path: root/go/toolchains.rst
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+Go toolchains
+.. _Args: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/Args.html
+.. _Bazel toolchains: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/toolchains.html
+.. _Go website: https://golang.org/
+.. _GoArchive: providers.rst#goarchive
+.. _GoLibrary: providers.rst#golibrary
+.. _GoSDK: providers.rst#gosdk
+.. _GoSource: providers.rst#gosource
+.. _binary distribution: https://golang.org/dl/
+.. _compilation modes: modes.rst#compilation-modes
+.. _control the version: `Forcing the Go version`_
+.. _core: core.bzl
+.. _forked version of Go: `Registering a custom SDK`_
+.. _go assembly: https://golang.org/doc/asm
+.. _go sdk rules: `The SDK`_
+.. _go/platform/list.bzl: platform/list.bzl
+.. _installed SDK: `Using the installed Go sdk`_
+.. _nogo: nogo.rst#nogo
+.. _register: Registration_
+.. _register_toolchains: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/lib/globals.html#register_toolchains
+.. _toolchain resolution: https://bazel.build/extending/toolchains#toolchain-resolution
+.. role:: param(kbd)
+.. role:: type(emphasis)
+.. role:: value(code)
+.. |mandatory| replace:: **mandatory value**
+The Go toolchain is at the heart of the Go rules, and is the mechanism used to
+customize the behavior of the core_ Go rules.
+.. contents:: :depth: 2
+The Go toolchain consists of three main layers: `the SDK`_, `the toolchain`_,
+and `the context`_.
+The SDK
+The Go SDK (more commonly known as the Go distribution) is a directory tree
+containing sources for the Go toolchain and standard library and pre-compiled
+binaries for the same. You can download this from by visiting the `Go website`_
+and downloading a `binary distribution`_.
+There are several Bazel rules for obtaining and configuring a Go SDK:
+* `go_download_sdk`_: downloads a toolchain for a specific version of Go for a
+ specific operating system and architecture.
+* `go_host_sdk`_: uses the toolchain installed on the system where Bazel is
+ run. The toolchain's location is specified with the ``GOROOT`` or by running
+ ``go env GOROOT``.
+* `go_local_sdk`_: like `go_host_sdk`_, but uses the toolchain in a specific
+ directory on the host system.
+* `go_wrap_sdk`_: configures a toolchain downloaded with another Bazel
+ repository rule.
+By default, if none of the above rules are used, the `go_register_toolchains`_
+function creates a repository named ``@go_sdk`` using `go_download_sdk`_, using
+a recent version of Go for the host operating system and architecture.
+SDKs are specific to a host platform (e.g., ``linux_amd64``) and a version of
+Go. They may target all platforms that Go supports. The Go SDK is naturally
+cross compiling.
+By default, all ``go_binary``, ``go_test``, etc. rules will use the first declared
+Go SDK. If you would like to build a target using a specific Go SDK version, first
+ensure that you have declared a Go SDK of that version using one of the above rules
+(`go_download_sdk`_, `go_host_sdk`_, `go_local_sdk`_, `go_wrap_sdk`_). Then you
+can specify the sdk version to build with when running a ``bazel build`` by passing
+the flag ``--@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:sdk_version="version"`` where
+``"version"`` is the SDK version you would like to build with, eg. ``"1.18.3"``.
+The SDK version can omit the patch, or include a prerelease part, eg. ``"1"``,
+``"1.18"``, ``"1.18.0"``, and ``"1.19.0beta1"`` are all valid values for ``sdk_version``.
+When ``go_host_sdk`` is used, ``"version"`` can be set to ``host`` to refer to the host Go SDK.
+It can also be set ``remote`` to match any non-host version.
+The toolchain
+The workspace rules above declare `Bazel toolchains`_ with `go_toolchain`_
+implementations for each target platform that Go supports. Wrappers around
+the rules register these toolchains automatically. Bazel will select a
+registered toolchain automatically based on the execution and target platforms,
+specified with ``--host_platform`` and ``--platforms``, respectively.
+The workspace rules define the toolchains in a separate repository from the
+SDK. For example, if the SDK repository is `@go_sdk`, the toolchains will be
+defined in `@go_sdk_toolchains`. The `@go_sdk_toolchains` repository must be
+eagerly fetched in order to register the toolchain, but fetching the `@go_sdk`
+repository may be delayed until the toolchain is needed to build something. To
+activate lazily fetching the SDK, you must provide a `version` attribute to the
+workspace rule that defines the SDK (`go_download_sdk`, `go_host_sdk`, `go_local_sdk`,
+`go_wrap_sdk`, or `go_register_toolchains`). The value must match the actual
+version of the SDK; rules_go will validate this when the toolchain is used.
+The toolchain itself should be considered opaque. You should only access
+its contents through `the context`_.
+The context
+The context is the type you need if you are writing custom rules that need
+to be compatible with rules_go. It provides information about the SDK, the
+toolchain, and the standard library. It also provides a convenient way to
+declare mode-specific files, and to create actions for compiling, linking,
+and more.
+Normal usage
+This is an example of normal usage for the other examples to be compared
+against. This will download and use a specific version of Go for the host
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies", "go_register_toolchains")
+ go_rules_dependencies()
+ go_register_toolchains(version = "1.15.5")
+Using the installed Go SDK
+You can use the Go SDK that's installed on the system where Bazel is running.
+This may result in faster builds, since there's no need to download an SDK,
+but builds won't be reproducible across systems with different SDKs installed.
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies", "go_register_toolchains")
+ go_rules_dependencies()
+ go_register_toolchains(version = "host")
+Registering a custom SDK
+If you download the SDK through another repository rule, you can configure
+it with ``go_wrap_sdk``. It must still be named ``go_sdk``, but this is a
+temporary limitation that will be removed in the future.
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies", "go_register_toolchains", "go_wrap_sdk")
+ unknown_download_sdk(
+ name = "go",
+ ...,
+ )
+ go_wrap_sdk(
+ name = "go_sdk",
+ root_file = "@go//:README.md",
+ )
+ go_rules_dependencies()
+ go_register_toolchains()
+Writing new Go rules
+If you are writing a new Bazel rule that uses the Go toolchain, you need to
+do several things to ensure you have full access to the toolchain and common
+* Declare a dependency on a toolchain of type
+ ``@io_bazel_rules_go//go:toolchain``. Bazel will select an appropriate,
+ registered toolchain automatically.
+* Declare an implicit attribute named ``_go_context_data`` that defaults to
+ ``@io_bazel_rules_go//:go_context_data``. This target gathers configuration
+ information and several common dependencies.
+* Use the ``go_context`` function to gain access to `the context`_. This is
+ your main interface to the Go toolchain.
+.. code:: bzl
+ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_context")
+ def _my_rule_impl(ctx):
+ go = go_context(ctx)
+ ...
+ my_rule = rule(
+ implementation = _my_rule_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ ...
+ "_go_context_data": attr.label(
+ default = "@io_bazel_rules_go//:go_context_data",
+ ),
+ },
+ toolchains = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//go:toolchain"],
+ )
+Rules and functions
+Installs the Go toolchains. If :param:`version` is specified, it sets the
+SDK version to use (for example, :value:`"1.15.5"`).
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`version` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
+| Specifies the version of Go to download if one has not been declared. |
+| |
+| If a toolchain was already declared with `go_download_sdk`_ or a similar rule, |
+| this parameter may not be set. |
+| |
+| Normally this is set to a Go version like :value:`"1.15.5"`. It may also be |
+| set to :value:`"host"`, which will cause rules_go to use the Go toolchain |
+| installed on the host system (found using ``GOROOT`` or ``PATH``). |
+| |
+| If ``version`` is specified and is not set to :value:`"host"`, the SDK will be fetched only when |
+| the build uses a Go toolchain and `toolchain resolution`_ results in this SDK being chosen. |
+| Otherwise it will be fetched unconditionally. |
+| :param:`nogo` | :type:`label` | :value:`None` |
+| The ``nogo`` attribute refers to a nogo_ rule that builds a binary |
+| used for static analysis. The ``nogo`` binary will be used alongside the |
+| Go compiler when building packages. |
+| :param:`experiments` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
+| Go experiments to enable via `GOEXPERIMENT`. |
+This downloads a Go SDK for use in toolchains.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`name` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
+| A unique name for this SDK. This should almost always be :value:`go_sdk` if |
+| you want the SDK to be used by toolchains. |
+| :param:`goos` | :type:`string` | :value:`None` |
+| The operating system the binaries in the SDK are intended to run on. |
+| By default, this is detected automatically, but if you're building on |
+| an unusual platform, or if you're using remote execution and the execution |
+| platform is different than the host, you may need to specify this explictly. |
+| :param:`goarch` | :type:`string` | :value:`None` |
+| The architecture the binaries in the SDK are intended to run on. |
+| By default, this is detected automatically, but if you're building on |
+| an unusual platform, or if you're using remote execution and the execution |
+| platform is different than the host, you may need to specify this explictly. |
+| :param:`version` | :type:`string` | :value:`latest Go version` |
+| The version of Go to download, for example ``1.12.5``. If unspecified, |
+| ``go_download_sdk`` will list available versions of Go from golang.org, then |
+| pick the highest version. If ``version`` is specified but ``sdks`` is |
+| unspecified, ``go_download_sdk`` will list available versions on golang.org |
+| to determine the correct file name and SHA-256 sum. |
+| If ``version`` is specified, the SDK will be fetched only when the build uses a Go toolchain and |
+| `toolchain resolution`_ results in this SDK being chosen. Otherwise it will be fetched unconditionally. |
+| :param:`urls` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[https://dl.google.com/go/{}]` |
+| A list of mirror urls to the binary distribution of a Go SDK. These must contain the `{}` |
+| used to substitute the sdk filename being fetched (using `.format`. |
+| It defaults to the official repository :value:`"https://dl.google.com/go/{}"`. |
+| |
+| This attribute is seldom used. It is only needed for downloading Go from |
+| an alternative location (for example, an internal mirror). |
+| :param:`strip_prefix` | :type:`string` | :value:`"go"` |
+| A directory prefix to strip from the extracted files. |
+| Used with ``urls``. |
+| :param:`sdks` | :type:`string_list_dict` | :value:`see description` |
+| This consists of a set of mappings from the host platform tuple to a list of filename and |
+| sha256 for that file. The filename is combined the :param:`urls` to produce the final download |
+| urls to use. |
+| |
+| This option is seldom used. It is only needed for downloading a modified |
+| Go distribution (with a different SHA-256 sum) or a version of Go |
+| not supported by rules_go (for example, a beta or release candidate). |
+.. code:: bzl
+ load(
+ "@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl",
+ "go_download_sdk",
+ "go_register_toolchains",
+ "go_rules_dependencies",
+ )
+ go_download_sdk(
+ name = "go_sdk",
+ goos = "linux",
+ goarch = "amd64",
+ version = "1.18.1",
+ sdks = {
+ # NOTE: In most cases the whole sdks attribute is not needed.
+ # There are 2 "common" reasons you might want it:
+ #
+ # 1. You need to use an modified GO SDK, or an unsupported version
+ # (for example, a beta or release candidate)
+ #
+ # 2. You want to avoid the dependency on the index file for the
+ # SHA-256 checksums. In this case, You can get the expected
+ # filenames and checksums from https://go.dev/dl/
+ "linux_amd64": ("go1.18.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz", "b3b815f47ababac13810fc6021eb73d65478e0b2db4b09d348eefad9581a2334"),
+ "darwin_amd64": ("go1.18.1.darwin-amd64.tar.gz", "3703e9a0db1000f18c0c7b524f3d378aac71219b4715a6a4c5683eb639f41a4d"),
+ },
+ )
+ go_rules_dependencies()
+ go_register_toolchains()
+This detects and configures the host Go SDK for use in toolchains.
+If the ``GOROOT`` environment variable is set, the SDK in that directory is
+used. Otherwise, ``go env GOROOT`` is used.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`name` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
+| A unique name for this SDK. This should almost always be :value:`go_sdk` if you want the SDK |
+| to be used by toolchains. |
+| :param:`version` | :type:`string` | :value:`None` |
+| The version of Go installed on the host. If specified, `go_host_sdk` will create its repository |
+| only when the build uses a Go toolchain and `toolchain resolution`_ results in this SDK being |
+| chosen. Otherwise it will be created unconditionally. |
+| :param:`experiments` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
+| Go experiments to enable via `GOEXPERIMENT`. |
+This prepares a local path to use as the Go SDK in toolchains.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`name` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
+| A unique name for this SDK. This should almost always be :value:`go_sdk` if you want the SDK |
+| to be used by toolchains. |
+| :param:`path` | :type:`string` | :value:`""` |
+| The local path to a pre-installed Go SDK. The path must contain the go binary, the tools it |
+| invokes and the standard library sources. |
+| :param:`version` | :type:`string` | :value:`None` |
+| The version of the Go SDK. If specified, `go_local_sdk` will create its repository only when the |
+| build uses a Go toolchain and `toolchain resolution`_ results in this SDK being chosen. |
+| Otherwise it will be created unconditionally. |
+| :param:`experiments` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
+| Go experiments to enable via `GOEXPERIMENT`. |
+This configures an SDK that was downloaded or located with another repository
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`name` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
+| A unique name for this SDK. This should almost always be :value:`go_sdk` if you want the SDK |
+| to be used by toolchains. |
+| :param:`root_file` | :type:`label` | :value:`None` |
+| A Bazel label referencing a file in the root directory of the SDK. Used to |
+| determine the GOROOT for the SDK. This attribute and `root_files` cannot be both provided. |
+| :param:`root_files` | :type:`string_dict` | :value:`None` |
+| A set of mappings from the host platform to a Bazel label referencing a file in the SDK's root |
+| directory. This attribute and `root_file` cannot be both provided. |
+| :param:`version` | :type:`string` | :value:`None` |
+| The version of the Go SDK. If specified, `go_wrap_sdk` will create its repository only when the |
+| build uses a Go toolchain and `toolchain resolution`_ results in this SDK being chosen. |
+| Otherwise it will be created unconditionally. |
+| :param:`experiments` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
+| Go experiments to enable via `GOEXPERIMENT`. |
+.. code:: bzl
+ load(
+ "@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl",
+ "go_register_toolchains",
+ "go_rules_dependencies",
+ "go_wrap_sdk",
+ )
+ go_wrap_sdk(
+ name = "go_sdk",
+ root_file = "@other_repo//go:README.md",
+ )
+ go_rules_dependencies()
+ go_register_toolchains()
+This declares a toolchain that may be used with toolchain type
+Normally, ``go_toolchain`` rules are declared and registered in repositories
+configured with `go_download_sdk`_, `go_host_sdk`_, `go_local_sdk`_, or
+`go_wrap_sdk`_. You usually won't need to declare these explicitly.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`name` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
+| A unique name for the toolchain. |
+| :param:`goos` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
+| The target operating system. Must be a standard ``GOOS`` value. |
+| :param:`goarch` | :type:`string` | |mandatory| |
+| The target architecture. Must be a standard ``GOARCH`` value. |
+| :param:`sdk` | :type:`label` | |mandatory| |
+| The SDK this toolchain is based on. The target must provide `GoSDK`_. This is |
+| usually a `go_sdk`_ rule. |
+| :param:`link_flags` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
+| Flags passed to the Go external linker. |
+| :param:`cgo_link_flags` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
+| Flags passed to the external linker (if it is used). |
+This collects the information needed to form and return a :type:`GoContext` from
+a rule ctx. It uses the attributes and the toolchains.
+.. code:: bzl
+ def _my_rule_impl(ctx):
+ go = go_context(ctx)
+ ...
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`ctx` | :type:`ctx` | |mandatory| |
+| The Bazel ctx object for the current rule. |
+The context object
+``GoContext`` is never returned by a rule, instead you build one using
+``go_context(ctx)`` in the top of any custom starlark rule that wants to interact
+with the go rules. It provides all the information needed to create go actions,
+and create or interact with the other go providers.
+When you get a ``GoContext`` from a context it exposes a number of fields
+and methods.
+All methods take the ``GoContext`` as the only positional argument. All other
+arguments must be passed as keyword arguments. This allows us to re-order and
+deprecate individual parameters over time.
+| **Name** | **Type** |
+| :param:`toolchain` | :type:`ToolchainInfo` |
+| The underlying toolchain. This should be considered an opaque type subject to change. |
+| :param:`sdk` | :type:`GoSDK` |
+| The SDK in use. This may be used to access sources, packages, and tools. |
+| :param:`mode` | :type:`Mode` |
+| Controls the compilation setup affecting things like enabling profilers and sanitizers. |
+| See `compilation modes`_ for more information about the allowed values. |
+| :param:`root` | :type:`string` |
+| Path of the effective GOROOT. If :param:`stdlib` is set, this is the same |
+| as ``go.stdlib.root_file.dirname``. Otherwise, this is the same as |
+| ``go.sdk.root_file.dirname``. |
+| :param:`go` | :type:`File` |
+| The main "go" binary used to run go sdk tools. |
+| :param:`stdlib` | :type:`GoStdLib` |
+| The standard library and tools to use in this build mode. This may be the |
+| pre-compiled standard library that comes with the SDK, or it may be compiled |
+| in a different directory for this mode. |
+| :param:`actions` | :type:`ctx.actions` |
+| The actions structure from the Bazel context, which has all the methods for building new |
+| bazel actions. |
+| :param:`exe_extension` | :type:`string` |
+| The suffix to use for all executables in this build mode. Mostly used when generating the output |
+| filenames of binary rules. |
+| :param:`shared_extension` | :type:`string` |
+| The suffix to use for shared libraries in this build mode. Mostly used when |
+| generating output filenames of binary rules. |
+| :param:`crosstool` | :type:`list of File` |
+| The files you need to add to the inputs of an action in order to use the cc toolchain. |
+| :param:`package_list` | :type:`File` |
+| A file that contains the package list of the standard library. |
+| :param:`env` | :type:`dict of string to string` |
+| Environment variables to pass to actions. Includes ``GOARCH``, ``GOOS``, |
+| ``GOROOT``, ``GOROOT_FINAL``, ``CGO_ENABLED``, and ``PATH``. |
+| :param:`tags` | :type:`list of string` |
+| List of build tags used to filter source files. |
+* Action generators
+ * archive_
+ * binary_
+ * link_
+* Helpers
+ * args_
+ * `declare_file`_
+ * `library_to_source`_
+ * `new_library`_
+This emits actions to compile Go code into an archive. It supports embedding,
+cgo dependencies, coverage, and assembling and packing .s files.
+It returns a GoArchive_.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`go` | :type:`GoContext` | |mandatory| |
+| This must be the same GoContext object you got this function from. |
+| :param:`source` | :type:`GoSource` | |mandatory| |
+| The GoSource_ that should be compiled into an archive. |
+This emits actions to compile and link Go code into a binary. It supports
+embedding, cgo dependencies, coverage, and assembling and packing .s files.
+It returns a tuple containing GoArchive_, the output executable file, and
+a ``runfiles`` object.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`go` | :type:`GoContext` | |mandatory| |
+| This must be the same GoContext object you got this function from. |
+| :param:`name` | :type:`string` | :value:`""` |
+| The base name of the generated binaries. Required if :param:`executable` is not given. |
+| :param:`source` | :type:`GoSource` | |mandatory| |
+| The GoSource_ that should be compiled and linked. |
+| :param:`test_archives` | :type:`list GoArchiveData` | :value:`[]` |
+| List of archives for libraries under test. See link_. |
+| :param:`gc_linkopts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
+| Go link options. |
+| :param:`version_file` | :type:`File` | :value:`None` |
+| Version file used for link stamping. See link_. |
+| :param:`info_file` | :type:`File` | :value:`None` |
+| Info file used for link stamping. See link_. |
+| :param:`executable` | :type:`File` | :value:`None` |
+| Optional output file to write. If not set, ``binary`` will generate an output |
+| file name based on ``name``, the target platform, and the link mode. |
+The link function adds an action that runs ``go tool link`` on a library.
+It does not return anything.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`go` | :type:`GoContext` | |mandatory| |
+| This must be the same GoContext object you got this function from. |
+| :param:`archive` | :type:`GoArchive` | |mandatory| |
+| The library to link. |
+| :param:`test_archives` | :type:`GoArchiveData list` | :value:`[]` |
+| List of archives for libraries under test. These are excluded from linking |
+| if transitive dependencies of :param:`archive` have the same package paths. |
+| This is useful for linking external test archives that depend internal test |
+| archives. |
+| :param:`executable` | :type:`File` | |mandatory| |
+| The binary to produce. |
+| :param:`gc_linkopts` | :type:`string_list` | :value:`[]` |
+| Basic link options, these may be adjusted by the :param:`mode`. |
+| :param:`version_file` | :type:`File` | :value:`None` |
+| Version file used for link stamping. |
+| :param:`info_file` | :type:`File` | :value:`None` |
+| Info file used for link stamping. |
+This creates a new Args_ object, using the ``ctx.actions.args`` method. The
+object is pre-populated with standard arguments used by all the go toolchain
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`go` | :type:`GoContext` | |mandatory| |
+| This must be the same GoContext object you got this function from. |
+This is the equivalent of ``ctx.actions.declare_file``. It uses the
+current build mode to make the filename unique between configurations.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`go` | :type:`GoContext` | |mandatory| |
+| This must be the same GoContext object you got this function from. |
+| :param:`path` | :type:`string` | :value:`""` |
+| A path for this file, including the basename of the file. |
+| :param:`ext` | :type:`string` | :value:`""` |
+| The extension to use for the file. |
+| :param:`name` | :type:`string` | :value:`""` |
+| A name to use for this file. If path is not present, this becomes a prefix to the path. |
+| If this is not set, the current rule name is used in it's place. |
+This is used to build a GoSource object for a given GoLibrary in the current
+build mode.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`go` | :type:`GoContext` | |mandatory| |
+| This must be the same GoContext object you got this function from. |
+| :param:`attr` | :type:`ctx.attr` | |mandatory| |
+| The attributes of the target being analyzed. For most rules, this should be |
+| ``ctx.attr``. Rules can also pass in a ``struct`` with the same fields. |
+| |
+| ``library_to_source`` looks for fields corresponding to the attributes of |
+| ``go_library`` and ``go_binary``. This includes ``srcs``, ``deps``, ``embed``, |
+| and so on. All fields are optional (and may not be defined in the struct |
+| argument at all), but if they are present, they must have the same types and |
+| allowed values as in ``go_library`` and ``go_binary``. For example, ``srcs`` |
+| must be a list of ``Targets``; ``gc_goopts`` must be a list of strings. |
+| |
+| As an exception, ``deps``, if present, must be a list containing either |
+| ``Targets`` or ``GoArchives``. |
+| :param:`library` | :type:`GoLibrary` | |mandatory| |
+| The GoLibrary_ that you want to build a GoSource_ object for in the current build mode. |
+| :param:`coverage_instrumented` | :type:`bool` | |mandatory| |
+| This controls whether cover is enabled for this specific library in this mode. |
+| This should generally be the value of ctx.coverage_instrumented() |
+This creates a new GoLibrary. You can add extra fields to the go library by
+providing extra named parameters to this function, they will be visible to the
+resolver when it is invoked.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Default value** |
+| :param:`go` | :type:`GoContext` | |mandatory| |
+| This must be the same GoContext object you got this function from. |
+| :param:`resolver` | :type:`function` | :value:`None` |
+| This is the function that gets invoked when converting from a GoLibrary to a GoSource. |
+| The function's signature must be |
+| |
+| .. code:: bzl |
+| |
+| def _stdlib_library_to_source(go, attr, source, merge) |
+| |
+| attr is the attributes of the rule being processed |
+| source is the dictionary of GoSource fields being generated |
+| merge is a helper you can call to merge |
+| :param:`importable` | :type:`bool` | |mandatory| |
+| This controls whether the GoLibrary_ is supposed to be importable. This is generally only false |
+| for the "main" libraries that are built just before linking. |