path: root/vm/mterp/x86-atom/footer.S
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Diffstat (limited to 'vm/mterp/x86-atom/footer.S')
1 files changed, 662 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vm/mterp/x86-atom/footer.S b/vm/mterp/x86-atom/footer.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb9970d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vm/mterp/x86-atom/footer.S
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+ /* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ /*
+ * File: footer.S
+ */
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ /*
+ * Check to see if the thread needs to be suspended or debugger/profiler
+ * activity has begun.
+ *
+ * On entry:
+ * %ecx is reentry type, e.g. kInterpEntryInstr
+ * %edx is PC adjustment in bytes
+ */
+ movl %edx, -8(%esp) # save pc adjustments
+ movl rGLUE, %edx # %edx<- pMterpGlue
+ movl %ebx, -4(%esp) # save %ebx to the stack
+ movl offGlue_pSelfSuspendCount(%edx), %ebx # %ebx<- pSuspendCount (int)
+ movl offGlue_pDebuggerActive(%edx), %eax # %eax<- pDebuggerActive
+ testl %eax, %eax
+ je 5f
+ movzbl (%eax), %eax # %eax<- get debuggerActive (boolean)
+ cmp $$0, (%ebx) # check if suspend is pending
+ jne 2f # handle suspend
+ movl offGlue_pActiveProfilers(%edx), %ebx # %ebx<- activeProfilers (int)
+ orl (%ebx), %eax # %eax<- merge activeProfilers and debuggerActive
+ movl -8(%esp), %edx # %edx<- restore %edx
+ jne 3f # debugger or profiler active; switch interp
+ movl -4(%esp), %ebx # %ebx<- restore %ebx
+ ret # return
+2: # check suspended
+ movl offGlue_self(%edx), %eax # %eax<- glue->self
+ movl %eax, -12(%esp) # push parameter boolean
+ lea -12(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmCheckSuspendPending # call: (Thread* self)
+ # return: bool
+ movl 4(%esp), %edx # %edx<- restore %edx
+ movl 8(%esp), %ebx # %ebx<- restore %ebx
+ lea 12(%esp), %esp
+ ret
+3: # debugger/profiler enabled, bail out
+ leal (rPC, %edx, 2), rPC # adjust pc to show target
+ movl rGLUE, %ecx # %ecx<- pMterpGlue
+ movb $$kInterpEntryInstr, offGlue_entryPoint(%ecx)
+ movl $$1, %edx # switch interpreter
+ jmp common_gotoBail # bail
+ /*
+ * Check to see if the thread needs to be suspended or debugger/profiler
+ * activity has begun. With this variant, the reentry type is hard coded
+ * as kInterpEntryInstr.
+ *
+ * On entry:
+ * %edx is PC adjustment in bytes
+ */
+ movl rGLUE, %ecx # %ecx<- pMterpGlue
+ movl offGlue_pSelfSuspendCount(%ecx), rINST # %ebx<- pSuspendCount (int)
+ movl offGlue_pDebuggerActive(%ecx), %eax # %eax<- pDebuggerActive
+ testl %eax, %eax # test for NULL pointer
+ je 5f
+ movzbl (%eax), %eax # %eax<- get debuggerActive count
+ cmp $$0, (rINST) # check if suspend is pending
+ jne 2f # handle suspend
+ movl offGlue_pActiveProfilers(%ecx), rINST # %edx<- activeProfilers (int)
+ orl (rINST), %eax # %eax<- merge activeProfilers and debuggerActive
+ jne 3f # debugger or profiler active; switch interp
+ FINISH_RB %edx, %ecx # jump to next instruction
+2: # check suspended
+ movl offGlue_self(%ecx), %eax# %eax<- glue->self
+ movl %edx, rINST
+ movl %eax, -12(%esp) # push parameter boolean
+ lea -12(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmCheckSuspendPending # call: (Thread* self)
+ # return: bool
+ movl rINST, %edx # %edx<- restore %edx
+ lea 12(%esp), %esp
+ FINISH_RB %edx, %ecx
+3: # debugger/profiler enabled, bail out
+ leal (rPC, %edx, 2), rPC # adjust pc to show target
+ movb $$kInterpEntryInstr, offGlue_entryPoint(%ecx)
+ movl $$1, %edx # switch interpreter
+ jmp common_gotoBail # bail
+ /*
+ * The equivalent of "goto bail", this calls through the "bail handler".
+ * State registers will be saved to the "glue" area before bailing.
+ *
+ * On entry:
+ * %edx is "bool changeInterp", indicating if we want to switch to the
+ * other interpreter or just bail all the way out
+ */
+ SAVE_PC_FP_TO_GLUE %ecx # save program counter and frame pointer
+ /*
+ * Inlined dvmMterpStdBail
+ */
+ lea 40(%ebp), %esp
+ movl %edx, %eax
+ movl 24(%ebp), %edi
+ movl 28(%ebp), %esi
+ movl 32(%ebp), %ebx
+ movl 36(%ebp), %ebp
+ ret
+ /*
+ * Common code for method invocation with range.
+ *
+ * On entry:
+ * %ecx is "Method* methodToCall", the method we're trying to call
+ */
+ /*
+ * prepare to copy args to "outs" area of current frame
+ */
+ SAVEAREA_FROM_FP %eax # %eax<- &outs; &StackSaveArea
+ test rINST, rINST # test for no args
+ movl rINST, sReg0 # sReg0<- AA
+ jz .LinvokeArgsDone # no args; jump to args done
+ FETCH 2, %edx # %edx<- CCCC
+ /*
+ * %ecx=methodToCall, %edx=CCCC, sReg0=count, %eax=&outs (&stackSaveArea)
+ * (very few methods have > 10 args; could unroll for common cases)
+ */
+ movl %ebx, sReg1 # sReg1<- save %ebx
+ lea (rFP, %edx, 4), %edx # %edx<- &vCCCC
+ shll $$2, sReg0 # sReg0<- offset
+ subl sReg0, %eax # %eax<- update &outs
+ shrl $$2, sReg0 # sReg0<- offset
+ movl (%edx), %ebx # %ebx<- vCCCC
+ lea 4(%edx), %edx # %edx<- &vCCCC++
+ subl $$1, sReg0 # sReg<- sReg--
+ movl %ebx, (%eax) # *outs<- vCCCC
+ lea 4(%eax), %eax # outs++
+ jne 1b # loop if count (sReg0) not zero
+ movl sReg1, %ebx # %ebx<- restore %ebx
+ jmp .LinvokeArgsDone # continue
+ /*
+ * %ecx is "Method* methodToCall", the method we're trying to call
+ * prepare to copy args to "outs" area of current frame
+ */
+ movl rINST, sReg0 # sReg0<- BA
+ shrl $$4, sReg0 # sReg0<- B
+ je .LinvokeArgsDone # no args; jump to args done
+ SAVEAREA_FROM_FP %eax # %eax<- &outs; &StackSaveArea
+ FETCH 2, %edx # %edx<- GFED
+ /*
+ * %ecx=methodToCall, %edx=GFED, sReg0=count, %eax=outs
+ */
+ cmp $$2, sReg0 # compare sReg0 to 2
+ movl %edx, sReg1 # sReg1<- GFED
+ jl 1f # handle 1 arg
+ je 2f # handle 2 args
+ cmp $$4, sReg0 # compare sReg0 to 4
+ jl 3f # handle 3 args
+ je 4f # handle 4 args
+ andl $$15, rINST # rINST<- A
+ lea -4(%eax), %eax # %eax<- update &outs; &outs--
+ movl (rFP, rINST, 4), %edx # %edx<- vA
+ movl %edx, (%eax) # *outs<- vA
+ movl sReg1, %edx # %edx<- GFED
+ shr $$12, %edx # %edx<- G
+ lea -4(%eax), %eax # %eax<- update &outs; &outs--
+ movl (rFP, %edx, 4), %edx # %edx<- vG
+ movl %edx, (%eax) # *outs<- vG
+ movl sReg1, %edx # %edx<- GFED
+ and $$0x0f00, %edx # %edx<- 0F00
+ shr $$6, %edx # %edx<- F at correct offset
+ lea -4(%eax), %eax # %eax<- update &outs; &outs--
+ movl (rFP, %edx), %edx # %edx<- vF
+ movl %edx, (%eax) # *outs<- vF
+ movl sReg1, %edx # %edx<- GFED
+ and $$0x00f0, %edx # %edx<- 00E0
+ shr $$2, %edx # %edx<- E at correct offset
+ lea -4(%eax), %eax # %eax<- update &outs; &outs--
+ movl (rFP, %edx), %edx # %edx<- vE
+ movl %edx, (%eax) # *outs<- vE
+ movl sReg1, %edx # %edx<- GFED
+ and $$0x000f, %edx # %edx<- 000D
+ movl (rFP, %edx, 4), %edx # %edx<- vD
+ movl %edx, -4(%eax) # *--outs<- vD
+ /*
+ * %ecx is "Method* methodToCall", the method we're trying to call
+ * find space for the new stack frame, check for overflow
+ */
+ movzwl offMethod_registersSize(%ecx), %eax # %eax<- methodToCall->regsSize
+ movzwl offMethod_outsSize(%ecx), %edx # %edx<- methodToCall->outsSize
+ movl %ecx, sReg0 # sReg<- methodToCall
+ shl $$2, %eax # %eax<- update offset
+ SAVEAREA_FROM_FP %ecx # %ecx<- &outs; &StackSaveArea
+ subl %eax, %ecx # %ecx<- newFP; (old savearea - regsSize)
+ movl rGLUE, %eax # %eax<- pMterpGlue
+ movl %ecx, sReg1 # sReg1<- &outs
+ subl $$sizeofStackSaveArea, %ecx # %ecx<- newSaveArea (stack save area using newFP)
+ movl offGlue_interpStackEnd(%eax), %eax # %eax<- glue->interpStackEnd
+ movl %eax, sReg2 # sReg2<- glue->interpStackEnd
+ shl $$2, %edx # %edx<- update offset for outsSize
+ movl %ecx, %eax # %eax<- newSaveArea
+ sub %edx, %ecx # %ecx<- bottom; (newSaveArea - outsSize)
+ cmp sReg2, %ecx # compare interpStackEnd and bottom
+ movl sReg0, %ecx # %ecx<- restore methodToCall
+ jl .LstackOverflow # handle frame overflow
+ /*
+ * set up newSaveArea
+ */
+#ifdef EASY_GDB
+ SAVEAREA_FROM_FP %edx # %edx<- &outs; &StackSaveArea
+ movl %edx, offStackSaveArea_prevSave(%eax) # newSaveArea->prevSave<- &outs
+ movl rFP, offStackSaveArea_prevFrame(%eax) # newSaveArea->prevFrame<- rFP
+ movl rPC, offStackSaveArea_savedPc(%eax) # newSaveArea->savedPc<- rPC
+ testl $$ACC_NATIVE, offMethod_accessFlags(%ecx) # check for native call
+ movl %ecx, offStackSaveArea_method(%eax) # newSaveArea->method<- method to call
+ jne .LinvokeNative # handle native call
+ /*
+ * Update "glue" values for the new method
+ * %ecx=methodToCall, sReg1=newFp
+ */
+ movl offMethod_clazz(%ecx), %edx # %edx<- method->clazz
+ movl rGLUE, %eax # %eax<- pMterpGlue
+ movl %ecx, offGlue_method(%eax) # glue->method<- methodToCall
+ movl offClassObject_pDvmDex(%edx), %edx # %edx<- method->clazz->pDvmDex
+ movl offMethod_insns(%ecx), rPC # rPC<- methodToCall->insns
+ movl %edx, offGlue_methodClassDex(%eax) # glue->methodClassDex<- method->clazz->pDvmDex
+ movl offGlue_self(%eax), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self
+ movl sReg1, rFP # rFP<- newFP
+ movl rFP, offThread_curFrame(%ecx) # glue->self->curFrame<- newFP
+ FINISH_A # jump to methodToCall->insns
+ /*
+ * Prep for the native call
+ * %ecx=methodToCall, sReg1=newFP, %eax=newSaveArea
+ */
+ movl rGLUE, %edx # %edx<- pMterpGlue
+ movl %ecx, -20(%esp) # push parameter methodToCall
+ movl offGlue_self(%edx), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
+ movl offThread_jniLocal_topCookie(%edx), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self->thread->refNext
+ movl %ecx, offStackSaveArea_localRefCookie(%eax) # newSaveArea->localRefCookie<- refNext
+ movl %eax, -4(%esp) # save newSaveArea
+ movl sReg1, %eax # %eax<- newFP
+ movl %eax, offThread_curFrame(%edx) # glue->self->curFrame<- newFP
+ movl %edx, -8(%esp) # save glue->self
+ movl %edx, -16(%esp) # push parameter glue->self
+ movl rGLUE, %edx # %edx<- pMterpGlue
+ movl -20(%esp), %ecx # %ecx<- methodToCall
+ lea offGlue_retval(%edx), %edx # %edx<- &retval
+ movl %edx, -24(%esp) # push parameter pMterpGlue
+ movl %eax, -28(%esp) # push parameter newFP
+ lea -28(%esp), %esp
+ jmp .Lskip
+ .type dalvik_mterp, %function
+ call *offMethod_nativeFunc(%ecx) # call methodToCall->nativeFunc
+ lea 28(%esp), %esp
+ movl -4(%esp), %edx # %edx<- newSaveArea
+ movl -8(%esp), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self
+ movl offStackSaveArea_localRefCookie(%edx), %eax # %eax<- newSaveArea->localRefCookie
+ FFETCH_ADV 3, %edx # %edx<- next instruction hi; fetch, advance
+ cmp $$0, offThread_exception(%ecx) # check for exception
+ movl rFP, offThread_curFrame(%ecx) # glue->self->curFrame<- rFP
+ movl %eax, offThread_jniLocal_topCookie(%ecx) # glue->self<- newSaveArea->localRefCookie
+ jne common_exceptionThrown # handle exception
+ FGETOP_JMP 3, %edx # jump to next instruction; getop, jmp
+ movl %ecx, -4(%esp) # push method to call
+ movl rGLUE, %ecx # %ecx<- pMterpGlue
+ movl offGlue_self(%ecx), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self
+ movl %ecx, -8(%esp) # push parameter self
+ lea -8(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmHandleStackOverflow # call: (Thread* self, Method *meth)
+ # return: void
+ lea 8(%esp), %esp
+ jmp common_exceptionThrown # handle exception
+ /*
+ * Common code for handling a return instruction.
+ *
+ * This does not return.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Inline common periodic checks
+ */
+ movl rGLUE, rINST # %ecx<- pMterpGlue
+ movl offGlue_pSelfSuspendCount(rINST), %edx # %ebx<- pSuspendCount (int)
+ movl offGlue_pDebuggerActive(rINST), %eax # %eax<- pDebuggerActive
+ movl (%eax), %eax # %eax<- get debuggerActive (boolean)
+ and $$7, %eax # %eax<- mask for boolean (just how many bits does it take?)
+ cmp $$0, (%edx) # check if suspend is pending
+ jne 2f # handle suspend
+ movl offGlue_pActiveProfilers(rINST), %edx # %edx<- activeProfilers (int)
+ or (%edx), %eax # %eax<- merge activeProfilers and debuggerActive
+ cmp $$0, %eax # check for debuggerActive
+ jne 3f # debugger or profiler active; switch interp
+ jmp 4f
+2: # check suspended
+ movl offGlue_self(rINST), %eax# %eax<- glue->self
+ movl %eax, -12(%esp) # push parameter boolean
+ lea -12(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmCheckSuspendPending # call: (Thread* self)
+ # return: bool
+ lea 12(%esp), %esp
+ jmp 4f
+3: # debugger/profiler enabled, bail out
+ movl $$kInterpEntryInstr, offGlue_entryPoint(rINST) # glue->entryPoint<- reentry type
+ movl $$1, %edx # switch to interp<- true
+ jmp common_gotoBail # bail
+ /*
+ * Get save area; rGLUE is %ebx, rFP is %eax
+ */
+ SAVEAREA_FROM_FP %ecx # %ecx<- saveArea(old)
+ movl offStackSaveArea_prevFrame(%ecx), rFP # rFP<- saveArea->PrevFrame
+ movl (offStackSaveArea_method - sizeofStackSaveArea)(rFP), %edx # %edx<- method we are returning to
+ cmpl $$0, %edx # check for break frame
+ je common_gotoBail # bail if break frame
+ movl offStackSaveArea_savedPc(%ecx), rPC # rPC<- saveAreaOld->savedPc
+ movl offGlue_self(rINST), %ecx # %eax<- glue->self
+ movl %edx, offGlue_method(rINST) # glue->method<- newSave->method
+ movl offMethod_clazz(%edx), %edx # %edx<- method->clazz
+ FFETCH_ADV 3, %eax # %ecx<- next instruction hi; fetch, advance
+ movl rFP, offThread_curFrame(%ecx) # glue->self->curFrame<- rFP
+ movl offClassObject_pDvmDex(%edx), %edx # %edx<- method->clazz->pDvmDex
+ movl %edx, offGlue_methodClassDex(rINST) # glue->pDvmDex<- method->clazz->pDvmDex
+ FGETOP_JMP 3, %eax # jump to next instruction; getop, jmp
+ /*
+ * Handle thrown an exception. If the exception processing code
+ * returns to us (instead of falling out of the interpreter),
+ * continue with whatever the next instruction now happens to be.
+ * This does not return.
+ */
+ movl $$kInterpEntryThrow, %ecx # %ecx<- reentry type
+ movl $$0, %edx # %edx<- pc adjustment
+ call common_periodicChecks
+ movl rGLUE, %eax # %eax<- pMterpGlue
+ movl offGlue_self(%eax), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
+ movl offThread_exception(%edx), %ecx # %ecx<- pMterpGlue->self->exception
+ movl %edx, -4(%esp) # push parameter self
+ movl %ecx, -8(%esp) # push parameter obj
+ lea -8(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmAddTrackedAlloc # don't allow the exception to be GC'd
+ # call: (Object* obj, Thread* self)
+ # return: void
+ movl 4(%esp), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
+ movl $$0, offThread_exception(%edx) # glue->self->exception<- NULL
+ /*
+ * set up args and a local for &fp
+ */
+ movl rFP, -4(%esp) # move fp to stack
+ lea -4(%esp), %esp # update %esp
+ movl %esp, -4(%esp) # push parameter 4<- &fp
+ movl $$0, -8(%esp) # push parameter 3<- false
+ movl 4(%esp), %edx
+ movl %edx, -12(%esp) # push parameter 2<- glue->self->exception
+ movl rGLUE, %eax # %eax<- pMterpGlue
+ movl offGlue_method(%eax), %edx # %edx<- glue->method
+ movl offMethod_insns(%edx), %edx # %edx<- glue->method->insns
+ movl rPC, %ecx # %ecx<- rPC
+ subl %edx, %ecx # %ecx<- pc - glue->method->insns
+ sar $$1, %ecx # %ecx<- adjust %ecx for offset
+ movl %ecx, -16(%esp) # push parameter 1<- glue->method->insns
+ movl 8(%esp), %edx
+ movl %edx, -20(%esp) # push parameter 0<- glue->self
+ lea -20(%esp), %esp
+ /*
+ * call dvmFindCatchBlock, %eax gets catchRelPc (a code-unit offset)
+ */
+ call dvmFindCatchBlock # call: (Thread* self, int relPc, Object* exception,
+ # bool doUnroll, void** newFrame)
+ # return: int
+ lea 32(%esp), %esp
+ movl -12(%esp), rFP # rFP<- updated rFP
+ cmp $$0, %eax # check for catchRelPc < 0
+ jl .LnotCaughtLocally # handle not caught locally
+ /*
+ * fix stack overflow if necessary
+ */
+ movl -4(%esp), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self
+ cmp $$0, offThread_stackOverflowed(%ecx)
+ je 1f
+ movl %eax, -4(%esp) # save %eax for later
+ movl %ecx, -12(%esp) # push parameter 2 glue->self
+ lea -12(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmCleanupStackOverflow # call: (Thread* self, Object* exception)
+ # return: void
+ lea 12(%esp), %esp
+ movl -4(%esp), %eax # %eax<- restore %eax
+ jmp 2f
+ movl %ecx, -12(%esp) # push parameter 2 glue->self
+ /*
+ * adjust locals to match self->curFrame and updated PC
+ *
+ */
+ SAVEAREA_FROM_FP %edx # %edx<- get newSaveArea
+ movl rGLUE, %ecx # %ecx<- pMterpGlue
+ movl offStackSaveArea_method(%edx), rPC # rPC<- newMethod
+ movl rPC, offGlue_method(%ecx) # glue->method<- newMethod
+ movl offMethod_clazz(rPC), %edx # %edx<- method->clazz
+ movl offMethod_insns(rPC), rPC # rPC<- method->insns
+ movl offClassObject_pDvmDex(%edx), %edx # %edx<- method->clazz->pDvmDex
+ lea (rPC, %eax, 2), rPC # rPC<- method->insns + catchRelPc
+ movl %edx, offGlue_methodClassDex(%ecx) # glue->pDvmDex<- method->clazz->pDvmDex
+ movl -8(%esp), %eax
+ movl %eax, -16(%esp) # push parameter 1 obj
+ lea -16(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc # call: (Object* obj, Thread* self)
+ # return: void
+ lea 16(%esp), %esp
+ cmp $$OP_MOVE_EXCEPTION, %eax # is it a move exception
+ jne 1f
+ movl -12(%esp), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
+ movl -8(%esp), %ecx # %ecx<- exception
+ movl %ecx, offThread_exception(%edx) # restore the exception
+ /*
+ * -8(%esp) = exception, -4(%esp) = self
+ */
+ movl -4(%esp), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
+ movzb offThread_stackOverflowed(%edx), %eax # %eax<- self->stackOverflowed
+ cmp $$0, %eax # check for stack overflow;
+ # maybe should use cmpb
+ je 1f #
+ movl %edx, -12(%esp) # push parameter 1 glue->self
+ lea -12(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmCleanupStackOverflow # call: (Thread* self, Object* exception)
+ # return: void
+ lea 12(%esp), %esp
+ /*
+ * Release the exception
+ * -8(%esp) = exception, -4(%esp) = self
+ */
+ movl -8(%esp), %ecx # %ecx<- exception
+ movl -4(%esp), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
+ movl %ecx, offThread_exception(%edx) # glue->self<- exception
+ lea -8(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc # call: (Object* obj, Thread* self)
+ # return: void
+ lea 8(%esp), %esp
+ movl $$0, %edx # switch to interp<- false
+ jmp common_gotoBail # bail
+ /*
+ * After returning from a "glued" function, pull out the updated
+ * values and start executing at the next instruction.
+ */
+ LOAD_PC_FP_FROM_GLUE # pull rPC and rFP out of glue
+ FINISH_A # jump to next instruction
+ /*
+ * For debugging, cause an immediate fault.
+ */
+ jmp .LdeadFood
+.LdeadFood: 0xdeadf00d
+ /*
+ * Invalid array index.
+ */
+ movl $$.LstrArrayIndexException, -8(%esp) # push parameter description
+ movl $$0, -4(%esp) # push parameter msg paramter
+ lea -8(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmThrowException # call: (const char* exceptionDescriptor, const char* msg)
+ # return: void
+ lea 8(%esp), %esp
+ jmp common_exceptionThrown # handle exception
+ /*
+ * Invalid array value.
+ */
+ movl $$.LstrArrayStoreException, -8(%esp) # push parameter description
+ movl $$0, -4(%esp) # push parameter msg paramter
+ lea -8(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmThrowException # call: (const char* exceptionDescriptor, const char* msg)
+ # return: void
+ lea 8(%esp), %esp
+ jmp common_exceptionThrown # handle exception
+ /*
+ * Integer divide or mod by zero.
+ */
+ movl $$.LstrArithmeticException, -8(%esp) # push parameter description
+ movl $$.LstrDivideByZero, -4(%esp) # push parameter msg paramter
+ lea -8(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmThrowException # call: (const char* exceptionDescriptor, const char* msg)
+ # return: void
+ lea 8(%esp), %esp
+ jmp common_exceptionThrown # handle exception
+ /*
+ * Attempt to allocate an array with a negative size.
+ */
+ movl $$.LstrNegativeArraySizeException, -8(%esp) # push parameter description
+ movl $$0, -4(%esp) # push parameter msg paramter
+ lea -8(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmThrowException # call: (const char* exceptionDescriptor, const char* msg)
+ # return: void
+ lea 8(%esp), %esp
+ jmp common_exceptionThrown # handle exception
+ /*
+ * Invocation of a non-existent method.
+ */
+ movl $$.LstrNoSuchMethodError, -8(%esp) # push parameter description
+ movl $$0, -4(%esp) # push parameter msg paramter
+ lea -8(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmThrowException # call: (const char* exceptionDescriptor, const char* msg)
+ # return: void
+ lea 8(%esp), %esp
+ jmp common_exceptionThrown # handle exception
+ /*
+ * Unexpected null object.
+ */
+ movl $$.LstrNullPointerException, -8(%esp) # push parameter description
+ movl $$0, -4(%esp) # push parameter msg paramter
+ lea -8(%esp), %esp
+ call dvmThrowException # call: (const char* exceptionDescriptor, const char* msg)
+ # return: void
+ lea 8(%esp), %esp
+ jmp common_exceptionThrown # handle exception
+ /*
+ * String references
+ */
+ .align 4
+ .section .rodata
+ .asciz "Ljava/lang/ArithmeticException;"
+ .asciz "Ljava/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;"
+ .asciz "Ljava/lang/ArrayStoreException;"
+ .asciz "Ljava/lang/ClassCastException;"
+ .asciz "divide by zero"
+ .asciz "Ljava/lang/InstantiationError;"
+ .asciz "Ljava/lang/NegativeArraySizeException;"
+ .asciz "Ljava/lang/NoSuchMethodError;"
+ .asciz "Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;"
+ .asciz "Exception %s from %s:%d not caught locally\n"