path: root/src/generate/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/generate/')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/generate/ b/src/generate/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ab47bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/generate/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+use crate::{
+ info_structures::{ArgType, BuilderType, FieldType, Options, StructInfo},
+ utils::to_class_case,
+use proc_macro2::{Ident, TokenStream};
+use quote::{format_ident, quote};
+use syn::Error;
+pub fn create_builder_and_constructor(
+ info: &StructInfo,
+ options: Options,
+ builder_type: BuilderType,
+) -> Result<(Ident, TokenStream, TokenStream), Error> {
+ let struct_name = info.ident.clone();
+ let generic_args = info.generic_arguments();
+ let vis = if options.do_pub_extras {
+ info.vis.clone()
+ } else {
+ syn::parse_quote! { pub(super) }
+ };
+ let builder_struct_name = match builder_type {
+ BuilderType::AsyncSend => format_ident!("{}AsyncSendBuilder", info.ident),
+ BuilderType::Async => format_ident!("{}AsyncBuilder", info.ident),
+ BuilderType::Sync => format_ident!("{}Builder", info.ident),
+ };
+ let documentation = format!(
+ concat!(
+ "Constructs a new instance of this self-referential struct. (See also ",
+ "[`{0}::build()`]({0}::build)). Each argument is a field of ",
+ "the new struct. Fields that refer to other fields inside the struct are initialized ",
+ "using functions instead of directly passing their value. The arguments are as ",
+ "follows:\n\n| Argument | Suggested Use |\n| --- | --- |\n",
+ ),
+ builder_struct_name.to_string()
+ );
+ let builder_documentation = concat!(
+ "A more verbose but stable way to construct self-referencing structs. It is ",
+ "comparable to using `StructName { field1: value1, field2: value2 }` rather than ",
+ "`StructName::new(value1, value2)`. This has the dual benefit of making your code ",
+ "both easier to refactor and more readable. Call [`build()`](Self::build) to ",
+ "construct the actual struct. The fields of this struct should be used as follows:\n\n",
+ "| Field | Suggested Use |\n| --- | --- |\n",
+ )
+ .to_owned();
+ let build_fn_documentation = format!(
+ concat!(
+ "Calls [`{0}::new()`]({0}::new) using the provided values. This is preferrable over ",
+ "calling `new()` directly for the reasons listed above. "
+ ),
+ info.ident.to_string()
+ );
+ let mut doc_table = "".to_owned();
+ let mut code: Vec<TokenStream> = Vec::new();
+ let mut params: Vec<TokenStream> = Vec::new();
+ let mut builder_struct_generic_producers: Vec<_> = info
+ .generic_params()
+ .iter()
+ .map(|param| quote! { #param })
+ .collect();
+ let mut builder_struct_generic_consumers = info.generic_arguments();
+ let mut builder_struct_fields = Vec::new();
+ let mut builder_struct_field_names = Vec::new();
+ // code.push(quote! { let mut result = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::uninit(); });
+ for field in &info.fields {
+ let field_name = &;
+ let arg_type = field.make_constructor_arg_type(&info, builder_type)?;
+ if let ArgType::Plain(plain_type) = arg_type {
+ // No fancy builder function, we can just move the value directly into the struct.
+ params.push(quote! { #field_name: #plain_type });
+ builder_struct_fields.push(quote! { #field_name: #plain_type });
+ builder_struct_field_names.push(quote! { #field_name });
+ doc_table += &format!(
+ "| `{}` | Directly pass in the value this field should contain |\n",
+ field_name.to_string()
+ );
+ } else if let ArgType::TraitBound(bound_type) = arg_type {
+ // Trait bounds are much trickier. We need a special syntax to accept them in the
+ // contructor, and generic parameters need to be added to the builder struct to make
+ // it work.
+ let builder_name = field.builder_name();
+ params.push(quote! { #builder_name : impl #bound_type });
+ doc_table += &format!(
+ "| `{}` | Use a function or closure: `(",
+ builder_name.to_string()
+ );
+ let mut builder_args = Vec::new();
+ for (index, borrow) in field.borrows.iter().enumerate() {
+ let borrowed_name = &info.fields[borrow.index].name;
+ builder_args.push(format_ident!("{}_illegal_static_reference", borrowed_name));
+ doc_table += &format!(
+ "{}: &{}_",
+ borrowed_name.to_string(),
+ if borrow.mutable { "mut " } else { "" },
+ );
+ if index < field.borrows.len() - 1 {
+ doc_table += ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ doc_table += &format!(") -> {}: _` | \n", field_name.to_string());
+ if builder_type.is_async() {
+ code.push(quote! { let #field_name = #builder_name (#(#builder_args),*).await; });
+ } else {
+ code.push(quote! { let #field_name = #builder_name (#(#builder_args),*); });
+ }
+ let generic_type_name =
+ format_ident!("{}Builder_", to_class_case(field_name.to_string().as_str()));
+ builder_struct_generic_producers.push(quote! { #generic_type_name: #bound_type });
+ builder_struct_generic_consumers.push(quote! { #generic_type_name });
+ builder_struct_fields.push(quote! { #builder_name: #generic_type_name });
+ builder_struct_field_names.push(quote! { #builder_name });
+ }
+ if field.is_borrowed() {
+ let boxed = field.boxed();
+ if field.field_type == FieldType::BorrowedMut {
+ code.push(quote! { let mut #field_name = #boxed; });
+ } else {
+ code.push(quote! { let #field_name = #boxed; });
+ }
+ };
+ if field.field_type == FieldType::Borrowed {
+ code.push(field.make_illegal_static_reference());
+ } else if field.field_type == FieldType::BorrowedMut {
+ code.push(field.make_illegal_static_mut_reference());
+ }
+ }
+ let documentation = if !options.do_no_doc {
+ let documentation = documentation + &doc_table;
+ quote! {
+ #[doc=#documentation]
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #[doc(hidden)] }
+ };
+ let builder_documentation = if !options.do_no_doc {
+ let builder_documentation = builder_documentation + &doc_table;
+ quote! {
+ #[doc=#builder_documentation]
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #[doc(hidden)] }
+ };
+ let constructor_fn = match builder_type {
+ BuilderType::AsyncSend => quote! { async fn new_async_send },
+ BuilderType::Async => quote! { async fn new_async },
+ BuilderType::Sync => quote! { fn new },
+ };
+ let field_names: Vec<_> = info.fields.iter().map(|field|;
+ let constructor_def = quote! {
+ #documentation
+ #vis #constructor_fn(#(#params),*) -> #struct_name <#(#generic_args),*> {
+ #(#code)*
+ Self {
+ #(#field_names),*
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let generic_where = &info.generics.where_clause;
+ let builder_fn = if builder_type.is_async() {
+ quote! { async fn build }
+ } else {
+ quote! { fn build }
+ };
+ let builder_code = match builder_type {
+ BuilderType::AsyncSend => quote! {
+ #struct_name::new_async_send(
+ #(self.#builder_struct_field_names),*
+ ).await
+ },
+ BuilderType::Async => quote! {
+ #struct_name::new_async(
+ #(self.#builder_struct_field_names),*
+ ).await
+ },
+ BuilderType::Sync => quote! {
+ #struct_name::new(
+ #(self.#builder_struct_field_names),*
+ )
+ },
+ };
+ let builder_def = quote! {
+ #builder_documentation
+ #vis struct #builder_struct_name <#(#builder_struct_generic_producers),*> #generic_where {
+ #(#vis #builder_struct_fields),*
+ }
+ impl<#(#builder_struct_generic_producers),*> #builder_struct_name <#(#builder_struct_generic_consumers),*> #generic_where {
+ #[doc=#build_fn_documentation]
+ #vis #builder_fn(self) -> #struct_name <#(#generic_args),*> {
+ #builder_code
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Ok((builder_struct_name, builder_def, constructor_def))