path: root/ui/src/frontend/pivot_table_redux.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'ui/src/frontend/pivot_table_redux.ts')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/src/frontend/pivot_table_redux.ts b/ui/src/frontend/pivot_table_redux.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bdae1b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/src/frontend/pivot_table_redux.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import * as m from 'mithril';
+import {GenericSet} from '../base/generic_set';
+import {sqliteString} from '../base/string_utils';
+import {Actions} from '../common/actions';
+import {ColumnType} from '../common/query_result';
+import {
+ Area,
+ PivotTableReduxQuery,
+ PivotTableReduxResult
+} from '../common/state';
+import {PivotTree} from '../controller/pivot_table_redux_controller';
+import {globals} from './globals';
+import {Panel} from './panel';
+import {
+ aggregationIndex,
+ areaFilter,
+ createColumnSet,
+ generateQuery,
+ QueryGeneratorError,
+ sliceAggregationColumns,
+ Table,
+ TableColumn,
+ tables,
+ threadSliceAggregationColumns
+} from './pivot_table_redux_query_generator';
+interface ColumnSetCheckboxAttrs {
+ set: GenericSet<TableColumn>;
+ setKey: TableColumn;
+interface PathItem {
+ tree: PivotTree;
+ nextKey: ColumnType;
+// Helper component that controls whether a particular key is present in a
+// ColumnSet.
+class ColumnSetCheckbox implements m.ClassComponent<ColumnSetCheckboxAttrs> {
+ view({attrs}: m.Vnode<ColumnSetCheckboxAttrs>) {
+ return m('input[type=checkbox]', {
+ onclick: (e: InputEvent) => {
+ const target = e.target as HTMLInputElement;
+ if (target.checked) {
+ attrs.set.add(attrs.setKey);
+ } else {
+ attrs.set.delete(attrs.setKey);
+ }
+ globals.rafScheduler.scheduleFullRedraw();
+ },
+ checked: attrs.set.has(attrs.setKey)
+ });
+ }
+interface PivotTableReduxAttrs {
+ selectionArea: Area;
+interface DrillFilter {
+ column: string;
+ value: ColumnType;
+// Convert DrillFilter to SQL condition to be used in WHERE clause.
+function renderDrillFilter(filter: DrillFilter): string {
+ if (filter.value === null) {
+ return `${filter.column} IS NULL`;
+ } else if (typeof filter.value === 'number') {
+ return `${filter.column} = ${filter.value}`;
+ }
+ return `${filter.column} = ${sqliteString(filter.value)}`;
+export class PivotTableRedux extends Panel<PivotTableReduxAttrs> {
+ selectedPivotsMap = createColumnSet();
+ selectedAggregations = createColumnSet();
+ constrainToArea = true;
+ editMode = true;
+ renderCanvas(): void {}
+ generateQuery(attrs: PivotTableReduxAttrs): PivotTableReduxQuery {
+ return generateQuery(
+ this.selectedPivotsMap,
+ this.selectedAggregations,
+ attrs.selectionArea,
+ this.constrainToArea);
+ }
+ runQuery(attrs: PivotTableReduxAttrs) {
+ try {
+ const query = this.generateQuery(attrs);
+ const lastPivotTableState = globals.state.pivotTableRedux;
+ globals.dispatch(Actions.setPivotStateReduxState({
+ pivotTableState: {
+ query,
+ queryId: lastPivotTableState.queryId + 1,
+ selectionArea: lastPivotTableState.selectionArea,
+ queryResult: null
+ }
+ }));
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log(e);
+ }
+ }
+ renderTablePivotColumns(t: Table) {
+ return m(
+ 'li',
+ t.name,
+ m('ul',
+ t.columns.map(
+ col =>
+ m('li',
+ m(ColumnSetCheckbox, {
+ set: this.selectedPivotsMap,
+ setKey: [t.name, col],
+ }),
+ col))));
+ }
+ renderResultsView(attrs: PivotTableReduxAttrs) {
+ return m(
+ '.pivot-table-redux',
+ m('button.mode-button',
+ {
+ onclick: () => {
+ this.editMode = true;
+ globals.rafScheduler.scheduleFullRedraw();
+ }
+ },
+ 'Edit'),
+ this.renderResultsTable(attrs));
+ }
+ renderDrillDownCell(
+ area: Area, result: PivotTableReduxResult, filters: DrillFilter[]) {
+ return m(
+ 'td',
+ m('button',
+ {
+ title: 'All corresponding slices',
+ onclick: () => {
+ const queryFilters = filters.map(renderDrillFilter);
+ if (this.constrainToArea) {
+ queryFilters.push(areaFilter(area));
+ }
+ const query = `
+ select * from ${result.metadata.tableName}
+ where ${queryFilters.join(' and \n')}
+ `;
+ // TODO(ddrone): the UI of running query as if it was a canned or
+ // custom query is a temporary one, replace with a proper UI.
+ globals.dispatch(Actions.executeQuery({
+ engineId: '0',
+ queryId: 'command',
+ query,
+ }));
+ }
+ },
+ m('i.material-icons', 'arrow_right')));
+ }
+ renderSectionRow(
+ area: Area, path: PathItem[], tree: PivotTree,
+ result: PivotTableReduxResult): m.Vnode {
+ const renderedCells = [];
+ for (let j = 0; j + 1 < path.length; j++) {
+ renderedCells.push(m('td', m('span.indent', ' '), `${path[j].nextKey}`));
+ }
+ const treeDepth = result.metadata.pivotColumns.length;
+ const colspan = treeDepth - path.length + 1;
+ const button =
+ m('button',
+ {
+ onclick: () => {
+ tree.isCollapsed = !tree.isCollapsed;
+ globals.rafScheduler.scheduleFullRedraw();
+ }
+ },
+ m('i.material-icons',
+ tree.isCollapsed ? 'expand_more' : 'expand_less'));
+ renderedCells.push(
+ m('td', {colspan}, button, `${path[path.length - 1].nextKey}`));
+ for (const value of tree.aggregates) {
+ renderedCells.push(m('td', `${value}`));
+ }
+ const drillFilters: DrillFilter[] = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
+ drillFilters.push({
+ value: `${path[i].nextKey}`,
+ column: result.metadata.pivotColumns[i]
+ });
+ }
+ renderedCells.push(this.renderDrillDownCell(area, result, drillFilters));
+ return m('tr', renderedCells);
+ }
+ renderTree(
+ area: Area, path: PathItem[], tree: PivotTree,
+ result: PivotTableReduxResult, sink: m.Vnode[]) {
+ if (tree.isCollapsed) {
+ sink.push(this.renderSectionRow(area, path, tree, result));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tree.children.size > 0) {
+ // Avoid rendering the intermediate results row for the root of tree
+ // and in case there's only one child subtree.
+ if (!tree.isCollapsed && path.length > 0 && tree.children.size !== 1) {
+ sink.push(this.renderSectionRow(area, path, tree, result));
+ }
+ for (const [key, childTree] of tree.children.entries()) {
+ path.push({tree: childTree, nextKey: key});
+ this.renderTree(area, path, childTree, result, sink);
+ path.pop();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Avoid rendering the intermediate results row if it has only one leaf
+ // row.
+ if (!tree.isCollapsed && path.length > 0 && tree.rows.length > 1) {
+ sink.push(this.renderSectionRow(area, path, tree, result));
+ }
+ for (const row of tree.rows) {
+ const renderedCells = [];
+ const drillFilters: DrillFilter[] = [];
+ const treeDepth = result.metadata.pivotColumns.length;
+ for (let j = 0; j < treeDepth; j++) {
+ if (j < path.length) {
+ renderedCells.push(m('td', m('span.indent', ' '), `${row[j]}`));
+ } else {
+ renderedCells.push(m(`td`, `${row[j]}`));
+ }
+ drillFilters.push(
+ {column: result.metadata.pivotColumns[j], value: row[j]});
+ }
+ for (let j = 0; j < result.metadata.aggregationColumns.length; j++) {
+ const value = row[aggregationIndex(treeDepth, j, treeDepth)];
+ renderedCells.push(m('td', `${value}`));
+ }
+ renderedCells.push(this.renderDrillDownCell(area, result, drillFilters));
+ sink.push(m('tr', renderedCells));
+ }
+ }
+ renderTotalsRow(queryResult: PivotTableReduxResult) {
+ const overallValuesRow =
+ [m('td.total-values',
+ {'colspan': queryResult.metadata.pivotColumns.length},
+ m('strong', 'Total values:'))];
+ for (const aggValue of queryResult.tree.aggregates) {
+ overallValuesRow.push(m('td', `${aggValue}`));
+ }
+ overallValuesRow.push(m('td'));
+ return m('tr', overallValuesRow);
+ }
+ renderResultsTable(attrs: PivotTableReduxAttrs) {
+ const state = globals.state.pivotTableRedux;
+ if (state.query !== null || state.queryResult === null) {
+ return m('div', 'Loading...');
+ }
+ const renderedRows: m.Vnode[] = [];
+ const tree = state.queryResult.tree;
+ if (tree.children.size === 0 && tree.rows.length === 0) {
+ // Empty result, render a special message
+ return m('.empty-result', 'No slices in the current selection.');
+ }
+ this.renderTree(
+ attrs.selectionArea, [], tree, state.queryResult, renderedRows);
+ const allColumns = state.queryResult.metadata.pivotColumns.concat(
+ state.queryResult.metadata.aggregationColumns);
+ return m(
+ 'table.query-table.pivot-table',
+ m('thead', m('tr', allColumns.map(column => m('td', column)), m('td'))),
+ m('tbody', this.renderTotalsRow(state.queryResult), renderedRows));
+ }
+ renderQuery(attrs: PivotTableReduxAttrs): m.Vnode {
+ // Prepare a button to switch to results mode.
+ let innerElement =
+ m('button.mode-button',
+ {
+ onclick: () => {
+ this.editMode = false;
+ this.runQuery(attrs);
+ globals.rafScheduler.scheduleFullRedraw();
+ }
+ },
+ 'Execute');
+ try {
+ this.generateQuery(attrs);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof QueryGeneratorError) {
+ // If query generation fails, show an error message instead of a button.
+ innerElement = m('div.query-error', e.message);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ return m(
+ 'div',
+ m('div',
+ m('input', {
+ type: 'checkbox',
+ id: 'constrain-to-selection',
+ checked: this.constrainToArea,
+ onclick: (e: InputEvent) => {
+ const checkbox = e.target as HTMLInputElement;
+ this.constrainToArea = checkbox.checked;
+ }
+ }),
+ m('label',
+ {
+ 'for': 'constrain-to-selection',
+ },
+ 'Constrain to current time range')),
+ innerElement);
+ }
+ view({attrs}: m.Vnode<PivotTableReduxAttrs>) {
+ return this.editMode ? this.renderEditView(attrs) :
+ this.renderResultsView(attrs);
+ }
+ renderEditView(attrs: PivotTableReduxAttrs) {
+ return m(
+ '.pivot-table-redux.edit',
+ m('div',
+ m('h2', 'Pivots'),
+ m('ul',
+ tables.map(
+ t => this.renderTablePivotColumns(t),
+ ))),
+ m('div',
+ m('h2', 'Aggregations'),
+ m('ul',
+ ...sliceAggregationColumns.map(
+ t =>
+ m('li',
+ m(ColumnSetCheckbox, {
+ set: this.selectedAggregations,
+ setKey: ['slice', t],
+ }),
+ t)),
+ ...threadSliceAggregationColumns.map(
+ t =>
+ m('li',
+ m(ColumnSetCheckbox, {
+ set: this.selectedAggregations,
+ setKey: ['thread_slice', t],
+ }),
+ `thread_slice.${t}`)))),
+ this.renderQuery(attrs));
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file