[package] name = "crossbeam-epoch" # When publishing a new version: # - Update CHANGELOG.md # - Update README.md # - Create "crossbeam-epoch-X.Y.Z" git tag version = "0.9.14" edition = "2018" rust-version = "1.38" license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" repository = "https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam" homepage = "https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam/tree/master/crossbeam-epoch" description = "Epoch-based garbage collection" keywords = ["lock-free", "rcu", "atomic", "garbage"] categories = ["concurrency", "memory-management", "no-std"] [features] default = ["std"] # Enable to use APIs that require `std`. # This is enabled by default. std = ["alloc", "crossbeam-utils/std"] # Enable to use APIs that require `alloc`. # This is enabled by default and also enabled if the `std` feature is enabled. # # NOTE: Disabling both `std` *and* `alloc` features is not supported yet. alloc = [] # These features are no longer used. # TODO: remove in the next major version. # Enable to use of unstable functionality. # This is disabled by default and requires recent nightly compiler. # # NOTE: This feature is outside of the normal semver guarantees and minor or # patch versions of crossbeam may make breaking changes to them at any time. nightly = ["crossbeam-utils/nightly"] # Enable the use of loom for concurrency testing. # # NOTE: This feature is outside of the normal semver guarantees and minor or # patch versions of crossbeam may make breaking changes to them at any time. loom = ["loom-crate", "crossbeam-utils/loom"] [build-dependencies] autocfg = "1" [dependencies] cfg-if = "1" memoffset = "0.8" scopeguard = { version = "1.1", default-features = false } # Enable the use of loom for concurrency testing. # # NOTE: This feature is outside of the normal semver guarantees and minor or # patch versions of crossbeam may make breaking changes to them at any time. [target.'cfg(crossbeam_loom)'.dependencies] loom-crate = { package = "loom", version = "0.5", optional = true } [dependencies.crossbeam-utils] version = "0.8.5" path = "../crossbeam-utils" default-features = false [dev-dependencies] rand = "0.8" rustversion = "1"