# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. service traced /system/bin/traced class late_start disabled socket traced_consumer stream 0666 root root socket traced_producer stream 0666 root root user nobody group nobody task_profiles ServiceCapacityLow service traced_probes /system/bin/traced_probes class late_start disabled user nobody # Despite the "log" group below, traced_probes is allowed to read log # only on userdebug/eng via selinux (see traced_probes.te). group nobody readproc log readtracefs task_profiles ServiceCapacityLow # Clean up procfs configuration even if traced_probes crashes # unexpectedly. onrestart exec_background - nobody shell -- /system/bin/traced_probes --cleanup-after-crash file /dev/kmsg w capabilities DAC_READ_SEARCH on property:persist.device_config.global_settings.sys_traced=1 setprop persist.traced.enable 1 on property:persist.device_config.global_settings.sys_traced=0 setprop persist.traced.enable 0 on property:debug.atrace.user_initiated=1 stop traced_probes on property:persist.traced.enable=1 && property:debug.atrace.user_initiated="" start traced_probes on property:persist.traced.enable=1 # Trace files need to be: # - Written by either uid:shell or uid:statsd. # - Read by shell and incidentd. mkdir /data/misc/perfetto-traces 0773 root shell # Traces in this directory are only accessed by dumpstate (read+unlink) and # by the bug reporting UI (ls+getattr). mkdir /data/misc/perfetto-traces/bugreport 0773 root shell # This directory allows shell to save configs file in a place where the # perfetto cmdline client can read then. /data/local/tmp/ isn't safe because # too many other domains can write into that. See b/170404111. mkdir /data/misc/perfetto-configs 0775 root shell start traced start traced_probes on property:persist.traced.enable=0 stop traced stop traced_probes # Reset the Perfetto guard rail state on boot: on post-fs-data rm /data/misc/perfetto-traces/.guardraildata ############################################################################# # mm_events - Arms a perfetto trace config that is triggered # on memory pressure (kmem_activity trigger) ############################################################################# service mm_events /system/bin/mm_events class late_start disabled oneshot user nobody group nobody on property:persist.mm_events.enabled=true && property:persist.traced.enable=1 restart mm_events # Restart to reset backoff interval on property:persist.mm_events.enabled=false stop mm_events ############################################################################# # perfetto_trace_on_boot - Starts a perfetto trace on boot ############################################################################# # # There are two separate actions (a trigger action and a start action) to make # sure that perfetto_trace_on_boot is started only once on boot (otherwise, # whenever persist.debug.perfetto.boottrace=1 is set, perfetto_trace_on_boot # would start immediately). # # persist.debug.perfetto.boottrace=1 can be manually set after boot (to record # a trace on the next reboot) and we don't want to immediately start a trace # when setting the debug property. So we turn "ro.persistent_properties.ready" # into a trigger, and then check whether we should start tracing when the # trigger fires. on perfetto_maybe_trace_on_boot && property:persist.debug.perfetto.boottrace=1 && property:persist.traced.enable=1 setprop persist.debug.perfetto.boottrace "" rm /data/misc/perfetto-traces/boottrace.perfetto-trace # Set by traced after listen()ing on the consumer socket. Without this, # perfetto could try to connect to traced before traced is ready to listen. wait_for_prop sys.trace.traced_started 1 start perfetto_trace_on_boot on property:ro.persistent_properties.ready=true trigger perfetto_maybe_trace_on_boot service perfetto_trace_on_boot /system/bin/perfetto -c /data/misc/perfetto-configs/boottrace.pbtxt --txt -o /data/misc/perfetto-traces/boottrace.perfetto-trace disabled gentle_kill oneshot user shell group nobody # This is meant to stop the boot tracing. # To use this, add a trigger with mode STOP_TRACING in the configuration used in perfetto_trace_on_boot. # Then create a new config which contains `activate_triggers: ` where is # the name specified in configuration used in perfetto_trace_on_boot. on property:sys.boot_completed=1 exec -- /system/bin/perfetto -c /data/misc/perfetto-configs/stopboottracetrigger.pbtxt --txt