AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-09-01Remove cfg exec from link_deps attribute (#2148)kalcutter
2023-08-31Release 0.27.0 (#2130)upstream/0.27.0UebelAndre
2023-08-30Update rules_apple (#2137)Keith Smiley
2023-08-30crate_universe: Allow platform-specific build script env vars (#2139)Daniel Wagner-Hall
2023-08-28Added Rust 1.72.0 (#2127)UebelAndre
2023-08-28Flip experimental_use_coverage_metadata_files (#2128)UebelAndre
2023-08-25Fix a typo in the `rust_proto` documentation. (#2109)thb-sb
2023-08-25Add TemplateVariableInfo for build script toolchains attribute. (#2123)Brian Granaghan
2023-08-24Fill in some crate metadata for publishing cargo-bazel to crates.io (#2132)David Tolnay
2023-08-24Read default annotation values from package's Cargo.toml metadata (#2124)David Tolnay
2023-08-24Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-main' into main am: 283f462e28 am...Vinh Tran
2023-08-24Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-main' into main am: 283f462e28 am...Vinh Tran
2023-08-24Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-main' into main am: 283f462e28 am...Vinh Tran
2023-08-24Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-main' into main am: 283f462e28 am...Vinh Tran
2023-08-23Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-main' into main am: 283f462e28Vinh Tran
2023-08-23Fix rust_doc_test dependency to allow either rust_library or cc_library (#2112)Michael Hackner
2023-08-23Make @using_cxx example buildable on Windows (#2114)David Tolnay
2023-08-23Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-main' into mainVinh Tran
2023-08-23Add crate_name attribute (#2118)Vinh Tran
2023-08-23Cleanup args construction (#2122)David Zbarsky
2023-08-17Remove `mandatory = True` from the `prost_plugin_flag` attribute in `rust_pro...thb-sb
2023-08-12Option to generate extra targets with crate_universe (#2103)adsnaider
2023-08-11Update platforms (#2111)Keith Smiley
2023-08-08Make proc macros' "data" available in compile_data of crates that use macro (...David Tolnay
2023-08-06Fix typo in rust_proto documentation (#2099)Ryan Brewster
2023-08-06Fix doc for proc_macro_deps attr (#2095)Vinh Tran
2023-08-01Add `experimental_symlink_execroot` for `cargo_build_script`. (#2085)UebelAndre
2023-07-28Release 0.26.0 (#2083)upstream/0.26.0UebelAndre
2023-07-28Remove unnecessary eval to fix PATH variables containing a space (#2087)Kaleb Elwert
2023-07-28Add support for split_coverage_post_processing (#2000)UebelAndre
2023-07-27Remove cfg exec from linker_scripts attribute. (#2070)Brian Granaghan
2023-07-27Add a clang-format check in CI (#2077)UebelAndre
2023-07-27Added Rust 1.71.0 (#2062)UebelAndre
2023-07-27Disable zig cross compiling example (#2081)UebelAndre
2023-07-14Updated crate_universe dependencies (#2063)UebelAndre
2023-07-14Update rust_analyzer dependencies (#2065)UebelAndre
2023-07-14Updated wasm-bindgen dependencies (#2066)UebelAndre
2023-07-13Update dependencies versions (#2064)James Leitch
2023-07-13Add `opt_level` argument to `rust_repository_set`. (#2036)Erik Gilling
2023-07-11Improve handling of build.rs link dependencies (#1970)Alexander Coffin
2023-07-10Removed legacy `//proto:*.bzl` files and updated docs (#2057)UebelAndre
2023-07-07Enable rustfmt in bindgen toolchains by default (#2055)UebelAndre
2023-07-07Have the prost process wrapper print warnings to stderr (#2053)UebelAndre
2023-07-05Release 0.25.1 (#2049)upstream/0.25.1freeformstu
2023-07-05Update tinyjson (#2050)UebelAndre
2023-07-05Fix prost proto packages not sanitizing to valid module names (#2044)UebelAndre
2023-07-05Moved legacy protobuf rules to `proto/protobuf` (#2043)UebelAndre
2023-07-05Remove debug code. (#2048)freeformstu
2023-07-05Fix build failure finding crate_roots when mixed with generated sources (#2041)UebelAndre
2023-07-05Consolidate rust_prost_library and fix extension-only proto generation. (#2047)freeformstu