diff options
authorGeorge Burgess IV <gbiv@google.com>2024-04-29 10:10:55 -0600
committerChromeos LUCI <chromeos-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com>2024-05-06 14:44:04 +0000
commita5cfa38846a8c90322467cebee61262a83394bf2 (patch)
parent68d49dfd01dda1dec2564c642b9fb68bb6c1a6d5 (diff)
remove image_chromeos
The only critical feature I see here that isn't covered by the standard `cros flash` command is related to machine locking, which is no longer something that we (the toolchain team) need to care about. If we want a script for this, it seems there's tons of room to simplify this script, at least. BUG=b:337837895 TEST=None Change-Id: I6b31e3adae089f011dfd03eefff3261dcc6b46d1 Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/third_party/toolchain-utils/+/5496645 Reviewed-by: Bob Haarman <inglorion@chromium.org> Reviewed-by: Jordan Abrahams-Whitehead <ajordanr@google.com> Tested-by: George Burgess <gbiv@chromium.org> Commit-Queue: George Burgess <gbiv@chromium.org>
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 555 deletions
diff --git a/image_chromeos.py b/image_chromeos.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2527a944..00000000
--- a/image_chromeos.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Script to image a ChromeOS device.
-This script images a remote ChromeOS device with a specific image."
-__author__ = "asharif@google.com (Ahmad Sharif)"
-import argparse
-import filecmp
-import glob
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-from cros_utils import command_executer
-from cros_utils import locks
-from cros_utils import logger
-from cros_utils import misc
-from cros_utils.file_utils import FileUtils
-checksum_file = "/usr/local/osimage_checksum_file"
-lock_file = "/tmp/image_chromeos_lock/image_chromeos_lock"
-def Usage(parser, message):
- print("ERROR: %s" % message)
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
-def CheckForCrosFlash(chromeos_root, remote, log_level):
- cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level)
- # Check to see if remote machine has cherrypy, ctypes
- command = "python -c 'import cherrypy, ctypes'"
- ret = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand(
- command, chromeos_root=chromeos_root, machine=remote
- )
- logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(
- ret == 255, f"Failed ssh to {remote} (for checking cherrypy)"
- )
- logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(
- ret != 0,
- f"Failed to find cherrypy or ctypes on '{remote}', "
- "cros flash cannot work.",
- )
-def DisableCrosBeeps(chromeos_root, remote, log_level):
- """Disable annoying chromebooks beeps after reboots."""
- cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level)
- command = "/usr/bin/futility gbb --set --flash --flags=0x1"
- logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("Trying to disable beeping.")
- ret, o, _ = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommandWOutput(
- command, chromeos_root=chromeos_root, machine=remote
- )
- if ret != 0:
- logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(o)
- logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("Failed to disable beeps.")
-def FindChromeOSImage(image_file, chromeos_root):
- """Find path for ChromeOS image inside chroot.
- This function could be called with image paths that are either inside
- or outside the chroot. In either case the path needs to be translated
- to an real/absolute path inside the chroot.
- Example input paths:
- /usr/local/google/home/uname/chromeos/out/tmp/my-test-images/image
- ~/chromiumos/src/build/images/board/latest/image
- /tmp/peppy-release/R67-1235.0.0/image
- Corresponding example output paths:
- /tmp/my-test-images/image
- /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/board/latest/image
- /tmp/peppy-release/R67-1235.0,0/image
- """
- sys.path.insert(0, chromeos_root)
- from chromite.lib import path_util
- return path_util.ToChrootPath(image_file, source_path=chromeos_root)
-def Main(argv):
- """Image ChromeOS."""
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument(
- "-c",
- "--chromeos_root",
- dest="chromeos_root",
- help="Target directory for ChromeOS installation.",
- )
- parser.add_argument("-r", "--remote", dest="remote", help="Target device.")
- parser.add_argument(
- "-i", "--image", dest="image", help="Image binary file."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-b", "--board", dest="board", help="Target board override."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-f",
- "--force",
- dest="force",
- action="store_true",
- default=False,
- help="Force an image even if it is non-test.",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-n",
- "--no_lock",
- dest="no_lock",
- default=False,
- action="store_true",
- help="Do not attempt to lock remote before imaging. "
- "This option should only be used in cases where the "
- "exclusive lock has already been acquired (e.g. in "
- "a script that calls this one).",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-l",
- "--logging_level",
- dest="log_level",
- default="verbose",
- help="Amount of logging to be used. Valid levels are "
- "'quiet', 'average', and 'verbose'.",
- )
- parser.add_argument("-a", "--image_args", dest="image_args")
- parser.add_argument(
- "--keep_stateful",
- dest="keep_stateful",
- default=False,
- action="store_true",
- help="Do not clobber the stateful partition.",
- )
- options = parser.parse_args(argv)
- if not options.log_level in command_executer.LOG_LEVEL:
- Usage(parser, "--logging_level must be 'quiet', 'average' or 'verbose'")
- else:
- log_level = options.log_level
- # Common initializations
- cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level)
- l = logger.GetLogger()
- if options.chromeos_root is None:
- Usage(parser, "--chromeos_root must be set")
- if options.remote is None:
- Usage(parser, "--remote must be set")
- options.chromeos_root = os.path.expanduser(options.chromeos_root)
- if options.board is None:
- board = cmd_executer.CrosLearnBoard(
- options.chromeos_root, options.remote
- )
- else:
- board = options.board
- if options.image is None:
- images_dir = misc.GetImageDir(options.chromeos_root, board)
- image = os.path.join(images_dir, "latest", "chromiumos_test_image.bin")
- if not os.path.exists(image):
- image = os.path.join(images_dir, "latest", "chromiumos_image.bin")
- is_xbuddy_image = False
- else:
- image = options.image
- is_xbuddy_image = image.startswith("xbuddy://")
- if not is_xbuddy_image:
- image = os.path.expanduser(image)
- if not is_xbuddy_image:
- image = os.path.realpath(image)
- if not os.path.exists(image) and not is_xbuddy_image:
- Usage(parser, "Image file: " + image + " does not exist!")
- try:
- should_unlock = False
- if not options.no_lock:
- try:
- _ = locks.AcquireLock(
- list(options.remote.split()), options.chromeos_root
- )
- should_unlock = True
- except Exception as e:
- raise RuntimeError("Error acquiring machine: %s" % str(e))
- reimage = False
- local_image = False
- if not is_xbuddy_image:
- local_image = True
- image_checksum = FileUtils().Md5File(image, log_level=log_level)
- command = "cat " + checksum_file
- ret, device_checksum, _ = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommandWOutput(
- command,
- chromeos_root=options.chromeos_root,
- machine=options.remote,
- )
- device_checksum = device_checksum.strip()
- image_checksum = str(image_checksum)
- l.LogOutput("Image checksum: " + image_checksum)
- l.LogOutput("Device checksum: " + device_checksum)
- if image_checksum != device_checksum:
- [found, located_image] = LocateOrCopyImage(
- options.chromeos_root, image, board=board
- )
- reimage = True
- l.LogOutput("Checksums do not match. Re-imaging...")
- chroot_image = FindChromeOSImage(
- located_image, options.chromeos_root
- )
- is_test_image = IsImageModdedForTest(
- options.chromeos_root, chroot_image, log_level
- )
- if not is_test_image and not options.force:
- logger.GetLogger().LogFatal(
- "Have to pass --force to image a " "non-test image!"
- )
- else:
- reimage = True
- found = True
- l.LogOutput("Using non-local image; Re-imaging...")
- if reimage:
- # If the device has /tmp mounted as noexec, image_to_live.sh can fail.
- command = "mount -o remount,rw,exec /tmp"
- cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand(
- command,
- chromeos_root=options.chromeos_root,
- machine=options.remote,
- )
- # Check to see if cros flash will work for the remote machine.
- CheckForCrosFlash(options.chromeos_root, options.remote, log_level)
- # Disable the annoying chromebook beeps after reboot.
- DisableCrosBeeps(options.chromeos_root, options.remote, log_level)
- cros_flash_args = [
- "cros",
- "flash",
- "--board=%s" % board,
- ]
- if not options.keep_stateful:
- cros_flash_args.append("--clobber-stateful")
- # New arguments should be added here.
- # The last two arguments are positional and have to be at the end.
- cros_flash_args.append(options.remote)
- if local_image:
- cros_flash_args.append(chroot_image)
- else:
- cros_flash_args.append(image)
- command = " ".join(cros_flash_args)
- # Workaround for crosbug.com/35684.
- os.chmod(misc.GetChromeOSKeyFile(options.chromeos_root), 0o600)
- if log_level == "average":
- cmd_executer.SetLogLevel("verbose")
- retries = 0
- while True:
- if log_level == "quiet":
- l.LogOutput("CMD : %s" % command)
- ret = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommand(
- options.chromeos_root, command, command_timeout=1800
- )
- if ret == 0 or retries >= 2:
- break
- retries += 1
- if log_level == "quiet":
- l.LogOutput("Imaging failed. Retry # %d." % retries)
- if log_level == "average":
- cmd_executer.SetLogLevel(log_level)
- logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(ret, "Image command failed")
- # Unfortunately cros_image_to_target.py sometimes returns early when the
- # machine isn't fully up yet.
- ret = EnsureMachineUp(
- options.chromeos_root, options.remote, log_level
- )
- # If this is a non-local image, then the ret returned from
- # EnsureMachineUp is the one that will be returned by this function;
- # in that case, make sure the value in 'ret' is appropriate.
- if not local_image and ret:
- ret = 0
- else:
- ret = 1
- if local_image:
- if log_level == "average":
- l.LogOutput("Verifying image.")
- command = "echo %s > %s && chmod -w %s" % (
- image_checksum,
- checksum_file,
- checksum_file,
- )
- ret = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand(
- command,
- chromeos_root=options.chromeos_root,
- machine=options.remote,
- )
- logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(ret, "Writing checksum failed.")
- successfully_imaged = VerifyChromeChecksum(
- options.chromeos_root,
- chroot_image,
- options.remote,
- log_level,
- )
- logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(
- not successfully_imaged, "Image verification failed!"
- )
- TryRemountPartitionAsRW(
- options.chromeos_root, options.remote, log_level
- )
- if not found:
- temp_dir = os.path.dirname(located_image)
- l.LogOutput("Deleting temp image dir: %s" % temp_dir)
- shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
- l.LogOutput("Image updated.")
- else:
- l.LogOutput("Checksums match, skip image update and reboot.")
- command = "reboot && exit"
- _ = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand(
- command,
- chromeos_root=options.chromeos_root,
- machine=options.remote,
- )
- # Wait 30s after reboot.
- time.sleep(30)
- finally:
- if should_unlock:
- locks.ReleaseLock(
- list(options.remote.split()), options.chromeos_root
- )
- return ret
-def LocateOrCopyImage(chromeos_root, image, board=None):
- l = logger.GetLogger()
- if board is None:
- board_glob = "*"
- else:
- board_glob = board
- chromeos_root_realpath = os.path.realpath(chromeos_root)
- image = os.path.realpath(image)
- if image.startswith("%s/" % chromeos_root_realpath):
- return [True, image]
- # First search within the existing build dirs for any matching files.
- images_glob = "%s/src/build/images/%s/*/*.bin" % (
- chromeos_root_realpath,
- board_glob,
- )
- images_list = glob.glob(images_glob)
- for potential_image in images_list:
- if filecmp.cmp(potential_image, image):
- l.LogOutput(
- "Found matching image %s in chromeos_root." % potential_image
- )
- return [True, potential_image]
- # We did not find an image. Copy it in the src dir and return the copied
- # file.
- if board is None:
- board = ""
- base_dir = "%s/src/build/images/%s" % (chromeos_root_realpath, board)
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- os.makedirs(base_dir)
- temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="%s/tmp" % base_dir)
- new_image = "%s/%s" % (temp_dir, os.path.basename(image))
- l.LogOutput(
- "No matching image found. Copying %s to %s" % (image, new_image)
- )
- shutil.copyfile(image, new_image)
- return [False, new_image]
-def GetImageMountCommand(image, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp):
- image_dir = os.path.dirname(image)
- image_file = os.path.basename(image)
- mount_command = (
- "cd /mnt/host/source/src/scripts &&"
- "./mount_gpt_image.sh --from=%s --image=%s"
- " --safe --read_only"
- " --rootfs_mountpt=%s"
- " --stateful_mountpt=%s"
- % (image_dir, image_file, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp)
- )
- return mount_command
-def MountImage(
- chromeos_root,
- image,
- rootfs_mp,
- stateful_mp,
- log_level,
- unmount=False,
- extra_commands="",
- cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level)
- command = GetImageMountCommand(image, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp)
- if unmount:
- command = "%s --unmount" % command
- if extra_commands:
- command = "%s ; %s" % (command, extra_commands)
- ret, out, _ = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(chromeos_root, command)
- logger.GetLogger().LogFatalIf(ret, "Mount/unmount command failed!")
- return out
-def IsImageModdedForTest(chromeos_root, image, log_level):
- if log_level != "verbose":
- log_level = "quiet"
- command = "mktemp -d"
- cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level)
- _, rootfs_mp, _ = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(
- chromeos_root, command
- )
- _, stateful_mp, _ = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(
- chromeos_root, command
- )
- rootfs_mp = rootfs_mp.strip()
- stateful_mp = stateful_mp.strip()
- lsb_release_file = os.path.join(rootfs_mp, "etc/lsb-release")
- extra = "grep CHROMEOS_RELEASE_TRACK %s | grep -i test" % lsb_release_file
- output = MountImage(
- chromeos_root,
- image,
- rootfs_mp,
- stateful_mp,
- log_level,
- extra_commands=extra,
- )
- is_test_image = re.search("test", output, re.IGNORECASE)
- MountImage(
- chromeos_root, image, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp, log_level, unmount=True
- )
- return is_test_image
-def VerifyChromeChecksum(chromeos_root, image, remote, log_level):
- command = "mktemp -d"
- cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level)
- _, rootfs_mp, _ = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(
- chromeos_root, command
- )
- _, stateful_mp, _ = cmd_executer.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(
- chromeos_root, command
- )
- rootfs_mp = rootfs_mp.strip()
- stateful_mp = stateful_mp.strip()
- chrome_file = "%s/opt/google/chrome/chrome" % rootfs_mp
- extra = "md5sum %s" % chrome_file
- out = MountImage(
- chromeos_root,
- image,
- rootfs_mp,
- stateful_mp,
- log_level,
- extra_commands=extra,
- )
- image_chrome_checksum = out.strip().split()[0]
- MountImage(
- chromeos_root, image, rootfs_mp, stateful_mp, log_level, unmount=True
- )
- command = "md5sum /opt/google/chrome/chrome"
- [_, o, _] = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommandWOutput(
- command, chromeos_root=chromeos_root, machine=remote
- )
- device_chrome_checksum = o.split()[0]
- return image_chrome_checksum.strip() == device_chrome_checksum.strip()
-# Remount partition as writable.
-# TODO: auto-detect if an image is built using --noenable_rootfs_verification.
-def TryRemountPartitionAsRW(chromeos_root, remote, log_level):
- l = logger.GetLogger()
- cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level)
- command = "sudo mount -o remount,rw /"
- ret = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand(
- command,
- chromeos_root=chromeos_root,
- machine=remote,
- terminated_timeout=10,
- )
- if ret:
- ## Safely ignore.
- l.LogWarning(
- "Failed to remount partition as rw, "
- "probably the image was not built with "
- '"--noenable_rootfs_verification", '
- "you can safely ignore this."
- )
- else:
- l.LogOutput("Re-mounted partition as writable.")
-def EnsureMachineUp(chromeos_root, remote, log_level):
- l = logger.GetLogger()
- cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(log_level=log_level)
- timeout = 600
- magic = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- command = "echo %s" % magic
- start_time = time.time()
- while True:
- current_time = time.time()
- if current_time - start_time > timeout:
- l.LogError(
- "Timeout of %ss reached. Machine still not up. Aborting."
- % timeout
- )
- return False
- ret = cmd_executer.CrosRunCommand(
- command, chromeos_root=chromeos_root, machine=remote
- )
- if not ret:
- return True
diff --git a/py/bin/image_chromeos.py b/py/bin/image_chromeos.py
deleted file mode 120000
index 63d45c29..00000000
--- a/py/bin/image_chromeos.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../../python_wrapper.py \ No newline at end of file