path: root/python/private/render_pkg_aliases.bzl
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1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/private/render_pkg_aliases.bzl b/python/private/render_pkg_aliases.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ebbc36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/private/render_pkg_aliases.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""render_pkg_aliases is a function to generate BUILD.bazel contents used to create user-friendly aliases.
+This is used in bzlmod and non-bzlmod setups."""
+load("//python/private:normalize_name.bzl", "normalize_name")
+load(":text_util.bzl", "render")
+load(":version_label.bzl", "version_label")
+No matching wheel for current configuration's Python version.
+The current build configuration's Python version doesn't match any of the Python
+versions available for this wheel. This wheel supports the following Python versions:
+ {supported_versions}
+As matched by the `@{rules_python}//python/config_settings:is_python_<version>`
+configuration settings.
+To determine the current configuration's Python version, run:
+ `bazel config <config id>` (shown further below)
+and look for
+ {rules_python}//python/config_settings:python_version
+If the value is missing, then the "default" Python version is being used,
+which has a "null" version value and will not match version constraints.
+def _render_whl_library_alias(
+ *,
+ name,
+ repo_name,
+ dep,
+ target,
+ default_version,
+ versions,
+ rules_python):
+ """Render an alias for common targets
+ If the versions is passed, then the `rules_python` must be passed as well and
+ an alias with a select statement based on the python version is going to be
+ generated.
+ """
+ if versions == None:
+ return render.alias(
+ name = name,
+ actual = repr("@{repo_name}_{dep}//:{target}".format(
+ repo_name = repo_name,
+ dep = dep,
+ target = target,
+ )),
+ )
+ # Create the alias repositories which contains different select
+ # statements These select statements point to the different pip
+ # whls that are based on a specific version of Python.
+ selects = {}
+ for full_version in versions:
+ condition = "@@{rules_python}//python/config_settings:is_python_{full_python_version}".format(
+ rules_python = rules_python,
+ full_python_version = full_version,
+ )
+ actual = "@{repo_name}_{version}_{dep}//:{target}".format(
+ repo_name = repo_name,
+ version = version_label(full_version),
+ dep = dep,
+ target = target,
+ )
+ selects[condition] = actual
+ if default_version:
+ no_match_error = None
+ default_actual = "@{repo_name}_{version}_{dep}//:{target}".format(
+ repo_name = repo_name,
+ version = version_label(default_version),
+ dep = dep,
+ target = target,
+ )
+ selects["//conditions:default"] = default_actual
+ else:
+ no_match_error = "_NO_MATCH_ERROR"
+ return render.alias(
+ name = name,
+ actual = render.select(
+ selects,
+ no_match_error = no_match_error,
+ ),
+ )
+def _render_common_aliases(repo_name, name, versions = None, default_version = None, rules_python = None):
+ lines = [
+ """package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])""",
+ ]
+ if versions:
+ versions = sorted(versions)
+ if not versions:
+ pass
+ elif default_version in versions:
+ pass
+ else:
+ supported_versions = ", ".join(versions),
+ rules_python = rules_python,
+ )
+ lines.append("_NO_MATCH_ERROR = \"\"\"\\\n{error_msg}\"\"\"".format(
+ error_msg = error_msg,
+ ))
+ # This is to simplify the code in _render_whl_library_alias and to ensure
+ # that we don't pass a 'default_version' that is not in 'versions'.
+ default_version = None
+ lines.append(
+ render.alias(
+ name = name,
+ actual = repr(":pkg"),
+ ),
+ )
+ lines.extend(
+ [
+ _render_whl_library_alias(
+ name = target,
+ repo_name = repo_name,
+ dep = name,
+ target = target,
+ versions = versions,
+ default_version = default_version,
+ rules_python = rules_python,
+ )
+ for target in ["pkg", "whl", "data", "dist_info"]
+ ],
+ )
+ return "\n\n".join(lines)
+def render_pkg_aliases(*, repo_name, bzl_packages = None, whl_map = None, rules_python = None, default_version = None):
+ """Create alias declarations for each PyPI package.
+ The aliases should be appended to the pip_repository BUILD.bazel file. These aliases
+ allow users to use requirement() without needed a corresponding `use_repo()` for each dep
+ when using bzlmod.
+ Args:
+ repo_name: the repository name of the hub repository that is visible to the users that is
+ also used as the prefix for the spoke repo names (e.g. "pip", "pypi").
+ bzl_packages: the list of packages to setup, if not specified, whl_map.keys() will be used instead.
+ whl_map: the whl_map for generating Python version aware aliases.
+ default_version: the default version to be used for the aliases.
+ rules_python: the name of the rules_python workspace.
+ Returns:
+ A dict of file paths and their contents.
+ """
+ if not bzl_packages and whl_map:
+ bzl_packages = list(whl_map.keys())
+ contents = {}
+ for name in bzl_packages:
+ versions = None
+ if whl_map != None:
+ versions = whl_map[name]
+ name = normalize_name(name)
+ filename = "{}/BUILD.bazel".format(name)
+ contents[filename] = _render_common_aliases(
+ repo_name = repo_name,
+ name = name,
+ versions = versions,
+ rules_python = rules_python,
+ default_version = default_version,
+ ).strip()
+ return contents