AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-21Work around or suppress forthcoming nullness errors.cpovirk
2023-11-21Defer logger construction in AbstractFuture.Google Java Core Libraries
2023-11-21Check compatibility against the Android SDK (including [always-desugared APIs...cpovirk
2023-11-17Update http:// links to https:// if available.Chaoren Lin
2023-11-17Update Public Suffix data.Google Java Core Libraries
2023-11-16Bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.6 to 2.22.7dependabot[bot]
2023-11-16Make our Android builds work with an Android bootclasspath.cpovirk
2023-11-14Bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.5 to 2.22.6dependabot[bot]
2023-11-13Withdraw `SequencedCollection` overrides from the public copy of `ImmutableSo...cpovirk
2023-11-09Prepare to expose (all?) remaining collectors as part of `guava-android`.cpovirk
2023-11-09Provide default instances of `MutableNetwork`.cpovirk
2023-11-08Remove stray `public` keyword.cpovirk
2023-11-08Document and test how `ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap` behaves when the `mergeFu...cpovirk
2023-11-06Link to some discussion of the Android flavor.cpovirk
2023-11-04Continuing preparing to make immutable-collection `Collector` APIs available ...cpovirk
2023-10-31Document why `EqualsTester.addEqualityGroup` has a `@Nullable` parameter.Éamonn McManus
2023-10-31Upgrade to use Gradle 8.4Google Java Core Libraries
2023-10-31Prepare to make `ImmutableMultimap` collectors available in guava-android (bu...cpovirk
2023-10-30Remove bogus nullness annotations from cl/575459262.cpovirk
2023-10-28Bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.4 to 2.22.5dependabot[bot]
2023-10-27Add "Sec-Ad-Auction-Fetch" header.Google Java Core Libraries
2023-10-27Add some issue and PR templates for Guava.Chaoren Lin
2023-10-27Prepare to make `ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap` available in guava-android (but...cpovirk
2023-10-26Prepare to make `ImmutableList.toImmutableList` available in guava-android (b...cpovirk
2023-10-26Add Maven wrapper distribution checksumMarcono1234
2023-10-25Make the J2CL version of Doubles/Floats/Ints/ShortsMethodsForWeb types public.Julien Dramaix
2023-10-25Prepare to make `ImmutableSet.toImmutableSet` available in guava-android (but...cpovirk
2023-10-24Mark @JsOptional parameters as @Nullable。Molly Tian
2023-10-24Bump ossf/scorecard-action from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1dependabot[bot]
2023-10-23Bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.3 to 2.22.4dependabot[bot]
2023-10-21Add [`SequencedCollection`](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/ap...cpovirk
2023-10-20ensure that Graph/ValueGraph views for a node report empty when that node is ...ineuwirth
2023-10-18Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1dependabot[bot]
2023-10-18Update javadocs for `ImmutableList.subList()`.Kurt Alfred Kluever
2023-10-17Make `equals` work when comparing a `cartesianProduct` against another `Set`.Éamonn McManus
2023-10-17Bump `failureaccess` dep to 1.0.2.cpovirk
2023-10-17Add `.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar` to `.gitignore`.cpovirk
2023-10-16Copy `sonatype-oss-release` configuration from Guava to `failureaccess`.cpovirk
2023-10-16Give `failureaccess` an `Automatic-Module-Name`, and bump its version to 1.0....cpovirk
2023-10-16Begin using Maven Wrapper.cpovirk
2023-10-16Work around Javadoc and JDiff bugs caused by the existence of two `copyOf(E[]...cpovirk
2023-10-13Bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.2 to 2.22.3dependabot[bot]
2023-10-13Avoid exposing some types outside the scope in which those types are visible.cpovirk
2023-10-12Bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.1 to 2.22.2dependabot[bot]
2023-10-11Clarify documentation of transform methods in `ClosingFuture`.Google Java Core Libraries
2023-10-11Simplify our `maven-javadoc-plugin` configuration, and move both it and `mave...cpovirk
2023-10-10Avoid exposing some types outside the scope in which those types are visible.cpovirk
2023-10-10Inline `*FauxverideShim` classes into their subclasses.cpovirk
2023-10-10Merge "Snap for 10929834 from f0f253c8b1a6b756d3c10ea969ad252f877dfbfd to sdk...Android Build Coastguard Worker
2023-10-10Snap for 10929834 from f0f253c8b1a6b756d3c10ea969ad252f877dfbfd to sdk-releaseAndroid Build Coastguard Worker