path: root/codegen/vulkan/styleguide.txt
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+// Copyright 2014-2021 The Khronos Group Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
+= Vulkan^®^ Documentation and Extensions: Procedures and Conventions
+Jon Leech, Tobias Hector
+:icons: font
+:toclevels: 3
+:source-highlighter: rouge
+:rouge-style: github
+:doctype: book
+:imagewidth: 800
+:fullimagewidth: width="800"
+:cl: :
+// Various special / math symbols. This is easier to edit with than Unicode.
+// Where the current Asciidoctor documentation is found.
+:leveloffset: 1
+= Introduction
+This document contains required procedures and conventions when writing
+specifications for new Vulkan APIs, extensions and layers, or related
+Khronos^{reg}^ documentation such as white papers and tutorials; or
+contributing to existing Vulkan specifications.
+These are collectively referred to as _Vulkan Documentation_ or just
+_documentation_ below.
+The primary focus is the API Specification and API extensions, although all
+of the markup and most of the writing style is equally applicable to other
+The primary purpose is to achieve consistency across the API, as well as
+across all of our source and output documents.
+Consistency makes it easier for developers, editors, reviewers, and users of
+our documentation to understand and modify it.
+This document is now formally voted on and approved by the Vulkan Working
+This means that unless explicitly stated otherwise, the procedures and
+conventions must be followed.
+If you have a strong desire to modify the procedures and conventions, such
+changes must be made through the normal Vulkan Working Group processes.
+== Terminology
+The key words *must*, *required*, *should*, *recommend*, *may*, and
+*optional* in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119
+and by the Vulkan Specification in the "`Terminology`" section.
+== Document Structure
+The style guide is broken into four sections:
+ * <<naming,API Naming Conventions>> - the required rules for choosing
+ names of Vulkan identifiers of all types.
+ * <<extensions,Extensions and Layers>> - the required procedures for
+ creating formal Vulkan extensions and layers.
+ * <<markup,Markup Style>> - the required and recommended markup style for
+ writing asciidoctor and XML source that follows consistent formatting
+ and layout guidelines, tags special terms and phrases for proper
+ processing by the spec generation tools, etc.
+ * <<writing,Writing Style>> - the required and recommended writing style
+ for overall and fine-grained structure and conventions, normative
+ language use, API naming conventions, common words and phrases to use
+ and to avoid, linking and cross-referencing, etc.
+== Asciidoctor Markup
+Vulkan Documentation is primarily written in Asciidoctor, a text markup
+We use the command-line asciidoctor client that is actively maintained by
+asciidoctor, which is documented on its website at
+References to the Asciidoctor User Manual are to sections in the document at
+Asciidoctor is implemented in Ruby (, which is
+available for Linux, MacOS, and Microsoft Windows.
+There are other implementations of asciidoctor, such as AsciidoctorJ
+( and asciidoctor.js
+In particular, GitHub and GitLab both have preview renderers for .adoc or
+.asciidoc files in repositories, and live preview extensions exist for
+Chrome and Firefox.
+However, because of the use of custom Ruby macros in the Vulkan
+Specification toolchain, and the high complexity of the documents and
+toolchain used to generate it, these web tools cannot currently render the
+Specification from source.
+Instead, we generate HTML and PDF versions of the Specification and publish
+them on the Khronos website.
+The Asciidoctor toolchain and build process are not addressed by this
+document, which concentrates solely on source documents.
+== Normative References
+Normative references are references to external documents or resources to
+which documentation authors must comply.
+Association for Computing Machinery.
+_Citation Style and Reference Formats_.
+Retrieved July 27, 2019.
+ .
+International Organization for Standardization.
+_Data elements and interchange formats -- Information interchange --
+Representation of dates and times_ (2004-12-01).
+ .
+Also see for colloquial examples.
+Khronos Vulkan Working Group.
+`KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs` project on GitHub (July 5, 2016).
+ .
+Khronos Vulkan Working Group.
+_Vulkan 1.1.116 - A Specification_ (July 20, 2019).
+ .
+Version 1.1.116 is the latest patch release of the Vulkan API Specification
+as of the time this reference was created, but that Specification is
+frequently updated with minor bugfixes and clarifications.
+When a more recent patch release is made, it becomes the normative reference
+for the API.
+// Chapters of the text are included below
+// Appendices are included below
+= Revision History
+* 2021-11-04 - Remove backquote markup around recommended use of the
+ `apiext:` macro, since that macro now styles the extension name argument
+ itself.
+* 2021-10-29 - add "`render pass" to the <<writing-compound-words, Compound
+ Words and Preferred Orthography>> section.
+* 2021-10-04 - Update the <<extensions-documenting-extensions, Changes for
+ New Extensions>> section to require use of the `apiext:` macro for links
+ to extension names (internal issue 2831).
+* 2021-09-12 - Add a new subsection with more details on using
+ tilde-delimited source blocks <<markup-blocks-source, inside reference
+ page open blocks>>, and rewrite the <<sample-command, Sample Command
+ Description>> section to follow current phrasing and markup patterns
+ (internal issue 2040).
+* 2021-09-09 - Add the <<markup-italicized-enumerant-names, Italicized
+ Enumerant Names>> section to clarify how to write wildcard enumerant names
+ with imbedded italicized text.
+* 2021-09-06 - Add the <<writing-inclusivity, Use Inclusive Language>>
+ section based on the Khronos Inclusive Language list (internal issue
+ 2293).
+* 2021-09-06 - add "`cube map`" to the <<writing-compound-words, Compound
+ Words and Preferred Orthography>> section (internal merge request 4794).
+* 2021-07-20 - Add additional contraction examples to the table in the
+ <<markup-avoid-contractions, Avoid Abbreviations and Contractions>>
+ section.
+* 2021-05-31 - Add "`implementation-dependent`" as an exception in the
+ <<writing-compound-words, Compound Words and Preferred Orthography>>
+ section (internal merge request 4611).
+* 2021-05-24 - Add escapes to prevent expansion of attribute names in a few
+ places where markup examples are given.
+* 2021-05-22 - Expand the <<markup-avoid-contractions, markup rules>> to
+ include avoiding abbreviations, as well as contractions.
+* 2021-05-07 - Add <<markup-word-choices, preferred way to write
+ "`drawing/dispatching command">>.
+* 2021-04-28 - Add <<markup-word-choices, disambiguations for
+ "`executable`">>.
+* 2021-04-28 - Add <<writing-pointers-instances, usage for pointers and
+ handles>> which may be `NULL` or dname:VK_NULL_HANDLE, respectively
+ (internal issue 2662).
+* 2021-04-14 - Add "`side effect`" and "`reuse`" as
+ <<writing-compound-words, preferred orthography>> (public issue 1484).
+* 2021-03-31 - Update description of the code{cl} macro in the
+ <<markup-macros-api, API Markup Macros>> section to match current
+ behavior.
+* 2021-03-21 - Note that the <<extensions-reserving-bitmask-values same bit
+ should be reserved>> for the same purpose in comparable 32- and 64-bit
+ bitmask types (internal issue 2565).
+* 2020-09-14 - Change <<markup-informative-notes, Informative Sections and
+ Notes>> section to track actual usage and update the description of the
+ undefined{cl} macro to further clarify its purpose and uses (internal
+ issue 2195).
+* 2020-08-16 - Add "`reference monitor`" to the preferred
+ <<markup-word-choices, Word Choices>> (internal issue 2291).
+* 2020-08-10 - Add a <<writing-describing-errors, Commands which Return
+ Error Codes>> section to guide authors of new commands (internal issue
+ 2290).
+* 2020-07-28 - Add a <<markup-copyrights, Copyrights and Licenses>> section
+ describing how to properly attribute this information.
+* 2020-06-23 - Update the <<extensions-documenting-extensions, Changes for
+ New Extensions>> section to recommend placing most extension language
+ inline in existing specification source files, rather than in separate
+ files, and to base extension revision numbers at `1` starting with initial
+ public release (public issue 1263).
+* 2020-04-29 - Expand use of `basetype` macros to include external API
+ types.
+* 2020-03-16 - Add documentation of writing links to extension appendices in
+ the <<extensions-documenting-extensions, Changes for New Extensions>>
+ section and document the apiext{cl} and reflink{cl} macros in the
+ <<markup-macros-api, API Markup Macros>> section.
+ Improve documentation of writing <<writing-refpages, Markup For Automatic
+ Reference Page Extraction>> including how to mark up content in the
+ Specification source so it only appears in generated reference pages;
+ however, this section is still out of date (internal issue 1999).
+* 2020-03-11 - Specify in the <<sample-command, Sample Command Description>>
+ section that a valid usage statement must be defined at the place (command
+ or structure specification) that all information need to evaluate the
+ statement is known.
+ Update the description of <<appendix-vuid-creating, Creating VUID tags>>
+ to match the current scripts.
+ Use the term "`asciidoctor`" instead of "`asciidoc`" everywhere.
+ Note in the <<introduction-asciidoc, Asciidoctor Markup>> section that the
+ Specification can only be built using the command-line asciidoctor client,
+ not by asciidoctor web clients.
+* 2020-02-22 - Document that it is no longer needed to escape C arrows in
+ macros.
+* 2019-12-15 - Add a markup section on <<markup-macros-prime-symbols, Prime
+ Symbols>> (internal issue 1110).
+* 2019-11-27 - Expand the <<writing-pNext-chain, Describing Extension
+ Structure Chains>> section and make all spec language consistent with it
+ (internal issue 1814).
+* 2019-09-09 - Define markup for nested structure members in the
+ <<markup-macros-api, API Markup Macros>> section (internal issue 1765).
+* 2019-09-08 - Add language to the end of the
+ <<extensions-documenting-extensions, Changes for New Extensions>> section
+ describing how to mark up asciidoctor conditionals (internal issue 1808).
+* 2019-08-25 - Add the <<markup-indentation-equations, Indentation of
+ Equations>> section (internal issue 1793).
+* 2019-08-25 - Add the <<writing-describing-layers, Extensions and Grouping
+ Related Language>> section (internal issue 979) and the
+ <<markup-minimize-indentation, Minimize Indentation>> section (internal
+ issue 747).
+ Disallow use of standalone `+` except in latexmath and source blocks, in
+ the <<markup-layout, Asciidoc Markup And Text Layout>> section (internal
+ issue 736).
+* 2019-08-19 - Add the <<writing-pointers-instances, Describing Pointers and
+ Instances>> section (internal issue 1553).
+* 2019-08-13 - Add a NOTE to the <<appendix-vuid-format, Format of VUID
+ Tags>> appendix specifying allowed characters in VUID tags (based on
+ discussion for internal merge request 3239).
+* 2019-07-27 - Add the <<writing-references, References>> section and
+ rewrite external references accordingly.
+* 2019-05-09 - Specify rules for defining <<extensions-new-flags-types, new
+ flags and bitmask types>> (internal issue 1649).
+* 2019-01-06 - Add details on <<extensions-reserving-bitmask-values,
+ Reserving Bitmask Values>> (internal issue 1411).
+* 2018-11-19 - Add details to the <<extensions-documenting-extensions,
+ Changes for New Extensions>> section including the new "`Description`"
+ section, and other standard parts of extension appendices.
+* 2018-08-13 - Add %inline directive to the <<markup-sample-section-images,
+ Figures>> section (public pull request 734).
+* 2018-07-30 - Added a section on <<writing-undefined, Describing Undefined
+ Behavior>> (as part of the fixes for public issue 379), and describing why
+ the undefined{cl} macro should always be used.
+* 2018-07-08 - Remove requirement to explicitly include extension appendices
+ in the <<extensions-documenting-extensions, Changes for New Extensions>>
+ section.
+* 2018-06-25 - Modify the process for <<extensions-vendor-id, Registering a
+ Vendor ID with Khronos>> to define vendor ID values as part of an
+ enumerated type.
+* 2018-03-07 - Updated for Vulkan 1.1 release.
+* 2018-01-10 - Move details of mandated extension compatibility from the
+ <<extensions-rules, General Rules/Guidelines>> section into the
+ Fundamentals section of the API Specification, where they are changed
+ slightly to allow explicit incompatibilies (public issue 638).
+* 2017-10-27 - Add language about proper use of "`valid pointer`" and
+ "`pointer to valid object`" for valid usage statements, in the
+ <<sample-command, Sample Command Description>> section (related to public
+ pull request 547).
+* 2017-10-15 - Describe how to write <<writing-latexmath-in-table-cells,
+ LaTeX Math in Table Cells>> (internal issue 908).
+* 2017-10-15 - Add more details of <<extensions-naming-author-IDs, `KHX`
+ extensions>> (public issues 536, 580).
+* 2017-09-10 - Add descriptions of <<writing-arrays, how to use `each` and
+ `any`>> to refer to properties of elments of arrays (internal issue 884).
+* 2017-09-10 - Add <<extensions-interactions-parent, Valid Usage and
+ Extension pname:pNext Chains>> language specifying where to describe
+ interactions of structures in a pname:pNext chain (internal issue 715).
+* 2017-09-10 - Add example of marking up an enumerated type all of whose
+ values are defined by extensions (internal issue 864).
+* 2017-08-25 - Add language to the <<extensions,API Versions, Extensions,
+ and Layers>> chapter describing how to write new API versions (internal
+ issue 892).
+* 2017-06-12 - Add sections describing when to use the
+ <<markup-macros-api-name, *name{cl}>> and <<markup-macros-api-text,
+ *text{cl}>> markup macros instead of the *link{cl} macros, and clarify
+ that slink{cl} should be used for handle as well as structure names
+ (internal issue 886).
+* 2017-05-08 - Add appendix describing <<appendix-vuid, Valid Usage ID
+ Tags>> and how they're generated.
+* 2017-03-19 - Add naming rule for <<naming-extension-structures, Extension
+ Structure Names>>.
+* 2017-02-11 - Finish transitioning to asciidoctor markup.
+* 2016-09-28 - Add asciidoc math markup guidelines.
+* 2016-09-16 - Make style guide markup more consistent with its own
+ recommendations.
+ Simplify some tables of preferred terms.
+ Add sections on block and table markup.
+* 2016-09-12 - Describe writing and markup style for labelled lists.
+ Require use of the ISO 8601 date format except in rare legacy cases.
+ Expand the description of <<markup-layout,Line Lengths>> and add a
+ description of markup for <<markup-footnotes,Footnotes>>.
+* 2016-09-08 - Add a writing section about proper use of
+ <<writing-misc-a-an,"`a`" and "`an`">> (internal issue 432).
+* 2016-08-30 - Remove mustnot{cl} and shouldnot{cl} macro definitions, which
+ are no longer used in the Specification (internal issue 407).
+* 2016-08-29 - Add spelling and compound word rules (public issue 352).
+* 2016-08-23 - Modify description of specifying extensions in the
+ <<extensions,Layers and Extensions>> chapter to refer to the new
+ single-branch model for extensions (internal issue 397).
+* 2016-07-26 - Add section describing <<writing-refpages,markup for
+ automatic reference page extraction>>.
+* 2016-07-18 - Add examples of function-parameter and structure-member
+ markup (based on public issue 286).
+* 2016-07-11 - Change the document title.
+* 2016-07-07 - Rename document, change license to CC BY, clarify required
+ and recommended actions, and reserve use of "`normative`" for the
+ Specifications.
+* 2016-06-26 - Move Layers and Extensions chapter from Appendix C of the
+ Vulkan API Specification and merge content with the naming guide.
+ Put extension and naming chapters into their own source files.
+* 2016-06-20 - Add API naming guide.
+* 2016-05-22 - Add markup and image creation rules, after fixing missing
+ figure captions for public issue 219.
+* 2016-05-01 - Include feedback from public issues 120 and 190.
+ Use consistent conventions for defining structures.
+ Use American rather than British spelling conventions.
+* 2016-03-12 - Recommend against "the value of".
+* 2016-02-26 - Replace use of the "maynot{cl}" macro with "may{cl} not".
+* 2016-02-16 - Place asciidoc conversion post-release.
+* 2016-02-09 - Added quotation mark convention.
+* 2016-02-01 - Add the Oxford Comma section and issue resolution.
+* 2016-01-26 - Add bullet-list style description of command parameters.
+* 2016-01-11 - Add "`Numbers in Text`" section from WSI work.
+* 2015-12-16 - Make "`begin / end`" preferred terms to "`start / finish`".
+* 2015-12-15 - Make "`implementation`" preferred term instead of "`system`".
+* 2015-12-13 - Add tlink{cl}/tname{cl} macros for function pointer types.
+* 2015-12-10 - Initial release for feedback.