path: root/sound_card_init/amp/src/max98373d/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 274 deletions
diff --git a/sound_card_init/amp/src/max98373d/ b/sound_card_init/amp/src/max98373d/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ee29ceb..00000000
--- a/sound_card_init/amp/src/max98373d/
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-//! `max98373d` module implements the required initialization workflows for sound
-//! cards that use max98373d smart amp.
-//! It currently supports boot time calibration for max98373d.
-mod dsm_param;
-mod settings;
-use std::path::Path;
-use std::time::Duration;
-use std::{fs, thread};
-use cros_alsa::{Card, IntControl};
-use dsm::{CalibData, Error, Result, SpeakerStatus, ZeroPlayer, DSM};
-use sys_util::info;
-use crate::Amp;
-use dsm_param::*;
-use settings::{AmpCalibSettings, DeviceSettings};
-/// It implements the amplifier boot time calibration flow.
-pub struct Max98373 {
- card: Card,
- setting: AmpCalibSettings,
-impl Amp for Max98373 {
- /// Performs max98373d boot time calibration.
- ///
- /// # Errors
- ///
- /// If any amplifiers fail to complete the calibration.
- fn boot_time_calibration(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
- if !Path::new(&self.setting.dsm_param).exists() {
- return Err(Error::MissingDSMParam);
- }
- let num_channels = self.setting.num_channels();
- let dsm = DSM::new(
- &,
- num_channels,
- Self::rdc_to_ohm,
- );
- self.set_volume(VolumeMode::Low)?;
- let calib = if !self.setting.boot_time_calibration_enabled {
- info!("skip boot time calibration and use vpd values");
- // Needs Rdc updates to be done after internal speaker is ready otherwise
- // it would be overwritten by the DSM blob update.
- dsm.wait_for_speakers_ready()?;
- dsm.get_all_vpd_calibration_value()?
- } else {
- match dsm.check_speaker_over_heated_workflow()? {
- SpeakerStatus::Hot(previous_calib) => previous_calib,
- SpeakerStatus::Cold => {
- let all_temp = self.get_ambient_temp()?;
- let all_rdc = self.do_rdc_calibration()?;
- all_rdc
- .iter()
- .zip(all_temp)
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(ch, (&rdc, temp))| {
- dsm.decide_calibration_value_workflow(ch, CalibData { rdc, temp })
- })
- .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?
- }
- }
- };
- self.apply_calibration_value(&calib)?;
- self.set_volume(VolumeMode::High)?;
- Ok(())
- }
-impl Max98373 {
- const TEMP_CALIB_WARM_UP_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_millis(10);
- const RDC_CALIB_WARM_UP_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
- const RDC_CALIB_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_millis(200);
- const CALIB_REPEAT_TIMES: usize = 5;
- const TEMP_UPPER_LIMIT_CELSIUS: f32 = 40.0;
- const TEMP_LOWER_LIMIT_CELSIUS: f32 = 0.0;
- /// Creates an `Max98373`.
- /// # Arguments
- ///
- /// * `card_name` - card_name.
- /// * `config_path` - config file path.
- ///
- /// # Results
- ///
- /// * `Max98373` - It implements the Max98373 functions of boot time calibration.
- ///
- /// # Errors
- ///
- /// * If `Card` creation from sound card name fails.
- pub fn new(card_name: &str, config_path: &Path) -> Result<Self> {
- let conf = fs::read_to_string(config_path)
- .map_err(|e| Error::FileIOFailed(config_path.to_path_buf(), e))?;
- let settings = DeviceSettings::from_yaml_str(&conf)?;
- Ok(Self {
- card: Card::new(card_name)?,
- setting: settings.amp_calibrations,
- })
- }
- /// Triggers the amplifier calibration and reads the calibrated rdc.
- /// To get accurate calibration results, the main thread calibrates the amplifier while
- /// the `zero_player` starts another thread to play zeros to the speakers.
- fn do_rdc_calibration(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<i32>> {
- let mut zero_player: ZeroPlayer = Default::default();
- zero_player.start(Self::RDC_CALIB_WARM_UP_TIME)?;
- // Playback of zeros is started for Self::RDC_CALIB_WARM_UP_TIME, and the main thread
- // can start the calibration.
- self.set_spt_mode(SPTMode::OFF)?;
- self.set_calibration_mode(CalibMode::ON)?;
- // Playback of zeros is started, and the main thread can start the calibration.
- let mut avg_rdc = vec![0; self.setting.num_channels()];
- for _ in 0..Self::CALIB_REPEAT_TIMES {
- let rdc = self.get_adaptive_rdc()?;
- for i in 0..self.setting.num_channels() {
- avg_rdc[i] += rdc[i];
- }
- thread::sleep(Self::RDC_CALIB_INTERVAL);
- }
- self.set_spt_mode(SPTMode::ON)?;
- self.set_calibration_mode(CalibMode::OFF)?;
- zero_player.stop()?;
- avg_rdc = avg_rdc
- .iter()
- .map(|val| val / Self::CALIB_REPEAT_TIMES as i32)
- .collect();
- Ok(avg_rdc)
- }
- /// Sets the card volume control to the given VolumeMode.
- fn set_volume(&mut self, mode: VolumeMode) -> Result<()> {
- let mut dsm_param = DSMParam::new(
- &mut self.card,
- self.setting.num_channels(),
- &self.setting.dsm_param_read_ctrl,
- )?;
- dsm_param.set_volume_mode(mode);
- self.card
- .control_tlv_by_name(&self.setting.dsm_param_write_ctrl)?
- .save(dsm_param.into())
- .map_err(Error::DSMParamUpdateFailed)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Applies the calibration value to the amp.
- fn apply_calibration_value(&mut self, calib: &[CalibData]) -> Result<()> {
- let mut dsm_param = DSMParam::new(
- &mut self.card,
- self.setting.num_channels(),
- &self.setting.dsm_param_read_ctrl,
- )?;
- for ch in 0..self.setting.num_channels() {
- dsm_param.set_rdc(ch, calib[ch].rdc);
- dsm_param.set_ambient_temp(ch, Self::celsius_to_dsm_unit(calib[ch].temp));
- }
- self.card
- .control_tlv_by_name(&self.setting.dsm_param_write_ctrl)?
- .save(dsm_param.into())
- .map_err(Error::DSMParamUpdateFailed)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Rdc (ohm) = [ID:0x12] * 3.66 / 2^27
- #[inline]
- fn rdc_to_ohm(x: i32) -> f32 {
- (3.66 * x as f32) / (1 << 27) as f32
- }
- /// Returns the ambient temperature in celsius degree.
- fn get_ambient_temp(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<f32>> {
- let mut zero_player: ZeroPlayer = Default::default();
- zero_player.start(Self::TEMP_CALIB_WARM_UP_TIME)?;
- let mut temps = Vec::new();
- for x in 0..self.setting.num_channels() as usize {
- let temp = self
- .card
- .control_by_name::<IntControl>(&self.setting.temp_ctrl[x])?
- .get()?;
- let celsius = Self::measured_temp_to_celsius(temp);
- temps.push(celsius);
- }
- zero_player.stop()?;
- Ok(temps)
- }
- /// Converts the measured ambient temperature to celsius unit.
- #[inline]
- fn measured_temp_to_celsius(temp: i32) -> f32 {
- // Measured Temperature (°C) = ([Mixer Val] * 1.28) - 29
- (temp as f32 * 1.28) - 29.0
- }
- /// Converts the ambient temperature from celsius to the DsmSetAPI::DsmAmbientTemp unit.
- #[inline]
- fn celsius_to_dsm_unit(celsius: f32) -> i32 {
- // Temperature (℃) = [ID:0x12] / 2^19
- (celsius * (1 << 19) as f32) as i32
- }
- /// Sets the amp to the given smart pilot signal mode.
- fn set_spt_mode(&mut self, mode: SPTMode) -> Result<()> {
- let mut dsm_param = DSMParam::new(
- &mut self.card,
- self.setting.num_channels(),
- &self.setting.dsm_param_read_ctrl,
- )?;
- dsm_param.set_spt_mode(mode);
- self.card
- .control_tlv_by_name(&self.setting.dsm_param_write_ctrl)?
- .save(dsm_param.into())
- .map_err(Error::DSMParamUpdateFailed)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Sets the amp to the given the calibration mode.
- fn set_calibration_mode(&mut self, mode: CalibMode) -> Result<()> {
- let mut dsm_param = DSMParam::new(
- &mut self.card,
- self.setting.num_channels(),
- &self.setting.dsm_param_read_ctrl,
- )?;
- dsm_param.set_calibration_mode(mode);
- self.card
- .control_tlv_by_name(&self.setting.dsm_param_write_ctrl)?
- .save(dsm_param.into())
- .map_err(Error::DSMParamUpdateFailed)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Reads the calibrated rdc.
- /// Must be called when the calibration mode in on.
- fn get_adaptive_rdc(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<i32>> {
- let dsm_param = DSMParam::new(
- &mut self.card,
- self.setting.num_channels(),
- &self.setting.dsm_param_read_ctrl,
- )?;
- Ok(dsm_param.get_adaptive_rdc())
- }
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- #[test]
- fn celsius_to_dsm_unit() {
- assert_eq!(Max98373::celsius_to_dsm_unit(37.0), 0x01280000);
- assert_eq!(Max98373::celsius_to_dsm_unit(50.0), 0x01900000);
- }
- #[test]
- fn rdc_to_ohm() {
- assert_eq!(Max98373::rdc_to_ohm(0x05cea0c7), 2.656767);
- }
- #[test]
- fn measured_temp_to_celsius() {
- assert_eq!(Max98373::measured_temp_to_celsius(56), 42.68);
- }