AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-01-09improving logging for subcommand failure (#3824)Zhongpeng Lin
2024-01-09Fix coverage collection with modified `COVERAGE_DIR` env variable (#3820)Fabian Meumertzheim
2024-01-09Extend gomock to allow passing an source_importpath instead of library when o...Thomas Hervé
2024-01-09Handle prerelease versions in polyfill (#3821)Daniel Wagner-Hall
2024-01-07Rename bazel_features polyfill to prevent conflicts (#3817)Fabian Meumertzheim
2024-01-07Temporarily undo deprecation of `//proto:go_grpc` (#3818)Fabian Meumertzheim
2024-01-05update documentation for 0.44 (#3813)Tyler French
2024-01-04Allow compilers to be overwritten in go_grpc_library() (#3812)Marcel
2024-01-04nogo: use original source files instead of coverage-instrumented (#3770)emmaxy
2024-01-03patch release 0.44.2 (#3811)Tyler French
2024-01-03registering timeout handler synchronously (#3810)Zhongpeng Lin
2024-01-02Fix a race detected only if a test times out (#3808)Patrick Scott
2023-12-30Make C++ toolchain optional (#3390)Daniel Wagner-Hall
2023-12-29prepare a patch release 0.44.1 (#3804)Tyler French
2023-12-27downgrade genproto in go.mod (#3803)Zhongpeng Lin
2023-12-27Support `--nolegacy_external_runfiles` (#3795)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-12-25Link to the isolated extension usages issue in Bzlmod guide (#3800)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-12-23add maintainers to metadata.json template (#3797)Tyler French
2023-12-23Update Bzlmod guide (#3794)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-12-22Always attempt to set RUNFILES_DIR and JAVA_RUNFILES in `runfiles.Env` (#3778)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-12-21Let `@rules_go//go` file path end with `/bin/go` (#3791)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-12-20Slightly tweak deprecation wording for //proto:go_grpc (#3790)Ryan Brewster
2023-12-19prepare release 0.44.0 (#3788)Tyler French
2023-12-19Pass env to gentestmain so it will correctly filter (#3785)Patrick Scott
2023-12-17fix(gpd): don't panic on invalid root (#3779)Jamy Timmermans
2023-12-14Add Bzlmod support for `nogo` (#3782)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-12-14Add integration tests for protoc-gen-go-grpc (#3787)Ryan Brewster
2023-12-14Update to modern protoc plugins (#3761)Marcel
2023-12-12fix `aux_files` relative paths for gomock source mocks (fix #3752) (#3753)Ivan Kavaliou
2023-12-12Automatically register SDKs for common execution platforms (#3634)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-12-11Fix integration tests with Bazel@HEAD (#3781)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-12-11Panic when a test times out (#3749)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-12-07Typo --test_runner_fail_fast (#3773)Clément Jean
2023-12-05featu(packagesdriver): add _test suffix to pkgPath (#3777)Jamy Timmermans
2023-12-04Use `tools.go` trick to make `go.mod` work with `go mod tidy` (#3775)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-11-28Remove unmaintained validators (#3768)Marcel
2023-11-24Do not choose prereleases as highest versions (#3764)Marcel
2023-11-23Update GO_TOOLCHAIN string to Label and add toolchain param to one more actio...kotlaja
2023-11-21Add toolchain param to affected actions (#3760)kotlaja
2023-11-20update the documentation for 0.43.0 release (#3758)Tyler French
2023-11-20Do not test on centos7 (#3757)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-11-20prepare release 0.43.0 (#3745)Tyler French
2023-11-16bug fix: parse embeds in files that contain the double quote rune (#3672)Andy Scott
2023-11-13upgrade x/tools to 0.15.0 (#3751)Tyler French
2023-11-13Add support for `xtest` packages in Go Packages Driver (#3750)Jamy Timmermans
2023-11-10Fix bazel query scope not being used (#3688)Matas Rastenis
2023-11-09feat(gopackagesdriver): add base test case for go packages driver (#3743)Jamy Timmermans
2023-11-09builder: Make paths absolute for stdliblist (#1357) (#3748)Holger Freyther
2023-11-08Update `bazel_features` to v1.1.1 (#3747)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-11-07Add go_cross_binary to README (#3744)John Firebaugh