path: root/python/extensions/python.bzl
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/extensions/python.bzl')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/extensions/python.bzl b/python/extensions/python.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d4032a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/extensions/python.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"Python toolchain module extensions for use with bzlmod"
+load("//python:repositories.bzl", "python_register_toolchains")
+load("//python/extensions/private:pythons_hub.bzl", "hub_repo")
+load("//python/private:toolchains_repo.bzl", "multi_toolchain_aliases")
+# This limit can be increased essentially arbitrarily, but doing so will cause a rebuild of all
+# targets using any of these toolchains due to the changed repository name.
+def _toolchain_prefix(index, name):
+ """Prefixes the given name with the index, padded with zeros to ensure lexicographic sorting.
+ Examples:
+ _toolchain_prefix( 2, "foo") == "_0002_foo_"
+ _toolchain_prefix(2000, "foo") == "_2000_foo_"
+ """
+ return "_{}_{}_".format(_left_pad_zero(index, _TOOLCHAIN_INDEX_PAD_LENGTH), name)
+def _left_pad_zero(index, length):
+ if index < 0:
+ fail("index must be non-negative")
+ return ("0" * length + str(index))[-length:]
+# Printing a warning msg not debugging, so we have to disable
+# the buildifier check.
+# buildifier: disable=print
+def _print_warn(msg):
+ print("WARNING:", msg)
+def _python_register_toolchains(name, toolchain_attr, version_constraint):
+ """Calls python_register_toolchains and returns a struct used to collect the toolchains.
+ """
+ python_register_toolchains(
+ name = name,
+ python_version = toolchain_attr.python_version,
+ register_coverage_tool = toolchain_attr.configure_coverage_tool,
+ ignore_root_user_error = toolchain_attr.ignore_root_user_error,
+ set_python_version_constraint = version_constraint,
+ )
+ return struct(
+ python_version = toolchain_attr.python_version,
+ set_python_version_constraint = str(version_constraint),
+ name = name,
+ )
+def _python_impl(module_ctx):
+ # The toolchain info structs to register, in the order to register them in.
+ toolchains = []
+ # We store the default toolchain separately to ensure it is the last
+ # toolchain added to toolchains.
+ default_toolchain = None
+ # Map of string Major.Minor to the toolchain name and module name
+ global_toolchain_versions = {}
+ for mod in module_ctx.modules:
+ module_toolchain_versions = []
+ for toolchain_attr in mod.tags.toolchain:
+ toolchain_version = toolchain_attr.python_version
+ toolchain_name = "python_" + toolchain_version.replace(".", "_")
+ # Duplicate versions within a module indicate a misconfigured module.
+ if toolchain_version in module_toolchain_versions:
+ _fail_duplicate_module_toolchain_version(toolchain_version, mod.name)
+ module_toolchain_versions.append(toolchain_version)
+ # Ignore version collisions in the global scope because there isn't
+ # much else that can be done. Modules don't know and can't control
+ # what other modules do, so the first in the dependency graph wins.
+ if toolchain_version in global_toolchain_versions:
+ _warn_duplicate_global_toolchain_version(
+ toolchain_version,
+ first = global_toolchain_versions[toolchain_version],
+ second_toolchain_name = toolchain_name,
+ second_module_name = mod.name,
+ )
+ continue
+ global_toolchain_versions[toolchain_version] = struct(
+ toolchain_name = toolchain_name,
+ module_name = mod.name,
+ )
+ # Only the root module and rules_python are allowed to specify the default
+ # toolchain for a couple reasons:
+ # * It prevents submodules from specifying different defaults and only
+ # one of them winning.
+ # * rules_python needs to set a soft default in case the root module doesn't,
+ # e.g. if the root module doesn't use Python itself.
+ # * The root module is allowed to override the rules_python default.
+ if mod.is_root:
+ # A single toolchain is treated as the default because it's unambiguous.
+ is_default = toolchain_attr.is_default or len(mod.tags.toolchain) == 1
+ elif mod.name == "rules_python" and not default_toolchain:
+ # We don't do the len() check because we want the default that rules_python
+ # sets to be clearly visible.
+ is_default = toolchain_attr.is_default
+ else:
+ is_default = False
+ # We have already found one default toolchain, and we can only have
+ # one.
+ if is_default and default_toolchain != None:
+ _fail_multiple_default_toolchains(
+ first = default_toolchain.name,
+ second = toolchain_name,
+ )
+ toolchain_info = _python_register_toolchains(
+ toolchain_name,
+ toolchain_attr,
+ version_constraint = not is_default,
+ )
+ if is_default:
+ default_toolchain = toolchain_info
+ else:
+ toolchains.append(toolchain_info)
+ # A default toolchain is required so that the non-version-specific rules
+ # are able to match a toolchain.
+ if default_toolchain == None:
+ fail("No default Python toolchain configured. Is rules_python missing `is_default=True`?")
+ # The last toolchain in the BUILD file is set as the default
+ # toolchain. We need the default last.
+ toolchains.append(default_toolchain)
+ if len(toolchains) > _MAX_NUM_TOOLCHAINS:
+ fail("more than {} python versions are not supported".format(_MAX_NUM_TOOLCHAINS))
+ # Create the pythons_hub repo for the interpreter meta data and the
+ # the various toolchains.
+ hub_repo(
+ name = "pythons_hub",
+ default_python_version = default_toolchain.python_version,
+ toolchain_prefixes = [
+ _toolchain_prefix(index, toolchain.name)
+ for index, toolchain in enumerate(toolchains)
+ ],
+ toolchain_python_versions = [t.python_version for t in toolchains],
+ toolchain_set_python_version_constraints = [t.set_python_version_constraint for t in toolchains],
+ toolchain_user_repository_names = [t.name for t in toolchains],
+ )
+ # This is require in order to support multiple version py_test
+ # and py_binary
+ multi_toolchain_aliases(
+ name = "python_versions",
+ python_versions = {
+ version: entry.toolchain_name
+ for version, entry in global_toolchain_versions.items()
+ },
+ )
+def _fail_duplicate_module_toolchain_version(version, module):
+ fail(("Duplicate module toolchain version: module '{module}' attempted " +
+ "to use version '{version}' multiple times in itself").format(
+ version = version,
+ module = module,
+ ))
+def _warn_duplicate_global_toolchain_version(version, first, second_toolchain_name, second_module_name):
+ _print_warn((
+ "Ignoring toolchain '{second_toolchain}' from module '{second_module}': " +
+ "Toolchain '{first_toolchain}' from module '{first_module}' " +
+ "already registered Python version {version} and has precedence"
+ ).format(
+ first_toolchain = first.toolchain_name,
+ first_module = first.module_name,
+ second_module = second_module_name,
+ second_toolchain = second_toolchain_name,
+ version = version,
+ ))
+def _fail_multiple_default_toolchains(first, second):
+ fail(("Multiple default toolchains: only one toolchain " +
+ "can have is_default=True. First default " +
+ "was toolchain '{first}'. Second was '{second}'").format(
+ first = first,
+ second = second,
+ ))
+python = module_extension(
+ doc = """Bzlmod extension that is used to register Python toolchains.
+ implementation = _python_impl,
+ tag_classes = {
+ "toolchain": tag_class(
+ doc = """Tag class used to register Python toolchains.
+Use this tag class to register one or more Python toolchains. This class
+is also potentially called by sub modules. The following covers different
+business rules and use cases.
+Toolchains in the Root Module
+This class registers all toolchains in the root module.
+Toolchains in Sub Modules
+It will create a toolchain that is in a sub module, if the toolchain
+of the same name does not exist in the root module. The extension stops name
+clashing between toolchains in the root module and toolchains in sub modules.
+You cannot configure more than one toolchain as the default toolchain.
+Toolchain set as the default version
+This extension will not create a toolchain that exists in a sub module,
+if the sub module toolchain is marked as the default version. If you have
+more than one toolchain in your root module, you need to set one of the
+toolchains as the default version. If there is only one toolchain it
+is set as the default toolchain.
+Toolchain repository name
+A toolchain's repository name uses the format `python_{major}_{minor}`, e.g.
+`python_3_10`. The `major` and `minor` components are
+`major` and `minor` are the Python version from the `python_version` attribute.
+ attrs = {
+ "configure_coverage_tool": attr.bool(
+ mandatory = False,
+ doc = "Whether or not to configure the default coverage tool for the toolchains.",
+ ),
+ "ignore_root_user_error": attr.bool(
+ default = False,
+ doc = "Whether the check for root should be ignored or not. This causes cache misses with .pyc files.",
+ mandatory = False,
+ ),
+ "is_default": attr.bool(
+ mandatory = False,
+ doc = "Whether the toolchain is the default version",
+ ),
+ "python_version": attr.string(
+ mandatory = True,
+ doc = "The Python version, in `major.minor` format, e.g '3.12', to create a toolchain for.",
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ },