path: root/src/trace_processor/metrics/android/android_startup_launches.sql
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/trace_processor/metrics/android/android_startup_launches.sql')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/metrics/android/android_startup_launches.sql b/src/trace_processor/metrics/android/android_startup_launches.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cfb4b999..000000000
--- a/src/trace_processor/metrics/android/android_startup_launches.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
--- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
--- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
--- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
--- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
--- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
--- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
--- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
--- limitations under the License.
--- The start of the launching event corresponds to the end of the AM handling
--- the startActivity intent, whereas the end corresponds to the first frame drawn.
--- Only successful app launches have a launching event.
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS launching_events;
-CREATE TABLE launching_events AS
- ts,
- dur,
- ts + dur AS ts_end,
- STR_SPLIT(s.name, ": ", 1) AS package_name
-FROM slice s
-JOIN process_track t ON s.track_id = t.id
-JOIN process USING(upid)
-WHERE s.name LIKE 'launching: %'
-AND (process.name IS NULL OR process.name = 'system_server');
--- Marks the beginning of the trace and is equivalent to when the statsd launch
--- logging begins.
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS activity_intent_received;
-CREATE VIEW activity_intent_received AS
-SELECT ts FROM slice
-WHERE name = 'MetricsLogger:launchObserverNotifyIntentStarted';
--- Successful activity launch. The end of the 'launching' event is not related
--- to whether it actually succeeded or not.
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS activity_intent_launch_successful;
-CREATE VIEW activity_intent_launch_successful AS
-SELECT ts FROM slice
-WHERE name = 'MetricsLogger:launchObserverNotifyActivityLaunchFinished';
--- We partition the trace into spans based on posted activity intents.
--- We will refine these progressively in the next steps to only encompass
--- activity starts.
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS activity_intent_recv_spans;
-CREATE TABLE activity_intent_recv_spans(id INT, ts BIG INT, dur BIG INT);
-INSERT INTO activity_intent_recv_spans
- ts,
- LEAD(ts, 1, (SELECT end_ts FROM trace_bounds)) OVER(ORDER BY ts) - ts AS dur
-FROM activity_intent_received
--- Filter activity_intent_recv_spans, keeping only the ones that triggered
--- a launch.
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS launch_partitions;
-CREATE VIEW launch_partitions AS
-SELECT * FROM activity_intent_recv_spans AS spans
-WHERE 1 = (
- FROM launching_events
- WHERE launching_events.ts BETWEEN spans.ts AND spans.ts + spans.dur);
--- All activity launches in the trace, keyed by ID.
-CREATE TABLE launches(
- ts BIG INT,
- ts_end BIG INT,
- dur BIG INT,
- id INT,
- package STRING);
--- Use the starting event package name. The finish event package name
--- is not reliable in the case of failed launches.
-INSERT INTO launches
- lpart.ts AS ts,
- launching_events.ts_end AS ts_end,
- launching_events.ts_end - lpart.ts AS dur,
- lpart.id AS id,
- package_name AS package
-FROM launch_partitions AS lpart
-JOIN launching_events ON
- (launching_events.ts BETWEEN lpart.ts AND lpart.ts + lpart.dur) AND
- (launching_events.ts_end BETWEEN lpart.ts AND lpart.ts + lpart.dur)
- FROM activity_intent_launch_successful AS successful
- WHERE successful.ts BETWEEN lpart.ts AND lpart.ts + lpart.dur
-) > 0;
--- Maps a launch to the corresponding set of processes that handled the
--- activity start. The vast majority of cases should be a single process.
--- However it is possible that the process dies during the activity launch
--- and is respawned.
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS launch_processes;
-CREATE TABLE launch_processes(launch_id INT, upid BIG INT);
--- We make the (not always correct) simplification that process == package
-INSERT INTO launch_processes
-SELECT launches.id, process.upid
-FROM launches
- JOIN process ON launches.package = process.name
- JOIN thread ON (process.upid = thread.upid AND process.pid = thread.tid)
-WHERE (process.start_ts IS NULL OR process.start_ts < launches.ts_end)
-AND (thread.end_ts IS NULL OR thread.end_ts > launches.ts_end)
-ORDER BY process.start_ts DESC;