BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
android14-mainline-art-releaseVersion bump to aml_art_341411300 [build/apex/manifest-art.json]Android Build Coastguard Worker4 months
android14-tests-devRepurpose libnativeloader_lazy tests as shallow tests for API coverageMartin Stjernholm3 weeks
android14-tests-releaseSnap for 11834329 from 76c8d191b8db964d8c3d44d42d2e04a2a383bd80 to android14-...Android Build Coastguard Worker3 weeks
build-tools-releaseSnap for 11880863 from d11c004a5df78a67e6e9021492a8e096de336db3 to build-tool...Android Build Coastguard Worker8 days
busytown-mac-infra-releaseSnap for 11878398 from 490ce531c62932c534f7af760c586c6bf54017da to busytown-m...Android Build Coastguard Worker5 days
mainFix the way we detect the GC type from the command line.Shai Barack19 hours
masterFix the way we detect the GC type from the command line.Shai Barack19 hours
sdk-releaseSnap for 11904077 from 6f3c87c7ca38f32652bb32580b0fec107fc2fbfb to sdk-releaseAndroid Build Coastguard Worker36 hours
simpleperf-releaseSnap for 11526323 from c46c13c5bb056d82ad971dd3047d6c9782de7006 to simpleperf...Android Build Coastguard Worker3 months
temp_319669529[automerger skipped] Do not expect VNDK namespace when VNDK is deprecated am:...Kiyoung Kim3 months
android-wear-13.0.0-gpl_r3art-android-wear-13.0.0-gpl_r3.tar.gz  The Android Open Source Project15 hours
android-wear-13.0.0-gpl_r2art-android-wear-13.0.0-gpl_r2.tar.gz  The Android Open Source Project15 hours
aml_cbr_341710000art-aml_cbr_341710000.tar.gz  The Android Open Source Project9 days
aml_per_341711000art-aml_per_341711000.tar.gz  The Android Open Source Project9 days
aml_med_341711000art-aml_med_341711000.tar.gz  The Android Open Source Project9 days
aml_swc_341711000art-aml_swc_341711000.tar.gz  The Android Open Source Project9 days
aml_sta_341710000art-aml_sta_341710000.tar.gz  The Android Open Source Project9 days
aml_sdk_341710000art-aml_sdk_341710000.tar.gz  The Android Open Source Project9 days
aml_doc_341713000art-aml_doc_341713000.tar.gz  The Android Open Source Project9 days
aml_art_341711000art-aml_art_341711000.tar.gz  The Android Open Source Project9 days
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-01-31Snap for 11381838 from 6e93863c09dd96fc6b874d5a33144ff65b950956 to mainline-o...aml_odp_341610000Android Build Coastguard Worker
2024-01-26Stop checking the PROT_EXEC bit in dexpreopt test.Jiakai Zhang
2024-01-23Add the current GC in the dumpsys outputStefano Cianciulli
2024-01-19Update host tools script to include oatdump and art jarsPrashant Dubey
2024-01-18Add for Compiler explorerCole Faust
2024-01-17Make MUSL dex2oat binary at par with BIONIC dex2oat binaryPrashant Dubey
2024-01-17Add helper script to package linux-x86 binariesPrashant Dubey
2024-01-15Implement getByte/putByte intrinsicsSantiago Aboy Solanes
2024-01-10Don't emit locals with empty ranges in the locals tableMythri Alle
2024-01-04[automerger skipped] Update Test913 to check for .art] to detect if there's a...Mythri Alle