path: root/dx/tests/032-bb-live-code/blort.j
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Diffstat (limited to 'dx/tests/032-bb-live-code/blort.j')
1 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dx/tests/032-bb-live-code/blort.j b/dx/tests/032-bb-live-code/blort.j
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05790bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dx/tests/032-bb-live-code/blort.j
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+; Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
+; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+; You may obtain a copy of the License at
+; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+; limitations under the License.
+.class blort
+.super java/lang/Object
+.method public <init>()V
+ .limit locals 1
+ aload_0
+ invokespecial java/lang/Object/<init>()V
+ return
+.end method
+; Test that an exception handler for a live range is enlivened.
+.method public test_live_exception([I)V
+ nop
+ nop
+ aload_0
+ arraylength
+ nop
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ .catch java/lang/RuntimeException from start to end2 using handler2
+ .catch all from start to end1 using handler1
+.end method
+; Test that an exception handler for a live range is dead as long as
+; the covered code can't possibly throw.
+.method public test_dead_exception()V
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ .catch java/lang/RuntimeException from start to end2 using handler2
+ .catch all from start to end1 using handler1
+.end method
+; Test all the if* variants.
+.method public test_ifs()V
+ ifeq x0
+ ifne x1
+ iflt x2
+ ifge x3
+ ifgt x4
+ ifle x5
+ if_icmpeq x6
+ if_icmpne x7
+ if_icmplt x8
+ if_icmpge x9
+ if_icmpgt x10
+ if_icmple x11
+ if_acmpeq x12
+ if_acmpne x13
+ ifnull x14
+ ifnonnull x15
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+ return
+.end method
+; Test jsr and jsr_w.
+.method public test_jsr()V
+ jsr j1
+ jsr_w j2
+ return
+ astore_0
+ ret 0
+ astore_0
+ ret_w 0
+.end method
+; Test tableswitch.
+.method public test_tableswitch()V
+ tableswitch 0x10
+ t1
+ t2
+ default: t3
+ return
+ return
+ return
+.end method
+; Test lookupswitch.
+.method public test_lookupswitch()V
+ lookupswitch
+ 0x05: s1
+ 0x10: s2
+ default: s3
+ return
+ return
+ return
+.end method
+; Test every non-branching op.
+.method public test_nonbranch()V
+ nop
+ aconst_null
+ iconst_m1
+ iconst_0
+ iconst_1
+ iconst_2
+ iconst_3
+ iconst_4
+ iconst_5
+ lconst_0
+ lconst_1
+ fconst_0
+ fconst_1
+ fconst_2
+ dconst_0
+ dconst_1
+ bipush 0x10
+ sipush 0x1000
+ ldc "x"
+ ldc_w "y"
+ ldc2_w 3.0
+ iload 5
+ lload 5
+ fload 5
+ dload 5
+ aload 5
+ iload_0
+ iload_1
+ iload_2
+ iload_3
+ lload_0
+ lload_1
+ lload_2
+ lload_3
+ fload_0
+ fload_1
+ fload_2
+ fload_3
+ dload_0
+ dload_1
+ dload_2
+ dload_3
+ aload_0
+ aload_1
+ aload_2
+ aload_3
+ iaload
+ laload
+ faload
+ daload
+ aaload
+ baload
+ caload
+ saload
+ istore 5
+ lstore 5
+ fstore 5
+ dstore 5
+ astore 5
+ istore_0
+ istore_1
+ istore_2
+ istore_3
+ lstore_0
+ lstore_1
+ lstore_2
+ lstore_3
+ fstore_0
+ fstore_1
+ fstore_2
+ fstore_3
+ dstore_0
+ dstore_1
+ dstore_2
+ dstore_3
+ astore_0
+ astore_1
+ astore_2
+ astore_3
+ iastore
+ lastore
+ fastore
+ dastore
+ aastore
+ bastore
+ castore
+ sastore
+ pop
+ pop2
+ dup
+ dup_x1
+ dup_x2
+ dup2
+ dup2_x1
+ dup2_x2
+ swap
+ iadd
+ ladd
+ fadd
+ dadd
+ isub
+ lsub
+ fsub
+ dsub
+ imul
+ lmul
+ fmul
+ dmul
+ idiv
+ ldiv
+ fdiv
+ ddiv
+ irem
+ lrem
+ frem
+ drem
+ ineg
+ lneg
+ fneg
+ dneg
+ ishl
+ lshl
+ ishr
+ lshr
+ iushr
+ lushr
+ iand
+ land
+ ior
+ lor
+ ixor
+ lxor
+ iinc 5 0x10
+ i2l
+ i2f
+ i2d
+ l2i
+ l2f
+ l2d
+ f2i
+ f2l
+ f2d
+ d2i
+ d2l
+ d2f
+ i2b
+ i2c
+ i2s
+ lcmp
+ fcmpl
+ fcmpg
+ dcmpl
+ dcmpg
+ getstatic blort/x I
+ putstatic blort/x I
+ getfield blort/x I
+ putfield blort/x I
+ invokevirtual blort/x()V
+ invokespecial blort/x()V
+ invokestatic blort/x()V
+ invokeinterface blort/x()V 1
+ new blort
+ newarray int
+ anewarray blort
+ arraylength
+ checkcast blort
+ instanceof blort
+ monitorenter
+ monitorexit
+ iload 0x100
+ lload 0x100
+ fload 0x100
+ dload 0x100
+ aload 0x100
+ istore 0x100
+ lstore 0x100
+ fstore 0x100
+ dstore 0x100
+ astore 0x100
+ iinc 0x123 0x321
+ multianewarray [[[I 2
+ return
+.end method