diff options
authorGeorge Burgess IV <gbiv@google.com>2024-01-12 21:52:20 -0700
committerChromeos LUCI <chromeos-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com>2024-01-19 16:39:55 +0000
commitf750cb6d675ac35e0719685f2b0ca2a6cf543fa1 (patch)
parent4093f8fd0bf1ff8649b0cd6b7c71c945ed9e7c89 (diff)
nightly_revert_checker: add stale HEAD notifications
This notifies teams when this tool doesn't observe their LLVM revision moving for a while. The intent isn't to put pressure on LLVM upgrade rotations; more to catch bugs in this checker earlier rather than later. BUG=b:319635292 TEST=Unittests Change-Id: I211b8803f483a96952f5d573bdb083ac723d3ca4 Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/third_party/toolchain-utils/+/5200618 Commit-Queue: George Burgess <gbiv@chromium.org> Reviewed-by: Jordan Abrahams-Whitehead <ajordanr@google.com> Tested-by: George Burgess <gbiv@chromium.org>
2 files changed, 265 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/llvm_tools/nightly_revert_checker.py b/llvm_tools/nightly_revert_checker.py
index d08afffb..b2f390c3 100755
--- a/llvm_tools/nightly_revert_checker.py
+++ b/llvm_tools/nightly_revert_checker.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import os
import pprint
import subprocess
import sys
+import time
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Set, Tuple
from cros_utils import email_sender
@@ -28,19 +29,65 @@ import git_llvm_rev
import revert_checker
+ONE_DAY_SECS = 24 * 60 * 60
+# How often to send an email about a HEAD not moving.
+# How long to wait after a HEAD changes for the first 'update' email to be sent.
+# Not frozen, as `next_notification_timestamp` may be mutated.
+@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=False, eq=True)
+class HeadInfo:
+ """Information about about a HEAD that's tracked by this script."""
+ # The most recent SHA observed for this HEAD.
+ last_sha: str
+ # The time at which the current value for this HEAD was first seen.
+ first_seen_timestamp: int
+ # The next timestamp to notify users if this HEAD doesn't move.
+ next_notification_timestamp: int
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_object: Any) -> "HeadInfo":
+ return cls(**json_object)
+ def to_json(self) -> Any:
+ return dataclasses.asdict(self)
+@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True)
class State:
"""Persistent state for this script."""
# Mapping of LLVM SHA -> List of reverts that have been seen for it
seen_reverts: Dict[str, List[str]] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
+ # Mapping of friendly HEAD name (e.g., main-legacy) to last-known info
+ # about it.
+ heads: Dict[str, HeadInfo] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
def from_json(cls, json_object: Any) -> "State":
- return cls(seen_reverts=json_object)
+ # Autoupgrade old JSON files.
+ if "heads" not in json_object:
+ json_object = {
+ "seen_reverts": json_object,
+ "heads": {},
+ }
+ return cls(
+ seen_reverts=json_object["seen_reverts"],
+ heads={
+ k: HeadInfo.from_json(v)
+ for k, v in json_object["heads"].items()
+ },
+ )
def to_json(self) -> Any:
- return self.seen_reverts
+ return {
+ "seen_reverts": self.seen_reverts,
+ "heads": {k: v.to_json() for k, v in self.heads.items()},
+ }
def _find_interesting_android_shas(
@@ -277,17 +324,37 @@ def find_shas(
logging.info("...All of which have been reported.")
- yield (friendly_name, sha, new_reverts)
+ new_head_info = None
+ if old_head_info := state.heads.get(friendly_name):
+ if old_head_info.last_sha == sha:
+ new_head_info = old_head_info
+ if new_head_info is None:
+ now = int(time.time())
+ new_head_info = HeadInfo(
+ last_sha=sha,
+ first_seen_timestamp=now,
+ next_notification_timestamp=notify_at,
+ )
+ new_state.heads[friendly_name] = new_head_info
+ yield friendly_name, sha, new_reverts
def do_cherrypick(
chroot_path: str,
llvm_dir: str,
+ repository: str,
interesting_shas: List[Tuple[str, str]],
state: State,
reviewers: List[str],
cc: List[str],
) -> State:
+ def prettify_sha(sha: str) -> tiny_render.Piece:
+ rev = get_llvm_hash.GetVersionFrom(llvm_dir, sha)
+ return prettify_sha_for_email(sha, rev)
new_state = State()
seen: Set[str] = set()
for friendly_name, _sha, reverts in find_shas(
@@ -311,6 +378,17 @@ def do_cherrypick(
except get_upstream_patch.CherrypickError as e:
logging.info("%s, skipping...", str(e))
+ maybe_email_about_stale_heads(
+ new_state,
+ repository,
+ recipients=_EmailRecipients(
+ well_known=[],
+ direct=reviewers + cc,
+ ),
+ prettify_sha=prettify_sha,
+ is_dry_run=False,
+ )
return new_state
@@ -330,6 +408,73 @@ def prettify_sha_for_email(
+def maybe_email_about_stale_heads(
+ new_state: State,
+ repository_name: str,
+ recipients: _EmailRecipients,
+ prettify_sha: Callable[[str], tiny_render.Piece],
+ is_dry_run: bool,
+) -> bool:
+ """Potentially send an email about stale HEADs in `new_state`.
+ These emails are sent to notify users of the current HEADs detected by this
+ script. They:
+ - aren't meant to hurry LLVM rolls along,
+ - are worded to avoid the implication that an LLVM roll is taking an
+ excessive amount of time, and
+ - are initially sent at the 2 month point of seeing the same HEAD.
+ We've had multiple instances in the past of upstream changes (e.g., moving
+ to other git branches or repos) leading to this revert checker silently
+ checking a very old HEAD for months. The intent is to send emails when the
+ correctness of the HEADs we're working with _might_ be wrong.
+ """
+ logging.info("Checking HEAD freshness...")
+ now = int(time.time())
+ stale = sorted(
+ (name, info)
+ for name, info in new_state.heads.items()
+ if info.next_notification_timestamp <= now
+ )
+ if not stale:
+ logging.info("All HEADs are fresh-enough; no need to send an email.")
+ return False
+ stale_listings = []
+ for name, info in stale:
+ days = (now - info.first_seen_timestamp) // ONE_DAY_SECS
+ pretty_rev = prettify_sha(info.last_sha)
+ stale_listings.append(
+ f"{name} at {pretty_rev}, which was last updated ~{days} days ago."
+ )
+ shas_are = "SHAs are" if len(stale_listings) > 1 else "SHA is"
+ email_body = [
+ "Hi! This is a friendly notification that the current upstream LLVM "
+ f"{shas_are} being tracked by the LLVM revert checker:",
+ tiny_render.UnorderedList(stale_listings),
+ tiny_render.line_break,
+ "If that's still correct, great! If it looks wrong, the revert "
+ "checker's SHA autodetection may need an update. Please file a bug "
+ "at go/crostc-bug if an update is needed. Thanks!",
+ ]
+ email = _Email(
+ subject=f"[revert-checker/{repository_name}] Tracked branch update",
+ body=email_body,
+ )
+ if is_dry_run:
+ logging.info("Dry-run specified; would otherwise send email %s", email)
+ else:
+ _send_revert_email(recipients, email)
+ next_notification = now + HEAD_STALENESS_ALERT_INTERVAL_SECS
+ for _, info in stale:
+ info.next_notification_timestamp = next_notification
+ return True
def do_email(
is_dry_run: bool,
llvm_dir: str,
@@ -371,6 +516,10 @@ def do_email(
logging.info("Sending email with subject %r...", email.subject)
_send_revert_email(recipients, email)
logging.info("Email sent.")
+ maybe_email_about_stale_heads(
+ new_state, repository, recipients, prettify_sha, is_dry_run
+ )
return new_state
@@ -488,6 +637,7 @@ def main(argv: List[str]) -> int:
new_state = do_cherrypick(
+ repository=repository,
@@ -497,8 +647,8 @@ def main(argv: List[str]) -> int:
new_state = do_email(
is_dry_run=action == "dry-run",
- repository=repository,
+ repository=repository,
diff --git a/llvm_tools/nightly_revert_checker_test.py b/llvm_tools/nightly_revert_checker_test.py
index 7e95766d..722ad125 100755
--- a/llvm_tools/nightly_revert_checker_test.py
+++ b/llvm_tools/nightly_revert_checker_test.py
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
+ repository="repository_name",
interesting_shas=[("12345abcdef", "fedcba54321")],
@@ -207,6 +208,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
+ repository="repository_name",
interesting_shas=[("12345abcdef", "fedcba54321")],
@@ -230,6 +232,114 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
+ @mock.patch("time.time")
+ def test_emailing_about_stale_heads_skips_in_simple_cases(self, time_time):
+ now = 1_000_000_000
+ time_time.return_value = now
+ def assert_no_email(state: nightly_revert_checker.State):
+ self.assertFalse(
+ nightly_revert_checker.maybe_email_about_stale_heads(
+ state,
+ repository_name="foo",
+ recipients=nightly_revert_checker._EmailRecipients(
+ well_known=[], direct=[]
+ ),
+ prettify_sha=lambda *args: self.fail(
+ "SHAs shouldn't be prettified"
+ ),
+ is_dry_run=True,
+ )
+ )
+ assert_no_email(nightly_revert_checker.State())
+ assert_no_email(
+ nightly_revert_checker.State(
+ heads={
+ "foo": nightly_revert_checker.HeadInfo(
+ last_sha="",
+ first_seen_timestamp=0,
+ next_notification_timestamp=now + 1,
+ ),
+ "bar": nightly_revert_checker.HeadInfo(
+ last_sha="",
+ first_seen_timestamp=0,
+ next_notification_timestamp=now * 2,
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ def test_state_autoupgrades_from_json_properly(self):
+ state = nightly_revert_checker.State.from_json({"abc123": ["def456"]})
+ self.assertEqual(state.seen_reverts, {"abc123": ["def456"]})
+ self.assertEqual(state.heads, {})
+ def test_state_round_trips_through_json(self):
+ state = nightly_revert_checker.State(
+ seen_reverts={"abc123": ["def456"]},
+ heads={
+ "head_name": nightly_revert_checker.HeadInfo(
+ last_sha="abc",
+ first_seen_timestamp=123,
+ next_notification_timestamp=456,
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ state, nightly_revert_checker.State.from_json(state.to_json())
+ )
+ @mock.patch("time.time")
+ @mock.patch("nightly_revert_checker._send_revert_email")
+ def test_emailing_about_stale_with_one_report(
+ self, send_revert_email, time_time
+ ):
+ def prettify_sha(sha: str) -> str:
+ return f"pretty({sha})"
+ now = 1_000_000_000
+ two_days_ago = now - 2 * nightly_revert_checker.ONE_DAY_SECS
+ time_time.return_value = now
+ recipients = nightly_revert_checker._EmailRecipients(
+ well_known=[], direct=[]
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ nightly_revert_checker.maybe_email_about_stale_heads(
+ nightly_revert_checker.State(
+ heads={
+ "foo": nightly_revert_checker.HeadInfo(
+ last_sha="<foo sha>",
+ first_seen_timestamp=two_days_ago,
+ next_notification_timestamp=now - 1,
+ ),
+ "bar": nightly_revert_checker.HeadInfo(
+ last_sha="",
+ first_seen_timestamp=0,
+ next_notification_timestamp=now + 1,
+ ),
+ }
+ ),
+ repository_name="repo",
+ recipients=recipients,
+ prettify_sha=prettify_sha,
+ is_dry_run=False,
+ )
+ )
+ send_revert_email.assert_called_once()
+ recipients, email = send_revert_email.call_args[0]
+ self.assertEqual(
+ tiny_render.render_text_pieces(email.body),
+ "Hi! This is a friendly notification that the current upstream "
+ "LLVM SHA is being tracked by the LLVM revert checker:\n"
+ " - foo at pretty(<foo sha>), which was last updated ~2 days "
+ "ago.\n"
+ "If that's still correct, great! If it looks wrong, the revert "
+ "checker's SHA autodetection may need an update. Please file a "
+ "bug at go/crostc-bug if an update is needed. Thanks!",
+ )
if __name__ == "__main__":