AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-06-14Remove deprecated bazel feature metadataandroid-t-beta-4_r0.5android-t-beta-3.3_r0.4android-13.0.0_r0.44android-13.0.0_r0.43android-13.0.0_r0.4android-13.0.0_r0.20android-13.0.0_r0.19android-13.0.0_r0.15android-13.0.0_r0.14android-gs-raviole-5.10-t-beta-4android-gs-raviole-5.10-t-beta-3android-gs-raviole-5.10-android13android-gs-bluejay-5.10-android13Chris Parsons
2022-06-11download_from_ci: use dump_kernel_abi correctlyJiyong Park
2022-06-11kleaf: Add define_kleaf_workspace_epilog().Yifan Hong
2022-06-11kleaf: kernel_build pass kwargs to internal targets properly.Yifan Hong
2022-06-11kleaf: Add KBUILD_SYMTYPES option.Yifan Hong
2022-06-09Dry running certify_bootimgBowgo Tsai
2022-06-09build-tools: adds certify_bootimg prebuilt binary symlinkBowgo Tsai symbols filtered by abitidy instead of abidwGiuliano Procida
2022-06-08build: add modules list for system_dlkmandroid-t-beta-3.2_r0.4Vamsi Krishna Lanka
2022-06-08_setup_env: support Bionic sysroot for build/config.shNick Desaulniers
2022-06-08kleaf: Use readlink instead of echo to expand paths.Yifan Hong
2022-06-07kleaf: add system_dlkm.modules.load to distRamji Jiyani
2022-06-06kleaf: AnTS show test URI.Yifan Hong
2022-06-03kleaf: Move lto docs to its own file.Yifan Hong
2022-06-02kleaf: Add link to Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Update docs for kernel.bzl.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move ABI functions and rules to their own extensions.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move image rules to their own extensions.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: buildifier + clean up importsYifan Hong
2022-06-02kleaf: ABI: Add git message template.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move kernel_filegroup to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move kernel_unstripped_modules_archive to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move kernel_compile_commands and kernel_kythe to their own extensionsYifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move merged_kernel_uapi_headers to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move kernel_modules_install to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move kernel_module to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: utils: Hide functionsYifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move kernel_build to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move kernel utils to utils.bzl.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move kernel_headers to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Move infos provided by multiple rules to common_providers.Yifan Hong
2022-06-01kleaf: Enable building boot.img for GKI x86_64.Yifan Hong
2022-05-31kleaf: Move srcs_aspect and SrcsInfo to their own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-05-31kleaf: Move kernel_toolchain_aspect and KernelToolchainInfo to their own exte...Yifan Hong
2022-05-31kleaf: Move vmlinux_btf to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-05-31kleaf: Move kernel_uapi_headers to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-05-31kleaf: Move raw_kmi_symbol_list to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-05-28kleaf: Add --verbose_failures and --noshow_progress to Android CI builds.Yifan Hong
2022-05-28Adding gki-info.txt, the GKI artifacts info fileBowgo Tsai
2022-05-27kleaf: Move _kmi_symbol_list to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-05-27kleaf: Move modules_prepare to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-05-27kleaf: Move kernel_config to its own extension.Yifan Hong
2022-05-27kleaf: Move kernel_env and KernelEnvInfo to their own extensionsYifan Hong
2022-05-26kleaf: Add docs for device ABI monitoring.Yifan Hong
2022-05-25kleaf: define_common_kernels supports configuring BUILD_GKI_BOOT_IMG_SIZE etc.Yifan Hong
2022-05-25kleaf: common_kernels: support non kernel_build_abi keys in target_configs.Yifan Hong
2022-05-25kleaf: gki_artifacts needs ARCH.Yifan Hong
2022-05-25kleaf: Move logic to handle --config=stamp to its own module.Yifan Hong
2022-05-25kleaf: Move kernel_dtstree to its own module.Yifan Hong
2022-05-25kleaf: Add kernel_build_config testYifan Hong