path: root/codegen/vulkan/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'codegen/vulkan/scripts/')
1 files changed, 1087 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/codegen/vulkan/scripts/ b/codegen/vulkan/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f108204d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/codegen/vulkan/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,1087 @@
+# Copyright 2016-2021 The Khronos Group Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# - create API ref pages from spec source files
+# Usage: files
+import argparse
+import io
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from reflib import (findRefs, fixupRefs, loadFile, logDiag, logWarn,
+ printPageInfo, setLogFile)
+from reg import Registry
+from vkconventions import VulkanConventions as APIConventions
+# refpage 'type' attributes which are API entities and contain structured
+# content such as API includes, valid usage blocks, etc.
+refpage_api_types = (
+ 'basetypes',
+ 'consts',
+ 'defines',
+ 'enums',
+ 'flags',
+ 'funcpointers',
+ 'handles',
+ 'protos',
+ 'structs',
+# Other refpage types - SPIR-V builtins, API feature blocks, etc. - which do
+# not have structured content.
+refpage_other_types = (
+ 'builtins',
+ 'feature',
+ 'freeform',
+ 'spirv'
+def makeExtensionInclude(name):
+ """Return an include command, given an extension name."""
+ return 'include::{}/refpage.{}{}[]'.format(
+ conventions.specification_path,
+ name,
+ conventions.file_suffix)
+def makeAPIInclude(type, name):
+ """Return an include command for a generated API interface
+ - type - type of the API, e.g. 'flags', 'handles', etc
+ - name - name of the API"""
+ return 'include::{}/api/{}/{}{}\n'.format(
+ conventions.refpage_generated_include_path,
+ type, name, conventions.file_suffix)
+def isextension(name):
+ """Return True if name is an API extension name (ends with an upper-case
+ author ID).
+ This assumes that author IDs are at least two characters."""
+ return name[-2:].isalpha() and name[-2:].isupper()
+def printCopyrightSourceComments(fp):
+ """Print Khronos CC-BY copyright notice on open file fp.
+ Writes an asciidoc comment block, which copyrights the source
+ file."""
+ print('// Copyright 2014-2021 The Khronos Group, Inc.', file=fp)
+ print('//', file=fp)
+ # This works around constraints of the 'reuse' tool
+ print('// SPDX' + '-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0', file=fp)
+ print('', file=fp)
+def printFooter(fp, leveloffset=0):
+ """Print footer material at the end of each refpage on open file fp.
+ If generating separate refpages, adds the copyright.
+ If generating the single combined refpage, just add a separator.
+ - leveloffset - number of levels to bias section titles up or down."""
+ # Generate the section header.
+ # Default depth is 2.
+ depth = max(0, leveloffset + 2)
+ prefix = '=' * depth
+ print('ifdef::doctype-manpage[]',
+ f'{prefix} Copyright',
+ '',
+ 'include::{config}/copyright-ccby.txt[]',
+ 'endif::doctype-manpage[]',
+ '',
+ 'ifndef::doctype-manpage[]',
+ '<<<',
+ 'endif::doctype-manpage[]',
+ '',
+ sep='\n', file=fp)
+def macroPrefix(name):
+ """Add a spec asciidoc macro prefix to an API name, depending on its type
+ (protos, structs, enums, etc.).
+ If the name is not recognized, use the generic link macro 'reflink:'."""
+ if name in api.basetypes:
+ return 'basetype:' + name
+ if name in api.defines:
+ return 'dlink:' + name
+ if name in api.enums:
+ return 'elink:' + name
+ if name in api.flags:
+ return 'tlink:' + name
+ if name in api.funcpointers:
+ return 'tlink:' + name
+ if name in api.handles:
+ return 'slink:' + name
+ if name in api.protos:
+ return 'flink:' + name
+ if name in api.structs:
+ return 'slink:' + name
+ if name == 'TBD':
+ return 'No cross-references are available'
+ return 'reflink:' + name
+def seeAlsoList(apiName, explicitRefs=None, apiAliases=[]):
+ """Return an asciidoc string with a list of 'See Also' references for the
+ API entity 'apiName', based on the relationship mapping in the api module.
+ 'explicitRefs' is a list of additional cross-references.
+ If apiAliases is not None, it is a list of aliases of apiName whose
+ cross-references will also be included.
+ If no relationships are available, return None."""
+ refs = set(())
+ # apiName and its aliases are treated equally
+ allApis = apiAliases.copy()
+ allApis.append(apiName)
+ # Add all the implicit references to refs
+ for name in allApis:
+ if name in api.mapDict:
+ refs.update(api.mapDict[name])
+ # Add all the explicit references
+ if explicitRefs is not None:
+ if isinstance(explicitRefs, str):
+ explicitRefs = explicitRefs.split()
+ refs.update(name for name in explicitRefs)
+ # Add extensions / core versions based on dependencies
+ for name in allApis:
+ if name in api.requiredBy:
+ for (base,dependency) in api.requiredBy[name]:
+ refs.add(base)
+ if dependency is not None:
+ refs.add(dependency)
+ if len(refs) == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return ', '.join(macroPrefix(name) for name in sorted(refs)) + '\n'
+def remapIncludes(lines, baseDir, specDir):
+ """Remap include directives in a list of lines so they can be extracted to a
+ different directory.
+ Returns remapped lines.
+ - lines - text to remap
+ - baseDir - target directory
+ - specDir - source directory"""
+ # This should be compiled only once
+ includePat = re.compile(r'^include::(?P<path>.*)\[\]')
+ newLines = []
+ for line in lines:
+ matches =
+ if matches is not None:
+ path ='path')
+ if path[0] != '{':
+ # Relative path to include file from here
+ incPath = specDir + '/' + path
+ # Remap to be relative to baseDir
+ newPath = os.path.relpath(incPath, baseDir)
+ newLine = 'include::' + newPath + '[]\n'
+ logDiag('remapIncludes: remapping', line, '->', newLine)
+ newLines.append(newLine)
+ else:
+ # An asciidoctor variable starts the path.
+ # This must be an absolute path, not needing to be rewritten.
+ newLines.append(line)
+ else:
+ newLines.append(line)
+ return newLines
+def refPageShell(pageName, pageDesc, fp, head_content = None, sections=None, tail_content=None, man_section=3):
+ """Generate body of a reference page.
+ - pageName - string name of the page
+ - pageDesc - string short description of the page
+ - fp - file to write to
+ - head_content - text to include before the sections
+ - sections - iterable returning (title,body) for each section.
+ - tail_content - text to include after the sections
+ - man_section - Unix man page section"""
+ printCopyrightSourceComments(fp)
+ print(':data-uri:',
+ ':icons: font',
+ conventions.extra_refpage_headers,
+ '',
+ sep='\n', file=fp)
+ s = '{}({})'.format(pageName, man_section)
+ print('= ' + s,
+ '',
+ sep='\n', file=fp)
+ if pageDesc.strip() == '':
+ logWarn('refPageHead: no short description provided for', pageName)
+ print('== Name',
+ '{} - {}'.format(pageName, pageDesc),
+ '',
+ sep='\n', file=fp)
+ if head_content is not None:
+ print(head_content,
+ '',
+ sep='\n', file=fp)
+ if sections is not None:
+ for title, content in sections.items():
+ print('== {}'.format(title),
+ '',
+ content,
+ '',
+ sep='\n', file=fp)
+ if tail_content is not None:
+ print(tail_content,
+ '',
+ sep='\n', file=fp)
+def refPageHead(pageName, pageDesc, specText, fieldName, fieldText, descText, fp):
+ """Generate header of a reference page.
+ - pageName - string name of the page
+ - pageDesc - string short description of the page
+ - specType - string containing 'spec' field from refpage open block, or None.
+ Used to determine containing spec name and URL.
+ - specText - string that goes in the "C Specification" section
+ - fieldName - string heading an additional section following specText, if not None
+ - fieldText - string that goes in the additional section
+ - descText - string that goes in the "Description" section
+ - fp - file to write to"""
+ sections = OrderedDict()
+ if specText is not None:
+ sections['C Specification'] = specText
+ if fieldName is not None:
+ sections[fieldName] = fieldText
+ if descText is None or descText.strip() == '':
+ logWarn('refPageHead: no description provided for', pageName)
+ if descText is not None:
+ sections['Description'] = descText
+ refPageShell(pageName, pageDesc, fp, head_content=None, sections=sections)
+def refPageTail(pageName,
+ specType=None,
+ specAnchor=None,
+ seeAlso=None,
+ fp=None,
+ auto=False,
+ leveloffset=0):
+ """Generate end boilerplate of a reference page.
+ - pageName - name of the page
+ - specType - None or the 'spec' attribute from the refpage block,
+ identifying the specification name and URL this refpage links to.
+ - specAnchor - None or the 'anchor' attribute from the refpage block,
+ identifying the anchor in the specification this refpage links to. If
+ None, the pageName is assumed to be a valid anchor.
+ - seeAlso - text of the "See Also" section
+ - fp - file to write the page to
+ - auto - True if this is an entirely generated refpage, False if it's
+ handwritten content from the spec.
+ - leveloffset - number of levels to bias section titles up or down."""
+ specName = conventions.api_name(specType)
+ specURL = conventions.specURL(specType)
+ if specAnchor is None:
+ specAnchor = pageName
+ if seeAlso is None:
+ seeAlso = 'No cross-references are available\n'
+ notes = [
+ 'For more information, see the {}#{}[{} Specification^]'.format(
+ specURL, specAnchor, specName),
+ '',
+ ]
+ if auto:
+ notes.extend((
+ 'This page is a generated document.',
+ 'Fixes and changes should be made to the generator scripts, '
+ 'not directly.',
+ ))
+ else:
+ notes.extend((
+ 'This page is extracted from the ' + specName + ' Specification. ',
+ 'Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, '
+ 'not directly.',
+ ))
+ # Generate the section header.
+ # Default depth is 2.
+ depth = max(0, leveloffset + 2)
+ prefix = '=' * depth
+ print(f'{prefix} See Also',
+ '',
+ seeAlso,
+ '',
+ sep='\n', file=fp)
+ print(f'{prefix} Document Notes',
+ '',
+ '\n'.join(notes),
+ '',
+ sep='\n', file=fp)
+ printFooter(fp, leveloffset)
+def xrefRewriteInitialize():
+ """Initialize substitution patterns for asciidoctor xrefs."""
+ global refLinkPattern, refLinkSubstitute
+ global refLinkTextPattern, refLinkTextSubstitute
+ global specLinkPattern, specLinkSubstitute
+ # These are xrefs to Vulkan API entities, rewritten to link to refpages
+ # The refLink variants are for xrefs with only an anchor and no text.
+ # The refLinkText variants are for xrefs with both anchor and text
+ refLinkPattern = re.compile(r'<<([Vv][Kk][^>,]+)>>')
+ refLinkSubstitute = r'link:\1.html[\1^]'
+ refLinkTextPattern = re.compile(r'<<([Vv][Kk][^>,]+)[,]?[ \t\n]*([^>,]*)>>')
+ refLinkTextSubstitute = r'link:\1.html[\2^]'
+ # These are xrefs to other anchors, rewritten to link to the spec
+ specLinkPattern = re.compile(r'<<([^>,]+)[,]?[ \t\n]*([^>,]*)>>')
+ # Unfortunately, specLinkSubstitute depends on the link target,
+ # so can't be constructed in advance.
+ specLinkSubstitute = None
+def xrefRewrite(text, specURL):
+ """Rewrite asciidoctor xrefs in text to resolve properly in refpages.
+ Xrefs which are to Vulkan refpages are rewritten to link to those
+ refpages. The remainder are rewritten to generate external links into
+ the supplied specification document URL.
+ - text - string to rewrite, or None
+ - specURL - URL to target
+ Returns rewritten text, or None, respectively"""
+ global refLinkPattern, refLinkSubstitute
+ global refLinkTextPattern, refLinkTextSubstitute
+ global specLinkPattern, specLinkSubstitute
+ specLinkSubstitute = r'link:{}#\1[\2^]'.format(specURL)
+ if text is not None:
+ text, _ = refLinkPattern.subn(refLinkSubstitute, text)
+ text, _ = refLinkTextPattern.subn(refLinkTextSubstitute, text)
+ text, _ = specLinkPattern.subn(specLinkSubstitute, text)
+ return text
+def emitPage(baseDir, specDir, pi, file):
+ """Extract a single reference page into baseDir.
+ - baseDir - base directory to emit page into
+ - specDir - directory extracted page source came from
+ - pi - pageInfo for this page relative to file
+ - file - list of strings making up the file, indexed by pi"""
+ pageName = baseDir + '/' + + '.txt'
+ # Add a dictionary entry for this page
+ global genDict
+ genDict[] = None
+ logDiag('emitPage:', pageName)
+ # Short description
+ if pi.desc is None:
+ pi.desc = '(no short description available)'
+ # Member/parameter section label and text, if there is one
+ field = None
+ fieldText = None
+ # Only do structural checks on API pages
+ if pi.type in refpage_api_types:
+ if pi.include is None:
+ logWarn('emitPage:', pageName, 'INCLUDE is None, no page generated')
+ return
+ # Specification text
+ lines = remapIncludes(file[pi.begin:pi.include + 1], baseDir, specDir)
+ specText = ''.join(lines)
+ if pi.param is not None:
+ if pi.type == 'structs':
+ field = 'Members'
+ elif pi.type in ['protos', 'funcpointers']:
+ field = 'Parameters'
+ else:
+ logWarn('emitPage: unknown field type:', pi.type,
+ 'for',
+ lines = remapIncludes(file[pi.param:pi.body], baseDir, specDir)
+ fieldText = ''.join(lines)
+ # Description text
+ if pi.body != pi.include:
+ lines = remapIncludes(file[pi.body:pi.end + 1], baseDir, specDir)
+ descText = ''.join(lines)
+ else:
+ descText = None
+ logWarn('emitPage: INCLUDE == BODY, so description will be empty for',
+ if pi.begin != pi.include:
+ logWarn('emitPage: Note: BEGIN != INCLUDE, so the description might be incorrectly located before the API include!')
+ elif pi.type in refpage_other_types:
+ specText = None
+ descText = ''.join(file[pi.begin:pi.end + 1])
+ else:
+ # This should be caught in the spec markup checking tests
+ logErr(f"emitPage: refpage type='{pi.type}' is unrecognized")
+ # Rewrite asciidoctor xrefs to resolve properly in refpages
+ specURL = conventions.specURL(pi.spec)
+ specText = xrefRewrite(specText, specURL)
+ fieldText = xrefRewrite(fieldText, specURL)
+ descText = xrefRewrite(descText, specURL)
+ fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ refPageHead(,
+ pi.desc,
+ specText,
+ field, fieldText,
+ descText,
+ fp)
+ refPageTail(,
+ specType=pi.spec,
+ specAnchor=pi.anchor,
+ seeAlso=seeAlsoList(, pi.refs, pi.alias.split()),
+ fp=fp,
+ auto=False)
+ fp.close()
+def autoGenEnumsPage(baseDir, pi, file):
+ """Autogenerate a single reference page in baseDir.
+ Script only knows how to do this for /enums/ pages, at present.
+ - baseDir - base directory to emit page into
+ - pi - pageInfo for this page relative to file
+ - file - list of strings making up the file, indexed by pi"""
+ pageName = baseDir + '/' + + '.txt'
+ fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ # Add a dictionary entry for this page
+ global genDict
+ genDict[] = None
+ logDiag('autoGenEnumsPage:', pageName)
+ # Short description
+ if pi.desc is None:
+ pi.desc = '(no short description available)'
+ # Description text. Allow for the case where an enum definition
+ # is not embedded.
+ if not pi.embed:
+ embedRef = ''
+ else:
+ embedRef = ''.join((
+ ' * The reference page for ',
+ macroPrefix(pi.embed),
+ ', where this interface is defined.\n'))
+ txt = ''.join((
+ 'For more information, see:\n\n',
+ embedRef,
+ ' * The See Also section for other reference pages using this type.\n',
+ ' * The ' + apiName + ' Specification.\n'))
+ refPageHead(,
+ pi.desc,
+ ''.join(file[pi.begin:pi.include + 1]),
+ None, None,
+ txt,
+ fp)
+ refPageTail(,
+ specType=pi.spec,
+ specAnchor=pi.anchor,
+ seeAlso=seeAlsoList(, pi.refs, pi.alias.split()),
+ fp=fp,
+ auto=True)
+ fp.close()
+# Pattern to break apart an API *Flags{authorID} name, used in
+# autoGenFlagsPage.
+flagNamePat = re.compile(r'(?P<name>\w+)Flags(?P<author>[A-Z]*)')
+def autoGenFlagsPage(baseDir, flagName):
+ """Autogenerate a single reference page in baseDir for an API *Flags type.
+ - baseDir - base directory to emit page into
+ - flagName - API *Flags name"""
+ pageName = baseDir + '/' + flagName + '.txt'
+ fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ # Add a dictionary entry for this page
+ global genDict
+ genDict[flagName] = None
+ logDiag('autoGenFlagsPage:', pageName)
+ # Short description
+ matches =
+ if matches is not None:
+ name ='name')
+ author ='author')
+ logDiag('autoGenFlagsPage: split name into', name, 'Flags', author)
+ flagBits = name + 'FlagBits' + author
+ desc = 'Bitmask of ' + flagBits
+ else:
+ logWarn('autoGenFlagsPage:', pageName, 'does not end in "Flags{author ID}". Cannot infer FlagBits type.')
+ flagBits = None
+ desc = 'Unknown ' + apiName + ' flags type'
+ # Description text
+ if flagBits is not None:
+ txt = ''.join((
+ 'etext:' + flagName,
+ ' is a mask of zero or more elink:' + flagBits + '.\n',
+ 'It is used as a member and/or parameter of the structures and commands\n',
+ 'in the See Also section below.\n'))
+ else:
+ txt = ''.join((
+ 'etext:' + flagName,
+ ' is an unknown ' + apiName + ' type, assumed to be a bitmask.\n'))
+ refPageHead(flagName,
+ desc,
+ makeAPIInclude('flags', flagName),
+ None, None,
+ txt,
+ fp)
+ refPageTail(pageName=flagName,
+ specType=pi.spec,
+ specAnchor=pi.anchor,
+ seeAlso=seeAlsoList(flagName, None),
+ fp=fp,
+ auto=True)
+ fp.close()
+def autoGenHandlePage(baseDir, handleName):
+ """Autogenerate a single handle page in baseDir for an API handle type.
+ - baseDir - base directory to emit page into
+ - handleName - API handle name"""
+ # @@ Need to determine creation function & add handles/ include for the
+ # @@ interface in
+ pageName = baseDir + '/' + handleName + '.txt'
+ fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ # Add a dictionary entry for this page
+ global genDict
+ genDict[handleName] = None
+ logDiag('autoGenHandlePage:', pageName)
+ # Short description
+ desc = apiName + ' object handle'
+ descText = ''.join((
+ 'sname:' + handleName,
+ ' is an object handle type, referring to an object used\n',
+ 'by the ' + apiName + ' implementation. These handles are created or allocated\n',
+ 'by the @@ TBD @@ function, and used by other ' + apiName + ' structures\n',
+ 'and commands in the See Also section below.\n'))
+ refPageHead(handleName,
+ desc,
+ makeAPIInclude('handles', handleName),
+ None, None,
+ descText,
+ fp)
+ refPageTail(pageName=handleName,
+ specType=pi.spec,
+ specAnchor=pi.anchor,
+ seeAlso=seeAlsoList(handleName, None),
+ fp=fp,
+ auto=True)
+ fp.close()
+def genRef(specFile, baseDir):
+ """Extract reference pages from a spec asciidoc source file.
+ - specFile - filename to extract from
+ - baseDir - output directory to generate page in"""
+ file = loadFile(specFile)
+ if file is None:
+ return
+ # Save the path to this file for later use in rewriting relative includes
+ specDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(specFile))
+ pageMap = findRefs(file, specFile)
+ logDiag(specFile + ': found', len(pageMap.keys()), 'potential pages')
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ # Fix up references in pageMap
+ fixupRefs(pageMap, specFile, file)
+ # Create each page, if possible
+ pages = {}
+ for name in sorted(pageMap):
+ pi = pageMap[name]
+ # Only generate the page if it's in the requested build
+ # 'freeform' pages are always generated
+ # 'feature' pages (core versions & extensions) are generated if they're in
+ # the requested feature list
+ # All other pages (APIs) are generated if they're in the API map for
+ # the build.
+ if pi.type in refpage_api_types:
+ if name not in api.typeCategory:
+ # Also check aliases of name - api.nonexistent is the same
+ # mapping used to rewrite *link: macros in this build.
+ if name not in api.nonexistent:
+ logWarn(f'genRef: NOT generating feature page {name} - API not in this build')
+ continue
+ else:
+ logWarn(f'genRef: generating feature page {name} because its alias {api.nonexistent[name]} exists')
+ elif pi.type in refpage_other_types:
+ # The only non-API type which can be checked is a feature refpage
+ if pi.type == 'feature':
+ if name not in api.features:
+ logWarn(f'genRef: NOT generating feature page {name} - feature not in this build')
+ continue
+ printPageInfo(pi, file)
+ if pi.Warning:
+ logDiag('genRef:', + ':', pi.Warning)
+ if pi.extractPage:
+ emitPage(baseDir, specDir, pi, file)
+ elif pi.type == 'enums':
+ autoGenEnumsPage(baseDir, pi, file)
+ elif pi.type == 'flags':
+ autoGenFlagsPage(baseDir,
+ else:
+ # Don't extract this page
+ logWarn('genRef: Cannot extract or autogenerate:',
+ pages[] = pi
+ for alias in pi.alias.split():
+ pages[alias] = pi
+ return pages
+def genSinglePageRef(baseDir):
+ """Generate baseDir/apispec.txt, the single-page version of the ref pages.
+ This assumes there's a page for everything in the api module dictionaries.
+ Extensions (KHR, EXT, etc.) are currently skipped"""
+ # Accumulate head of page
+ head = io.StringIO()
+ printCopyrightSourceComments(head)
+ print('= ' + apiName + ' API Reference Pages',
+ ':data-uri:',
+ ':icons: font',
+ ':doctype: book',
+ ':numbered!:',
+ ':max-width: 200',
+ ':data-uri:',
+ ':toc2:',
+ ':toclevels: 2',
+ '',
+ sep='\n', file=head)
+ print('== Copyright', file=head)
+ print('', file=head)
+ print('include::{config}/copyright-ccby.txt[]', file=head)
+ print('', file=head)
+ # Inject the table of contents. Asciidoc really ought to be generating
+ # this for us.
+ sections = [
+ [api.protos, 'protos', apiName + ' Commands'],
+ [api.handles, 'handles', 'Object Handles'],
+ [api.structs, 'structs', 'Structures'],
+ [api.enums, 'enums', 'Enumerations'],
+ [api.flags, 'flags', 'Flags'],
+ [api.funcpointers, 'funcpointers', 'Function Pointer Types'],
+ [api.basetypes, 'basetypes', apiName + ' Scalar types'],
+ [api.defines, 'defines', 'C Macro Definitions'],
+ [extensions, 'extensions', apiName + ' Extensions']
+ ]
+ # Accumulate body of page
+ body = io.StringIO()
+ for (apiDict, label, title) in sections:
+ # Add section title/anchor header to body
+ anchor = '[[' + label + ',' + title + ']]'
+ print(anchor,
+ '== ' + title,
+ '',
+ ':leveloffset: 2',
+ '',
+ sep='\n', file=body)
+ if label == 'extensions':
+ # preserve order of extensions since we already sorted the way we want.
+ keys = apiDict.keys()
+ else:
+ keys = sorted(apiDict.keys())
+ for refPage in keys:
+ # Don't generate links for aliases, which are included with the
+ # aliased page
+ if refPage not in api.alias:
+ # Add page to body
+ if 'FlagBits' in refPage and conventions.unified_flag_refpages:
+ # OpenXR does not create separate ref pages for FlagBits:
+ # the FlagBits includes go in the Flags refpage.
+ # Previously the Vulkan script would only emit non-empty
+ # Vk*Flags pages, via the logic
+ # if refPage not in api.flags or api.flags[refPage] is not None
+ # emit page
+ # Now, all are emitted.
+ continue
+ else:
+ print('include::' + refPage + '.txt[]', file=body)
+ else:
+ # Alternatively, we could (probably should) link to the
+ # aliased refpage
+ logWarn('(Benign) Not including', refPage,
+ 'in single-page reference',
+ 'because it is an alias of', api.alias[refPage])
+ print('\n' + ':leveloffset: 0' + '\n', file=body)
+ # Write head and body to the output file
+ pageName = baseDir + '/apispec.txt'
+ fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ print(head.getvalue(), file=fp, end='')
+ print(body.getvalue(), file=fp, end='')
+ head.close()
+ body.close()
+ fp.close()
+def genExtension(baseDir, extpath, name, info):
+ """Generate refpage, and add dictionary entry for an extension
+ - baseDir - output directory to generate page in
+ - extpath - None, or path to per-extension specification sources if
+ those are to be included in extension refpages
+ - name - extension name
+ - info - <extension> Element from XML"""
+ # Add a dictionary entry for this page
+ global genDict
+ genDict[name] = None
+ declares = []
+ elem = info.elem
+ # Type of extension (instance, device, etc.)
+ ext_type = elem.get('type')
+ # Autogenerate interfaces from <extension> entry
+ for required in elem.find('require'):
+ req_name = required.get('name')
+ if not req_name:
+ # This isn't what we're looking for
+ continue
+ if req_name.endswith('_SPEC_VERSION') or req_name.endswith('_EXTENSION_NAME'):
+ # Don't link to spec version or extension name - those ref pages aren't created.
+ continue
+ if required.get('extends'):
+ # These are either extensions of enumerated types, or const enum
+ # values: neither of which get a ref page - although we could
+ # include the enumerated types in the See Also list.
+ continue
+ if req_name not in genDict:
+ logWarn('ERROR: {} (in extension {}) does not have a ref page.'.format(req_name, name))
+ declares.append(req_name)
+ # import pdb
+ # pdb.set_trace()
+ appbody = None
+ if extpath is not None:
+ appfp = open('{}/{}.txt'.format(extpath, name), 'r', encoding='utf-8')
+ if appfp is not None:
+ appbody =
+ # Transform internal links to crosslinks
+ specURL = conventions.specURL()
+ appbody = xrefRewrite(appbody, specURL)
+ else:
+ logWarn('Cannot find extension appendix for', name)
+ # Fall through to autogenerated page
+ extpath = None
+ appbody = None
+ appfp.close()
+ # Include the extension appendix without an extra title
+ # head_content = 'include::{{appendices}}/{}.txt[]'.format(name)
+ # Write the extension refpage
+ pageName = baseDir + '/' + name + '.txt'
+ logDiag('genExtension:', pageName)
+ fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ # There are no generated titled sections
+ sections = None
+ # 'See link:{html_spec_relative}#%s[ %s] in the main specification for complete information.' % (
+ # name, name)
+ refPageShell(name,
+ "{} extension".format(ext_type),
+ fp,
+ appbody,
+ sections=sections)
+ # The generated metadata include moved the leveloffset attribute by -1
+ # to account for the relative structuring of the spec extension appendix
+ # section structure vs. the refpages.
+ # This restores leveloffset for the boilerplate in refPageTail.
+ refPageTail(pageName=name,
+ specType=None,
+ specAnchor=name,
+ seeAlso=seeAlsoList(name, declares),
+ fp=fp,
+ auto=True,
+ leveloffset=1)
+ fp.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ global genDict, extensions, conventions, apiName
+ genDict = {}
+ extensions = OrderedDict()
+ conventions = APIConventions()
+ apiName = conventions.api_name('api')
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('-diag', action='store', dest='diagFile',
+ help='Set the diagnostic file')
+ parser.add_argument('-warn', action='store', dest='warnFile',
+ help='Set the warning file')
+ parser.add_argument('-log', action='store', dest='logFile',
+ help='Set the log file for both diagnostics and warnings')
+ parser.add_argument('-genpath', action='store',
+ default='gen',
+ help='Path to directory containing generated files')
+ parser.add_argument('-basedir', action='store', dest='baseDir',
+ default=None,
+ help='Set the base directory in which pages are generated')
+ parser.add_argument('-noauto', action='store_true',
+ help='Don\'t generate inferred ref pages automatically')
+ parser.add_argument('files', metavar='filename', nargs='*',
+ help='a filename to extract ref pages from')
+ parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0')
+ parser.add_argument('-extension', action='append',
+ default=[],
+ help='Specify an extension or extensions to add to targets')
+ parser.add_argument('-rewrite', action='store',
+ default=None,
+ help='Name of output file to write Apache mod_rewrite directives to')
+ parser.add_argument('-toc', action='store',
+ default=None,
+ help='Name of output file to write an alphabetical TOC to')
+ parser.add_argument('-registry', action='store',
+ default=conventions.registry_path,
+ help='Use specified registry file instead of default')
+ parser.add_argument('-extpath', action='store',
+ default=None,
+ help='Use extension descriptions from this directory instead of autogenerating extension refpages')
+ results = parser.parse_args()
+ # Look for in the specified directory
+ if results.genpath is not None:
+ sys.path.insert(0, results.genpath)
+ import api
+ setLogFile(True, True, results.logFile)
+ setLogFile(True, False, results.diagFile)
+ setLogFile(False, True, results.warnFile)
+ # Initialize static rewrite patterns for spec xrefs
+ xrefRewriteInitialize()
+ if results.baseDir is None:
+ baseDir = results.genpath + '/ref'
+ else:
+ baseDir = results.baseDir
+ # Dictionary of pages & aliases
+ pages = {}
+ for file in results.files:
+ d = genRef(file, baseDir)
+ pages.update(d)
+ # Now figure out which pages *weren't* generated from the spec.
+ # This relies on the dictionaries of API constructs in the api module.
+ if not results.noauto:
+ registry = Registry()
+ registry.loadFile(results.registry)
+ if conventions.write_refpage_include:
+ # Only extensions with a supported="..." attribute in this set
+ # will be considered for extraction/generation.
+ supported_strings = set((conventions.xml_api_name,))
+ ext_names = set(k for k, v in registry.extdict.items()
+ if v.supported in supported_strings)
+ desired_extensions = ext_names.intersection(set(results.extension))
+ for prefix in conventions.extension_index_prefixes:
+ # Splits up into chunks, sorted within each chunk.
+ filtered_extensions = sorted(
+ [name for name in desired_extensions
+ if name.startswith(prefix) and name not in extensions])
+ for name in filtered_extensions:
+ # logWarn('NOT autogenerating extension refpage for', name)
+ extensions[name] = None
+ genExtension(baseDir, results.extpath, name, registry.extdict[name])
+ # autoGenFlagsPage is no longer needed because they are added to
+ # the spec sources now.
+ # for page in api.flags:
+ # if page not in genDict:
+ # autoGenFlagsPage(baseDir, page)
+ # autoGenHandlePage is no longer needed because they are added to
+ # the spec sources now.
+ # for page in api.structs:
+ # if typeCategory[page] == 'handle':
+ # autoGenHandlePage(baseDir, page)
+ sections = [
+ (api.flags, 'Flag Types'),
+ (api.enums, 'Enumerated Types'),
+ (api.structs, 'Structures'),
+ (api.protos, 'Prototypes'),
+ (api.funcpointers, 'Function Pointers'),
+ (api.basetypes, apiName + ' Scalar Types'),
+ (extensions, apiName + ' Extensions'),
+ ]
+ # Summarize pages that weren't generated, for good or bad reasons
+ for (apiDict, title) in sections:
+ # OpenXR was keeping a 'flagged' state which only printed out a
+ # warning for the first non-generated page, but was otherwise
+ # unused. This doesn't seem helpful.
+ for page in apiDict:
+ if page not in genDict:
+ # Page was not generated - why not?
+ if page in api.alias:
+ logWarn('(Benign, is an alias) Ref page for', title, page, 'is aliased into', api.alias[page])
+ elif page in api.flags and api.flags[page] is None:
+ logWarn('(Benign, no FlagBits defined) No ref page generated for ', title,
+ page)
+ else:
+ # Could introduce additional logic to detect
+ # external types and not emit them.
+ logWarn('No ref page generated for ', title, page)
+ genSinglePageRef(baseDir)
+ if results.rewrite:
+ # Generate Apache rewrite directives for refpage aliases
+ fp = open(results.rewrite, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ for page in sorted(pages):
+ p = pages[page]
+ rewrite =
+ if page != rewrite:
+ print('RewriteRule ^', page, '.html$ ', rewrite, '.html',
+ sep='', file=fp)
+ fp.close()
+ if results.toc:
+ # Generate dynamic portion of refpage TOC
+ fp = open(results.toc, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ # Run through dictionary of pages generating an TOC
+ print(12 * ' ', '<li class="Level1">Alphabetic Contents', sep='', file=fp)
+ print(16 * ' ', '<ul class="Level2">', sep='', file=fp)
+ lastLetter = None
+ for page in sorted(pages, key=str.upper):
+ p = pages[page]
+ letter = page[0:1].upper()
+ if letter != lastLetter:
+ if lastLetter:
+ # End previous block
+ print(24 * ' ', '</ul>', sep='', file=fp)
+ print(20 * ' ', '</li>', sep='', file=fp)
+ # Start new block
+ print(20 * ' ', '<li>', letter, sep='', file=fp)
+ print(24 * ' ', '<ul class="Level3">', sep='', file=fp)
+ lastLetter = letter
+ # Add this page to the list
+ print(28 * ' ', '<li><a href="',, '.html" ',
+ 'target="pagedisplay">', page, '</a></li>',
+ sep='', file=fp)
+ if lastLetter:
+ # Close the final letter block
+ print(24 * ' ', '</ul>', sep='', file=fp)
+ print(20 * ' ', '</li>', sep='', file=fp)
+ # Close the list
+ print(16 * ' ', '</ul>', sep='', file=fp)
+ print(12 * ' ', '</li>', sep='', file=fp)
+ # print('name {} -> page {}'.format(page, pages[page].name))
+ fp.close()