## Unreleased Released YYYY-MM-DD. ### Added * TODO (or remove section if none) ### Changed * TODO (or remove section if none) ### Deprecated * TODO (or remove section if none) ### Removed * TODO (or remove section if none) ### Fixed * TODO (or remove section if none) ### Security * TODO (or remove section if none) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.4.7 Released 2023-08-10. ### Added * Added the `link_libfuzzer` cargo feature. This feature is on by default and preserves the existing behavior of statically linking libfuzzer. You can disable it if you are linking your own version of libfuzzer some other way, or another library that provides the same ABI as libfuzzer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.4.6 Released 2023-01-26. ### Fixed * Fixed a potential name conflict in functions generated by the `fuzz_target!` macro. * Fixed potential stale builds when updating custom libfuzzers to link against. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.4.5 Released 2022-10-18. ### Added * Added the ability to tell libfuzzer whether to keep files inputs in the corpus or not. See the `Corpus` type and extended documentation for the `fuzz_target!` macro for details. ### Changed * Ensured that there is always at least one inline-never frame on the stack per fuzz target. This helps prevent oss-fuzz from "deduplicating" different bugs from different fuzz targets into the same bug. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.4.4 Released 2022-09-01. ### Changed * Updated to `libFuzzer` commit `df90d22` (`release/15.x`). * LLVM 16's [upcoming change][llvm_cxx17] to build requirements to C++17 necessitate reflecting those changes. (`libFuzzer` updates contain C++14 code) * Drastically reduce build times by using parallel C++ compilation jobs * Updated `rand` dependency from 0.8.3 to 0.8.5 * Updated `flate2` dependency from 1.0.20 to 1.0.24 [llvm_cxx17]: https://llvm.org/docs/ReleaseNotes.html#update-on-required-toolchains-to-build-llvm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.4.3 Released 2020-03-03. ### Changed * Updated to `libFuzzer` commit `60e32a1`. ### Fixed * Fixed an issue where the `fuzz_target!` macro would sometimes expand to versions of itself that were not `$crate` prefixed and would result in "error: cannot find macro `fuzz_target` in this scope" if the caller didn't import the macro but used the qualified version of it instead. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.4.2 Released 2020-05-26. ### Changed * Improved performance of checking for whether `cargo fuzz` is requesting the `std::fmt::Debug` output of an input or not. This is always false during regular fuzzing, so making this check faster should give slightly better fuzzing throughput. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.4.1 Released 2020-05-13. ### Added * Added support for defining custom mutators. See [the documentation for the `fuzz_mutator!` macro](https://docs.rs/libfuzzer-sys/0.4.1/libfuzzer_sys/macro.fuzz_mutator.html) for details. ### Changed * Upgraded libfuzzer to llvm/llvm-project's 70cbc6d. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.4.0 Released 2021-02-24. ### Changed * The public `arbitrary` dependency was updated to version 1.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.3.5 Released 2020-11-18. ### Changed * [Upgrade libfuzzer to 7bf89c2](https://github.com/rust-fuzz/libfuzzer/pull/68) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.3.4 Released 2020-08-22. ### Changed * Updated `arbitrary` dependency to 0.4.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.3.3 Released 2020-07-27. ### Changed * Upgraded libfuzzer to commit [4a4cafa](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/4a4cafabc9067fced5890a245b03ef5897ad988b). Notably, this pulls in [the new Entropic engine for libFuzzer](https://mboehme.github.io/paper/FSE20.Entropy.pdf), which should boost fuzzing efficiency when enabled. You can enable Entropic by passing `-entropic=1` to your built fuzz targets (although, note that it is still labeled "experimental"). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.3.2 Released 2020-03-18. ### Changed * Upgraded the `arbitrary` dependency re-export to version 0.4.1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.3.1 Released 2020-02-27. ### Changed * Fixed a fuzzing performance issue where libfuzzer could unnecessarily spend time exploring all the ways that an `Arbitrary` implementation could fail to construct an instance of itself because the fuzzer provided too few bytes. See https://github.com/rust-fuzz/libfuzzer/issues/59 for details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.3.0 Released 2019-01-22. ### Changed * Now works with and re-exports `arbitrary` versions 0.4.x. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.2.1 Released 2019-01-16. ### Added * Added support for the `CUSTOM_LIBFUZZER_STD_CXX=` environment variable during builds that already use a custom libFuzzer checkout with `CUSTOM_LIBFUZZER_PATH`. This allows you to explicitly choose to link LLVM or GNU C++ standard libraries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.2.0 Released 2020-01-14. ### Changed * Using `arbitrary` 0.3.x now. It is re-exported as `libfuzzer_sys::arbitrary`. ### Added * You can enable support for `#[derive(Arbitrary)]` with the `"arbitrary-derive"` cargo feature. This is a synonym for the `arbitrary` crate's `"derive"` cargo feature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.1.0