path: root/python/pip_install/private/generate_whl_library_build_bazel.bzl
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/pip_install/private/generate_whl_library_build_bazel.bzl')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/pip_install/private/generate_whl_library_build_bazel.bzl b/python/pip_install/private/generate_whl_library_build_bazel.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..229a917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/pip_install/private/generate_whl_library_build_bazel.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Generate the BUILD.bazel contents for a repo defined by a whl_library."""
+load("//python/private:normalize_name.bzl", "normalize_name")
+_DATA_LABEL = "data"
+_DIST_INFO_LABEL = "dist_info"
+_WHEEL_ENTRY_POINT_PREFIX = "rules_python_wheel_entry_point"
+ name = "{dest}.copy",
+ src = "{src}",
+ out = "{dest}",
+ is_executable = {is_executable},
+ name = "{name}",
+ srcs = ["{src}"],
+ # This makes this directory a top-level in the python import
+ # search path for anything that depends on this.
+ imports = ["."],
+ deps = ["{pkg}"],
+load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_library", "py_binary")
+load("@bazel_skylib//rules:copy_file.bzl", "copy_file")
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+ name = "{dist_info_label}",
+ srcs = glob(["site-packages/*.dist-info/**"], allow_empty = True),
+ name = "{data_label}",
+ srcs = glob(["data/**"], allow_empty = True),
+ name = "{whl_file_label}",
+ srcs = glob(["*.whl"], allow_empty = True),
+ data = {whl_file_deps},
+ name = "{name}",
+ srcs = glob(
+ ["site-packages/**/*.py"],
+ exclude={srcs_exclude},
+ # Empty sources are allowed to support wheels that don't have any
+ # pure-Python code, e.g. pymssql, which is written in Cython.
+ allow_empty = True,
+ ),
+ data = {data} + glob(
+ ["site-packages/**/*"],
+ exclude={data_exclude},
+ ),
+ # This makes this directory a top-level in the python import
+ # search path for anything that depends on this.
+ imports = ["site-packages"],
+ deps = {dependencies},
+ tags = {tags},
+def generate_whl_library_build_bazel(
+ repo_prefix,
+ dependencies,
+ data_exclude,
+ tags,
+ entry_points,
+ annotation = None):
+ """Generate a BUILD file for an unzipped Wheel
+ Args:
+ repo_prefix: the repo prefix that should be used for dependency lists.
+ dependencies: a list of PyPI packages that are dependencies to the py_library.
+ data_exclude: more patterns to exclude from the data attribute of generated py_library rules.
+ tags: list of tags to apply to generated py_library rules.
+ entry_points: A dict of entry points to add py_binary rules for.
+ annotation: The annotation for the build file.
+ Returns:
+ A complete BUILD file as a string
+ """
+ additional_content = []
+ data = []
+ srcs_exclude = []
+ data_exclude = [] + data_exclude
+ dependencies = sorted(dependencies)
+ tags = sorted(tags)
+ for entry_point, entry_point_script_name in entry_points.items():
+ additional_content.append(
+ _generate_entry_point_rule(
+ name = "{}_{}".format(_WHEEL_ENTRY_POINT_PREFIX, entry_point),
+ script = entry_point_script_name,
+ pkg = ":" + _PY_LIBRARY_LABEL,
+ ),
+ )
+ if annotation:
+ for src, dest in annotation.copy_files.items():
+ data.append(dest)
+ additional_content.append(_generate_copy_commands(src, dest))
+ for src, dest in annotation.copy_executables.items():
+ data.append(dest)
+ additional_content.append(
+ _generate_copy_commands(src, dest, is_executable = True),
+ )
+ data.extend(annotation.data)
+ data_exclude.extend(annotation.data_exclude_glob)
+ srcs_exclude.extend(annotation.srcs_exclude_glob)
+ if annotation.additive_build_content:
+ additional_content.append(annotation.additive_build_content)
+ _data_exclude = [
+ "**/* *",
+ "**/*.py",
+ "**/*.pyc",
+ "**/*.pyc.*", # During pyc creation, temp files named *.pyc.NNNN are created
+ # RECORD is known to contain sha256 checksums of files which might include the checksums
+ # of generated files produced when wheels are installed. The file is ignored to avoid
+ # Bazel caching issues.
+ "**/*.dist-info/RECORD",
+ ]
+ for item in data_exclude:
+ if item not in _data_exclude:
+ _data_exclude.append(item)
+ lib_dependencies = [
+ "@" + repo_prefix + normalize_name(d) + "//:" + _PY_LIBRARY_LABEL
+ for d in dependencies
+ ]
+ whl_file_deps = [
+ "@" + repo_prefix + normalize_name(d) + "//:" + _WHEEL_FILE_LABEL
+ for d in dependencies
+ ]
+ contents = "\n".join(
+ [
+ dependencies = repr(lib_dependencies),
+ data_exclude = repr(_data_exclude),
+ whl_file_label = _WHEEL_FILE_LABEL,
+ whl_file_deps = repr(whl_file_deps),
+ tags = repr(tags),
+ data_label = _DATA_LABEL,
+ dist_info_label = _DIST_INFO_LABEL,
+ entry_point_prefix = _WHEEL_ENTRY_POINT_PREFIX,
+ srcs_exclude = repr(srcs_exclude),
+ data = repr(data),
+ ),
+ ] + additional_content,
+ )
+ # NOTE: Ensure that we terminate with a new line
+ return contents.rstrip() + "\n"
+def _generate_copy_commands(src, dest, is_executable = False):
+ """Generate a [@bazel_skylib//rules:copy_file.bzl%copy_file][cf] target
+ [cf]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/blob/1.1.1/docs/copy_file_doc.md
+ Args:
+ src (str): The label for the `src` attribute of [copy_file][cf]
+ dest (str): The label for the `out` attribute of [copy_file][cf]
+ is_executable (bool, optional): Whether or not the file being copied is executable.
+ sets `is_executable` for [copy_file][cf]
+ Returns:
+ str: A `copy_file` instantiation.
+ """
+ return _COPY_FILE_TEMPLATE.format(
+ src = src,
+ dest = dest,
+ is_executable = is_executable,
+ )
+def _generate_entry_point_rule(*, name, script, pkg):
+ """Generate a Bazel `py_binary` rule for an entry point script.
+ Note that the script is used to determine the name of the target. The name of
+ entry point targets should be uniuqe to avoid conflicts with existing sources or
+ directories within a wheel.
+ Args:
+ name (str): The name of the generated py_binary.
+ script (str): The path to the entry point's python file.
+ pkg (str): The package owning the entry point. This is expected to
+ match up with the `py_library` defined for each repository.
+ Returns:
+ str: A `py_binary` instantiation.
+ """
+ name = name,
+ src = script.replace("\\", "/"),
+ pkg = pkg,
+ )