path: root/go/private/rules/transition.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'go/private/rules/transition.bzl')
1 files changed, 459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/go/private/rules/transition.bzl b/go/private/rules/transition.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e87e30e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/private/rules/transition.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ "@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl",
+ "paths",
+ "//go/private:mode.bzl",
+ "//go/private:platforms.bzl",
+ "//go/private:providers.bzl",
+ "GoArchive",
+ "GoLibrary",
+ "GoSource",
+# A list of rules_go settings that are possibly set by go_transition.
+# Keep their package name in sync with the implementation of
+# _original_setting_key.
+ "//go/config:static",
+ "//go/config:msan",
+ "//go/config:race",
+ "//go/config:pure",
+ "//go/config:linkmode",
+ "//go/config:tags",
+def _deduped_and_sorted(strs):
+ return sorted({s: None for s in strs}.keys())
+def _original_setting_key(key):
+ if not "//go/config:" in key:
+ fail("_original_setting_key currently assumes that all Go settings live under //go/config, got: " + key)
+ name = key.split(":")[1]
+ return "//go/private/rules:original_" + name
+ setting: _original_setting_key(setting)
+def _go_transition_impl(settings, attr):
+ # NOTE: Keep the list of rules_go settings set by this transition in sync
+ #
+ # NOTE(bazelbuild/bazel#11409): Calling fail here for invalid combinations
+ # of flags reports an error but does not stop the build.
+ # In any case, get_mode should mainly be responsible for reporting
+ # invalid modes, since it also takes --features flags into account.
+ original_settings = settings
+ settings = dict(settings)
+ _set_ternary(settings, attr, "static")
+ race = _set_ternary(settings, attr, "race")
+ msan = _set_ternary(settings, attr, "msan")
+ pure = _set_ternary(settings, attr, "pure")
+ if race == "on":
+ if pure == "on":
+ fail('race = "on" cannot be set when pure = "on" is set. race requires cgo.')
+ pure = "off"
+ settings["//go/config:pure"] = False
+ if msan == "on":
+ if pure == "on":
+ fail('msan = "on" cannot be set when msan = "on" is set. msan requires cgo.')
+ pure = "off"
+ settings["//go/config:pure"] = False
+ if pure == "on":
+ race = "off"
+ settings["//go/config:race"] = False
+ msan = "off"
+ settings["//go/config:msan"] = False
+ cgo = pure == "off"
+ goos = getattr(attr, "goos", "auto")
+ goarch = getattr(attr, "goarch", "auto")
+ _check_ternary("pure", pure)
+ if goos != "auto" or goarch != "auto":
+ if goos == "auto":
+ fail("goos must be set if goarch is set")
+ if goarch == "auto":
+ fail("goarch must be set if goos is set")
+ if (goos, goarch) not in GOOS_GOARCH:
+ fail("invalid goos, goarch pair: {}, {}".format(goos, goarch))
+ if cgo and (goos, goarch) not in CGO_GOOS_GOARCH:
+ fail('pure is "off" but cgo is not supported on {} {}'.format(goos, goarch))
+ platform = "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:{}_{}{}".format(goos, goarch, "_cgo" if cgo else "")
+ settings["//command_line_option:platforms"] = platform
+ tags = getattr(attr, "gotags", [])
+ if tags:
+ settings["//go/config:tags"] = _deduped_and_sorted(tags)
+ linkmode = getattr(attr, "linkmode", "auto")
+ if linkmode != "auto":
+ if linkmode not in LINKMODES:
+ fail("linkmode: invalid mode {}; want one of {}".format(linkmode, ", ".join(LINKMODES)))
+ settings["//go/config:linkmode"] = linkmode
+ for key, original_key in _SETTING_KEY_TO_ORIGINAL_SETTING_KEY.items():
+ old_value = original_settings[key]
+ value = settings[key]
+ # If the outgoing configuration would differ from the incoming one in a
+ # value, record the old value in the special original_* key so that the
+ # real setting can be reset to this value before the new configuration
+ # would cross a non-deps dependency edge.
+ if value != old_value:
+ # Encoding as JSON makes it possible to embed settings of arbitrary
+ # types (currently bool, string and string_list) into a single type
+ # of setting (string) with the information preserved whether the
+ # original setting wasn't set explicitly (empty string) or was set
+ # explicitly to its default (always a non-empty string with JSON
+ # encoding, e.g. "\"\"" or "[]").
+ settings[original_key] = json.encode(old_value)
+ else:
+ settings[original_key] = ""
+ return settings
+def _request_nogo_transition(settings, _attr):
+ """Indicates that we want the project configured nogo instead of a noop.
+ This does not guarantee that the project configured nogo will be used (if
+ bootstrap is true we are currently building nogo so that is a cyclic
+ dependency).
+ The config setting nogo_active requires bootstrap to be false and
+ request_nogo to be true to provide the project configured nogo.
+ """
+ settings = dict(settings)
+ settings["//go/private:request_nogo"] = True
+ return settings
+request_nogo_transition = transition(
+ implementation = _request_nogo_transition,
+ inputs = [],
+ outputs = ["//go/private:request_nogo"],
+go_transition = transition(
+ implementation = _go_transition_impl,
+ inputs = [
+ "//command_line_option:platforms",
+ outputs = [
+ "//command_line_option:platforms",
+_common_reset_transition_dict = dict({
+ "//go/private:request_nogo": False,
+ "//go/config:static": False,
+ "//go/config:msan": False,
+ "//go/config:race": False,
+ "//go/config:pure": False,
+ "//go/config:debug": False,
+ "//go/config:linkmode": LINKMODE_NORMAL,
+ "//go/config:tags": [],
+}, **{setting: "" for setting in _SETTING_KEY_TO_ORIGINAL_SETTING_KEY.values()})
+_reset_transition_dict = dict(_common_reset_transition_dict, **{
+ "//go/private:bootstrap_nogo": True,
+_reset_transition_keys = sorted(_reset_transition_dict.keys())
+_stdlib_keep_keys = sorted([
+ "//go/config:msan",
+ "//go/config:race",
+ "//go/config:pure",
+ "//go/config:linkmode",
+ "//go/config:tags",
+def _go_tool_transition_impl(settings, _attr):
+ """Sets most Go settings to default values (use for external Go tools).
+ go_tool_transition sets all of the //go/config settings to their default
+ values and disables nogo. This is used for Go tool binaries like nogo
+ itself. Tool binaries shouldn't depend on the link mode or tags of the
+ target configuration and neither the tools nor the code they potentially
+ generate should be subject to nogo's static analysis. This transition
+ doesn't change the platform (goos, goarch), but tool binaries should also
+ have `cfg = "exec"` so tool binaries should be built for the execution
+ platform.
+ """
+ return dict(settings, **_reset_transition_dict)
+go_tool_transition = transition(
+ implementation = _go_tool_transition_impl,
+ inputs = _reset_transition_keys,
+ outputs = _reset_transition_keys,
+def _non_go_tool_transition_impl(settings, _attr):
+ """Sets all Go settings to default values (use for external non-Go tools).
+ non_go_tool_transition sets all of the //go/config settings as well as the
+ nogo settings to their default values. This is used for all tools that are
+ not themselves targets created from rules_go rules and thus do not read
+ these settings. Resetting all of them to defaults prevents unnecessary
+ configuration changes for these targets that could cause rebuilds.
+ Examples: This transition is applied to attributes referencing proto_library
+ targets or protoc directly.
+ """
+ settings = dict(settings, **_reset_transition_dict)
+ settings["//go/private:bootstrap_nogo"] = False
+ return settings
+non_go_tool_transition = transition(
+ implementation = _non_go_tool_transition_impl,
+ inputs = _reset_transition_keys,
+ outputs = _reset_transition_keys,
+def _go_stdlib_transition_impl(settings, _attr):
+ """Sets all Go settings to their default values, except for those affecting the Go SDK.
+ This transition is similar to _non_go_tool_transition except that it keeps the
+ parts of the configuration that determine how to build the standard library.
+ It's used to consolidate the configurations used to build the standard library to limit
+ the number built.
+ """
+ settings = dict(settings)
+ for label, value in _reset_transition_dict.items():
+ if label not in _stdlib_keep_keys:
+ settings[label] = value
+ settings["//go/config:tags"] = [t for t in settings["//go/config:tags"] if t in _TAG_AFFECTS_STDLIB]
+ settings["//go/private:bootstrap_nogo"] = False
+ return settings
+go_stdlib_transition = transition(
+ implementation = _go_stdlib_transition_impl,
+ inputs = _reset_transition_keys,
+ outputs = _reset_transition_keys,
+def _go_reset_target_impl(ctx):
+ t = ctx.attr.dep[0] # [0] seems to be necessary with the transition
+ providers = [t[p] for p in [GoLibrary, GoSource, GoArchive] if p in t]
+ # We can't pass DefaultInfo through as-is, since Bazel forbids executable
+ # if it's a file declared in a different target. To emulate that, symlink
+ # to the original executable, if there is one.
+ default_info = t[DefaultInfo]
+ new_executable = None
+ original_executable = default_info.files_to_run.executable
+ default_runfiles = default_info.default_runfiles
+ if original_executable:
+ # In order for the symlink to have the same basename as the original
+ # executable (important in the case of proto plugins), put it in a
+ # subdirectory named after the label to prevent collisions.
+ new_executable = ctx.actions.declare_file(paths.join(ctx.label.name, original_executable.basename))
+ ctx.actions.symlink(
+ output = new_executable,
+ target_file = original_executable,
+ is_executable = True,
+ )
+ default_runfiles = default_runfiles.merge(ctx.runfiles([new_executable]))
+ providers.append(
+ DefaultInfo(
+ files = default_info.files,
+ data_runfiles = default_info.data_runfiles,
+ default_runfiles = default_runfiles,
+ executable = new_executable,
+ ),
+ )
+ return providers
+go_reset_target = rule(
+ implementation = _go_reset_target_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "dep": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ cfg = go_tool_transition,
+ ),
+ "_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(
+ default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist",
+ ),
+ },
+ doc = """Forwards providers from a target and applies go_tool_transition.
+go_reset_target depends on a single target, built using go_tool_transition. It
+forwards Go providers and DefaultInfo.
+This is used to work around a problem with building tools: Go tools should be
+built with 'cfg = "exec"' so they work on the execution platform, but we also
+need to apply go_tool_transition so that e.g. a tool isn't built as a shared
+library with race instrumentation. This acts as an intermediate rule that allows
+to apply both both transitions.
+non_go_reset_target = rule(
+ implementation = _go_reset_target_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "dep": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ cfg = non_go_tool_transition,
+ ),
+ "_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(
+ default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist",
+ ),
+ },
+ doc = """Forwards providers from a target and applies non_go_tool_transition.
+non_go_reset_target depends on a single target, built using
+non_go_tool_transition. It forwards Go providers and DefaultInfo.
+This is used to work around a problem with building tools: Non-Go tools should
+be built with 'cfg = "exec"' so they work on the execution platform, but they
+also shouldn't be affected by Go-specific config changes applied by
+def _non_go_transition_impl(settings, _attr):
+ """Sets all Go settings to the values they had before the last go_transition.
+ non_go_transition sets all of the //go/config settings to the value they had
+ before the last go_transition. This should be used on all attributes of
+ go_library/go_binary/go_test that are built in the target configuration and
+ do not constitute advertise any Go providers.
+ Examples: This transition is applied to the 'data' attribute of go_binary so
+ that other Go binaries used at runtime aren't affected by a non-standard
+ link mode set on the go_binary target, but still use the same top-level
+ settings such as e.g. race instrumentation.
+ """
+ new_settings = {}
+ for key, original_key in _SETTING_KEY_TO_ORIGINAL_SETTING_KEY.items():
+ original_value = settings[original_key]
+ if original_value:
+ # Reset to the original value of the setting before go_transition.
+ new_settings[key] = json.decode(original_value)
+ else:
+ new_settings[key] = settings[key]
+ # Reset the value of the helper setting to its default for two reasons:
+ # 1. Performance: This ensures that the Go settings of non-Go
+ # dependencies have the same values as before the go_transition,
+ # which can prevent unnecessary rebuilds caused by configuration
+ # changes.
+ # 2. Correctness in edge cases: If there is a path in the build graph
+ # from a go_binary's non-Go dependency to a go_library that does not
+ # pass through another go_binary (e.g., through a custom rule
+ # replacement for go_binary), this transition could be applied again
+ # and cause incorrect Go setting values.
+ new_settings[original_key] = ""
+ return new_settings
+non_go_transition = transition(
+ implementation = _non_go_transition_impl,
+def _check_ternary(name, value):
+ if value not in ("on", "off", "auto"):
+ fail('{}: must be "on", "off", or "auto"'.format(name))
+def _set_ternary(settings, attr, name):
+ value = getattr(attr, name, "auto")
+ _check_ternary(name, value)
+ if value != "auto":
+ label = "//go/config:{}".format(name)
+ settings[label] = value == "on"
+ return value
+_SDK_VERSION_BUILD_SETTING = "//go/toolchain:sdk_version"
+ "//command_line_option:platforms",
+def _go_cross_transition_impl(settings, attr):
+ settings = dict(settings)
+ if attr.sdk_version != None:
+ settings[_SDK_VERSION_BUILD_SETTING] = attr.sdk_version
+ if attr.platform != None:
+ settings["//command_line_option:platforms"] = str(attr.platform)
+ return settings
+go_cross_transition = transition(
+ implementation = _go_cross_transition_impl,
+# A list of Go build tags that potentially affect the build of the standard
+# library.
+# This should be updated to contain the union of all tags relevant for all
+# versions of Go that are still relevant.
+# Currently supported versions: 1.18, 1.19, 1.20
+# To regenerate, run and paste the output of
+# bazel run //go/tools/internal/stdlib_tags:stdlib_tags -- path/to/go_sdk_1/src ...
+ "alpha": None,
+ "appengine": None,
+ "asan": None,
+ "boringcrypto": None,
+ "cmd_go_bootstrap": None,
+ "compiler_bootstrap": None,
+ "debuglog": None,
+ "faketime": None,
+ "gc": None,
+ "gccgo": None,
+ "gen": None,
+ "generate": None,
+ "gofuzz": None,
+ "ignore": None,
+ "libfuzzer": None,
+ "m68k": None,
+ "math_big_pure_go": None,
+ "msan": None,
+ "netcgo": None,
+ "netgo": None,
+ "nethttpomithttp2": None,
+ "nios2": None,
+ "noopt": None,
+ "osusergo": None,
+ "purego": None,
+ "race": None,
+ "sh": None,
+ "shbe": None,
+ "tablegen": None,
+ "testgo": None,
+ "timetzdata": None,