path: root/python/extensions/pip.bzl
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1 files changed, 497 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/extensions/pip.bzl b/python/extensions/pip.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..add69a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/extensions/pip.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"pip module extension for use with bzlmod"
+load("@pythons_hub//:interpreters.bzl", "DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION", "INTERPRETER_LABELS")
+load("@rules_python//python:pip.bzl", "whl_library_alias")
+ "@rules_python//python/pip_install:pip_repository.bzl",
+ "locked_requirements_label",
+ "pip_hub_repository_bzlmod",
+ "pip_repository_attrs",
+ "pip_repository_bzlmod",
+ "use_isolated",
+ "whl_library",
+load("@rules_python//python/pip_install:requirements_parser.bzl", parse_requirements = "parse")
+load("//python/private:normalize_name.bzl", "normalize_name")
+load("//python/private:version_label.bzl", "version_label")
+def _whl_mods_impl(mctx):
+ """Implementation of the pip.whl_mods tag class.
+ This creates the JSON files used to modify the creation of different wheels.
+ whl_mods_dict = {}
+ for mod in mctx.modules:
+ for whl_mod_attr in mod.tags.whl_mods:
+ if whl_mod_attr.hub_name not in whl_mods_dict.keys():
+ whl_mods_dict[whl_mod_attr.hub_name] = {whl_mod_attr.whl_name: whl_mod_attr}
+ elif whl_mod_attr.whl_name in whl_mods_dict[whl_mod_attr.hub_name].keys():
+ # We cannot have the same wheel name in the same hub, as we
+ # will create the same JSON file name.
+ fail("""\
+Found same whl_name '{}' in the same hub '{}', please use a different hub_name.""".format(
+ whl_mod_attr.whl_name,
+ whl_mod_attr.hub_name,
+ ))
+ else:
+ whl_mods_dict[whl_mod_attr.hub_name][whl_mod_attr.whl_name] = whl_mod_attr
+ for hub_name, whl_maps in whl_mods_dict.items():
+ whl_mods = {}
+ # create a struct that we can pass to the _whl_mods_repo rule
+ # to create the different JSON files.
+ for whl_name, mods in whl_maps.items():
+ build_content = mods.additive_build_content
+ if mods.additive_build_content_file != None and mods.additive_build_content != "":
+ fail("""\
+You cannot use both the additive_build_content and additive_build_content_file arguments at the same time.
+ elif mods.additive_build_content_file != None:
+ build_content = mctx.read(mods.additive_build_content_file)
+ whl_mods[whl_name] = json.encode(struct(
+ additive_build_content = build_content,
+ copy_files = mods.copy_files,
+ copy_executables = mods.copy_executables,
+ data = mods.data,
+ data_exclude_glob = mods.data_exclude_glob,
+ srcs_exclude_glob = mods.srcs_exclude_glob,
+ ))
+ _whl_mods_repo(
+ name = hub_name,
+ whl_mods = whl_mods,
+ )
+def _create_versioned_pip_and_whl_repos(module_ctx, pip_attr, whl_map):
+ python_interpreter_target = pip_attr.python_interpreter_target
+ # if we do not have the python_interpreter set in the attributes
+ # we programtically find it.
+ hub_name = pip_attr.hub_name
+ if python_interpreter_target == None:
+ python_name = "python_" + version_label(pip_attr.python_version, sep = "_")
+ if python_name not in INTERPRETER_LABELS.keys():
+ fail((
+ "Unable to find interpreter for pip hub '{hub_name}' for " +
+ "python_version={version}: Make sure a corresponding " +
+ '`python.toolchain(python_version="{version}")` call exists'
+ ).format(
+ hub_name = hub_name,
+ version = pip_attr.python_version,
+ ))
+ python_interpreter_target = INTERPRETER_LABELS[python_name]
+ pip_name = "{}_{}".format(
+ hub_name,
+ version_label(pip_attr.python_version),
+ )
+ requrements_lock = locked_requirements_label(module_ctx, pip_attr)
+ # Parse the requirements file directly in starlark to get the information
+ # needed for the whl_libary declarations below. This is needed to contain
+ # the pip_repository logic to a single module extension.
+ requirements_lock_content = module_ctx.read(requrements_lock)
+ parse_result = parse_requirements(requirements_lock_content)
+ requirements = parse_result.requirements
+ extra_pip_args = pip_attr.extra_pip_args + parse_result.options
+ # Create the repository where users load the `requirement` macro. Under bzlmod
+ # this does not create the install_deps() macro.
+ # TODO: we may not need this repository once we have entry points
+ # supported. For now a user can access this repository and use
+ # the entrypoint functionality.
+ pip_repository_bzlmod(
+ name = pip_name,
+ repo_name = pip_name,
+ requirements_lock = pip_attr.requirements_lock,
+ )
+ if hub_name not in whl_map:
+ whl_map[hub_name] = {}
+ whl_modifications = {}
+ if pip_attr.whl_modifications != None:
+ for mod, whl_name in pip_attr.whl_modifications.items():
+ whl_modifications[whl_name] = mod
+ # Create a new wheel library for each of the different whls
+ for whl_name, requirement_line in requirements:
+ # We are not using the "sanitized name" because the user
+ # would need to guess what name we modified the whl name
+ # to.
+ annotation = whl_modifications.get(whl_name)
+ whl_name = normalize_name(whl_name)
+ whl_library(
+ name = "%s_%s" % (pip_name, whl_name),
+ requirement = requirement_line,
+ repo = pip_name,
+ repo_prefix = pip_name + "_",
+ annotation = annotation,
+ python_interpreter = pip_attr.python_interpreter,
+ python_interpreter_target = python_interpreter_target,
+ quiet = pip_attr.quiet,
+ timeout = pip_attr.timeout,
+ isolated = use_isolated(module_ctx, pip_attr),
+ extra_pip_args = extra_pip_args,
+ download_only = pip_attr.download_only,
+ pip_data_exclude = pip_attr.pip_data_exclude,
+ enable_implicit_namespace_pkgs = pip_attr.enable_implicit_namespace_pkgs,
+ environment = pip_attr.environment,
+ )
+ if whl_name not in whl_map[hub_name]:
+ whl_map[hub_name][whl_name] = {}
+ whl_map[hub_name][whl_name][pip_attr.python_version] = pip_name + "_"
+def _pip_impl(module_ctx):
+ """Implementation of a class tag that creates the pip hub(s) and corresponding pip spoke, alias and whl repositories.
+ This implmentation iterates through all of the `pip.parse` calls and creates
+ different pip hub repositories based on the "hub_name". Each of the
+ pip calls create spoke repos that uses a specific Python interpreter.
+ In a MODULES.bazel file we have:
+ pip.parse(
+ hub_name = "pip",
+ python_version = 3.9,
+ requirements_lock = "//:requirements_lock_3_9.txt",
+ requirements_windows = "//:requirements_windows_3_9.txt",
+ )
+ pip.parse(
+ hub_name = "pip",
+ python_version = 3.10,
+ requirements_lock = "//:requirements_lock_3_10.txt",
+ requirements_windows = "//:requirements_windows_3_10.txt",
+ )
+ For instance, we have a hub with the name of "pip".
+ A repository named the following is created. It is actually called last when
+ all of the pip spokes are collected.
+ - @@rules_python~override~pip~pip
+ As shown in the example code above we have the following.
+ Two different pip.parse statements exist in MODULE.bazel provide the hub_name "pip".
+ These definitions create two different pip spoke repositories that are
+ related to the hub "pip".
+ One spoke uses Python 3.9 and the other uses Python 3.10. This code automatically
+ determines the Python version and the interpreter.
+ Both of these pip spokes contain requirements files that includes websocket
+ and its dependencies.
+ Two different repositories are created for the two spokes:
+ - @@rules_python~override~pip~pip_39
+ - @@rules_python~override~pip~pip_310
+ The different spoke names are a combination of the hub_name and the Python version.
+ In the future we may remove this repository, but we do not support entry points.
+ yet, and that functionality exists in these repos.
+ We also need repositories for the wheels that the different pip spokes contain.
+ For each Python version a different wheel repository is created. In our example
+ each pip spoke had a requirments file that contained websockets. We
+ then create two different wheel repositories that are named the following.
+ - @@rules_python~override~pip~pip_39_websockets
+ - @@rules_python~override~pip~pip_310_websockets
+ And if the wheel has any other dependies subsequest wheels are created in the same fashion.
+ We also create a repository for the wheel alias. We want to just use the syntax
+ 'requirement("websockets")' we need to have an alias repository that is named:
+ - @@rules_python~override~pip~pip_websockets
+ This repository contains alias statements for the different wheel components (pkg, data, etc).
+ Each of those aliases has a select that resolves to a spoke repository depending on
+ the Python version.
+ Also we may have more than one hub as defined in a MODULES.bazel file. So we could have multiple
+ hubs pointing to various different pip spokes.
+ Some other business rules notes. A hub can only have one spoke per Python version. We cannot
+ have a hub named "pip" that has two spokes that use the Python 3.9 interpreter. Second
+ we cannot have the same hub name used in submodules. The hub name has to be globally
+ unique.
+ This implementation reuses elements of non-bzlmod code and also reuses the first implementation
+ of pip bzlmod, but adds the capability to have multiple pip.parse calls.
+ This implementation also handles the creation of whl_modification JSON files that are used
+ during the creation of wheel libraries. These JSON files used via the annotations argument
+ when calling wheel_installer.py.
+ Args:
+ module_ctx: module contents
+ """
+ # Build all of the wheel modifications if the tag class is called.
+ _whl_mods_impl(module_ctx)
+ # Used to track all the different pip hubs and the spoke pip Python
+ # versions.
+ pip_hub_map = {}
+ # Keeps track of all the hub's whl repos across the different versions.
+ # dict[hub, dict[whl, dict[version, str pip]]]
+ # Where hub, whl, and pip are the repo names
+ hub_whl_map = {}
+ for mod in module_ctx.modules:
+ for pip_attr in mod.tags.parse:
+ hub_name = pip_attr.hub_name
+ if hub_name in pip_hub_map:
+ # We cannot have two hubs with the same name in different
+ # modules.
+ if pip_hub_map[hub_name].module_name != mod.name:
+ fail((
+ "Duplicate cross-module pip hub named '{hub}': pip hub " +
+ "names must be unique across modules. First defined " +
+ "by module '{first_module}', second attempted by " +
+ "module '{second_module}'"
+ ).format(
+ hub = hub_name,
+ first_module = pip_hub_map[hub_name].module_name,
+ second_module = mod.name,
+ ))
+ if pip_attr.python_version in pip_hub_map[hub_name].python_versions:
+ fail((
+ "Duplicate pip python version '{version}' for hub " +
+ "'{hub}' in module '{module}': the Python versions " +
+ "used for a hub must be unique"
+ ).format(
+ hub = hub_name,
+ module = mod.name,
+ version = pip_attr.python_version,
+ ))
+ else:
+ pip_hub_map[pip_attr.hub_name].python_versions.append(pip_attr.python_version)
+ else:
+ pip_hub_map[pip_attr.hub_name] = struct(
+ module_name = mod.name,
+ python_versions = [pip_attr.python_version],
+ )
+ _create_versioned_pip_and_whl_repos(module_ctx, pip_attr, hub_whl_map)
+ for hub_name, whl_map in hub_whl_map.items():
+ for whl_name, version_map in whl_map.items():
+ if DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION not in version_map:
+ fail((
+ "Default python version '{version}' missing in pip " +
+ "hub '{hub}': update your pip.parse() calls so that " +
+ 'includes `python_version = "{version}"`'
+ ).format(
+ hub = hub_name,
+ ))
+ # Create the alias repositories which contains different select
+ # statements These select statements point to the different pip
+ # whls that are based on a specific version of Python.
+ whl_library_alias(
+ name = hub_name + "_" + whl_name,
+ wheel_name = whl_name,
+ default_version = DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION,
+ version_map = version_map,
+ )
+ # Create the hub repository for pip.
+ pip_hub_repository_bzlmod(
+ name = hub_name,
+ repo_name = hub_name,
+ whl_library_alias_names = whl_map.keys(),
+ )
+def _pip_parse_ext_attrs():
+ attrs = dict({
+ "hub_name": attr.string(
+ mandatory = True,
+ doc = """
+The name of the repo pip dependencies will be accessible from.
+This name must be unique between modules; unless your module is guaranteed to
+always be the root module, it's highly recommended to include your module name
+in the hub name. Repo mapping, `use_repo(..., pip="my_modules_pip_deps")`, can
+be used for shorter local names within your module.
+Within a module, the same `hub_name` can be specified to group different Python
+versions of pip dependencies under one repository name. This allows using a
+Python version-agnostic name when referring to pip dependencies; the
+correct version will be automatically selected.
+Typically, a module will only have a single hub of pip dependencies, but this
+is not required. Each hub is a separate resolution of pip dependencies. This
+means if different programs need different versions of some library, separate
+hubs can be created, and each program can use its respective hub's targets.
+Targets from different hubs should not be used together.
+ ),
+ "python_version": attr.string(
+ doc = """
+The Python version to use for resolving the pip dependencies. If not specified,
+then the default Python version (as set by the root module or rules_python)
+will be used.
+The version specified here must have a corresponding `python.toolchain()`
+configured. This attribute defaults to the version of the toolchain
+that is set as the default Python version. Or if only one toolchain
+is used, this attribute defaults to that version of Python.
+ ),
+ "whl_modifications": attr.label_keyed_string_dict(
+ mandatory = False,
+ doc = """\
+A dict of labels to wheel names that is typically generated by the whl_modifications.
+The labels are JSON config files describing the modifications.
+ ),
+ }, **pip_repository_attrs)
+ # Like the pip_repository rule, we end up setting this manually so
+ # don't allow users to override it.
+ attrs.pop("repo_prefix")
+ # incompatible_generate_aliases is always True in bzlmod
+ attrs.pop("incompatible_generate_aliases")
+ return attrs
+def _whl_mod_attrs():
+ attrs = {
+ "additive_build_content": attr.string(
+ doc = "(str, optional): Raw text to add to the generated `BUILD` file of a package.",
+ ),
+ "additive_build_content_file": attr.label(
+ doc = """\
+(label, optional): path to a BUILD file to add to the generated
+`BUILD` file of a package. You cannot use both additive_build_content and additive_build_content_file
+arguments at the same time.""",
+ ),
+ "copy_executables": attr.string_dict(
+ doc = """\
+(dict, optional): A mapping of `src` and `out` files for
+[@bazel_skylib//rules:copy_file.bzl][cf]. Targets generated here will also be flagged as
+ ),
+ "copy_files": attr.string_dict(
+ doc = """\
+(dict, optional): A mapping of `src` and `out` files for
+ ),
+ "data": attr.string_list(
+ doc = """\
+(list, optional): A list of labels to add as `data` dependencies to
+the generated `py_library` target.""",
+ ),
+ "data_exclude_glob": attr.string_list(
+ doc = """\
+(list, optional): A list of exclude glob patterns to add as `data` to
+the generated `py_library` target.""",
+ ),
+ "hub_name": attr.string(
+ doc = """\
+Name of the whl modification, hub we use this name to set the modifications for
+pip.parse. If you have different pip hubs you can use a different name,
+otherwise it is best practice to just use one.
+You cannot have the same `hub_name` in different modules. You can reuse the same
+name in the same module for different wheels that you put in the same hub, but you
+cannot have a child module that uses the same `hub_name`.
+ mandatory = True,
+ ),
+ "srcs_exclude_glob": attr.string_list(
+ doc = """\
+(list, optional): A list of labels to add as `srcs` to the generated
+`py_library` target.""",
+ ),
+ "whl_name": attr.string(
+ doc = "The whl name that the modifications are used for.",
+ mandatory = True,
+ ),
+ }
+ return attrs
+pip = module_extension(
+ doc = """\
+This extension is used to make dependencies from pip available.
+To use, call `pip.parse()` and specify `hub_name` and your requirements file.
+Dependencies will be downloaded and made available in a repo named after the
+`hub_name` argument.
+Each `pip.parse()` call configures a particular Python version. Multiple calls
+can be made to configure different Python versions, and will be grouped by
+the `hub_name` argument. This allows the same logical name, e.g. `@pip//numpy`
+to automatically resolve to different, Python version-specific, libraries.
+This tag class is used to help create JSON files to describe modifications to
+the BUILD files for wheels.
+ implementation = _pip_impl,
+ tag_classes = {
+ "parse": tag_class(
+ attrs = _pip_parse_ext_attrs(),
+ doc = """\
+This tag class is used to create a pip hub and all of the spokes that are part of that hub.
+This tag class reuses most of the pip attributes that are found in
+The exceptions are it does not use the args 'repo_prefix',
+and 'incompatible_generate_aliases'. We set the repository prefix
+for the user and the alias arg is always True in bzlmod.
+ ),
+ "whl_mods": tag_class(
+ attrs = _whl_mod_attrs(),
+ doc = """\
+This tag class is used to create JSON file that are used when calling wheel_builder.py. These
+JSON files contain instructions on how to modify a wheel's project. Each of the attributes
+create different modifications based on the type of attribute. Previously to bzlmod these
+JSON files where referred to as annotations, and were renamed to whl_modifications in this
+ ),
+ },
+def _whl_mods_repo_impl(rctx):
+ rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", "")
+ for whl_name, mods in rctx.attr.whl_mods.items():
+ rctx.file("{}.json".format(whl_name), mods)
+_whl_mods_repo = repository_rule(
+ doc = """\
+This rule creates json files based on the whl_mods attribute.
+ implementation = _whl_mods_repo_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "whl_mods": attr.string_dict(
+ mandatory = True,
+ doc = "JSON endcoded string that is provided to wheel_builder.py",
+ ),
+ },