path: root/go/private/context.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'go/private/context.bzl')
1 files changed, 912 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/go/private/context.bzl b/go/private/context.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db4fe09d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/private/context.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_utils.bzl",
+ "find_cpp_toolchain",
+ "@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl",
+ ":go_toolchain.bzl",
+ ":providers.bzl",
+ "CgoContextInfo",
+ "GoArchive",
+ "GoConfigInfo",
+ "GoContextInfo",
+ "GoLibrary",
+ "GoSource",
+ "GoStdLib",
+ "get_source",
+ ":mode.bzl",
+ "get_mode",
+ "installsuffix",
+ ":common.bzl",
+ "as_iterable",
+ "goos_to_extension",
+ "goos_to_shared_extension",
+ "is_struct",
+ "//go/platform:apple.bzl",
+ "apple_ensure_options",
+ "@bazel_skylib//rules:common_settings.bzl",
+ "BuildSettingInfo",
+ "//go/private/rules:transition.bzl",
+ "request_nogo_transition",
+# cgo requires a gcc/clang style compiler.
+# We use a denylist instead of an allowlist:
+# - Bazel's auto-detected toolchains used to set the compiler name to "compiler"
+# for gcc (fixed in 6.0.0), which defeats the purpose of an allowlist.
+# - The compiler name field is free-form and user-defined, so we would have to
+# provide a way to override this list.
+# TODO: Convert to a denylist once we can assume Bazel 6.0.0 or later and have a
+# way for users to extend the list.
+ "msvc-cl": None,
+ "clang-cl": None,
+ # cgo parses the error messages from the compiler. It can't handle colors.
+ # Ignore both variants of the diagnostics color flag.
+ "-fcolor-diagnostics": None,
+ "-fdiagnostics-color": None,
+ # cgo also wants to see all the errors when it is testing the compiler.
+ # fmax-errors limits that and causes build failures.
+ "-fmax-errors=": None,
+ "-Wall": None,
+ # Symbols are needed by Go, so keep them
+ "-g0": None,
+ # Don't compile generated cgo code with coverage. If we do an internal
+ # link, we may have undefined references to coverage functions.
+ "--coverage": None,
+ "-ftest-coverage": None,
+ "-fprofile-arcs": None,
+ "-fprofile-instr-generate": None,
+ "-fcoverage-mapping": None,
+ "-Wl,--gc-sections": None,
+ # These toolchain features require special rule support and will thus break
+ # with CGo.
+ # Taken from https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_rust/blob/521e649ff44e9711fe3c45b0ec1e792f7e1d361e/rust/private/utils.bzl#L20.
+ "thin_lto",
+ "module_maps",
+ "use_header_modules",
+ "fdo_instrument",
+ "fdo_optimize",
+def _match_option(option, pattern):
+ if pattern.endswith("="):
+ return option.startswith(pattern)
+ else:
+ return option == pattern
+def _filter_options(options, denylist):
+ return [
+ option
+ for option in options
+ if not any([_match_option(option, pattern) for pattern in denylist])
+ ]
+def _child_name(go, path, ext, name):
+ if not name:
+ name = go.label.name
+ if path or not ext:
+ # The '_' avoids collisions with another file matching the label name.
+ # For example, hello and hello/testmain.go.
+ name += "_"
+ if path:
+ name += "/" + path
+ if ext:
+ name += ext
+ return name
+def _declare_file(go, path = "", ext = "", name = ""):
+ return go.actions.declare_file(_child_name(go, path, ext, name))
+def _declare_directory(go, path = "", ext = "", name = ""):
+ return go.actions.declare_directory(_child_name(go, path, ext, name))
+def _new_args(go):
+ # TODO(jayconrod): print warning.
+ return go.builder_args(go)
+def _builder_args(go, command = None):
+ args = go.actions.args()
+ args.use_param_file("-param=%s")
+ args.set_param_file_format("shell")
+ if command:
+ args.add(command)
+ args.add("-sdk", go.sdk.root_file.dirname)
+ args.add("-installsuffix", installsuffix(go.mode))
+ args.add_joined("-tags", go.tags, join_with = ",")
+ return args
+def _tool_args(go):
+ args = go.actions.args()
+ args.use_param_file("-param=%s")
+ args.set_param_file_format("shell")
+ return args
+def _new_library(go, name = None, importpath = None, resolver = None, importable = True, testfilter = None, is_main = False, **kwargs):
+ if not importpath:
+ importpath = go.importpath
+ importmap = go.importmap
+ else:
+ importmap = importpath
+ pathtype = go.pathtype
+ if not importable and pathtype == EXPLICIT_PATH:
+ pathtype = EXPORT_PATH
+ return GoLibrary(
+ name = go.label.name if not name else name,
+ label = go.label,
+ importpath = importpath,
+ importmap = importmap,
+ importpath_aliases = go.importpath_aliases,
+ pathtype = pathtype,
+ resolve = resolver,
+ testfilter = testfilter,
+ is_main = is_main,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+def _merge_embed(source, embed):
+ s = get_source(embed)
+ source["srcs"] = s.srcs + source["srcs"]
+ source["orig_srcs"] = s.orig_srcs + source["orig_srcs"]
+ source["orig_src_map"].update(s.orig_src_map)
+ source["embedsrcs"] = source["embedsrcs"] + s.embedsrcs
+ source["cover"] = source["cover"] + s.cover
+ source["deps"] = source["deps"] + s.deps
+ source["x_defs"].update(s.x_defs)
+ source["gc_goopts"] = source["gc_goopts"] + s.gc_goopts
+ source["runfiles"] = source["runfiles"].merge(s.runfiles)
+ if s.cgo and source["cgo"]:
+ fail("multiple libraries with cgo enabled")
+ source["cgo"] = source["cgo"] or s.cgo
+ source["cdeps"] = source["cdeps"] or s.cdeps
+ source["cppopts"] = source["cppopts"] or s.cppopts
+ source["copts"] = source["copts"] or s.copts
+ source["cxxopts"] = source["cxxopts"] or s.cxxopts
+ source["clinkopts"] = source["clinkopts"] or s.clinkopts
+ source["cgo_deps"] = source["cgo_deps"] + s.cgo_deps
+ source["cgo_exports"] = source["cgo_exports"] + s.cgo_exports
+def _dedup_deps(deps):
+ """Returns a list of deps without duplicate import paths.
+ Earlier targets take precedence over later targets. This is intended to
+ allow an embedding library to override the dependencies of its
+ embedded libraries.
+ Args:
+ deps: an iterable containing either Targets or GoArchives.
+ """
+ deduped_deps = []
+ importpaths = {}
+ for dep in deps:
+ if hasattr(dep, "data") and hasattr(dep.data, "importpath"):
+ importpath = dep.data.importpath
+ else:
+ importpath = dep[GoLibrary].importpath
+ if importpath in importpaths:
+ continue
+ importpaths[importpath] = None
+ deduped_deps.append(dep)
+ return deduped_deps
+def _library_to_source(go, attr, library, coverage_instrumented):
+ #TODO: stop collapsing a depset in this line...
+ attr_srcs = [f for t in getattr(attr, "srcs", []) for f in as_iterable(t.files)]
+ generated_srcs = getattr(library, "srcs", [])
+ srcs = attr_srcs + generated_srcs
+ embedsrcs = [f for t in getattr(attr, "embedsrcs", []) for f in as_iterable(t.files)]
+ source = {
+ "library": library,
+ "mode": go.mode,
+ "srcs": srcs,
+ "orig_srcs": srcs,
+ "orig_src_map": {},
+ "cover": [],
+ "embedsrcs": embedsrcs,
+ "x_defs": {},
+ "deps": getattr(attr, "deps", []),
+ "gc_goopts": _expand_opts(go, "gc_goopts", getattr(attr, "gc_goopts", [])),
+ "runfiles": _collect_runfiles(go, getattr(attr, "data", []), getattr(attr, "deps", [])),
+ "cgo": getattr(attr, "cgo", False),
+ "cdeps": getattr(attr, "cdeps", []),
+ "cppopts": _expand_opts(go, "cppopts", getattr(attr, "cppopts", [])),
+ "copts": _expand_opts(go, "copts", getattr(attr, "copts", [])),
+ "cxxopts": _expand_opts(go, "cxxopts", getattr(attr, "cxxopts", [])),
+ "clinkopts": _expand_opts(go, "clinkopts", getattr(attr, "clinkopts", [])),
+ "cgo_deps": [],
+ "cgo_exports": [],
+ "cc_info": None,
+ }
+ if coverage_instrumented:
+ source["cover"] = attr_srcs
+ for dep in source["deps"]:
+ _check_binary_dep(go, dep, "deps")
+ for e in getattr(attr, "embed", []):
+ _check_binary_dep(go, e, "embed")
+ _merge_embed(source, e)
+ source["deps"] = _dedup_deps(source["deps"])
+ x_defs = source["x_defs"]
+ for k, v in getattr(attr, "x_defs", {}).items():
+ v = _expand_location(go, attr, v)
+ if "." not in k:
+ k = "{}.{}".format(library.importmap, k)
+ x_defs[k] = v
+ source["x_defs"] = x_defs
+ if not source["cgo"]:
+ for k in ("cdeps", "cppopts", "copts", "cxxopts", "clinkopts"):
+ if getattr(attr, k, None):
+ fail(k + " set without cgo = True")
+ for f in source["srcs"]:
+ # This check won't report directory sources that contain C/C++
+ # sources. compilepkg will catch these instead.
+ if f.extension in ("c", "cc", "cxx", "cpp", "hh", "hpp", "hxx"):
+ fail("source {} has C/C++ extension, but cgo was not enabled (set 'cgo = True')".format(f.path))
+ if library.resolve:
+ library.resolve(go, attr, source, _merge_embed)
+ source["cc_info"] = _collect_cc_infos(source["deps"], source["cdeps"])
+ return GoSource(**source)
+def _collect_runfiles(go, data, deps):
+ """Builds a set of runfiles from the deps and data attributes.
+ srcs and their runfiles are not included."""
+ files = depset(transitive = [t[DefaultInfo].files for t in data])
+ runfiles = go._ctx.runfiles(transitive_files = files)
+ for t in data:
+ runfiles = runfiles.merge(t[DefaultInfo].data_runfiles)
+ for t in deps:
+ runfiles = runfiles.merge(get_source(t).runfiles)
+ return runfiles
+def _collect_cc_infos(deps, cdeps):
+ cc_infos = []
+ for dep in cdeps:
+ if CcInfo in dep:
+ cc_infos.append(dep[CcInfo])
+ for dep in deps:
+ # dep may be a struct, which doesn't support indexing by providers.
+ if is_struct(dep):
+ continue
+ if GoSource in dep:
+ cc_infos.append(dep[GoSource].cc_info)
+ return cc_common.merge_cc_infos(cc_infos = cc_infos)
+def _check_binary_dep(go, dep, edge):
+ """Checks that this rule doesn't depend on a go_binary or go_test.
+ go_binary and go_test may return provides with useful information for other
+ rules (like go_path), but go_binary and go_test may not depend on other
+ go_binary and go_binary targets. Their dependencies may be built in
+ different modes, resulting in conflicts and opaque errors.
+ """
+ if (type(dep) == "Target" and
+ DefaultInfo in dep and
+ getattr(dep[DefaultInfo], "files_to_run", None) and
+ dep[DefaultInfo].files_to_run.executable):
+ fail("rule {rule} depends on executable {dep} via {edge}. This is not safe for cross-compilation. Depend on go_library instead.".format(
+ rule = str(go.label),
+ dep = str(dep.label),
+ edge = edge,
+ ))
+def _check_importpaths(ctx):
+ paths = []
+ p = getattr(ctx.attr, "importpath", "")
+ if p:
+ paths.append(p)
+ p = getattr(ctx.attr, "importmap", "")
+ if p:
+ paths.append(p)
+ paths.extend(getattr(ctx.attr, "importpath_aliases", ()))
+ for p in paths:
+ if ":" in p:
+ fail("import path '%s' contains invalid character :" % p)
+def _infer_importpath(ctx):
+ DEFAULT_LIB = "go_default_library"
+ VENDOR_PREFIX = "/vendor/"
+ # Check if paths were explicitly set, either in this rule or in an
+ # embedded rule.
+ attr_importpath = getattr(ctx.attr, "importpath", "")
+ attr_importmap = getattr(ctx.attr, "importmap", "")
+ embed_importpath = ""
+ embed_importmap = ""
+ for embed in getattr(ctx.attr, "embed", []):
+ if GoLibrary not in embed:
+ continue
+ lib = embed[GoLibrary]
+ if lib.pathtype == EXPLICIT_PATH:
+ embed_importpath = lib.importpath
+ embed_importmap = lib.importmap
+ break
+ importpath = attr_importpath or embed_importpath
+ importmap = attr_importmap or embed_importmap or importpath
+ if importpath:
+ return importpath, importmap, EXPLICIT_PATH
+ # Guess an import path based on the directory structure
+ # This should only really be relied on for binaries
+ importpath = ctx.label.package
+ if ctx.label.name != DEFAULT_LIB and not importpath.endswith(ctx.label.name):
+ importpath += "/" + ctx.label.name
+ if importpath.rfind(VENDOR_PREFIX) != -1:
+ importpath = importpath[len(VENDOR_PREFIX) + importpath.rfind(VENDOR_PREFIX):]
+ if importpath.startswith("/"):
+ importpath = importpath[1:]
+ return importpath, importpath, INFERRED_PATH
+def go_context(ctx, attr = None):
+ """Returns an API used to build Go code.
+ See /go/toolchains.rst#go-context
+ """
+ if not attr:
+ attr = ctx.attr
+ toolchain = ctx.toolchains[GO_TOOLCHAIN]
+ cgo_context_info = None
+ go_config_info = None
+ stdlib = None
+ coverdata = None
+ nogo = None
+ if hasattr(attr, "_go_context_data"):
+ go_context_data = _flatten_possibly_transitioned_attr(attr._go_context_data)
+ if CgoContextInfo in go_context_data:
+ cgo_context_info = go_context_data[CgoContextInfo]
+ go_config_info = go_context_data[GoConfigInfo]
+ stdlib = go_context_data[GoStdLib]
+ coverdata = go_context_data[GoContextInfo].coverdata
+ nogo = go_context_data[GoContextInfo].nogo
+ if getattr(attr, "_cgo_context_data", None) and CgoContextInfo in attr._cgo_context_data:
+ cgo_context_info = attr._cgo_context_data[CgoContextInfo]
+ if getattr(attr, "cgo_context_data", None) and CgoContextInfo in attr.cgo_context_data:
+ cgo_context_info = attr.cgo_context_data[CgoContextInfo]
+ if hasattr(attr, "_go_config"):
+ go_config_info = attr._go_config[GoConfigInfo]
+ if hasattr(attr, "_stdlib"):
+ stdlib = _flatten_possibly_transitioned_attr(attr._stdlib)[GoStdLib]
+ mode = get_mode(ctx, toolchain, cgo_context_info, go_config_info)
+ tags = mode.tags
+ binary = toolchain.sdk.go
+ if stdlib:
+ goroot = stdlib.root_file.dirname
+ else:
+ goroot = toolchain.sdk.root_file.dirname
+ env = {
+ "GOARCH": mode.goarch,
+ "GOOS": mode.goos,
+ "GOEXPERIMENT": ",".join(toolchain.sdk.experiments),
+ "GOROOT": goroot,
+ "CGO_ENABLED": "0" if mode.pure else "1",
+ # If we use --action_env=GOPATH, or in other cases where environment
+ # variables are passed through to this builder, the SDK build will try
+ # to write to that GOPATH (e.g. for x/net/nettest). This will fail if
+ # the GOPATH is on a read-only mount, and is generally a bad idea.
+ # Explicitly clear this environment variable to ensure that doesn't
+ # happen. See #2291 for more information.
+ "GOPATH": "",
+ }
+ # The level of support is determined by the platform constraints in
+ # //go/constraints/amd64.
+ # See https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/MinimumRequirements#amd64
+ if mode.amd64:
+ env["GOAMD64"] = mode.amd64
+ if not cgo_context_info:
+ crosstool = []
+ cgo_tools = None
+ else:
+ env.update(cgo_context_info.env)
+ crosstool = cgo_context_info.crosstool
+ # Add C toolchain directories to PATH.
+ # On ARM, go tool link uses some features of gcc to complete its work,
+ # so PATH is needed on ARM.
+ path_set = {}
+ if "PATH" in env:
+ for p in env["PATH"].split(ctx.configuration.host_path_separator):
+ path_set[p] = None
+ cgo_tools = cgo_context_info.cgo_tools
+ tool_paths = [
+ cgo_tools.c_compiler_path,
+ cgo_tools.ld_executable_path,
+ cgo_tools.ld_static_lib_path,
+ cgo_tools.ld_dynamic_lib_path,
+ ]
+ for tool_path in tool_paths:
+ tool_dir, _, _ = tool_path.rpartition("/")
+ path_set[tool_dir] = None
+ paths = sorted(path_set.keys())
+ if ctx.configuration.host_path_separator == ":":
+ # HACK: ":" is a proxy for a UNIX-like host.
+ # The tools returned above may be bash scripts that reference commands
+ # in directories we might not otherwise include. For example,
+ # on macOS, wrapped_ar calls dirname.
+ if "/bin" not in path_set:
+ paths.append("/bin")
+ if "/usr/bin" not in path_set:
+ paths.append("/usr/bin")
+ env["PATH"] = ctx.configuration.host_path_separator.join(paths)
+ # TODO(jayconrod): remove this. It's way too broad. Everything should
+ # depend on more specific lists.
+ sdk_files = ([toolchain.sdk.go] +
+ toolchain.sdk.srcs +
+ toolchain.sdk.headers +
+ toolchain.sdk.libs +
+ toolchain.sdk.tools)
+ _check_importpaths(ctx)
+ importpath, importmap, pathtype = _infer_importpath(ctx)
+ importpath_aliases = tuple(getattr(attr, "importpath_aliases", ()))
+ return struct(
+ # Fields
+ toolchain = toolchain,
+ sdk = toolchain.sdk,
+ mode = mode,
+ root = goroot,
+ go = binary,
+ stdlib = stdlib,
+ sdk_root = toolchain.sdk.root_file,
+ sdk_files = sdk_files,
+ sdk_tools = toolchain.sdk.tools,
+ actions = ctx.actions,
+ exe_extension = goos_to_extension(mode.goos),
+ shared_extension = goos_to_shared_extension(mode.goos),
+ crosstool = crosstool,
+ package_list = toolchain.sdk.package_list,
+ importpath = importpath,
+ importmap = importmap,
+ importpath_aliases = importpath_aliases,
+ pathtype = pathtype,
+ cgo_tools = cgo_tools,
+ nogo = nogo,
+ coverdata = coverdata,
+ coverage_enabled = ctx.configuration.coverage_enabled,
+ coverage_instrumented = ctx.coverage_instrumented(),
+ env = env,
+ tags = tags,
+ stamp = mode.stamp,
+ label = ctx.label,
+ cover_format = mode.cover_format,
+ # Action generators
+ archive = toolchain.actions.archive,
+ binary = toolchain.actions.binary,
+ link = toolchain.actions.link,
+ # Helpers
+ args = _new_args, # deprecated
+ builder_args = _builder_args,
+ tool_args = _tool_args,
+ new_library = _new_library,
+ library_to_source = _library_to_source,
+ declare_file = _declare_file,
+ declare_directory = _declare_directory,
+ # Private
+ # TODO: All uses of this should be removed
+ _ctx = ctx,
+ )
+def _go_context_data_impl(ctx):
+ if "race" in ctx.features:
+ print("WARNING: --features=race is no longer supported. Use --@io_bazel_rules_go//go/config:race instead.")
+ if "msan" in ctx.features:
+ print("WARNING: --features=msan is no longer supported. Use --@io_bazel_rules_go//go/config:msan instead.")
+ nogo = ctx.files.nogo[0] if ctx.files.nogo else None
+ providers = [
+ GoContextInfo(
+ coverdata = ctx.attr.coverdata[GoArchive],
+ nogo = nogo,
+ ),
+ ctx.attr.stdlib[GoStdLib],
+ ctx.attr.go_config[GoConfigInfo],
+ ]
+ if ctx.attr.cgo_context_data and CgoContextInfo in ctx.attr.cgo_context_data:
+ providers.append(ctx.attr.cgo_context_data[CgoContextInfo])
+ return providers
+go_context_data = rule(
+ _go_context_data_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "cgo_context_data": attr.label(),
+ "coverdata": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [GoArchive],
+ ),
+ "go_config": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [GoConfigInfo],
+ ),
+ "nogo": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ cfg = "exec",
+ ),
+ "stdlib": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [GoStdLib],
+ ),
+ "_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(
+ default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist",
+ ),
+ },
+ doc = """go_context_data gathers information about the build configuration.
+ It is a common dependency of all Go targets.""",
+ toolchains = [GO_TOOLCHAIN],
+ cfg = request_nogo_transition,
+def _cgo_context_data_impl(ctx):
+ # TODO(jayconrod): find a way to get a list of files that comprise the
+ # toolchain (to be inputs into actions that need it).
+ # ctx.files._cc_toolchain won't work when cc toolchain resolution
+ # is switched on.
+ cc_toolchain = find_cpp_toolchain(ctx)
+ if cc_toolchain.compiler in _UNSUPPORTED_C_COMPILERS:
+ return []
+ feature_configuration = cc_common.configure_features(
+ ctx = ctx,
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
+ requested_features = ctx.features,
+ unsupported_features = ctx.disabled_features + _UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES,
+ )
+ # TODO(jayconrod): keep the environment separate for different actions.
+ env = {}
+ c_compile_variables = cc_common.create_compile_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
+ )
+ c_compiler_path = cc_common.get_tool_for_action(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ action_name = C_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME,
+ )
+ c_compile_options = _filter_options(
+ cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ action_name = C_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME,
+ variables = c_compile_variables,
+ ) + ctx.fragments.cpp.copts + ctx.fragments.cpp.conlyopts,
+ )
+ env.update(cc_common.get_environment_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ action_name = C_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME,
+ variables = c_compile_variables,
+ ))
+ cxx_compile_variables = cc_common.create_compile_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
+ )
+ cxx_compile_options = _filter_options(
+ cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ action_name = CPP_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME,
+ variables = cxx_compile_variables,
+ ) + ctx.fragments.cpp.copts + ctx.fragments.cpp.cxxopts,
+ )
+ env.update(cc_common.get_environment_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ action_name = CPP_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME,
+ variables = cxx_compile_variables,
+ ))
+ objc_compile_variables = cc_common.create_compile_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
+ )
+ objc_compile_options = _filter_options(
+ cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ variables = objc_compile_variables,
+ ),
+ )
+ env.update(cc_common.get_environment_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ variables = objc_compile_variables,
+ ))
+ objcxx_compile_variables = cc_common.create_compile_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
+ )
+ objcxx_compile_options = _filter_options(
+ cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ variables = objcxx_compile_variables,
+ ),
+ )
+ env.update(cc_common.get_environment_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ variables = objcxx_compile_variables,
+ ))
+ ld_executable_variables = cc_common.create_link_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
+ is_linking_dynamic_library = False,
+ )
+ ld_executable_path = cc_common.get_tool_for_action(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ )
+ ld_executable_options = _filter_options(
+ cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ variables = ld_executable_variables,
+ ) + ctx.fragments.cpp.linkopts,
+ )
+ env.update(cc_common.get_environment_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ variables = ld_executable_variables,
+ ))
+ # We don't collect options for static libraries. Go always links with
+ # "ar" in "c-archive" mode. We can set the ar executable path with
+ # -extar, but the options are hard-coded to something like -q -c -s.
+ ld_static_lib_variables = cc_common.create_link_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
+ is_linking_dynamic_library = False,
+ )
+ ld_static_lib_path = cc_common.get_tool_for_action(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ )
+ env.update(cc_common.get_environment_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ variables = ld_static_lib_variables,
+ ))
+ ld_dynamic_lib_variables = cc_common.create_link_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
+ is_linking_dynamic_library = True,
+ )
+ ld_dynamic_lib_path = cc_common.get_tool_for_action(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ )
+ ld_dynamic_lib_options = _filter_options(
+ cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ variables = ld_dynamic_lib_variables,
+ ) + ctx.fragments.cpp.linkopts,
+ )
+ env.update(cc_common.get_environment_variables(
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ variables = ld_dynamic_lib_variables,
+ ))
+ tags = []
+ if "gotags" in ctx.var:
+ tags = ctx.var["gotags"].split(",")
+ apple_ensure_options(
+ ctx,
+ env,
+ tags,
+ (c_compile_options, cxx_compile_options, objc_compile_options, objcxx_compile_options),
+ (ld_executable_options, ld_dynamic_lib_options),
+ cc_toolchain.target_gnu_system_name,
+ )
+ return [CgoContextInfo(
+ crosstool = cc_toolchain.all_files.to_list(),
+ tags = tags,
+ env = env,
+ cgo_tools = struct(
+ cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
+ feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
+ c_compiler_path = c_compiler_path,
+ c_compile_options = c_compile_options,
+ cxx_compile_options = cxx_compile_options,
+ objc_compile_options = objc_compile_options,
+ objcxx_compile_options = objcxx_compile_options,
+ ld_executable_path = ld_executable_path,
+ ld_executable_options = ld_executable_options,
+ ld_static_lib_path = ld_static_lib_path,
+ ld_dynamic_lib_path = ld_dynamic_lib_path,
+ ld_dynamic_lib_options = ld_dynamic_lib_options,
+ ),
+ )]
+cgo_context_data = rule(
+ implementation = _cgo_context_data_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "_cc_toolchain": attr.label(default = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain"),
+ "_xcode_config": attr.label(
+ default = "@bazel_tools//tools/osx:current_xcode_config",
+ ),
+ },
+ toolchains = ["@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type"],
+ fragments = ["apple", "cpp"],
+ doc = """Collects information about the C/C++ toolchain. The C/C++ toolchain
+ is needed to build cgo code, but is generally optional. Rules can't have
+ optional toolchains, so instead, we have an optional dependency on this
+ rule.""",
+def _cgo_context_data_proxy_impl(ctx):
+ if ctx.attr.actual and CgoContextInfo in ctx.attr.actual:
+ return [ctx.attr.actual[CgoContextInfo]]
+ return []
+cgo_context_data_proxy = rule(
+ implementation = _cgo_context_data_proxy_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "actual": attr.label(),
+ },
+ doc = """Conditionally depends on cgo_context_data and forwards it provider.
+ Useful in situations where select cannot be used, like attribute defaults.
+ """,
+def _go_config_impl(ctx):
+ return [GoConfigInfo(
+ static = ctx.attr.static[BuildSettingInfo].value,
+ race = ctx.attr.race[BuildSettingInfo].value,
+ msan = ctx.attr.msan[BuildSettingInfo].value,
+ pure = ctx.attr.pure[BuildSettingInfo].value,
+ strip = ctx.attr.strip,
+ debug = ctx.attr.debug[BuildSettingInfo].value,
+ linkmode = ctx.attr.linkmode[BuildSettingInfo].value,
+ gc_linkopts = ctx.attr.gc_linkopts[BuildSettingInfo].value,
+ tags = ctx.attr.gotags[BuildSettingInfo].value,
+ stamp = ctx.attr.stamp,
+ cover_format = ctx.attr.cover_format[BuildSettingInfo].value,
+ gc_goopts = ctx.attr.gc_goopts[BuildSettingInfo].value,
+ amd64 = ctx.attr.amd64,
+ )]
+go_config = rule(
+ implementation = _go_config_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "static": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
+ ),
+ "race": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
+ ),
+ "msan": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
+ ),
+ "pure": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
+ ),
+ "strip": attr.bool(mandatory = True),
+ "debug": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
+ ),
+ "linkmode": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
+ ),
+ "gc_linkopts": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
+ ),
+ "gotags": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
+ ),
+ "stamp": attr.bool(mandatory = True),
+ "cover_format": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
+ ),
+ "gc_goopts": attr.label(
+ mandatory = True,
+ providers = [BuildSettingInfo],
+ ),
+ "amd64": attr.string(),
+ },
+ provides = [GoConfigInfo],
+ doc = """Collects information about build settings in the current
+ configuration. Rules may depend on this instead of depending on all
+ the build settings directly.""",
+def _expand_opts(go, attribute_name, opts):
+ return [go._ctx.expand_make_variables(attribute_name, opt, {}) for opt in opts]
+def _expand_location(go, attr, s):
+ return go._ctx.expand_location(s, getattr(attr, "data", []))
+_LIST_TYPE = type([])
+# Used to get attribute values which may have been transitioned.
+# Transitioned attributes end up as lists.
+# We never use split-transitions, so we always expect exactly one element in those lists.
+# But if the attribute wasn't transitioned, it won't be a list.
+def _flatten_possibly_transitioned_attr(maybe_list):
+ if type(maybe_list) == _LIST_TYPE:
+ if len(maybe_list) == 1:
+ return maybe_list[0]
+ else:
+ fail("Expected exactly one element in list but got {}".format(maybe_list))
+ return maybe_list