path: root/WORKSPACE
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-19Fix tests with `--incompatible_disable_starlark_host_transitions` (#3560)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-04-11prepare patch release 0.39.1 (#3517)Tyler French
2023-03-29Reland "Add new darwin CC toolchain for tests (#3460)" (#3502)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-03-28Revert "Add new darwin CC toolchain for tests (#3460)" (#3499)Zhongpeng Lin
2023-03-27update workspace deps (#3495)Tyler French
2023-03-10Raise Go version (#3475)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-02-22Add new darwin CC toolchain for tests (#3460)Keith Smiley
2023-01-23Update stardoc to 0.5.3 (#3427)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-01-16Upgrade Gazelle to 0.29.0 (#3424)Zhongpeng Lin
2023-01-10Update and run buildifier (#3416)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-12-20always produce .a files at the beginning of a build (#3385)Michael Matloob
2022-12-14Add support for building with boringcrypto (#3398)Michael Matloob
2022-08-18migrating to rbe_preconfig (#3272)Ara Nguyen
2022-07-19nogo: instantiate type info for generic types when running under Go >=1.18 (#...Gregor Best
2022-07-06upkeep: upgrade go 1.18.3 and gazelle v0.26.0 (#3220)Son Luong Ngoc
2021-12-28Replace go_name_hack with a usage of Label (#3035)Fabian Meumertzheim
2021-10-29Stardoc generates extras.md (#2992)Chaitanya Varier
2021-08-24Update to Go 1.17 in WORKSPACE (#2943)Jay Conrod
2021-06-30go/tools/releaser: new tool to help with multiple aspects of releases (#2904)Jay Conrod
2021-05-26Update bazel_toolchains to 4.1.0 (#2884)Jay Conrod
2021-03-11CI: update to Go 1.16.1 (#2842)Jay Conrod
2021-03-08Update dependencies for v0.26 (#2837)Jay Conrod
2021-02-16all: test with Go 1.16 in CI (#2822)Jay Conrod
2021-01-29Update bazel_toolchains to 4.0.0 (#2804)Jay Conrod
2021-01-29Test Go 1.16rc1 in CI (#2803)Jay Conrod
2020-12-23Test Go 1.16beta1 (#2769)Jay Conrod
2020-11-19Update bazel_toolchains to 3.7.0 (#2731)Jay Conrod
2020-11-19go_download_sdk: download release table from golang.org/dl (#2729)Jay Conrod
2020-10-23Create bzl_library entries using gazelle-skylark (#2621)Andrew Z Allen
2020-10-09Update bazel_toolchains (#2672)Jay Conrod
2020-10-02Update bazel_gazelle to v0.22.2 (#2666)Jay Conrod
2020-09-22tests: upgrade gazelle to v0.22.0 (#2658)Jay Conrod
2020-08-25Update bazel_toolchains in WORKSPACE (#2624)Jay Conrod
2020-07-08Update bazel_toolchains to 3.3.1 (#2557)Jay Conrod
2020-06-12Update bazel_toolchains to 3.2.0 (#2536)Jay Conrod
2020-05-07Upgrade bazel_toolchains in WORKSPACE (#2477)Jay Conrod
2020-04-17go: use configuration transitions instead of aspect (#2414)Jay Conrod
2020-04-15Update bazel_toolchains in WORKSPACE for bazel 3.0.0 (#2429)Jay Conrod
2020-03-20Update bazel_toolchains for bazel 2.2.0 (#2408)Jay Conrod
2020-02-21Update dependencies in preparation for v0.22.0 release (#2378)Jay Conrod
2020-02-06tests: add buildifier_test (#2356)Jay Conrod
2020-01-06Migrate to rules_proto (#2333)Jay Conrod
2020-01-04Update dependencies (#2329)Jay Conrod
2019-12-02tests/bazel_test: delete legacy test framework (#2304)Jay Conrod
2019-08-23Fix bazel_gazelle declaration (#2196)Jay Conrod
2019-08-23Update bazel_gazelle rule and gazelle boilerplate to 0.18.2 (#2195)Jay Conrod
2019-08-23Multiple fixes for go1.13 compatibility (#2194)Jay Conrod
2019-07-16Announce Gazelle 0.18.1 (#2149)Jay Conrod
2019-07-13Update LLVM toolchain version (#2136)Siddhartha Bagaria
2019-07-10Update dependencies (#2126)Jay Conrod