diff options
authorscentini <rosica@google.com>2024-01-11 11:19:23 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-01-11 10:19:23 +0000
commitcaa3959740d0f4133ef9ceabf8fa27ed809fb87e (patch)
parentb2e52a20c93d2d976f208a4bbf70472552a2c08e (diff)
Drop import macro (#2411)
As discussed over at https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_rust/issues/2383
30 files changed, 3 insertions, 3311 deletions
diff --git a/MODULE.bazel b/MODULE.bazel
index 1cce1034..e487ff58 100644
--- a/MODULE.bazel
+++ b/MODULE.bazel
@@ -100,12 +100,6 @@ use_repo(
- "rules_rust_util_import__aho-corasick-0.7.15",
- "rules_rust_util_import__lazy_static-1.4.0",
- "rules_rust_util_import__proc-macro2-1.0.33",
- "rules_rust_util_import__quickcheck-1.0.3",
- "rules_rust_util_import__quote-1.0.10",
- "rules_rust_util_import__syn-1.0.82",
diff --git a/WORKSPACE.bazel b/WORKSPACE.bazel
index 3dc6262f..b520a3c3 100644
--- a/WORKSPACE.bazel
+++ b/WORKSPACE.bazel
@@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ load("@rules_rust//tools/rust_analyzer:deps.bzl", "rust_analyzer_dependencies")
-load("@rules_rust//util/import:deps.bzl", "import_deps")
load("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen:repositories.bzl", "rust_wasm_bindgen_repositories")
diff --git a/rust/private/extensions.bzl b/rust/private/extensions.bzl
index 542d70fa..490008c5 100644
--- a/rust/private/extensions.bzl
+++ b/rust/private/extensions.bzl
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ load("//proto/prost:repositories.bzl", "rust_prost_dependencies")
load("//rust/private:repository_utils.bzl", "TINYJSON_KWARGS")
load("//test:deps.bzl", "rules_rust_test_deps")
load("//tools/rust_analyzer:deps.bzl", "rust_analyzer_dependencies")
-load("//util/import:deps.bzl", "import_deps")
load("//wasm_bindgen:repositories.bzl", "rust_wasm_bindgen_dependencies")
def _internal_deps_impl(module_ctx):
@@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ def _internal_deps_impl(module_ctx):
direct_deps.extend(rust_prost_dependencies(bzlmod = True))
- direct_deps.extend(import_deps())
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/BUILD.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/BUILD.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index cf1a1b08..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/BUILD.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
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- cargo_lockfile = "Cargo.Bazel.lock",
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- mode = "remote",
- packages = {
- "aho-corasick": crate.spec(
- version = "=0.7.15",
- ),
- "lazy_static": crate.spec(
- version = "=1.4.0",
- ),
- "proc-macro2": crate.spec(
- version = "=1.0.33",
- ),
- "quickcheck": crate.spec(
- version = "=1.0.3",
- ),
- "quote": crate.spec(
- version = "=1.0.10",
- ),
- "syn": crate.spec(
- version = "=1.0.82",
- ),
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- repository_name = "rules_rust_util_import",
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- "//util/import/3rdparty/crates:crates.bzl",
- "//util/import/3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl",
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- visibility = ["//util/import:__pkg__"],
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deleted file mode 100644
index 86c30238..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/Cargo.Bazel.lock
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index d9067e64..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.aho-corasick-0.7.15.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # Unlicense/MIT
-# ])
- name = "aho_corasick",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "default",
- "std",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2015",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=aho-corasick",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "0.7.15",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__memchr-2.5.0//:memchr",
- ],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 36d3718a..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
- [
- "cargo-bazel.json",
- "crates.bzl",
- "defs.bzl",
- ] + glob(["*.bazel"]),
- name = "srcs",
- srcs = glob([
- "*.bazel",
- "*.bzl",
- ]),
-# Workspace Member Dependencies
- name = "aho-corasick",
- actual = "@rules_rust_util_import__aho-corasick-0.7.15//:aho_corasick",
- tags = ["manual"],
- name = "lazy_static",
- actual = "@rules_rust_util_import__lazy_static-1.4.0//:lazy_static",
- tags = ["manual"],
- name = "proc-macro2",
- actual = "@rules_rust_util_import__proc-macro2-1.0.33//:proc_macro2",
- tags = ["manual"],
- name = "quickcheck",
- actual = "@rules_rust_util_import__quickcheck-1.0.3//:quickcheck",
- tags = ["manual"],
- name = "quote",
- actual = "@rules_rust_util_import__quote-1.0.10//:quote",
- tags = ["manual"],
- name = "syn",
- actual = "@rules_rust_util_import__syn-1.0.82//:syn",
- tags = ["manual"],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.cfg-if-1.0.0.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.cfg-if-1.0.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 7479adee..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.cfg-if-1.0.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT/Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "cfg_if",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=cfg-if",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "1.0.0",
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.env_logger-0.8.4.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.env_logger-0.8.4.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index f94e8a38..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.env_logger-0.8.4.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT/Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "env_logger",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "regex",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=env_logger",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "0.8.4",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__log-0.4.17//:log",
- "@rules_rust_util_import__regex-1.4.6//:regex",
- ],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.getrandom-0.2.8.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.getrandom-0.2.8.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 067bd49e..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.getrandom-0.2.8.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT OR Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "getrandom",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=getrandom",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "0.2.8",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
- ] + select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__wasi-0.11.0-wasi-snapshot-preview1//:wasi", # cfg(target_os = "wasi")
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:libc", # cfg(unix)
- ],
- "//conditions:default": [],
- }),
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.lazy_static-1.4.0.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.lazy_static-1.4.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dd6f332..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.lazy_static-1.4.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT/Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "lazy_static",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2015",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=lazy_static",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "1.4.0",
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.libc-0.2.139.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.libc-0.2.139.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 11a4f8ea..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.libc-0.2.139.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl", "cargo_build_script")
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT OR Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "libc",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2015",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=libc",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "0.2.139",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139//:build_script_build",
- ],
- name = "libc_build_script",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- crate_name = "build_script_build",
- crate_root = "build.rs",
- data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- edition = "2015",
- rustc_flags = [
- "--cap-lints=allow",
- ],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=libc",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- version = "0.2.139",
- visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
- name = "build_script_build",
- actual = "libc_build_script",
- tags = ["manual"],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.log-0.4.17.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.log-0.4.17.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index fa161070..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.log-0.4.17.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl", "cargo_build_script")
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT OR Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "log",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "std",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2015",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=log",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "0.4.17",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
- "@rules_rust_util_import__log-0.4.17//:build_script_build",
- ],
- name = "log_build_script",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- crate_features = [
- "std",
- ],
- crate_name = "build_script_build",
- crate_root = "build.rs",
- data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- edition = "2015",
- rustc_flags = [
- "--cap-lints=allow",
- ],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=log",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- version = "0.4.17",
- visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
- name = "build_script_build",
- actual = "log_build_script",
- tags = ["manual"],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.memchr-2.5.0.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.memchr-2.5.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 26787ceb..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.memchr-2.5.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl", "cargo_build_script")
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # Unlicense/MIT
-# ])
- name = "memchr",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "default",
- "std",
- "use_std",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=memchr",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "2.5.0",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__memchr-2.5.0//:build_script_build",
- ],
- name = "memchr_build_script",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- crate_features = [
- "default",
- "std",
- "use_std",
- ],
- crate_name = "build_script_build",
- crate_root = "build.rs",
- data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = [
- "--cap-lints=allow",
- ],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=memchr",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- version = "2.5.0",
- visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
- name = "build_script_build",
- actual = "memchr_build_script",
- tags = ["manual"],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.33.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.33.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a0f7c08..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.33.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl", "cargo_build_script")
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT OR Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "proc_macro2",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "default",
- "proc-macro",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=proc-macro2",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "1.0.33",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__proc-macro2-1.0.33//:build_script_build",
- "@rules_rust_util_import__unicode-xid-0.2.4//:unicode_xid",
- ],
- name = "proc-macro2_build_script",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- crate_features = [
- "default",
- "proc-macro",
- ],
- crate_name = "build_script_build",
- crate_root = "build.rs",
- data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = [
- "--cap-lints=allow",
- ],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=proc-macro2",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- version = "1.0.33",
- visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
- name = "build_script_build",
- actual = "proc-macro2_build_script",
- tags = ["manual"],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quickcheck-1.0.3.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quickcheck-1.0.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index f679468c..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quickcheck-1.0.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # Unlicense/MIT
-# ])
- name = "quickcheck",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "default",
- "env_logger",
- "log",
- "regex",
- "use_logging",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=quickcheck",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "1.0.3",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__env_logger-0.8.4//:env_logger",
- "@rules_rust_util_import__log-0.4.17//:log",
- "@rules_rust_util_import__rand-0.8.5//:rand",
- ],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quote-1.0.10.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quote-1.0.10.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index aac4f429..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quote-1.0.10.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT OR Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "quote",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "default",
- "proc-macro",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=quote",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "1.0.10",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__proc-macro2-1.0.33//:proc_macro2",
- ],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand-0.8.5.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand-0.8.5.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 97d6b784..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand-0.8.5.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT OR Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "rand",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "getrandom",
- "small_rng",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=rand",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "0.8.5",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__rand_core-0.6.4//:rand_core",
- ],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand_core-0.6.4.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand_core-0.6.4.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index a2d153a7..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand_core-0.6.4.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT OR Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "rand_core",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "getrandom",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=rand_core",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "0.6.4",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__getrandom-0.2.8//:getrandom",
- ],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-1.4.6.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-1.4.6.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff5008f..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-1.4.6.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT OR Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "regex",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "aho-corasick",
- "memchr",
- "perf",
- "perf-cache",
- "perf-dfa",
- "perf-inline",
- "perf-literal",
- "std",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2015",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=regex",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "1.4.6",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__aho-corasick-0.7.15//:aho_corasick",
- "@rules_rust_util_import__memchr-2.5.0//:memchr",
- "@rules_rust_util_import__regex-syntax-0.6.28//:regex_syntax",
- ],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.28.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.28.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index aab31683..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.28.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT OR Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "regex_syntax",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=regex-syntax",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "0.6.28",
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.syn-1.0.82.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.syn-1.0.82.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index db5084b8..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.syn-1.0.82.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl", "cargo_build_script")
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT OR Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "syn",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "clone-impls",
- "default",
- "derive",
- "parsing",
- "printing",
- "proc-macro",
- "quote",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=syn",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "1.0.82",
- deps = [
- "@rules_rust_util_import__proc-macro2-1.0.33//:proc_macro2",
- "@rules_rust_util_import__quote-1.0.10//:quote",
- "@rules_rust_util_import__syn-1.0.82//:build_script_build",
- "@rules_rust_util_import__unicode-xid-0.2.4//:unicode_xid",
- ],
- name = "syn_build_script",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- crate_features = [
- "clone-impls",
- "default",
- "derive",
- "parsing",
- "printing",
- "proc-macro",
- "quote",
- ],
- crate_name = "build_script_build",
- crate_root = "build.rs",
- data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = [
- "--cap-lints=allow",
- ],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=syn",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- version = "1.0.82",
- visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
- name = "build_script_build",
- actual = "syn_build_script",
- tags = ["manual"],
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-xid-0.2.4.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-xid-0.2.4.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fc289bf..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-xid-0.2.4.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # MIT OR Apache-2.0
-# ])
- name = "unicode_xid",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "default",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2015",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=unicode-xid",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "0.2.4",
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index e236728e..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library")
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-# licenses([
-# "TODO", # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT
-# ])
- name = "wasi",
- srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
- compile_data = glob(
- include = ["**"],
- exclude = [
- "**/* *",
- ".tmp_git_root/**/*",
- "BUILD",
- "BUILD.bazel",
- "WORKSPACE.bazel",
- ],
- ),
- crate_features = [
- "default",
- "std",
- ],
- crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
- edition = "2018",
- rustc_flags = ["--cap-lints=allow"],
- tags = [
- "cargo-bazel",
- "crate-name=wasi",
- "manual",
- "noclippy",
- "norustfmt",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = select({
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": [],
- "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none": [],
- "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
- }),
- version = "0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1",
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/crates.bzl b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/crates.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 39f5ab56..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/crates.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
-# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
-"""Rules for defining repositories for remote `crates_vendor` repositories"""
-load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "maybe")
-# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
-load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:crates_vendor.bzl", "crates_vendor_remote_repository")
-# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
-load("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl", _crate_repositories = "crate_repositories")
-def crate_repositories():
- """Generates repositories for vendored crates.
- Returns:
- A list of repos visible to the module through the module extension.
- """
- maybe(
- crates_vendor_remote_repository,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.bazel"),
- defs_module = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl"),
- )
- direct_deps = [struct(repo = "rules_rust_util_import", is_dev_dep = False)]
- direct_deps.extend(_crate_repositories())
- return direct_deps
diff --git a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/defs.bzl b/util/import/3rdparty/crates/defs.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index fcabf384..00000000
--- a/util/import/3rdparty/crates/defs.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
-# @generated
-# DO NOT MODIFY: This file is auto-generated by a crate_universe tool. To
-# regenerate this file, run the following:
-# bazel run @//util/import/3rdparty:crates_vendor
-# `crates_repository` API
-- [aliases](#aliases)
-- [crate_deps](#crate_deps)
-- [all_crate_deps](#all_crate_deps)
-- [crate_repositories](#crate_repositories)
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
-load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "maybe")
-# An identifier that represent common dependencies (unconditional).
-def _flatten_dependency_maps(all_dependency_maps):
- """Flatten a list of dependency maps into one dictionary.
- Dependency maps have the following structure:
- ```python
- # The first key in the map is a Bazel package
- # name of the workspace this file is defined in.
- "workspace_member_package": {
- # Not all dependencies are supported for all platforms.
- # the condition key is the condition required to be true
- # on the host platform.
- "condition": {
- # An alias to a crate target. # The label of the crate target the
- # Aliases are only crate names. # package name refers to.
- "package_name": "@full//:label",
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- Args:
- all_dependency_maps (list): A list of dicts as described above
- Returns:
- dict: A dictionary as described above
- """
- dependencies = {}
- for workspace_deps_map in all_dependency_maps:
- for pkg_name, conditional_deps_map in workspace_deps_map.items():
- if pkg_name not in dependencies:
- non_frozen_map = dict()
- for key, values in conditional_deps_map.items():
- non_frozen_map.update({key: dict(values.items())})
- dependencies.setdefault(pkg_name, non_frozen_map)
- continue
- for condition, deps_map in conditional_deps_map.items():
- # If the condition has not been recorded, do so and continue
- if condition not in dependencies[pkg_name]:
- dependencies[pkg_name].setdefault(condition, dict(deps_map.items()))
- continue
- # Alert on any miss-matched dependencies
- inconsistent_entries = []
- for crate_name, crate_label in deps_map.items():
- existing = dependencies[pkg_name][condition].get(crate_name)
- if existing and existing != crate_label:
- inconsistent_entries.append((crate_name, existing, crate_label))
- dependencies[pkg_name][condition].update({crate_name: crate_label})
- return dependencies
-def crate_deps(deps, package_name = None):
- """Finds the fully qualified label of the requested crates for the package where this macro is called.
- Args:
- deps (list): The desired list of crate targets.
- package_name (str, optional): The package name of the set of dependencies to look up.
- Defaults to `native.package_name()`.
- Returns:
- list: A list of labels to generated rust targets (str)
- """
- if not deps:
- return []
- if package_name == None:
- package_name = native.package_name()
- # Join both sets of dependencies
- dependencies = _flatten_dependency_maps([
- ]).pop(package_name, {})
- # Combine all conditional packages so we can easily index over a flat list
- # TODO: Perhaps this should actually return select statements and maintain
- # the conditionals of the dependencies
- flat_deps = {}
- for deps_set in dependencies.values():
- for crate_name, crate_label in deps_set.items():
- flat_deps.update({crate_name: crate_label})
- missing_crates = []
- crate_targets = []
- for crate_target in deps:
- if crate_target not in flat_deps:
- missing_crates.append(crate_target)
- else:
- crate_targets.append(flat_deps[crate_target])
- if missing_crates:
- fail("Could not find crates `{}` among dependencies of `{}`. Available dependencies were `{}`".format(
- missing_crates,
- package_name,
- dependencies,
- ))
- return crate_targets
-def all_crate_deps(
- normal = False,
- normal_dev = False,
- proc_macro = False,
- proc_macro_dev = False,
- build = False,
- build_proc_macro = False,
- package_name = None):
- """Finds the fully qualified label of all requested direct crate dependencies \
- for the package where this macro is called.
- If no parameters are set, all normal dependencies are returned. Setting any one flag will
- otherwise impact the contents of the returned list.
- Args:
- normal (bool, optional): If True, normal dependencies are included in the
- output list.
- normal_dev (bool, optional): If True, normal dev dependencies will be
- included in the output list..
- proc_macro (bool, optional): If True, proc_macro dependencies are included
- in the output list.
- proc_macro_dev (bool, optional): If True, dev proc_macro dependencies are
- included in the output list.
- build (bool, optional): If True, build dependencies are included
- in the output list.
- build_proc_macro (bool, optional): If True, build proc_macro dependencies are
- included in the output list.
- package_name (str, optional): The package name of the set of dependencies to look up.
- Defaults to `native.package_name()` when unset.
- Returns:
- list: A list of labels to generated rust targets (str)
- """
- if package_name == None:
- package_name = native.package_name()
- # Determine the relevant maps to use
- all_dependency_maps = []
- if normal:
- all_dependency_maps.append(_NORMAL_DEPENDENCIES)
- if normal_dev:
- all_dependency_maps.append(_NORMAL_DEV_DEPENDENCIES)
- if proc_macro:
- all_dependency_maps.append(_PROC_MACRO_DEPENDENCIES)
- if proc_macro_dev:
- all_dependency_maps.append(_PROC_MACRO_DEV_DEPENDENCIES)
- if build:
- all_dependency_maps.append(_BUILD_DEPENDENCIES)
- if build_proc_macro:
- all_dependency_maps.append(_BUILD_PROC_MACRO_DEPENDENCIES)
- # Default to always using normal dependencies
- if not all_dependency_maps:
- all_dependency_maps.append(_NORMAL_DEPENDENCIES)
- dependencies = _flatten_dependency_maps(all_dependency_maps).pop(package_name, None)
- if not dependencies:
- if dependencies == None:
- fail("Tried to get all_crate_deps for package " + package_name + " but that package had no Cargo.toml file")
- else:
- return []
- crate_deps = list(dependencies.pop(_COMMON_CONDITION, {}).values())
- for condition, deps in dependencies.items():
- crate_deps += selects.with_or({
- tuple(_CONDITIONS[condition]): deps.values(),
- "//conditions:default": [],
- })
- return crate_deps
-def aliases(
- normal = False,
- normal_dev = False,
- proc_macro = False,
- proc_macro_dev = False,
- build = False,
- build_proc_macro = False,
- package_name = None):
- """Produces a map of Crate alias names to their original label
- If no dependency kinds are specified, `normal` and `proc_macro` are used by default.
- Setting any one flag will otherwise determine the contents of the returned dict.
- Args:
- normal (bool, optional): If True, normal dependencies are included in the
- output list.
- normal_dev (bool, optional): If True, normal dev dependencies will be
- included in the output list..
- proc_macro (bool, optional): If True, proc_macro dependencies are included
- in the output list.
- proc_macro_dev (bool, optional): If True, dev proc_macro dependencies are
- included in the output list.
- build (bool, optional): If True, build dependencies are included
- in the output list.
- build_proc_macro (bool, optional): If True, build proc_macro dependencies are
- included in the output list.
- package_name (str, optional): The package name of the set of dependencies to look up.
- Defaults to `native.package_name()` when unset.
- Returns:
- dict: The aliases of all associated packages
- """
- if package_name == None:
- package_name = native.package_name()
- # Determine the relevant maps to use
- all_aliases_maps = []
- if normal:
- all_aliases_maps.append(_NORMAL_ALIASES)
- if normal_dev:
- all_aliases_maps.append(_NORMAL_DEV_ALIASES)
- if proc_macro:
- all_aliases_maps.append(_PROC_MACRO_ALIASES)
- if proc_macro_dev:
- all_aliases_maps.append(_PROC_MACRO_DEV_ALIASES)
- if build:
- all_aliases_maps.append(_BUILD_ALIASES)
- if build_proc_macro:
- all_aliases_maps.append(_BUILD_PROC_MACRO_ALIASES)
- # Default to always using normal aliases
- if not all_aliases_maps:
- all_aliases_maps.append(_NORMAL_ALIASES)
- all_aliases_maps.append(_PROC_MACRO_ALIASES)
- aliases = _flatten_dependency_maps(all_aliases_maps).pop(package_name, None)
- if not aliases:
- return dict()
- common_items = aliases.pop(_COMMON_CONDITION, {}).items()
- # If there are only common items in the dictionary, immediately return them
- if not len(aliases.keys()) == 1:
- return dict(common_items)
- # Build a single select statement where each conditional has accounted for the
- # common set of aliases.
- crate_aliases = {"//conditions:default": dict(common_items)}
- for condition, deps in aliases.items():
- condition_triples = _CONDITIONS[condition]
- for triple in condition_triples:
- if triple in crate_aliases:
- crate_aliases[triple].update(deps)
- else:
- crate_aliases.update({triple: dict(deps.items() + common_items)})
- return select(crate_aliases)
- "": {
- "aho-corasick": "@rules_rust_util_import__aho-corasick-0.7.15//:aho_corasick",
- "lazy_static": "@rules_rust_util_import__lazy_static-1.4.0//:lazy_static",
- "proc-macro2": "@rules_rust_util_import__proc-macro2-1.0.33//:proc_macro2",
- "quickcheck": "@rules_rust_util_import__quickcheck-1.0.3//:quickcheck",
- "quote": "@rules_rust_util_import__quote-1.0.10//:quote",
- "syn": "@rules_rust_util_import__syn-1.0.82//:syn",
- },
- },
- "": {
- },
- },
- "": {
- },
- "": {
- },
- "": {
- },
- "": {
- },
- "": {
- },
- "": {
- },
- "": {
- },
- "": {
- },
- "": {
- },
- "": {
- },
- "aarch64-apple-darwin": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin"],
- "aarch64-apple-ios": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios"],
- "aarch64-apple-ios-sim": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim"],
- "aarch64-fuchsia": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia"],
- "aarch64-linux-android": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android"],
- "aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-pc-windows-msvc"],
- "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"],
- "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi"],
- "armv7-linux-androideabi": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi"],
- "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi"],
- "cfg(target_os = \"wasi\")": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi"],
- "cfg(unix)": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-fuchsia", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd", "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"],
- "i686-apple-darwin": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin"],
- "i686-linux-android": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android"],
- "i686-pc-windows-msvc": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc"],
- "i686-unknown-freebsd": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd"],
- "i686-unknown-linux-gnu": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu"],
- "powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu"],
- "riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf"],
- "riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf"],
- "s390x-unknown-linux-gnu": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu"],
- "thumbv7em-none-eabi": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv7em-none-eabi"],
- "thumbv8m.main-none-eabi": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:thumbv8m.main-none-eabi"],
- "wasm32-unknown-unknown": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown"],
- "wasm32-wasi": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi"],
- "x86_64-apple-darwin": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin"],
- "x86_64-apple-ios": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios"],
- "x86_64-fuchsia": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-fuchsia"],
- "x86_64-linux-android": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android"],
- "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"],
- "x86_64-unknown-freebsd": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd"],
- "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"],
- "x86_64-unknown-none": ["@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-none"],
-def crate_repositories():
- """A macro for defining repositories for all generated crates.
- Returns:
- A list of repos visible to the module through the module extension.
- """
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__aho-corasick-0.7.15",
- sha256 = "7404febffaa47dac81aa44dba71523c9d069b1bdc50a77db41195149e17f68e5",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/aho-corasick/0.7.15/download"],
- strip_prefix = "aho-corasick-0.7.15",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.aho-corasick-0.7.15.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__cfg-if-1.0.0",
- sha256 = "baf1de4339761588bc0619e3cbc0120ee582ebb74b53b4efbf79117bd2da40fd",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/cfg-if/1.0.0/download"],
- strip_prefix = "cfg-if-1.0.0",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.cfg-if-1.0.0.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__env_logger-0.8.4",
- sha256 = "a19187fea3ac7e84da7dacf48de0c45d63c6a76f9490dae389aead16c243fce3",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/env_logger/0.8.4/download"],
- strip_prefix = "env_logger-0.8.4",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.env_logger-0.8.4.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__getrandom-0.2.8",
- sha256 = "c05aeb6a22b8f62540c194aac980f2115af067bfe15a0734d7277a768d396b31",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/getrandom/0.2.8/download"],
- strip_prefix = "getrandom-0.2.8",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.getrandom-0.2.8.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__lazy_static-1.4.0",
- sha256 = "e2abad23fbc42b3700f2f279844dc832adb2b2eb069b2df918f455c4e18cc646",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/lazy_static/1.4.0/download"],
- strip_prefix = "lazy_static-1.4.0",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.lazy_static-1.4.0.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__libc-0.2.139",
- sha256 = "201de327520df007757c1f0adce6e827fe8562fbc28bfd9c15571c66ca1f5f79",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/libc/0.2.139/download"],
- strip_prefix = "libc-0.2.139",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.libc-0.2.139.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__log-0.4.17",
- sha256 = "abb12e687cfb44aa40f41fc3978ef76448f9b6038cad6aef4259d3c095a2382e",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/log/0.4.17/download"],
- strip_prefix = "log-0.4.17",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.log-0.4.17.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__memchr-2.5.0",
- sha256 = "2dffe52ecf27772e601905b7522cb4ef790d2cc203488bbd0e2fe85fcb74566d",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/memchr/2.5.0/download"],
- strip_prefix = "memchr-2.5.0",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.memchr-2.5.0.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__proc-macro2-1.0.33",
- sha256 = "fb37d2df5df740e582f28f8560cf425f52bb267d872fe58358eadb554909f07a",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/proc-macro2/1.0.33/download"],
- strip_prefix = "proc-macro2-1.0.33",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.33.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__quickcheck-1.0.3",
- sha256 = "588f6378e4dd99458b60ec275b4477add41ce4fa9f64dcba6f15adccb19b50d6",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/quickcheck/1.0.3/download"],
- strip_prefix = "quickcheck-1.0.3",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.quickcheck-1.0.3.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__quote-1.0.10",
- sha256 = "38bc8cc6a5f2e3655e0899c1b848643b2562f853f114bfec7be120678e3ace05",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/quote/1.0.10/download"],
- strip_prefix = "quote-1.0.10",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.quote-1.0.10.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__rand-0.8.5",
- sha256 = "34af8d1a0e25924bc5b7c43c079c942339d8f0a8b57c39049bef581b46327404",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rand/0.8.5/download"],
- strip_prefix = "rand-0.8.5",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.rand-0.8.5.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__rand_core-0.6.4",
- sha256 = "ec0be4795e2f6a28069bec0b5ff3e2ac9bafc99e6a9a7dc3547996c5c816922c",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rand_core/0.6.4/download"],
- strip_prefix = "rand_core-0.6.4",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.rand_core-0.6.4.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__regex-1.4.6",
- sha256 = "2a26af418b574bd56588335b3a3659a65725d4e636eb1016c2f9e3b38c7cc759",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/regex/1.4.6/download"],
- strip_prefix = "regex-1.4.6",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.regex-1.4.6.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__regex-syntax-0.6.28",
- sha256 = "456c603be3e8d448b072f410900c09faf164fbce2d480456f50eea6e25f9c848",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/regex-syntax/0.6.28/download"],
- strip_prefix = "regex-syntax-0.6.28",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.28.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__syn-1.0.82",
- sha256 = "8daf5dd0bb60cbd4137b1b587d2fc0ae729bc07cf01cd70b36a1ed5ade3b9d59",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/syn/1.0.82/download"],
- strip_prefix = "syn-1.0.82",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.syn-1.0.82.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__unicode-xid-0.2.4",
- sha256 = "f962df74c8c05a667b5ee8bcf162993134c104e96440b663c8daa176dc772d8c",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/unicode-xid/0.2.4/download"],
- strip_prefix = "unicode-xid-0.2.4",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.unicode-xid-0.2.4.bazel"),
- )
- maybe(
- http_archive,
- name = "rules_rust_util_import__wasi-0.11.0-wasi-snapshot-preview1",
- sha256 = "9c8d87e72b64a3b4db28d11ce29237c246188f4f51057d65a7eab63b7987e423",
- type = "tar.gz",
- urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasi/0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1/download"],
- strip_prefix = "wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1",
- build_file = Label("@rules_rust//util/import/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel"),
- )
- return [
- struct(repo = "rules_rust_util_import__aho-corasick-0.7.15", is_dev_dep = False),
- struct(repo = "rules_rust_util_import__lazy_static-1.4.0", is_dev_dep = False),
- struct(repo = "rules_rust_util_import__proc-macro2-1.0.33", is_dev_dep = False),
- struct(repo = "rules_rust_util_import__quickcheck-1.0.3", is_dev_dep = False),
- struct(repo = "rules_rust_util_import__quote-1.0.10", is_dev_dep = False),
- struct(repo = "rules_rust_util_import__syn-1.0.82", is_dev_dep = False),
- ]
diff --git a/util/import/BUILD.bazel b/util/import/BUILD.bazel
index 5e83a6c0..cdb8f220 100644
--- a/util/import/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/util/import/BUILD.bazel
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_binary")
-load("//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_proc_macro", "rust_test")
+load("//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_proc_macro")
# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
load("//rust/private:transitions.bzl", "alias_with_import_macro_bootstrapping_mode")
@@ -15,38 +15,7 @@ rust_proc_macro(
crate_name = "import",
- edition = "2018",
- deps = [
- ":import_internal",
- "//util/import/3rdparty/crates:syn",
- ],
- name = "import_internal",
- srcs = [
- "import_internal.rs",
- ],
- edition = "2018",
- deps = [
- "//util/import/3rdparty/crates:aho-corasick",
- "//util/import/3rdparty/crates:lazy_static",
- "//util/import/3rdparty/crates:proc-macro2",
- "//util/import/3rdparty/crates:quote",
- "//util/import/3rdparty/crates:syn",
- "//util/label",
- ],
- name = "import_internal_test",
- crate = ":import_internal",
- edition = "2018",
- # TODO: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_rust/issues/1672
- tags = ["manual"],
- deps = [
- "//util/import/3rdparty/crates:quickcheck",
- ],
+ edition = "2021",
diff --git a/util/import/deps.bzl b/util/import/deps.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f883a1..00000000
--- a/util/import/deps.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-The dependencies for running the gen_rust_project binary.
-load("//util/import/3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl", "crate_repositories")
-def import_deps():
- return crate_repositories()
-# For legacy support
-gen_rust_project_dependencies = import_deps
diff --git a/util/import/import.rs b/util/import/import.rs
index fff5e782..2b420eb5 100644
--- a/util/import/import.rs
+++ b/util/import/import.rs
@@ -1,19 +1 @@
-use syn::parse_macro_input;
-fn mode() -> import_internal::Mode {
- match std::env::var("RULES_RUST_THIRD_PARTY_DIR")
- .ok()
- .and_then(|dir| dir.strip_prefix("//").map(|s| s.to_string()))
- {
- Some(third_party_dir) => import_internal::Mode::RenameFirstPartyCrates { third_party_dir },
- _ => import_internal::Mode::NoRenaming,
- }
-pub fn import(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
- let input = parse_macro_input!(input as import_internal::ImportMacroInput);
- import_internal::expand_imports(input, &mode())
- .unwrap_or_else(|errors| errors.into_iter().map(|e| e.into_compile_error()).collect())
- .into()
+// Placeholder for Google's internal import macro
diff --git a/util/import/import_internal.rs b/util/import/import_internal.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index eb4350c7..00000000
--- a/util/import/import_internal.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-use std::iter;
-use std::vec;
-use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
-use lazy_static::lazy_static;
-use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
-use quote::quote_spanned;
-use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
-use syn::{Error, Ident, Lit, LitStr, Result, Token};
-/// The possible renaming modes for this macro.
-pub enum Mode {
- /// No renaming will be done; the expansion will replace each label with
- /// just the target.
- NoRenaming,
- /// First-party crates will be renamed, and third-party crates will not be.
- /// The expansion will replace first-party labels with an encoded version,
- /// and third-party labels with just their target.
- RenameFirstPartyCrates { third_party_dir: String },
-/// A special case of label::Label, which must be absolute and must not specify
-/// a repository.
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct AbsoluteLabel<'s> {
- package_name: &'s str,
- name: &'s str,
-impl<'s> AbsoluteLabel<'s> {
- /// Parses a string as an absolute Bazel label. Labels must be for the
- /// current repository.
- pub fn parse(label: &'s str, span: &'s Span) -> Result<Self> {
- if let Ok(label::Label {
- repository_name: None,
- package_name: Some(package_name),
- name,
- }) = label::analyze(label)
- {
- Ok(AbsoluteLabel { package_name, name })
- } else {
- Err(Error::new(
- *span,
- "Bazel labels must be of the form '//package[:target]'",
- ))
- }
- }
- /// Returns true iff this label should be renamed.
- fn should_rename(&self, mode: &Mode) -> bool {
- match mode {
- Mode::NoRenaming => false,
- Mode::RenameFirstPartyCrates { third_party_dir } => {
- !self.package_name.starts_with(third_party_dir)
- }
- }
- }
- /// Returns the appropriate (encoded) alias to use, if this label is being
- /// renamed; otherwise, returns None.
- fn target_as_alias(&self, mode: &Mode) -> Option<String> {
- self.should_rename(mode).then(|| encode(self.name))
- }
- /// Returns the full crate name, encoded if necessary.
- pub fn crate_name(&self, mode: &Mode) -> String {
- if self.should_rename(mode) {
- encode(&format!("{}:{}", self.package_name, self.name))
- } else {
- self.name.to_string()
- }
- }
-lazy_static! {
- // The (unencoded, encoded) pairings here must match those in
- // //rust/private/utils.bzl exactly.
- static ref ENCODINGS: Vec<(&'static str, &'static str)> =
- vec![
- (":", "x"),
- ("!", "excl"),
- ("%", "prc"),
- ("@", "ao"),
- ("^", "caret"),
- ("`", "bt"),
- (" ", "sp"),
- ("\"", "dq"),
- ("#", "octo"),
- ("$", "dllr"),
- ("&", "amp"),
- ("'", "sq"),
- ("(", "lp"),
- (")", "rp"),
- ("*", "astr"),
- ("-", "d"),
- ("+", "pl"),
- (",", "cm"),
- (";", "sm"),
- ("<", "la"),
- ("=", "eq"),
- (">", "ra"),
- ("?", "qm"),
- ("[", "lbk"),
- ("]", "rbk"),
- ("{", "lbe"),
- ("|", "pp"),
- ("}", "rbe"),
- ("~", "td"),
- ("/", "y"),
- (".", "pd"),
- ];
- // Transformations are stored as "(unencoded, encoded)" tuples.
- // Target names can include:
- // !%-@^_` "#$&'()*-+,;<=>?[]{|}~/.
- //
- // Package names are alphanumeric, plus [_/-].
- //
- // Packages and targets are separated by colons.
- static ref SUBSTITUTIONS: (Vec<String>, Vec<String>) =
- iter::once(("_z".to_string(), "_zz_".to_string()))
- .chain(ENCODINGS.iter()
- .flat_map(|pair| {
- vec![
- (format!("_{}_", &pair.1), format!("_z{}_", &pair.1)),
- (pair.0.to_string(), format!("_{}_", &pair.1)),
- ].into_iter()
- })
- )
- .unzip();
- static ref ENCODER: AhoCorasick = AhoCorasick::new(&SUBSTITUTIONS.0);
- static ref DECODER: AhoCorasick = AhoCorasick::new(&SUBSTITUTIONS.1);
-/// Encodes a string using the above encoding scheme.
-fn encode(s: &str) -> String {
- ENCODER.replace_all(s, &SUBSTITUTIONS.1)
-struct Import {
- label: LitStr,
- alias: Option<Ident>,
-impl Import {
- fn try_into_statement(self, mode: &Mode) -> Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
- let label_literal = &self.label.value();
- let span = self.label.span();
- let label = AbsoluteLabel::parse(label_literal, &span)?;
- let crate_name = &label.crate_name(mode);
- let crate_ident = Ident::new(crate_name, span);
- let alias = self
- .alias
- .or_else(|| {
- label
- .target_as_alias(mode)
- .map(|alias| Ident::new(&alias, span))
- })
- .filter(|alias| alias != crate_name);
- Ok(if let Some(alias) = alias {
- quote_spanned! {span=> extern crate #crate_ident as #alias; }
- } else {
- quote_spanned! {span=> extern crate #crate_ident;}
- })
- }
-pub struct ImportMacroInput {
- imports: Vec<Import>,
-impl Parse for ImportMacroInput {
- fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- let mut imports: Vec<Import> = Vec::new();
- while !input.is_empty() {
- let label = match Lit::parse(input)
- .map_err(|_| input.error("expected Bazel label as a string literal"))?
- {
- Lit::Str(label) => label,
- lit => {
- return Err(input.error(format!(
- "expected Bazel label as string literal, found '{}' literal",
- quote::quote! {#lit}
- )));
- }
- };
- let alias = if input.peek(Token![as]) {
- <Token![as]>::parse(input)?;
- Some(
- Ident::parse(input)
- .map_err(|_| input.error("alias must be a valid Rust identifier"))?,
- )
- } else {
- None
- };
- imports.push(Import { label, alias });
- <syn::Token![;]>::parse(input)?;
- }
- Ok(Self { imports })
- }
-pub fn expand_imports(
- input: ImportMacroInput,
- mode: &Mode,
-) -> std::result::Result<TokenStream, Vec<syn::Error>> {
- let (statements, errs): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = input
- .imports
- .into_iter()
- .map(|i| i.try_into_statement(mode))
- .partition(Result::is_ok);
- if !errs.is_empty() {
- Err(errs.into_iter().map(Result::unwrap_err).collect())
- } else {
- Ok(statements.into_iter().map(Result::unwrap).collect())
- }
-mod tests {
- use crate::*;
- use quickcheck::quickcheck;
- use syn::parse_quote;
- /// Decodes a string that was encoded using `encode`.
- fn decode(s: &str) -> String {
- DECODER.replace_all(s, &SUBSTITUTIONS.0)
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_expand_imports_without_renaming() -> std::result::Result<(), Vec<syn::Error>> {
- let mode = Mode::NoRenaming;
- // Nothing to do.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! {}, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "");
- // Package and a target.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project:utils"; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate utils ;");
- // Package and a target, with a no-op alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project:utils"; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate utils ;");
- // Package and a target, with an alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project:utils" as my_utils; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate utils as my_utils ;");
- // Package and an implicit target.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project/utils"; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate utils ;");
- // Package and an implicit target, with a no-op alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project/utils" as utils; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate utils ;");
- // Package and an implicit target, with an alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project:utils" as my_utils; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate utils as my_utils ;");
- // A third-party target.
- let expanded =
- expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//third_party/rust/serde/v1:serde"; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate serde ;");
- // A third-party target with a no-op alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(
- parse_quote! { "//third_party/rust/serde/v1:serde" as serde; },
- &mode,
- )?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate serde ;");
- // A third-party target with an alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(
- parse_quote! { "//third_party/rust/serde/v1:serde" as my_serde; },
- &mode,
- )?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate serde as my_serde ;");
- // Multiple targets.
- let expanded = expand_imports(
- parse_quote! { "//some_project:utils"; "//third_party/rust/serde/v1:serde"; },
- &mode,
- )?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate utils ; extern crate serde ;"
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_expand_imports_with_renaming() -> std::result::Result<(), Vec<syn::Error>> {
- let mode = Mode::RenameFirstPartyCrates {
- third_party_dir: "third_party/rust".to_string(),
- };
- // Nothing to do.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! {}, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "");
- // Package and a target.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project:utils"; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate some_project_x_utils as utils ;"
- );
- // Package and a target, with a no-op alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project:utils" as utils; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate some_project_x_utils as utils ;"
- );
- // Package and a target, with an alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project:utils" as my_utils; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate some_project_x_utils as my_utils ;"
- );
- // Package and an implicit target.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project/utils"; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate some_project_y_utils_x_utils as utils ;"
- );
- // Package and an implicit target, with a no-op alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project/utils" as utils; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate some_project_y_utils_x_utils as utils ;"
- );
- // Package and an implicit target, with an alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project/utils" as my_utils; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate some_project_y_utils_x_utils as my_utils ;"
- );
- // A third-party target.
- let expanded =
- expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//third_party/rust/serde/v1:serde"; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate serde ;");
- // A third-party target with a no-op alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(
- parse_quote! { "//third_party/rust/serde/v1:serde" as serde; },
- &mode,
- )?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate serde ;");
- // A third-party target with an alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(
- parse_quote! { "//third_party/rust/serde/v1:serde" as my_serde; },
- &mode,
- )?;
- assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), "extern crate serde as my_serde ;");
- // Multiple targets.
- let expanded = expand_imports(
- parse_quote! { "//some_project:utils"; "//third_party/rust/serde/v1:serde"; },
- &mode,
- )?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate some_project_x_utils as utils ; extern crate serde ;"
- );
- // Problematic target name.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project:thing-types"; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate some_project_x_thing_d_types as thing_d_types ;"
- );
- // Problematic target name with alias.
- let expanded = expand_imports(
- parse_quote! { "//some_project:thing-types" as types; },
- &mode,
- )?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate some_project_x_thing_d_types as types ;"
- );
- // Problematic package name.
- let expanded = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "//some_project-prototype:utils"; }, &mode)?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate some_project_d_prototype_x_utils as utils ;"
- );
- // Problematic package and target names.
- let expanded = expand_imports(
- parse_quote! { "//some_project-prototype:thing-types"; },
- &mode,
- )?;
- assert_eq!(
- expanded.to_string(),
- "extern crate some_project_d_prototype_x_thing_d_types as thing_d_types ;"
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_expansion_failures() -> Result<()> {
- let mode = Mode::NoRenaming;
- // Missing leading "//", not a valid label.
- let errs = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "some_project:utils"; }, &mode).unwrap_err();
- assert_eq!(
- errs.into_iter()
- .map(|e| e.to_string())
- .collect::<Vec<String>>(),
- vec!["Bazel labels must be of the form '//package[:target]'"]
- );
- // Valid label, but relative.
- let errs = expand_imports(parse_quote! { ":utils"; }, &mode).unwrap_err();
- assert_eq!(
- errs.into_iter()
- .map(|e| e.to_string())
- .collect::<Vec<String>>(),
- vec!["Bazel labels must be of the form '//package[:target]'"]
- );
- // Valid label, but a wildcard.
- let errs = expand_imports(parse_quote! { "some_project/..."; }, &mode).unwrap_err();
- assert_eq!(
- errs.into_iter()
- .map(|e| e.to_string())
- .collect::<Vec<String>>(),
- vec!["Bazel labels must be of the form '//package[:target]'"]
- );
- // Valid label, but only in Bazel (not in Bazel).
- let errs =
- expand_imports(parse_quote! { "@repository//some_project:utils"; }, &mode).unwrap_err();
- assert_eq!(
- errs.into_iter()
- .map(|e| e.to_string())
- .collect::<Vec<String>>(),
- vec!["Bazel labels must be of the form '//package[:target]'"]
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_macro_input_parsing_errors() -> Result<()> {
- // Label is not a string literal.
- assert_eq!(
- syn::parse_str::<ImportMacroInput>("some_project:utils;")
- .err()
- .unwrap()
- .to_string(),
- "expected Bazel label as a string literal"
- );
- // Label is the wrong kind of literal.
- assert_eq!(
- syn::parse_str::<ImportMacroInput>("true;")
- .err()
- .unwrap()
- .to_string(),
- "expected Bazel label as string literal, found 'true' literal"
- );
- assert_eq!(
- syn::parse_str::<ImportMacroInput>("123;")
- .err()
- .unwrap()
- .to_string(),
- "expected Bazel label as string literal, found '123' literal"
- );
- // Alias is not a valid identifier.
- assert_eq!(
- syn::parse_str::<ImportMacroInput>(r#""some_project:utils" as "!@#$%";"#)
- .err()
- .unwrap()
- .to_string(),
- "alias must be a valid Rust identifier"
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_label_parsing() -> Result<()> {
- assert_eq!(
- AbsoluteLabel::parse("//some_project:utils", &Span::call_site())?,
- AbsoluteLabel {
- package_name: "some_project",
- name: "utils"
- },
- );
- assert_eq!(
- AbsoluteLabel::parse("//some_project/utils", &Span::call_site())?,
- AbsoluteLabel {
- package_name: "some_project/utils",
- name: "utils"
- },
- );
- assert_eq!(
- AbsoluteLabel::parse("//some_project", &Span::call_site())?,
- AbsoluteLabel {
- package_name: "some_project",
- name: "some_project"
- },
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_substitutions_concatenate() -> Result<()> {
- // Every combination of orig + orig, orig + encoded, encoded + orig, and
- // encoded + encoded round trips the encoding successfully.
- for s in SUBSTITUTIONS.0.iter().chain(SUBSTITUTIONS.1.iter()) {
- for t in SUBSTITUTIONS.0.iter().chain(SUBSTITUTIONS.1.iter()) {
- let concatenated = format!("{}{}", s, t);
- assert_eq!(&decode(&encode(&concatenated)), &concatenated);
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_encode() -> Result<()> {
- assert_eq!(encode("some_project:utils"), "some_project_x_utils");
- assert_eq!(&encode("_zpd_"), "_zz_pd_");
- // All the encodings should be what we expect.
- for (orig, encoded) in SUBSTITUTIONS.0.iter().zip(SUBSTITUTIONS.1.iter()) {
- assert_eq!(&encode(orig), encoded);
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_decode() -> Result<()> {
- assert_eq!(decode("some_project_x_utils"), "some_project:utils");
- assert_eq!(decode("_zz_pd_"), "_zpd_");
- // All the decodings should be what we expect.
- for (orig, encoded) in SUBSTITUTIONS.0.iter().zip(SUBSTITUTIONS.1.iter()) {
- assert_eq!(&decode(encoded), orig);
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_substitutions_compose() -> Result<()> {
- for s in SUBSTITUTIONS.0.iter().chain(SUBSTITUTIONS.1.iter()) {
- assert_eq!(&decode(&encode(s)), s);
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- quickcheck! {
- fn composition_is_identity(s: String) -> bool {
- s == decode(&encode(&s))
- }
- }