path: root/include/reporters/catch_reporter_compact.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/reporters/catch_reporter_compact.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 293 deletions
diff --git a/include/reporters/catch_reporter_compact.cpp b/include/reporters/catch_reporter_compact.cpp
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index 017f521f..00000000
--- a/include/reporters/catch_reporter_compact.cpp
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- * Created by Martin on 2017-11-14.
- *
- * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- */
-#include "catch_reporter_compact.h"
-#include "../internal/catch_reporter_registrars.hpp"
-#include "../internal/catch_console_colour.h"
-namespace {
- const char* failedString() { return "FAILED"; }
- const char* passedString() { return "PASSED"; }
- const char* failedString() { return "failed"; }
- const char* passedString() { return "passed"; }
- // Colour::LightGrey
- Catch::Colour::Code dimColour() { return Catch::Colour::FileName; }
- std::string bothOrAll( std::size_t count ) {
- return count == 1 ? std::string() :
- count == 2 ? "both " : "all " ;
- }
-} // anon namespace
-namespace Catch {
-namespace {
-// Colour, message variants:
-// - white: No tests ran.
-// - red: Failed [both/all] N test cases, failed [both/all] M assertions.
-// - white: Passed [both/all] N test cases (no assertions).
-// - red: Failed N tests cases, failed M assertions.
-// - green: Passed [both/all] N tests cases with M assertions.
-void printTotals(std::ostream& out, const Totals& totals) {
- if ( == 0) {
- out << "No tests ran.";
- } else if (totals.testCases.failed == {
- Colour colour(Colour::ResultError);
- const std::string qualify_assertions_failed =
- totals.assertions.failed == ?
- bothOrAll(totals.assertions.failed) : std::string();
- out <<
- "Failed " << bothOrAll(totals.testCases.failed)
- << pluralise(totals.testCases.failed, "test case") << ", "
- "failed " << qualify_assertions_failed <<
- pluralise(totals.assertions.failed, "assertion") << '.';
- } else if ( == 0) {
- out <<
- "Passed " << bothOrAll(
- << pluralise(, "test case")
- << " (no assertions).";
- } else if (totals.assertions.failed) {
- Colour colour(Colour::ResultError);
- out <<
- "Failed " << pluralise(totals.testCases.failed, "test case") << ", "
- "failed " << pluralise(totals.assertions.failed, "assertion") << '.';
- } else {
- Colour colour(Colour::ResultSuccess);
- out <<
- "Passed " << bothOrAll(totals.testCases.passed)
- << pluralise(totals.testCases.passed, "test case") <<
- " with " << pluralise(totals.assertions.passed, "assertion") << '.';
- }
-// Implementation of CompactReporter formatting
-class AssertionPrinter {
- AssertionPrinter& operator= (AssertionPrinter const&) = delete;
- AssertionPrinter(AssertionPrinter const&) = delete;
- AssertionPrinter(std::ostream& _stream, AssertionStats const& _stats, bool _printInfoMessages)
- : stream(_stream)
- , result(_stats.assertionResult)
- , messages(_stats.infoMessages)
- , itMessage(_stats.infoMessages.begin())
- , printInfoMessages(_printInfoMessages) {}
- void print() {
- printSourceInfo();
- itMessage = messages.begin();
- switch (result.getResultType()) {
- case ResultWas::Ok:
- printResultType(Colour::ResultSuccess, passedString());
- printOriginalExpression();
- printReconstructedExpression();
- if (!result.hasExpression())
- printRemainingMessages(Colour::None);
- else
- printRemainingMessages();
- break;
- case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
- if (result.isOk())
- printResultType(Colour::ResultSuccess, failedString() + std::string(" - but was ok"));
- else
- printResultType(Colour::Error, failedString());
- printOriginalExpression();
- printReconstructedExpression();
- printRemainingMessages();
- break;
- case ResultWas::ThrewException:
- printResultType(Colour::Error, failedString());
- printIssue("unexpected exception with message:");
- printMessage();
- printExpressionWas();
- printRemainingMessages();
- break;
- case ResultWas::FatalErrorCondition:
- printResultType(Colour::Error, failedString());
- printIssue("fatal error condition with message:");
- printMessage();
- printExpressionWas();
- printRemainingMessages();
- break;
- case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
- printResultType(Colour::Error, failedString());
- printIssue("expected exception, got none");
- printExpressionWas();
- printRemainingMessages();
- break;
- case ResultWas::Info:
- printResultType(Colour::None, "info");
- printMessage();
- printRemainingMessages();
- break;
- case ResultWas::Warning:
- printResultType(Colour::None, "warning");
- printMessage();
- printRemainingMessages();
- break;
- case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
- printResultType(Colour::Error, failedString());
- printIssue("explicitly");
- printRemainingMessages(Colour::None);
- break;
- // These cases are here to prevent compiler warnings
- case ResultWas::Unknown:
- case ResultWas::FailureBit:
- case ResultWas::Exception:
- printResultType(Colour::Error, "** internal error **");
- break;
- }
- }
- void printSourceInfo() const {
- Colour colourGuard(Colour::FileName);
- stream << result.getSourceInfo() << ':';
- }
- void printResultType(Colour::Code colour, std::string const& passOrFail) const {
- if (!passOrFail.empty()) {
- {
- Colour colourGuard(colour);
- stream << ' ' << passOrFail;
- }
- stream << ':';
- }
- }
- void printIssue(std::string const& issue) const {
- stream << ' ' << issue;
- }
- void printExpressionWas() {
- if (result.hasExpression()) {
- stream << ';';
- {
- Colour colour(dimColour());
- stream << " expression was:";
- }
- printOriginalExpression();
- }
- }
- void printOriginalExpression() const {
- if (result.hasExpression()) {
- stream << ' ' << result.getExpression();
- }
- }
- void printReconstructedExpression() const {
- if (result.hasExpandedExpression()) {
- {
- Colour colour(dimColour());
- stream << " for: ";
- }
- stream << result.getExpandedExpression();
- }
- }
- void printMessage() {
- if (itMessage != messages.end()) {
- stream << " '" << itMessage->message << '\'';
- ++itMessage;
- }
- }
- void printRemainingMessages(Colour::Code colour = dimColour()) {
- if (itMessage == messages.end())
- return;
- const auto itEnd = messages.cend();
- const auto N = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(itMessage, itEnd));
- {
- Colour colourGuard(colour);
- stream << " with " << pluralise(N, "message") << ':';
- }
- while (itMessage != itEnd) {
- // If this assertion is a warning ignore any INFO messages
- if (printInfoMessages || itMessage->type != ResultWas::Info) {
- printMessage();
- if (itMessage != itEnd) {
- Colour colourGuard(dimColour());
- stream << " and";
- }
- continue;
- }
- ++itMessage;
- }
- }
- std::ostream& stream;
- AssertionResult const& result;
- std::vector<MessageInfo> messages;
- std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator itMessage;
- bool printInfoMessages;
-} // anon namespace
- std::string CompactReporter::getDescription() {
- return "Reports test results on a single line, suitable for IDEs";
- }
- ReporterPreferences CompactReporter::getPreferences() const {
- return m_reporterPrefs;
- }
- void CompactReporter::noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& spec ) {
- stream << "No test cases matched '" << spec << '\'' << std::endl;
- }
- void CompactReporter::assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {}
- bool CompactReporter::assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& _assertionStats ) {
- AssertionResult const& result = _assertionStats.assertionResult;
- bool printInfoMessages = true;
- // Drop out if result was successful and we're not printing those
- if( !m_config->includeSuccessfulResults() && result.isOk() ) {
- if( result.getResultType() != ResultWas::Warning )
- return false;
- printInfoMessages = false;
- }
- AssertionPrinter printer( stream, _assertionStats, printInfoMessages );
- printer.print();
- stream << std::endl;
- return true;
- }
- void CompactReporter::sectionEnded(SectionStats const& _sectionStats) {
- if (m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Always) {
- stream << getFormattedDuration(_sectionStats.durationInSeconds) << " s: " << << std::endl;
- }
- }
- void CompactReporter::testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& _testRunStats ) {
- printTotals( stream, _testRunStats.totals );
- stream << '\n' << std::endl;
- StreamingReporterBase::testRunEnded( _testRunStats );
- }
- CompactReporter::~CompactReporter() {}
- CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "compact", CompactReporter )
-} // end namespace Catch