path: root/tools/dex-preopt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/dex-preopt')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/dex-preopt b/tools/dex-preopt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a9b75a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dex-preopt
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Usage: dex-preopt [options] path/to/input.jar path/to/output.odex
+# This tool runs a host build of dalvikvm in order to preoptimize dex
+# files that will be run on a device.
+# The input may be any sort of jar file (including .apk files), as long
+# as it contains a classes.dex file. Note that optimized versions of
+# bootstrap classes must be created before this can be run on other files;
+# use the "--bootstrap" option to do this.
+# The "output.odex" file must not already exist.
+# This is expected to be running in a user build environment, where
+# "dexopt" is available on the host.
+# Options:
+# --build-dir=path/to/out -- Specify where the base of the build tree is.
+# This is typically a directory named "out". If not specified, it is
+# assumed to be the current directory. The specified input and output
+# paths are taken to be relative to this directory.
+# --dexopt=path/to/dexopt -- Specify the path to the dexopt executable.
+# If unspecified, there must be a unique subdirectory of the build-dir
+# that looks like host/ARCH/bin which must contain dexopt.
+# --product-dir=path/to/product -- Specify the path, relative to the build
+# directory, where the product tree to be used is. This directory should
+# contain the boot classpath jar files. If not specified, then there
+# must be a unique directory in the build named "target/product/NAME",
+# and this is the directory that will be used.
+# --boot-dir=path/to/bootclasspath -- Specify the path, relative to the
+# product directory, of the directory where the boot classpath files
+# reside. If not specified, this defaults to "system/framework"
+# --boot-jars=list:of:jar:base:names -- Specify the list of base names
+# of bootstrap classpath elements, colon-separated. Order is significant
+# and must match the BOOTCLASSPATH that is eventually specified at
+# runtime on the device. This defaults to "core". However, this really
+# needs to match the target product's BOOTCLASSPATH, which, as of this
+# writing, doesn't have a super-strict way of being defined within the
+# build. You can find variations of it in different init.rc files under
+# system/core/rootdir or under product-specific directories.
+# --bootstrap -- Process the bootstrap classes. If this is specified,
+# then, instead of processing a specified input file, no other arguments
+# are taken, and what is processed is the entirety of the boot jar
+# list, in order.
+# --verify={none,remote,all} -- Specify what level of verification to
+# do. Defaults to "all".
+# --optimize={none,verified,all} -- Specify which classes to optimize.
+# Defaults to "verified".
+# --no-register-maps -- Indicate that the output should not contain
+# register maps. By default, register maps are created and included.
+# --uniprocessor -- Indicate that the output should target a uniprocessor.
+# By default, optimizations will be made that specifically target
+# SMP processors (which will merely be superfluous on uniprocessors).
+# Defaults.
+optimizeFlags='' # built up from the more human-friendly options
+bogus='no' # indicates if there was an error during processing arguments
+# Iterate over the arguments looking for options.
+while true; do
+ origOption="$1"
+ if [ "x${origOption}" = "x--" ]; then
+ # A raw "--" signals the end of option processing.
+ shift
+ break
+ fi
+ # Parse the option into components.
+ optionBeforeValue=`expr -- "${origOption}" : '--\([^=]*\)='`
+ if [ "$?" = '0' ]; then
+ # Option has the form "--option=value".
+ option="${optionBeforeValue}"
+ value=`expr -- "${origOption}" : '--[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
+ hasValue='yes'
+ else
+ option=`expr -- "${origOption}" : '--\(.*\)'`
+ if [ "$?" = '1' ]; then
+ # Not an option.
+ break
+ fi
+ # Option has the form "--option".
+ value=""
+ hasValue='no'
+ fi
+ shift
+ # Interpret the option
+ if [ "${option}" = 'build-dir' -a "${hasValue}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ buildDir="${value}"
+ elif [ "${option}" = 'dexopt' -a "${hasValue}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ dexopt="${value}"
+ elif [ "${option}" = 'boot-dir' -a "${hasValue}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ bootDir="${value}"
+ elif [ "${option}" = 'product-dir' -a "${hasValue}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ productDir="${value}"
+ elif [ "${option}" = 'boot-jars' -a "${hasValue}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ bootJars="${value}"
+ elif [ "${option}" = 'bootstrap' -a "${hasValue}" = 'no' ]; then
+ bootstrap='yes'
+ elif [ "${option}" = 'verify' -a "${hasValue}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ doVerify="${value}"
+ elif [ "${option}" = 'optimize' -a "${hasValue}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ doOptimize="${value}"
+ elif [ "${option}" = 'no-register-maps' -a "${hasValue}" = 'no' ]; then
+ doRegisterMaps='no'
+ elif [ "${option}" = 'uniprocessor' -a "${hasValue}" = 'no' ]; then
+ doUniprocessor='yes'
+ else
+ echo "unknown option: ${origOption}" 1>&2
+ bogus='yes'
+ fi
+# Check and set up the input and output files. In the case of bootstrap
+# processing, verify that no files are specified.
+if [ "${bootstrap}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ if [ "$#" != '0' ]; then
+ echo "unexpected arguments in --bootstrap mode" 1>&2
+ bogus=yes
+ fi
+elif [ "$#" != '2' ]; then
+ echo "must specify input and output files (and no more arguments)" 1>&2
+ bogus=yes
+# Sanity-check the specified build directory.
+if [ "x${buildDir}" = 'x' ]; then
+ echo "must specify build directory" 1>&2
+ bogus=yes
+elif [ ! '(' -d "${buildDir}" -a -w "${buildDir}" ')' ]; then
+ echo "build-dir is not a writable directory: ${buildDir}" 1>&2
+ bogus=yes
+# Sanity-check the specified boot classpath directory.
+if [ "x${bootDir}" = 'x' ]; then
+ echo "must specify boot classpath directory" 1>&2
+ bogus=yes
+# Sanity-check the specified boot jar list.
+if [ "x${bootJars}" = 'x' ]; then
+ echo "must specify non-empty boot-jars list" 1>&2
+ bogus=yes
+# Sanity-check and expand the verify option.
+if [ "x${doVerify}" = 'xnone' ]; then
+ optimizeFlags="${optimizeFlags},v=n"
+elif [ "x${doVerify}" = 'xremote' ]; then
+ optimizeFlags="${optimizeFlags},v=r"
+elif [ "x${doVerify}" = 'xall' ]; then
+ optimizeFlags="${optimizeFlags},v=a"
+ echo "bad value for --verify: ${doVerify}" 1>&2
+ bogus=yes
+# Sanity-check and expand the optimize option.
+if [ "x${doOptimize}" = 'xnone' ]; then
+ optimizeFlags="${optimizeFlags},o=n"
+elif [ "x${doOptimize}" = 'xverified' ]; then
+ optimizeFlags="${optimizeFlags},o=v"
+elif [ "x${doOptimize}" = 'xall' ]; then
+ optimizeFlags="${optimizeFlags},o=a"
+ echo "bad value for --optimize: ${doOptimize}" 1>&2
+ bogus=yes
+# Expand the register maps selection, if necessary.
+if [ "${doRegisterMaps}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ optimizeFlags="${optimizeFlags},m=y"
+# Expand the uniprocessor directive, if necessary.
+if [ "${doUniprocessor}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ optimizeFlags="${optimizeFlags},u=y"
+ optimizeFlags="${optimizeFlags},u=n"
+# Kill off the spare comma in optimizeFlags.
+optimizeFlags=`echo ${optimizeFlags} | sed 's/^,//'`
+# Error out if there was trouble.
+if [ "${bogus}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ # There was an error during option processing.
+ echo "usage: $0" 1>&2
+ echo ' [--build-dir=path/to/out] [--dexopt=path/to/dexopt]' 1>&2
+ echo ' [--product-dir=path/to/product] [--boot-dir=name]' 1>&2
+ echo ' [--boot-jars=list:of:names] [--bootstrap]' 1>&2
+ echo ' [--verify=type] [--optimize=type] [--no-register-maps]' 1>&2
+ echo ' [--uniprocessor] path/to/input.jar path/to/output.odex' 1>&2
+ exit 1
+# Cd to the build directory, un-symlinkifying it for clarity.
+cd "${buildDir}"
+cd "`/bin/pwd`"
+# If needed, find the default product directory.
+if [ "x${productDir}" = 'x' ]; then
+ productDir="`ls target/product`"
+ if [ "$?" != '0' ]; then
+ echo "can't find product directory" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ elif [ `expr -- "${productDir}" : ".* "` != '0' ]; then
+ echo "ambiguous product directory" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ productDir="target/product/${productDir}"
+# Verify the product directory.
+if [ ! '(' -d "${productDir}" -a -w "${productDir}" ')' ]; then
+ echo "product-dir is not a writable directory: ${productDir}" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+# Expand and verify the boot classpath directory. We add "/./" here to
+# separate the build system part of the path from the target system
+# suffix part of the path. The dexopt executable (deep inside the vm
+# really) uses this to know how to generate the names of the
+# dependencies (since we don't want the device files to contain bits
+# of pathname from the host build system).
+if [ ! '(' -d "${productBootDir}" -a -w "${productBootDir}" ')' ]; then
+ echo "boot-dir is not a writable directory: ${productBootDir}" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+# Find the dexopt binary if necesasry, and verify it.
+if [ "x${dexopt}" = 'x' ]; then
+ dexopt="`ls host/*/bin/dexopt`"
+ if [ "$?" != '0' ]; then
+ echo "can't find dexopt binary" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ elif [ `expr -- "${dexopt}" : ".* "` != '0' ]; then
+ echo "ambiguous host directory" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if [ ! -x "${dexopt}" ]; then
+ echo "dexopt binary is not executable: ${dexopt}" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+# Expand the bootJars into paths that are relative from the build
+# directory, maintaining the colon separators.
+BOOTCLASSPATH=`echo ":${bootJars}" | \
+ sed "s!:\([^:]*\)!:${productBootDir}/\1.jar!g" | \
+ sed 's/^://'`
+if [ "${bootstrap}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ # Split the boot classpath into separate elements and iterate over them,
+ # processing each, in order.
+ elements=`echo "${BOOTCLASSPATH}" | sed 's/:/ /g'`
+ for inputFile in $elements; do
+ echo "Processing ${inputFile}" 1>&2
+ outputFile="`dirname ${inputFile}`/`basename ${inputFile} .jar`.odex"
+ "${dexopt}" --preopt "${inputFile}" "${outputFile}" "${optimizeFlags}"
+ status="$?"
+ if [ "${status}" != '0' ]; then
+ exit "${status}"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "Processing ${inputFile}" 1>&2
+ bootJarFile=`expr -- "${inputFile}" : "${productDir}/${bootDir}/\(.*\)"`
+ if [ "x${bootJarFile}" != 'x' ]; then
+ # The input file is in the boot classpath directory, so it needs
+ # to have "/./" inserted into it (see longer description above).
+ inputFile="${productBootDir}/${bootJarFile}"
+ fi
+ "${dexopt}" --preopt "${inputFile}" "${outputFile}" "${optimizeFlags}"
+ status="$?"
+ if [ "${status}" != '0' ]; then
+ exit "${status}"
+ fi
+echo "Done!" 1>&2