path: root/examples/pip_install/BUILD.bazel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/pip_install/BUILD.bazel')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/pip_install/BUILD.bazel b/examples/pip_install/BUILD.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35f5a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pip_install/BUILD.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+load("@bazel_skylib//rules:diff_test.bzl", "diff_test")
+load("@bazel_skylib//rules:write_file.bzl", "write_file")
+ "@pip//:requirements.bzl",
+ "data_requirement",
+ "dist_info_requirement",
+ "entry_point",
+ "requirement",
+load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_binary", "py_test")
+load("@rules_python//python:pip.bzl", "compile_pip_requirements")
+# Toolchain setup, this is optional.
+# Demonstrate that we can use the same python interpreter for the toolchain and executing pip in pip install (see WORKSPACE).
+#load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_runtime_pair")
+# name = "python3_runtime",
+# files = ["@python_interpreter//:files"],
+# interpreter = "@python_interpreter//:python_bin",
+# python_version = "PY3",
+# visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+# name = "my_py_runtime_pair",
+# py2_runtime = None,
+# py3_runtime = ":python3_runtime",
+# name = "my_py_toolchain",
+# toolchain = ":my_py_runtime_pair",
+# toolchain_type = "@bazel_tools//tools/python:toolchain_type",
+# End of toolchain setup.
+ name = "main",
+ srcs = ["main.py"],
+ deps = [
+ requirement("boto3"),
+ ],
+ name = "test",
+ srcs = ["test.py"],
+ deps = [":main"],
+# For pip dependencies which have entry points, the `entry_point` macro can be
+# used from the generated `pip_install` repository to access a runnable binary.
+ name = "yamllint",
+ actual = entry_point("yamllint"),
+# Check that our compiled requirements are up-to-date
+ name = "requirements",
+ extra_args = ["--allow-unsafe"],
+ requirements_windows = ":requirements_windows.txt",
+# Test the use of all pip_install utilities in a single py_test
+ name = "pip_install_test",
+ srcs = ["pip_install_test.py"],
+ data = [
+ ":yamllint",
+ data_requirement("s3cmd"),
+ dist_info_requirement("boto3"),
+ ],
+ env = {
+ "WHEEL_DATA_CONTENTS": "$(rootpaths {})".format(data_requirement("s3cmd")),
+ "WHEEL_DIST_INFO_CONTENTS": "$(rootpaths {})".format(dist_info_requirement("boto3")),
+ "YAMLLINT_ENTRY_POINT": "$(rootpath :yamllint)",
+ },
+ deps = ["@rules_python//python/runfiles"],
+# Assert that tags are present on resulting py_library,
+# which is useful for tooling that needs to reflect on the dep graph
+# to determine the packages it was built from.
+ name = "yamllint_lib_by_version",
+ expression = """
+ attr("tags", "\\bpypi_version=1.26.3\\b", "@pip_yamllint//:pkg")
+ intersect
+ attr("tags", "\\bpypi_name=yamllint\\b", "@pip_yamllint//:pkg")
+ """,
+ scope = [requirement("yamllint")],
+ name = "write_expected",
+ out = "expected",
+ content = [
+ "@pip_yamllint//:pkg",
+ "",
+ ],
+ name = "test_query_result",
+ file1 = "expected",
+ file2 = "yamllint_lib_by_version",