AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-08-09Revert "Move the bazel WORKSPACE file to the root dir, and replace the one in...Marco Poletti
2020-08-09Move the bazel WORKSPACE file to the root dir, and replace the one in extras/...Marco Poletti
2020-08-09Automatically detect compiler features when running under Bazel. Before this ...Marco Poletti
2020-07-15Upgrade google-fruit to faa69229324e7b0393e2196b9fb919e5056dc675 am: 59888e79...Haibo Huang
2020-07-15Upgrade google-fruit to faa69229324e7b0393e2196b9fb919e5056dc675 am: 59888e79...Haibo Huang
2020-07-15Upgrade google-fruit to faa69229324e7b0393e2196b9fb919e5056dc675 am: 59888e79...Haibo Huang
2020-07-15Upgrade google-fruit to faa69229324e7b0393e2196b9fb919e5056dc675 am: 59888e79...Haibo Huang
2020-07-15Upgrade google-fruit to faa69229324e7b0393e2196b9fb919e5056dc675 am: 59888e7910Haibo Huang
2020-07-12Bump the Fruit version to 3.6.0.Marco Poletti
2020-07-12Configure the Github source code language analyzer to skip py files, otherwis...Marco Poletti
2020-07-12Make the test_headers_copy library a static library.Marco Poletti
2020-07-11Pass another flag to force installation of required brew packages in OS X CI ...Marco Poletti
2020-07-11Report a more user-friendly error when passing a signature with Assisted para...Marco Poletti
2020-07-10Upgrade google-fruit to faa69229324e7b0393e2196b9fb919e5056dc675Haibo Huang
2020-06-13Declare the dep on boost in bazel, so that Fruit builds even on systems where...Marco Poletti
2020-06-02Upgrade google-fruit to 45fa33d27da5a9b21471094f34e7f26c21e71f5b am: f54f09cd...Haibo Huang
2020-06-02Upgrade google-fruit to 45fa33d27da5a9b21471094f34e7f26c21e71f5b am: f54f09cd...Haibo Huang
2020-06-02Upgrade google-fruit to 45fa33d27da5a9b21471094f34e7f26c21e71f5b am: f54f09cd...Haibo Huang
2020-06-02Upgrade google-fruit to 45fa33d27da5a9b21471094f34e7f26c21e71f5b am: f54f09cd...Haibo Huang
2020-06-02Upgrade google-fruit to 45fa33d27da5a9b21471094f34e7f26c21e71f5b am: f54f09cdcdandroid-r-beta-3android-r-beta-2Haibo Huang
2020-06-01Upgrade google-fruit to 45fa33d27da5a9b21471094f34e7f26c21e71f5bHaibo Huang
2020-05-17Add a bazel flag to the CI script, needed until Bazel is available in Ubuntu ...Marco Poletti
2020-05-03Lots of changes to dockerfiles used for CI testing of Fruit and TMPPy: merge ...Marco Poletti
2020-05-02Stop CI testing with MSVC 2015, it's failing and it's not clear why (the same...Marco Poletti
2020-05-02Setting the compiler via the CC/CXX env vars doesn't work with recent version...Marco Poletti
2020-05-02Disable PCH generation for XCode 11.x CI tests, it's also affected by https:/...Marco Poletti
2020-05-02Update expected error regexes in tests to allow error messages from latest MS...Marco Poletti
2020-05-02Run OS X CI tests with XCode 9.4 and 11.3 instead of 9.3 and 11.4. A previous...Marco Poletti
2020-05-02Fix dockerfiles for CI builds so that they only install stable LLVM packages....Marco Poletti
2020-05-02Switch stdc++ Clang CI tests to use Clang 10 instead of 9, to see if it works...Marco Poletti
2020-05-02Switch OS X CI tests with XCode 9.x back to 9.3 because the 9.4 image in Trav...Marco Poletti
2020-05-02Add GCC 10 to the CI test script.Marco Poletti
2020-05-02Add dockerfiles for Ubuntu 20.04.Marco Poletti
2020-05-02Update the Travis CI config to test against Ubuntu 20.04 instead of 19.10 and...Marco Poletti
2020-04-16Fix FindFruit.cmake fileLaszlo Nagy
2020-04-11Add support for 250 classes to new_delete_benchmark.cpp.Marco Poletti
2020-04-10[automerger skipped] DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp into st...Xin Li
2020-04-10[automerger skipped] DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp into st...Xin Li
2020-04-10[automerger skipped] DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp into st...Xin Li
2020-04-10[automerger skipped] DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp into st...Xin Li
2020-04-09DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp into stag-aosp-masterXin Li
2020-04-08Run simple DI benchs with 250/1000 classes too.Marco Poletti
2020-04-08Remove duplicated benchs from the Fruit suite definition.Marco Poletti
2020-04-08Fix a bug in the error reporting code for benchmarks.Marco Poletti
2020-04-07Add support for compile memory benchmarks.Marco Poletti
2020-04-07Fix format_bench_results filtering for list-valued dimensions, and print unus...Marco Poletti
2020-04-06Upgrade google-fruit to 0ac041ff302faec7c8218989c86773613a621523 am: 6a2d6c47...Haibo Huang
2020-04-06Upgrade google-fruit to 0ac041ff302faec7c8218989c86773613a621523 am: 6a2d6c47...Haibo Huang
2020-04-06Upgrade google-fruit to 0ac041ff302faec7c8218989c86773613a621523 am: 6a2d6c47...Haibo Huang
2020-04-06Upgrade google-fruit to 0ac041ff302faec7c8218989c86773613a621523 am: 6a2d6c47...Haibo Huang