path: root/Rx/v2/src/rxcpp/schedulers/rx-test.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Rx/v2/src/rxcpp/schedulers/rx-test.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 617 deletions
diff --git a/Rx/v2/src/rxcpp/schedulers/rx-test.hpp b/Rx/v2/src/rxcpp/schedulers/rx-test.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aaa073d..0000000
--- a/Rx/v2/src/rxcpp/schedulers/rx-test.hpp
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
-#pragma once
-#include "../rx-includes.hpp"
-namespace rxcpp {
-namespace schedulers {
-namespace detail {
-class test_type : public scheduler_interface
- typedef scheduler_interface::clock_type clock_type;
- struct test_type_state : public virtual_time<long, long>
- {
- typedef virtual_time<long, long> base;
- using base::schedule_absolute;
- using base::schedule_relative;
- clock_type::time_point now() const {
- return to_time_point(clock_now);
- }
- virtual void schedule_absolute(long when, const schedulable& a) const
- {
- if (when <= base::clock_now)
- when = base::clock_now + 1;
- return base::schedule_absolute(when, a);
- }
- virtual long add(long absolute, long relative) const
- {
- return absolute + relative;
- }
- virtual clock_type::time_point to_time_point(long absolute) const
- {
- return clock_type::time_point(std::chrono::milliseconds(absolute));
- }
- virtual long to_relative(clock_type::duration d) const
- {
- return static_cast<long>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(d).count());
- }
- };
- mutable std::shared_ptr<test_type_state> state;
- struct test_type_worker : public worker_interface
- {
- mutable std::shared_ptr<test_type_state> state;
- typedef test_type_state::absolute absolute;
- typedef test_type_state::relative relative;
- test_type_worker(std::shared_ptr<test_type_state> st)
- : state(std::move(st))
- {
- }
- virtual clock_type::time_point now() const {
- return state->now();
- }
- virtual void schedule(const schedulable& scbl) const {
- state->schedule_absolute(state->clock(), scbl);
- }
- virtual void schedule(clock_type::time_point when, const schedulable& scbl) const {
- state->schedule_relative(state->to_relative(when - now()), scbl);
- }
- void schedule_absolute(absolute when, const schedulable& scbl) const {
- state->schedule_absolute(when, scbl);
- }
- void schedule_relative(relative when, const schedulable& scbl) const {
- state->schedule_relative(when, scbl);
- }
- bool is_enabled() const {return state->is_enabled();}
- absolute clock() const {return state->clock();}
- void start() const
- {
- state->start();
- }
- void stop() const
- {
- state->stop();
- }
- void advance_to(absolute time) const
- {
- state->advance_to(time);
- }
- void advance_by(relative time) const
- {
- state->advance_by(time);
- }
- void sleep(relative time) const
- {
- state->sleep(time);
- }
- template<class T>
- subscriber<T, rxt::testable_observer<T>> make_subscriber() const;
- };
- test_type()
- : state(std::make_shared<test_type_state>())
- {
- }
- virtual clock_type::time_point now() const {
- return state->now();
- }
- virtual worker create_worker(composite_subscription cs) const {
- return worker(cs, std::make_shared<test_type_worker>(state));
- }
- bool is_enabled() const {return state->is_enabled();}
- long clock() {
- return state->clock();
- }
- clock_type::time_point to_time_point(long absolute) const {
- return state->to_time_point(absolute);
- }
- std::shared_ptr<test_type_worker> create_test_type_worker_interface() const {
- return std::make_shared<test_type_worker>(state);
- }
- template<class T>
- rxt::testable_observable<T> make_hot_observable(std::vector<rxn::recorded<std::shared_ptr<rxn::detail::notification_base<T>>>> messages) const;
- template<class T>
- rxt::testable_observable<T> make_cold_observable(std::vector<rxn::recorded<std::shared_ptr<rxn::detail::notification_base<T>>>> messages) const;
-template<class T>
-class mock_observer
- : public rxt::detail::test_subject_base<T>
- typedef typename rxn::notification<T> notification_type;
- typedef rxn::recorded<typename notification_type::type> recorded_type;
- explicit mock_observer(std::shared_ptr<test_type::test_type_state> sc)
- : sc(sc)
- {
- }
- std::shared_ptr<test_type::test_type_state> sc;
- std::vector<recorded_type> m;
- virtual void on_subscribe(subscriber<T>) const {
- std::terminate();
- }
- virtual std::vector<rxn::subscription> subscriptions() const {
- std::terminate();
- }
- virtual std::vector<recorded_type> messages() const {
- return m;
- }
-template<class T>
-subscriber<T, rxt::testable_observer<T>> test_type::test_type_worker::make_subscriber() const
- typedef typename rxn::notification<T> notification_type;
- typedef rxn::recorded<typename notification_type::type> recorded_type;
- auto ts = std::make_shared<mock_observer<T>>(state);
- return rxcpp::make_subscriber<T>(rxt::testable_observer<T>(ts, make_observer_dynamic<T>(
- // on_next
- [ts](T value)
- {
- ts->m.push_back(
- recorded_type(ts->sc->clock(), notification_type::on_next(value)));
- },
- // on_error
- [ts](rxu::error_ptr e)
- {
- ts->m.push_back(
- recorded_type(ts->sc->clock(), notification_type::on_error(e)));
- },
- // on_completed
- [ts]()
- {
- ts->m.push_back(
- recorded_type(ts->sc->clock(), notification_type::on_completed()));
- })));
-template<class T>
-class cold_observable
- : public rxt::detail::test_subject_base<T>
- typedef cold_observable<T> this_type;
- std::shared_ptr<test_type::test_type_state> sc;
- typedef rxn::recorded<typename rxn::notification<T>::type> recorded_type;
- mutable std::vector<recorded_type> mv;
- mutable std::vector<rxn::subscription> sv;
- mutable worker controller;
- cold_observable(std::shared_ptr<test_type::test_type_state> sc, worker w, std::vector<recorded_type> mv)
- : sc(sc)
- , mv(std::move(mv))
- , controller(w)
- {
- }
- template<class Iterator>
- cold_observable(std::shared_ptr<test_type::test_type_state> sc, worker w, Iterator begin, Iterator end)
- : sc(sc)
- , mv(begin, end)
- , controller(w)
- {
- }
- virtual void on_subscribe(subscriber<T> o) const {
- sv.push_back(rxn::subscription(sc->clock()));
- auto index = sv.size() - 1;
- for (auto& message : mv) {
- auto n = message.value();
- sc->schedule_relative(message.time(), make_schedulable(
- controller,
- [n, o](const schedulable&) {
- if (o.is_subscribed()) {
- n->accept(o);
- }
- }));
- }
- auto sharedThis = std::static_pointer_cast<const this_type>(this->shared_from_this());
- o.add([sharedThis, index]() {
- sharedThis->sv[index] = rxn::subscription(sharedThis->sv[index].subscribe(), sharedThis->sc->clock());
- });
- }
- virtual std::vector<rxn::subscription> subscriptions() const {
- return sv;
- }
- virtual std::vector<recorded_type> messages() const {
- return mv;
- }
-template<class T>
-rxt::testable_observable<T> test_type::make_cold_observable(std::vector<rxn::recorded<std::shared_ptr<rxn::detail::notification_base<T>>>> messages) const
- auto co = std::make_shared<cold_observable<T>>(state, create_worker(composite_subscription()), std::move(messages));
- return rxt::testable_observable<T>(co);
-template<class T>
-class hot_observable
- : public rxt::detail::test_subject_base<T>
- typedef hot_observable<T> this_type;
- std::shared_ptr<test_type::test_type_state> sc;
- typedef rxn::recorded<typename rxn::notification<T>::type> recorded_type;
- typedef subscriber<T> observer_type;
- mutable std::vector<recorded_type> mv;
- mutable std::vector<rxn::subscription> sv;
- mutable std::list<observer_type> observers;
- mutable worker controller;
- hot_observable(std::shared_ptr<test_type::test_type_state> sc, worker w, std::vector<recorded_type> mv)
- : sc(sc)
- , mv(mv)
- , controller(w)
- {
- for (auto& message : mv) {
- auto n = message.value();
- sc->schedule_absolute(message.time(), make_schedulable(
- controller,
- [this, n](const schedulable&) {
- auto local = this->observers;
- for (auto& o : local) {
- if (o.is_subscribed()) {
- n->accept(o);
- }
- }
- }));
- }
- }
- virtual ~hot_observable() {}
- virtual void on_subscribe(observer_type o) const {
- auto olocation = observers.insert(observers.end(), o);
- sv.push_back(rxn::subscription(sc->clock()));
- auto index = sv.size() - 1;
- auto sharedThis = std::static_pointer_cast<const this_type>(this->shared_from_this());
- o.add([sharedThis, index, olocation]() {
- sharedThis->sv[index] = rxn::subscription(sharedThis->sv[index].subscribe(), sharedThis->sc->clock());
- sharedThis->observers.erase(olocation);
- });
- }
- virtual std::vector<rxn::subscription> subscriptions() const {
- return sv;
- }
- virtual std::vector<recorded_type> messages() const {
- return mv;
- }
-template<class T>
-rxt::testable_observable<T> test_type::make_hot_observable(std::vector<rxn::recorded<std::shared_ptr<rxn::detail::notification_base<T>>>> messages) const
- auto worker = create_worker(composite_subscription());
- auto shared = std::make_shared<hot_observable<T>>(state, worker, std::move(messages));
- return rxt::testable_observable<T>(shared);
-template<class F>
-struct is_create_source_function
- struct not_void {};
- template<class CF>
- static auto check(int) -> decltype((*(CF*)nullptr)());
- template<class CF>
- static not_void check(...);
- static const bool value = is_observable<decltype(check<rxu::decay_t<F>>(0))>::value;
-class test : public scheduler
- std::shared_ptr<detail::test_type> tester;
- explicit test(std::shared_ptr<detail::test_type> t)
- : scheduler(std::static_pointer_cast<scheduler_interface>(t))
- , tester(t)
- {
- }
- typedef detail::test_type::clock_type clock_type;
- static const long created_time = 100;
- static const long subscribed_time = 200;
- static const long unsubscribed_time = 1000;
- template<class T>
- struct messages
- {
- typedef typename rxn::notification<T> notification_type;
- typedef rxn::recorded<typename notification_type::type> recorded_type;
- typedef rxn::subscription subscription_type;
- messages() {}
- template<typename U>
- static recorded_type next(long ticks, U value) {
- return recorded_type(ticks, notification_type::on_next(std::move(value)));
- }
- static recorded_type completed(long ticks) {
- return recorded_type(ticks, notification_type::on_completed());
- }
- template<typename Exception>
- static recorded_type error(long ticks, Exception&& e) {
- return recorded_type(ticks, notification_type::on_error(std::forward<Exception>(e)));
- }
- static rxn::subscription subscribe(long subscribe, long unsubscribe) {
- return rxn::subscription(subscribe, unsubscribe);
- }
- };
- class test_worker : public worker
- {
- std::shared_ptr<detail::test_type::test_type_worker> tester;
- public:
- ~test_worker() {
- }
- explicit test_worker(composite_subscription cs, std::shared_ptr<detail::test_type::test_type_worker> t)
- : worker(cs, std::static_pointer_cast<worker_interface>(t))
- , tester(t)
- {
- }
- bool is_enabled() const {return tester->is_enabled();}
- long clock() const {return tester->clock();}
- void schedule_absolute(long when, const schedulable& a) const {
- tester->schedule_absolute(when, a);
- }
- void schedule_relative(long when, const schedulable& a) const {
- tester->schedule_relative(when, a);
- }
- template<class Arg0, class... ArgN>
- auto schedule_absolute(long when, Arg0&& a0, ArgN&&... an) const
- -> typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::is_action_function<Arg0>::value ||
- is_subscription<Arg0>::value) &&
- !is_schedulable<Arg0>::value>::type {
- tester->schedule_absolute(when, make_schedulable(*this, std::forward<Arg0>(a0), std::forward<ArgN>(an)...));
- }
- template<class Arg0, class... ArgN>
- auto schedule_relative(long when, Arg0&& a0, ArgN&&... an) const
- -> typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::is_action_function<Arg0>::value ||
- is_subscription<Arg0>::value) &&
- !is_schedulable<Arg0>::value>::type {
- tester->schedule_relative(when, make_schedulable(*this, std::forward<Arg0>(a0), std::forward<ArgN>(an)...));
- }
- void advance_to(long time) const
- {
- tester->advance_to(time);
- }
- void advance_by(long time) const
- {
- tester->advance_by(time);
- }
- void sleep(long time) const
- {
- tester->sleep(time);
- }
- template<class T, class F>
- auto start(F createSource, long created, long subscribed, long unsubscribed) const
- -> subscriber<T, rxt::testable_observer<T>>
- {
- struct state_type
- : public std::enable_shared_from_this<state_type>
- {
- typedef decltype(createSource()) source_type;
- std::unique_ptr<source_type> source;
- subscriber<T, rxt::testable_observer<T>> o;
- explicit state_type(subscriber<T, rxt::testable_observer<T>> o)
- : source()
- , o(o)
- {
- }
- };
- auto state = std::make_shared<state_type>(this->make_subscriber<T>());
- schedule_absolute(created, [createSource, state](const schedulable&) {
- state->source.reset(new typename state_type::source_type(createSource()));
- });
- schedule_absolute(subscribed, [state](const schedulable&) {
- state->source->subscribe(state->o);
- });
- schedule_absolute(unsubscribed, [state](const schedulable&) {
- state->o.unsubscribe();
- });
- tester->start();
- return state->o;
- }
- template<class T, class F>
- auto start(F&& createSource, long unsubscribed) const
- -> subscriber<T, rxt::testable_observer<T>>
- {
- return start<T>(std::forward<F>(createSource), created_time, subscribed_time, unsubscribed);
- }
- template<class T, class F>
- auto start(F&& createSource) const
- -> subscriber<T, rxt::testable_observer<T>>
- {
- return start<T>(std::forward<F>(createSource), created_time, subscribed_time, unsubscribed_time);
- }
- template<class F>
- struct start_traits
- {
- typedef decltype((*(F*)nullptr)()) source_type;
- typedef typename source_type::value_type value_type;
- typedef subscriber<value_type, rxt::testable_observer<value_type>> subscriber_type;
- };
- template<class F>
- auto start(F createSource, long created, long subscribed, long unsubscribed) const
- -> typename std::enable_if<detail::is_create_source_function<F>::value, start_traits<F>>::type::subscriber_type
- {
- return start<rxu::value_type_t<start_traits<F>>>(std::move(createSource), created, subscribed, unsubscribed);
- }
- template<class F>
- auto start(F createSource, long unsubscribed) const
- -> typename std::enable_if<detail::is_create_source_function<F>::value, start_traits<F>>::type::subscriber_type
- {
- return start<rxu::value_type_t<start_traits<F>>>(std::move(createSource), created_time, subscribed_time, unsubscribed);
- }
- template<class F>
- auto start(F createSource) const
- -> typename std::enable_if<detail::is_create_source_function<F>::value, start_traits<F>>::type::subscriber_type
- {
- return start<rxu::value_type_t<start_traits<F>>>(std::move(createSource), created_time, subscribed_time, unsubscribed_time);
- }
- void start() const {
- tester->start();
- }
- template<class T>
- subscriber<T, rxt::testable_observer<T>> make_subscriber() const {
- return tester->make_subscriber<T>();
- }
- };
- clock_type::time_point now() const {
- return tester->now();
- }
- test_worker create_worker(composite_subscription cs = composite_subscription()) const {
- return test_worker(cs, tester->create_test_type_worker_interface());
- }
- bool is_enabled() const {return tester->is_enabled();}
- long clock() const {return tester->clock();}
- clock_type::time_point to_time_point(long absolute) const {
- return tester->to_time_point(absolute);
- }
- template<class T>
- rxt::testable_observable<T> make_hot_observable(std::vector<rxn::recorded<std::shared_ptr<rxn::detail::notification_base<T>>>> messages) const{
- return tester->make_hot_observable(std::move(messages));
- }
- template<class T, std::size_t size>
- auto make_hot_observable(const T (&arr) [size]) const
- -> decltype(tester->make_hot_observable(std::vector<T>())) {
- return tester->make_hot_observable(rxu::to_vector(arr));
- }
- template<class T>
- auto make_hot_observable(std::initializer_list<T> il) const
- -> decltype(tester->make_hot_observable(std::vector<T>())) {
- return tester->make_hot_observable(std::vector<T>(il));
- }
- template<class T>
- rxt::testable_observable<T> make_cold_observable(std::vector<rxn::recorded<std::shared_ptr<rxn::detail::notification_base<T>>>> messages) const {
- return tester->make_cold_observable(std::move(messages));
- }
- template<class T, std::size_t size>
- auto make_cold_observable(const T (&arr) [size]) const
- -> decltype(tester->make_cold_observable(std::vector<T>())) {
- return tester->make_cold_observable(rxu::to_vector(arr));
- }
- template<class T>
- auto make_cold_observable(std::initializer_list<T> il) const
- -> decltype(tester->make_cold_observable(std::vector<T>())) {
- return tester->make_cold_observable(std::vector<T>(il));
- }
-inline test make_test() {
- return test(std::make_shared<detail::test_type>());
-inline identity_one_worker identity_test() {
- static identity_one_worker r(rxsc::make_test());
- return r;