path: root/rules/gather_licenses_info.bzl
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Diffstat (limited to 'rules/gather_licenses_info.bzl')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/rules/gather_licenses_info.bzl b/rules/gather_licenses_info.bzl
index bd8c210..9dd1cbc 100644
--- a/rules/gather_licenses_info.bzl
+++ b/rules/gather_licenses_info.bzl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -11,66 +11,115 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Rules and macros for collecting LicenseInfo providers."""
- "@rules_license//rules:providers.bzl",
- "LicenseInfo",
- "LicensesInfo",
+ "@rules_license//rules:licenses_core.bzl",
+ "TraceInfo",
+ "gather_metadata_info_common",
+ "should_traverse",
+ "@rules_license//rules/private:gathering_providers.bzl",
+ "TransitiveLicensesInfo",
-# Debugging verbosity
+# Definition for compliance namespace, used for filtering licenses
+# based on the namespace to which they belong.
+NAMESPACES = ["compliance"]
-def _debug(loglevel, msg):
- if _VERBOSITY > loglevel:
- print(msg) # buildifier: disable=print
+def _strip_null_repo(label):
+ """Removes the null repo name (e.g. @//) from a string.
-def _get_transitive_licenses(deps, licenses, trans):
- for dep in deps:
- if LicenseInfo in dep:
- license = dep[LicenseInfo]
- _debug(1, " depends on license: %s" % license.rule)
- licenses.append(license)
- if LicensesInfo in dep:
- license_list = dep[LicensesInfo].licenses
- if license_list:
- _debug(1, " transitively depends on: %s" % licenses)
- trans.append(license_list)
+ The is to make str(label) compatible between bazel 5.x and 6.x
+ """
+ s = str(label)
+ if s.startswith('@//'):
+ return s[1:]
+ elif s.startswith('@@//'):
+ return s[2:]
+ return s
def _gather_licenses_info_impl(target, ctx):
- licenses = []
- trans = []
- if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "applicable_licenses"):
- _get_transitive_licenses(ctx.rule.attr.applicable_licenses, licenses, trans)
- if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "deps"):
- _get_transitive_licenses(ctx.rule.attr.deps, licenses, trans)
- if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "srcs"):
- _get_transitive_licenses(ctx.rule.attr.srcs, licenses, trans)
- return [LicensesInfo(licenses = depset(tuple(licenses), transitive = trans))]
+ return gather_metadata_info_common(target, ctx, TransitiveLicensesInfo, NAMESPACES, [], should_traverse)
gather_licenses_info = aspect(
- doc = """Collects LicenseInfo providers into a single LicensesInfo provider.""",
+ doc = """Collects LicenseInfo providers into a single TransitiveLicensesInfo provider.""",
implementation = _gather_licenses_info_impl,
- attr_aspects = ["applicable_licenses", "deps", "srcs"],
+ attr_aspects = ["*"],
+ attrs = {
+ "_trace": attr.label(default = "@rules_license//rules:trace_target"),
+ },
+ provides = [TransitiveLicensesInfo],
apply_to_generating_rules = True,
-def _quotes_or_null(s):
- if not s:
- return "null"
- return '"%s"' % s
+def _write_licenses_info_impl(target, ctx):
+ """Write transitive license info into a JSON file
+ Args:
+ target: The target of the aspect.
+ ctx: The aspect evaluation context.
+ Returns:
+ OutputGroupInfo
+ """
+ if not TransitiveLicensesInfo in target:
+ return [OutputGroupInfo(licenses = depset())]
+ info = target[TransitiveLicensesInfo]
+ outs = []
+ # If the result doesn't contain licenses, we simply return the provider
+ if not hasattr(info, "target_under_license"):
+ return [OutputGroupInfo(licenses = depset())]
+ # Write the output file for the target
+ name = "%s_licenses_info.json" % ctx.label.name
+ content = "[\n%s\n]\n" % ",\n".join(licenses_info_to_json(info))
+ out = ctx.actions.declare_file(name)
+ ctx.actions.write(
+ output = out,
+ content = content,
+ )
+ outs.append(out)
+ if ctx.attr._trace[TraceInfo].trace:
+ trace = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s_trace_info.json" % ctx.label.name)
+ ctx.actions.write(output = trace, content = "\n".join(info.traces))
+ outs.append(trace)
+ return [OutputGroupInfo(licenses = depset(outs))]
+gather_licenses_info_and_write = aspect(
+ doc = """Collects TransitiveLicensesInfo providers and writes JSON representation to a file.
+ Usage:
+ blaze build //some:target \
+ --aspects=@rules_license//rules:gather_licenses_info.bzl%gather_licenses_info_and_write
+ --output_groups=licenses
+ """,
+ implementation = _write_licenses_info_impl,
+ attr_aspects = ["*"],
+ attrs = {
+ "_trace": attr.label(default = "@rules_license//rules:trace_target"),
+ },
+ provides = [OutputGroupInfo],
+ requires = [gather_licenses_info],
+ apply_to_generating_rules = True,
def write_licenses_info(ctx, deps, json_out):
- """Writes LicensesInfo providers for a set of targets as JSON.
+ """Writes TransitiveLicensesInfo providers for a set of targets as JSON.
- TODO(aiuto): Document JSON schema.
+ TODO(aiuto): Document JSON schema. But it is under development, so the current
+ best place to look is at tests/hello_licenses.golden.
write_licenses_info must be called from a rule implementation, where the
- rule has run the gather_licenses_info aspect on its deps to collect the
- transitive closure of LicenseInfo providers into a LicenseInfo provider.
+ rule has run the gather_licenses_info aspect on its deps to
+ collect the transitive closure of LicenseInfo providers into a
+ LicenseInfo provider.
foo = rule(
implementation = _foo_impl,
@@ -86,51 +135,116 @@ def write_licenses_info(ctx, deps, json_out):
ctx: context of the caller
- deps: a list of deps which should have LicensesInfo providers.
+ deps: a list of deps which should have TransitiveLicensesInfo providers.
This requires that you have run the gather_licenses_info
aspect over them
json_out: output handle to write the JSON info
- rule_template = """ {{
- "rule": "{rule}",
- "license_kinds": [{kinds}
- ],
- "copyright_notice": "{copyright_notice}",
- "package_name": "{package_name}",
- "package_url": {package_url},
- "package_version": {package_version},
- "license_text": "{license_text}"\n }}"""
- kind_template = """
- {{
- "target": "{kind_path}",
- "name": "{kind_name}",
- "conditions": {kind_conditions}
- }}"""
licenses = []
for dep in deps:
- if LicensesInfo in dep:
- for license in dep[LicensesInfo].licenses.to_list():
- _debug(0, " Requires license: %s" % license)
- kinds = []
- for kind in license.license_kinds:
- kinds.append(kind_template.format(
- kind_name = kind.name,
- kind_path = kind.label,
- kind_conditions = kind.conditions,
- ))
- licenses.append(rule_template.format(
- rule = license.rule,
- copyright_notice = license.copyright_notice,
- package_name = license.package_name,
- package_url = _quotes_or_null(license.package_url),
- package_version = _quotes_or_null(license.package_version),
- license_text = license.license_text.path,
- kinds = ",\n".join(kinds),
- ))
+ if TransitiveLicensesInfo in dep:
+ licenses.extend(licenses_info_to_json(dep[TransitiveLicensesInfo]))
output = json_out,
content = "[\n%s\n]\n" % ",\n".join(licenses),
+def licenses_info_to_json(licenses_info):
+ """Render a single LicenseInfo provider to JSON
+ Args:
+ licenses_info: A LicenseInfo.
+ Returns:
+ [(str)] list of LicenseInfo values rendered as JSON.
+ """
+ main_template = """ {{
+ "top_level_target": "{top_level_target}",
+ "dependencies": [{dependencies}
+ ],
+ "licenses": [{licenses}
+ ]\n }}"""
+ dep_template = """
+ {{
+ "target_under_license": "{target_under_license}",
+ "licenses": [
+ {licenses}
+ ]
+ }}"""
+ # TODO(aiuto): 'rule' is a duplicate of 'label' until old users are transitioned
+ license_template = """
+ {{
+ "label": "{label}",
+ "rule": "{label}",
+ "license_kinds": [{kinds}
+ ],
+ "copyright_notice": "{copyright_notice}",
+ "package_name": "{package_name}",
+ "package_url": "{package_url}",
+ "package_version": "{package_version}",
+ "license_text": "{license_text}",
+ "used_by": [
+ {used_by}
+ ]
+ }}"""
+ kind_template = """
+ {{
+ "target": "{kind_path}",
+ "name": "{kind_name}",
+ "conditions": {kind_conditions}
+ }}"""
+ # Build reverse map of license to user
+ used_by = {}
+ for dep in licenses_info.deps.to_list():
+ # Undo the concatenation applied when stored in the provider.
+ dep_licenses = dep.licenses.split(",")
+ for license in dep_licenses:
+ if license not in used_by:
+ used_by[license] = []
+ used_by[license].append(_strip_null_repo(dep.target_under_license))
+ all_licenses = []
+ for license in sorted(licenses_info.licenses.to_list(), key = lambda x: x.label):
+ kinds = []
+ for kind in sorted(license.license_kinds, key = lambda x: x.name):
+ kinds.append(kind_template.format(
+ kind_name = kind.name,
+ kind_path = kind.label,
+ kind_conditions = kind.conditions,
+ ))
+ if license.license_text:
+ # Special handling for synthetic LicenseInfo
+ text_path = (license.license_text.package + "/" + license.license_text.name if type(license.license_text) == "Label" else license.license_text.path)
+ all_licenses.append(license_template.format(
+ copyright_notice = license.copyright_notice,
+ kinds = ",".join(kinds),
+ license_text = text_path,
+ package_name = license.package_name,
+ package_url = license.package_url,
+ package_version = license.package_version,
+ label = _strip_null_repo(license.label),
+ used_by = ",\n ".join(sorted(['"%s"' % x for x in used_by[str(license.label)]])),
+ ))
+ all_deps = []
+ for dep in sorted(licenses_info.deps.to_list(), key = lambda x: x.target_under_license):
+ licenses_used = []
+ # Undo the concatenation applied when stored in the provider.
+ dep_licenses = dep.licenses.split(",")
+ all_deps.append(dep_template.format(
+ target_under_license = _strip_null_repo(dep.target_under_license),
+ licenses = ",\n ".join(sorted(['"%s"' % _strip_null_repo(x) for x in dep_licenses])),
+ ))
+ return [main_template.format(
+ top_level_target = _strip_null_repo(licenses_info.target_under_license),
+ dependencies = ",".join(all_deps),
+ licenses = ",".join(all_licenses),
+ )]