path: root/.bazelci
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-23Fix bzlmod examples on windows (#2454)Cameron Martin
2024-02-15Fix type error in rust-analyzer rule (#2479)UebelAndre
2024-02-01Use canonical repo name for aspects (#2450)Cameron Martin
2024-01-16Update android example to use Starlark version of android_ndk_repository (#2417)Vinh Tran
2024-01-09Nix Example updated `rules_nixpkgs` version and removed CI workaround. (#2409)James Leitch
2024-01-05Add test for query and cquery in the repo (#2398)Daniel Wagner-Hall
2023-12-28Expose crates_vendor deps to bzlmod (#2372)upstream/0.36.1David Tolnay
2023-12-28Ensure bzlmod example tests are run (#2371)UebelAndre
2023-12-28Consolidate bzlmod example workspaces (#2370)UebelAndre
2023-12-27Added `rust_unpretty_aspect` and `rust_unpretty` rules (#2356)UebelAndre
2023-12-27chore: add `//bzlmod:hello_world_test` and use it as BCR presubmit (#2347)Chuck Grindel
2023-12-19Minor cleanup of `.bazelrc` (#2341)UebelAndre
2023-12-12Allow additional targets to compile with bzlmod (#2314)Matt
2023-12-08fix: `rustc_compile_action` emits `CcInfo` for `wasm32` targets (#1979)James Leitch
2023-12-08Add a new presubmit environment for bzlmod (#2309)Matt
2023-11-27Added support for multiple javascript rule sets to wasm_bindgen package (#2284)UebelAndre
2023-11-25Default experimental_toolchain_generated_sysroot to True (#2277)Vinh Tran
2023-11-02Updated crate_universe dependencies (#2228)UebelAndre
2023-10-31Set --sysroot to sysroot generated by rust_toolchain (#2223)Vinh Tran
2023-10-19Migrade rbe_ubuntu1604 to rbe_ubuntu2004 (#2208)Chi Wang
2023-10-16Add Android Platforms build flags. (#2198)John Cater
2023-10-09Disable frequently failing Windows CI (#2187)Daniel Wagner-Hall
2023-09-22Revert "Flip experimental_use_coverage_metadata_files" (#2164)UebelAndre
2023-09-04Bump min Bazel version to 6.3 (#2150)scentini
2023-08-28Flip experimental_use_coverage_metadata_files (#2128)UebelAndre
2023-07-28Add support for split_coverage_post_processing (#2000)UebelAndre
2023-07-27Disable zig cross compiling example (#2081)UebelAndre
2023-07-14Updated crate_universe dependencies (#2063)UebelAndre
2023-07-13Update dependencies versions (#2064)James Leitch
2023-06-30Add Prost and Tonic rules. (#2033)freeformstu
2023-06-23Re-enable zig example on CI (#2030)Daniel Wagner-Hall
2023-06-14Update bindgen version to 0.65.1 (#2008)UebelAndre
2023-06-13Fix code coverage collection. (#2001)UebelAndre
2023-06-13Minor CI and test cleanup (#2004)UebelAndre
2023-06-13Update bindgen rules to build clang from source. (#1998)UebelAndre
2023-06-02Set windows flags in platform-specific bazelrc (#1988)Daniel Wagner-Hall
2023-05-03Support for `no_std` mode (#1934)scentini
2023-04-24Added Rust 1.69.0 (#1930)UebelAndre
2023-04-20Respect `#[global_allocator]` in `cc_common.link` builds (#1926)scentini
2023-03-29Support bzlmod (#1528)Cameron Martin
2023-03-27ci: fix test config in cc_common_link_ubuntu2004 (#1904)Krasimir Georgiev
2023-03-21Disable zig example (#1893)UebelAndre
2023-03-06Re-enable crate_universe MacOS tests (#1861)UebelAndre
2023-02-01Disable job in CI to avoid infrastructure failure. (#1816)UebelAndre
2023-01-24Revert "Disable broken clang and ldd CI jobs (#1785)" (#1796)scentini
2023-01-18Disable broken clang and ldd CI jobs (#1785)UebelAndre
2023-01-13Update clippy and rustfmt aspects to require CrateInfo providers (#1772)UebelAndre
2023-01-04Added CI for single toolchain channel workspaces (#1712)UebelAndre
2022-12-22Added CI for minimum supported Rust version (#1720)UebelAndre
2022-11-29Revert #1564 (#1663)Daniel Wagner-Hall