path: root/rules/sbom.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rules/sbom.bzl')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rules/sbom.bzl b/rules/sbom.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c1861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/sbom.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""SBOM generation"""
+ "@rules_license//rules:gather_metadata.bzl",
+ "gather_metadata_info",
+ "gather_metadata_info_and_write",
+ "write_metadata_info",
+ "@rules_license//rules/private:gathering_providers.bzl",
+ "TransitiveLicensesInfo",
+# This rule is proof of concept, and may not represent the final
+# form of a rule for compliance validation.
+def _generate_sbom_impl(ctx):
+ # Gather all licenses and write information to one place
+ licenses_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("_%s_licenses_info.json" % ctx.label.name)
+ write_metadata_info(ctx, ctx.attr.deps, licenses_file)
+ # Now turn the big blob of data into something consumable.
+ inputs = [licenses_file]
+ outputs = [ctx.outputs.out]
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ args.add("--licenses_info", licenses_file.path)
+ args.add("--out", ctx.outputs.out.path)
+ ctx.actions.run(
+ mnemonic = "CreateSBOM",
+ progress_message = "Creating SBOM for %s" % ctx.label,
+ inputs = inputs,
+ outputs = outputs,
+ executable = ctx.executable._sbom_generator,
+ arguments = [args],
+ )
+ outputs.append(licenses_file) # also make the json file available.
+ return [DefaultInfo(files = depset(outputs))]
+_generate_sbom = rule(
+ implementation = _generate_sbom_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "deps": attr.label_list(
+ aspects = [gather_metadata_info],
+ ),
+ "out": attr.output(mandatory = True),
+ "_sbom_generator": attr.label(
+ default = Label("@rules_license//tools:write_sbom"),
+ executable = True,
+ allow_files = True,
+ cfg = "exec",
+ ),
+ },
+def generate_sbom(**kwargs):
+ _generate_sbom(**kwargs)
+def _manifest_impl(ctx):
+ # Gather all licenses and make it available as deps for downstream rules
+ # Additionally write the list of license filenames to a file that can
+ # also be used as an input to downstream rules.
+ licenses_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.attr.out.name)
+ mappings = get_licenses_mapping(ctx.attr.deps, ctx.attr.warn_on_legacy_licenses)
+ ctx.actions.write(
+ output = licenses_file,
+ content = "\n".join([",".join([f.path, p]) for (f, p) in mappings.items()]),
+ )
+ return [DefaultInfo(files = depset(mappings.keys()))]
+_manifest = rule(
+ implementation = _manifest_impl,
+ doc = """Internal tmplementation method for manifest().""",
+ attrs = {
+ "deps": attr.label_list(
+ doc = """List of targets to collect license files for.""",
+ aspects = [gather_metadata_info],
+ ),
+ "out": attr.output(
+ doc = """Output file.""",
+ mandatory = True,
+ ),
+ "warn_on_legacy_licenses": attr.bool(default = False),
+ },
+def manifest(name, deps, out = None, **kwargs):
+ if not out:
+ out = name + ".manifest"
+ _manifest(name = name, deps = deps, out = out, **kwargs)
+def get_licenses_mapping(deps, warn = False):
+ """Creates list of entries representing all licenses for the deps.
+ Args:
+ deps: a list of deps which should have TransitiveLicensesInfo providers.
+ This requires that you have run the gather_licenses_info
+ aspect over them
+ warn: boolean, if true, display output about legacy targets that need
+ update
+ Returns:
+ {File:package_name}
+ """
+ tls = []
+ for dep in deps:
+ lds = dep[TransitiveLicensesInfo].licenses
+ tls.append(lds)
+ ds = depset(transitive = tls)
+ # Ignore any legacy licenses that may be in the report
+ mappings = {}
+ for lic in ds.to_list():
+ if type(lic.license_text) == "File":
+ mappings[lic.license_text] = lic.package_name
+ elif warn:
+ # buildifier: disable=print
+ print("Legacy license %s not included, rule needs updating" % lic.license_text)
+ return mappings