path: root/include/internal/benchmark/detail/catch_estimate_clock.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/internal/benchmark/detail/catch_estimate_clock.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/include/internal/benchmark/detail/catch_estimate_clock.hpp b/include/internal/benchmark/detail/catch_estimate_clock.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 055c5825..00000000
--- a/include/internal/benchmark/detail/catch_estimate_clock.hpp
+++ /dev/null
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- * Created by Joachim on 16/04/2019.
- * Adapted from donated nonius code.
- *
- * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- */
- // Environment measurement
-#include "../catch_clock.hpp"
-#include "../catch_environment.hpp"
-#include "catch_stats.hpp"
-#include "catch_measure.hpp"
-#include "catch_run_for_at_least.hpp"
-#include "../catch_clock.hpp"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <tuple>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-namespace Catch {
- namespace Benchmark {
- namespace Detail {
- template <typename Clock>
- std::vector<double> resolution(int k) {
- std::vector<TimePoint<Clock>> times;
- times.reserve(k + 1);
- std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(times), k + 1, now<Clock>{});
- std::vector<double> deltas;
- deltas.reserve(k);
- std::transform(std::next(times.begin()), times.end(), times.begin(),
- std::back_inserter(deltas),
- [](TimePoint<Clock> a, TimePoint<Clock> b) { return static_cast<double>((a - b).count()); });
- return deltas;
- }
- const auto warmup_iterations = 10000;
- const auto warmup_time = std::chrono::milliseconds(100);
- const auto minimum_ticks = 1000;
- const auto warmup_seed = 10000;
- const auto clock_resolution_estimation_time = std::chrono::milliseconds(500);
- const auto clock_cost_estimation_time_limit = std::chrono::seconds(1);
- const auto clock_cost_estimation_tick_limit = 100000;
- const auto clock_cost_estimation_time = std::chrono::milliseconds(10);
- const auto clock_cost_estimation_iterations = 10000;
- template <typename Clock>
- int warmup() {
- return run_for_at_least<Clock>(std::chrono::duration_cast<ClockDuration<Clock>>(warmup_time), warmup_seed, &resolution<Clock>)
- .iterations;
- }
- template <typename Clock>
- EnvironmentEstimate<FloatDuration<Clock>> estimate_clock_resolution(int iterations) {
- auto r = run_for_at_least<Clock>(std::chrono::duration_cast<ClockDuration<Clock>>(clock_resolution_estimation_time), iterations, &resolution<Clock>)
- .result;
- return {
- FloatDuration<Clock>(mean(r.begin(), r.end())),
- classify_outliers(r.begin(), r.end()),
- };
- }
- template <typename Clock>
- EnvironmentEstimate<FloatDuration<Clock>> estimate_clock_cost(FloatDuration<Clock> resolution) {
- auto time_limit = std::min(resolution * clock_cost_estimation_tick_limit, FloatDuration<Clock>(clock_cost_estimation_time_limit));
- auto time_clock = [](int k) {
- return Detail::measure<Clock>([k] {
- for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
- volatile auto ignored = Clock::now();
- (void)ignored;
- }
- }).elapsed;
- };
- time_clock(1);
- int iters = clock_cost_estimation_iterations;
- auto&& r = run_for_at_least<Clock>(std::chrono::duration_cast<ClockDuration<Clock>>(clock_cost_estimation_time), iters, time_clock);
- std::vector<double> times;
- int nsamples = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(time_limit / r.elapsed));
- times.reserve(nsamples);
- std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(times), nsamples, [time_clock, &r] {
- return static_cast<double>((time_clock(r.iterations) / r.iterations).count());
- });
- return {
- FloatDuration<Clock>(mean(times.begin(), times.end())),
- classify_outliers(times.begin(), times.end()),
- };
- }
- template <typename Clock>
- Environment<FloatDuration<Clock>> measure_environment() {
- static Environment<FloatDuration<Clock>>* env = nullptr;
- if (env) {
- return *env;
- }
- auto iters = Detail::warmup<Clock>();
- auto resolution = Detail::estimate_clock_resolution<Clock>(iters);
- auto cost = Detail::estimate_clock_cost<Clock>(resolution.mean);
- env = new Environment<FloatDuration<Clock>>{ resolution, cost };
- return *env;
- }
- } // namespace Detail
- } // namespace Benchmark
-} // namespace Catch