path: root/extras/embed_data.bzl
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Diffstat (limited to 'extras/embed_data.bzl')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extras/embed_data.bzl b/extras/embed_data.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb3519e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/embed_data.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ "//go/private:context.bzl", #TODO: This ought to be def
+ "go_context",
+ "//go/private:go_toolchain.bzl",
+_DOC = """**Deprecated**: Will be removed in rules_go 0.39.
+`go_embed_data` generates a .go file that contains data from a file or a
+list of files. It should be consumed in the srcs list of one of the
+[core go rules].
+Before using `go_embed_data`, you must add the following snippet to your
+``` bzl
+load("@io_bazel_rules_go//extras:embed_data_deps.bzl", "go_embed_data_dependencies")
+`go_embed_data` accepts the attributes listed below.
+def _go_embed_data_impl(ctx):
+ print("Embedding is now better handled by using rules_go's built-in embedding functionality (https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/master/docs/go/core/rules.md#go_library-embedsrcs). The `go_embed_data` rule is deprecated and will be removed in rules_go version 0.39.")
+ go = go_context(ctx)
+ if ctx.attr.src and ctx.attr.srcs:
+ fail("%s: src and srcs attributes cannot both be specified" % ctx.label)
+ if ctx.attr.src and ctx.attr.flatten:
+ fail("%s: src and flatten attributes cannot both be specified" % ctx.label)
+ args = ctx.actions.args()
+ if ctx.attr.src:
+ srcs = [ctx.file.src]
+ else:
+ srcs = ctx.files.srcs
+ args.add("-multi")
+ if ctx.attr.package:
+ package = ctx.attr.package
+ else:
+ _, _, package = ctx.label.package.rpartition("/")
+ if package == "":
+ fail("%s: must provide package attribute for go_embed_data rules in the repository root directory" % ctx.label)
+ out = go.declare_file(go, ext = ".go")
+ args.add_all([
+ "-workspace",
+ ctx.workspace_name,
+ "-label",
+ str(ctx.label),
+ "-out",
+ out,
+ "-package",
+ package,
+ "-var",
+ ctx.attr.var,
+ ])
+ if ctx.attr.flatten:
+ args.add("-flatten")
+ if ctx.attr.string:
+ args.add("-string")
+ if ctx.attr.unpack:
+ args.add("-unpack")
+ args.add("-multi")
+ args.add_all(srcs)
+ library = go.new_library(go, srcs = [out])
+ source = go.library_to_source(go, {}, library, ctx.coverage_instrumented())
+ ctx.actions.run(
+ outputs = [out],
+ inputs = srcs,
+ executable = ctx.executable._embed,
+ arguments = [args],
+ mnemonic = "GoSourcesData",
+ )
+ return [
+ DefaultInfo(files = depset([out])),
+ library,
+ source,
+ ]
+go_embed_data = rule(
+ implementation = _go_embed_data_impl,
+ doc = _DOC,
+ attrs = {
+ "package": attr.string(
+ doc = "Go package name for the generated .go file.",
+ ),
+ "var": attr.string(
+ default = "Data",
+ doc = "Name of the variable that will contain the embedded data.",
+ ),
+ "src": attr.label(
+ allow_single_file = True,
+ doc = """A single file to embed. This cannot be used at the same time as `srcs`.
+ The generated file will have a variable of type `[]byte` or `string` with the contents of this file.""",
+ ),
+ "srcs": attr.label_list(
+ allow_files = True,
+ doc = """A list of files to embed. This cannot be used at the same time as `src`.
+ The generated file will have a variable of type `map[string][]byte` or `map[string]string` with the contents
+ of each file. The map keys are relative paths of the files from the repository root. Keys for files in external
+ repositories will be prefixed with `"external/repo/"` where "repo" is the name of the external repository.""",
+ ),
+ "flatten": attr.bool(
+ doc = "If `True` and `srcs` is used, map keys are file base names instead of relative paths.",
+ ),
+ "unpack": attr.bool(
+ doc = "If `True`, sources are treated as archives and their contents will be stored. Supported formats are `.zip` and `.tar`",
+ ),
+ "string": attr.bool(
+ doc = "If `True`, the embedded data will be stored as `string` instead of `[]byte`.",
+ ),
+ "_embed": attr.label(
+ default = "//go/tools/builders:embed",
+ executable = True,
+ cfg = "exec",
+ ),
+ "_go_context_data": attr.label(
+ default = "//:go_context_data",
+ ),
+ },
+ toolchains = [GO_TOOLCHAIN],
+# See /docs/go/extras/extras.md#go_embed_data for full documentation.