path: root/avatar/metrics/trace.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'avatar/metrics/trace.py')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/avatar/metrics/trace.py b/avatar/metrics/trace.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..409633c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/avatar/metrics/trace.py
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Avatar metrics trace."""
+import time
+import types
+from avatar.metrics.trace_pb2 import (
+ DebugAnnotation,
+ ProcessDescriptor,
+ ThreadDescriptor,
+ Trace,
+ TracePacket,
+ TrackDescriptor,
+ TrackEvent,
+from google.protobuf import any_pb2, message
+from mobly.base_test import BaseTestClass
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Protocol, Tuple, Union
+ from avatar import PandoraDevices
+ from avatar.pandora_client import PandoraClient
+ PandoraClient = object
+ PandoraDevices = object
+devices_id: Dict[PandoraClient, int] = {}
+devices_process_id: Dict[PandoraClient, int] = {}
+packets: List[TracePacket] = []
+genesis: int = time.monotonic_ns()
+id: int = 0
+def next_id() -> int:
+ global id
+ id += 1
+ return id
+def hook_test(test: BaseTestClass, devices: PandoraDevices) -> None:
+ global packets
+ original_teardown_class = test.teardown_class
+ original_setup_test = test.setup_test
+ def teardown_class(self: BaseTestClass) -> None:
+ output_path: str = test.current_test_info.output_path # type: ignore
+ trace = Trace(packet=packets)
+ with open(f"{output_path}/avatar.trace", "wb") as f:
+ f.write(trace.SerializeToString())
+ with open(f"{output_path}/packets.log", "a") as f:
+ for packet in packets:
+ f.write(f"{packet}")
+ f.write("----------\n")
+ original_teardown_class()
+ def setup_test(self: BaseTestClass) -> None:
+ global genesis
+ genesis = time.monotonic_ns()
+ process_id = next_id()
+ packets.append(
+ TracePacket(
+ track_descriptor=TrackDescriptor(
+ uuid=process_id,
+ process=ProcessDescriptor(
+ pid=process_id, process_name=f"{test.__class__.__name__}.{test.current_test_info.name}"
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ for device in devices:
+ devices_process_id[device] = process_id
+ devices_id[device] = next_id()
+ descriptor = TrackDescriptor(
+ uuid=devices_id[device],
+ parent_uuid=process_id,
+ thread=ThreadDescriptor(thread_name=device.name, pid=process_id, tid=devices_id[device]),
+ )
+ packets.append(TracePacket(track_descriptor=descriptor))
+ original_setup_test()
+ test.teardown_class = types.MethodType(teardown_class, test)
+ test.setup_test = types.MethodType(setup_test, test)
+class AsTrace(Protocol):
+ def as_trace(self) -> TracePacket:
+ ...
+class Callsite(AsTrace):
+ id_counter = 0
+ @classmethod
+ def next_id(cls) -> int:
+ cls.id_counter += 1
+ return cls.id_counter
+ def __init__(self, device: PandoraClient, name: Union[bytes, str], message: Any) -> None:
+ self.at = time.monotonic_ns() - genesis
+ self.name = name if isinstance(name, str) else name.decode('utf-8')
+ self.device = device
+ self.message = message
+ self.events: List[CallEvent] = []
+ self.id = Callsite.next_id()
+ device.log.info(f"{self}")
+ def pretty(self) -> str:
+ name_pretty = self.name[1:].replace('/', '.')
+ if self.message is None:
+ return f"%{self.id} {name_pretty}"
+ message_pretty, _ = debug_message(self.message)
+ return f"{name_pretty}({message_pretty})"
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{str2color('╭──', self.id)} {self.pretty()}"
+ def output(self, message: Any) -> None:
+ self.events.append(CallOutput(self, message))
+ def input(self, message: Any) -> None:
+ self.events.append(CallInput(self, message))
+ def end(self, message: Any) -> None:
+ global packets
+ if self.device not in devices_id:
+ return
+ self.events.append(CallEnd(self, message))
+ packets.append(self.as_trace())
+ for event in self.events:
+ packets.append(event.as_trace())
+ def as_trace(self) -> TracePacket:
+ return TracePacket(
+ timestamp=self.at,
+ track_event=TrackEvent(
+ name=self.name,
+ type=TrackEvent.Type.TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN,
+ track_uuid=devices_id[self.device],
+ debug_annotations=None
+ if self.message is None
+ else [
+ DebugAnnotation(name=self.message.__class__.__name__, dict_entries=debug_message(self.message)[1])
+ ],
+ ),
+ trusted_packet_sequence_id=devices_process_id[self.device],
+ )
+class CallEvent(AsTrace):
+ def __init__(self, callsite: Callsite, message: Any) -> None:
+ self.at = time.monotonic_ns() - genesis
+ self.callsite = callsite
+ self.message = message
+ callsite.device.log.info(f"{self}")
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{str2color('╰──', self.callsite.id)} {self.stringify('──→')}"
+ def as_trace(self) -> TracePacket:
+ return TracePacket(
+ timestamp=self.at,
+ track_event=TrackEvent(
+ name=self.callsite.name,
+ type=TrackEvent.Type.TYPE_INSTANT,
+ track_uuid=devices_id[self.callsite.device],
+ debug_annotations=None
+ if self.message is None
+ else [
+ DebugAnnotation(name=self.message.__class__.__name__, dict_entries=debug_message(self.message)[1])
+ ],
+ ),
+ trusted_packet_sequence_id=devices_process_id[self.callsite.device],
+ )
+ def stringify(self, direction: str) -> str:
+ message_pretty = "" if self.message is None else debug_message(self.message)[0]
+ return (
+ str2color(f"[{(self.at - self.callsite.at) / 1000000000:.3f}s]", self.callsite.id)
+ + f" {self.callsite.pretty()} {str2color(direction, self.callsite.id)} ({message_pretty})"
+ )
+class CallOutput(CallEvent):
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{str2color('├──', self.callsite.id)} {self.stringify('──→')}"
+ def as_trace(self) -> TracePacket:
+ return super().as_trace()
+class CallInput(CallEvent):
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{str2color('├──', self.callsite.id)} {self.stringify('←──')}"
+ def as_trace(self) -> TracePacket:
+ return super().as_trace()
+class CallEnd(CallEvent):
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{str2color('╰──', self.callsite.id)} {self.stringify('──→')}"
+ def as_trace(self) -> TracePacket:
+ return TracePacket(
+ timestamp=self.at,
+ track_event=TrackEvent(
+ name=self.callsite.name,
+ type=TrackEvent.Type.TYPE_SLICE_END,
+ track_uuid=devices_id[self.callsite.device],
+ debug_annotations=None
+ if self.message is None
+ else [
+ DebugAnnotation(name=self.message.__class__.__name__, dict_entries=debug_message(self.message)[1])
+ ],
+ ),
+ trusted_packet_sequence_id=devices_process_id[self.callsite.device],
+ )
+def debug_value(v: Any) -> Tuple[Any, Dict[str, Any]]:
+ if isinstance(v, any_pb2.Any):
+ return '...', {'string_value': f'{v}'}
+ elif isinstance(v, message.Message):
+ json, entries = debug_message(v)
+ return json, {'dict_entries': entries}
+ elif isinstance(v, bytes):
+ return (v if len(v) < 16 else '...'), {'string_value': f'{v!r}'}
+ elif isinstance(v, bool):
+ return v, {'bool_value': v}
+ elif isinstance(v, int):
+ return v, {'int_value': v}
+ elif isinstance(v, float):
+ return v, {'double_value': v}
+ elif isinstance(v, str):
+ return v, {'string_value': v}
+ try:
+ return v, {'array_values': [DebugAnnotation(**debug_value(x)[1]) for x in v]} # type: ignore
+ except:
+ return v, {'string_value': f'{v}'}
+def debug_message(msg: message.Message) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], List[DebugAnnotation]]:
+ json: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+ dbga: List[DebugAnnotation] = []
+ for (f, v) in msg.ListFields():
+ if (
+ isinstance(v, bytes)
+ and len(v) == 6
+ and ('address' in f.name or (f.containing_oneof and 'address' in f.containing_oneof.name))
+ ):
+ addr = ':'.join([f'{x:02X}' for x in v])
+ json[f.name] = addr
+ dbga.append(DebugAnnotation(name=f.name, string_value=addr))
+ else:
+ json_entry, dbga_entry = debug_value(v)
+ json[f.name] = json_entry
+ dbga.append(DebugAnnotation(name=f.name, **dbga_entry))
+ return json, dbga
+def str2color(s: str, id: int) -> str:
+ CSI = "\x1b["
+ CSI_RESET = CSI + "0m"
+ CSI_BOLD = CSI + "1m"
+ color = ((id * 10) % (230 - 17)) + 17
+ return CSI + ("1;38;5;%dm" % color) + CSI_BOLD + s + CSI_RESET