: %s', path, e)
-def ReadConfigFile(path):
- """Reads a configuration file at |path|.
- For use with WriteConfigFile().
- Args:
- path: file path.
- Returns:
- Result of parsing the JSON file.
- Raises:
- ConfigFileError: JSON parsing failed.
- """
- try:
- return json.loads(osutils.ReadFile(path))
- except ValueError as e:
- raise ConfigFileError('%s is not in valid JSON format: %s' % (path, e))