AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-09-29Ignore code coverage for method executed non-deterministically in tests (#838)Manu Sridharan
2023-09-29Properly check generic method overriding in explicitly-typed anonymous classe...Manu Sridharan
2023-09-28Update to Error Prone 2.22.0 (#833)Manu Sridharan
2023-09-28Fix which JDKs are installed on CI (#835)Manu Sridharan
2023-09-28Run recent JDK tests on JDK 21 (#834)Md Armughanuddin
2023-09-20Ignore fields that are annotated with the `@MockBean` and `@SpyBean` annotati...Ullrich Hafner
2023-09-17Update Gradle and a couple of plugin versions (#832)Manu Sridharan
2023-09-07Prepare next development version.Lazaro Clapp
2023-09-07Prepare for release 0.10.14.Lazaro Clapp
2023-09-05Run tests on JDK 21 (#826)Manu Sridharan
2023-09-05Treat parameter of generated Record.equals() methods as @Nullable (#825)Manu Sridharan
2023-09-05Remove ASM-related hack in build config (#824)Manu Sridharan
2023-09-01Updated Readme.md with Codecov link (#823)Md Armughanuddin
2023-09-01Fixes Codecov Report Expired error (#821)Md Armughanuddin
2023-09-01Bump Checker Framework dependence to 3.38.0 (#819)Manu Sridharan
2023-09-01Prepare next development version.Lazaro Clapp
2023-09-01Prepare for release 0.10.13.Lazaro Clapp
2023-09-01Added Codecov to CI Pipeline (#820)Md Armughanuddin
2023-08-30Issue #740: Adding visitors for handling different types along with ClassType...akulk022
2023-08-30Remove unnecessary compile dependence for jar-infer-cli (#816)Manu Sridharan
2023-08-25Ensure castToNonNull insertion/removal suggested fixes do not remove comments...Manu Sridharan
2023-08-25Avoid suggesting castToNonNull fixes in certain cases (#799)Manu Sridharan
2023-08-22More gradle script formatting (#814)Manu Sridharan
2023-08-22Use Spotless to enforce consistent formatting for Gradle build scripts (#809)Manu Sridharan
2023-08-22Bump gradle maven publish plugin from 0.21.0 to 0.25.3 (#810)Manu Sridharan
2023-08-22Allow library models to define custom stream classes. (#807)Lázaro Clapp
2023-08-21Modify JMH Benchmark Workflow For Shellcheck (#813)Md Armughanuddin
2023-08-16Make GenericsChecks methods static (#805)Manu Sridharan
2023-08-14Bump Error Prone Gradle Plugin version (#804)Manu Sridharan
2023-08-14Enable contract checking when building NullAway (#802)Manu Sridharan
2023-08-12Generics checks for method overriding (#755)Nikita Dinkar Aware
2023-08-11Update to Error Prone 2.21.1 (#797)Manu Sridharan
2023-08-11Update to WALA 1.6.2 (#798)Manu Sridharan
2023-08-11Bump versions for some dependencies (#800)Manu Sridharan
2023-08-02Prepare next development version.Lazaro Clapp
2023-08-02Prepare for release 0.10.12.Lazaro Clapp
2023-08-01Improve auto-fixing of unnecessary castToNonNull calls (#796)Lázaro Clapp
2023-07-31Fix off-by-one error in JSpecify checking of parameter passing (#793)Manu Sridharan
2023-07-31Fix JDK compatibility issue in LombokHandler and introduce AstHelpersBackport...Manu Sridharan
2023-07-26JSpecify: avoid crashes when encountering raw types (#792)Manu Sridharan
2023-07-25Update to Gradle 8.2.1 (#781)Manu Sridharan
2023-07-18Disable daemon when running benchmarks (#786)Manu Sridharan
2023-07-17Set concurrency for JMH benchmarking workflow (#784)Manu Sridharan
2023-07-17Added GCP JMH Benchmark Workflow (#770)Md Armughanuddin
2023-07-15Fix compatibility issue when building on JDK 17 but running on JDK 8 (#779)Manu Sridharan
2023-07-15Switch to Spotless for formatting Java code (#780)Manu Sridharan
2023-07-08Update to WALA 1.6.1 and remove ability to build on JDK 8 (#777)Manu Sridharan
2023-07-08Add tasks to run JDK 8 tests on JDK 11+ (#778)Manu Sridharan
2023-06-23Update to Error Prone 2.20.0 (#772)Manu Sridharan
2023-06-23Build the Android sample app on JDK 17 (#776)Manu Sridharan