# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Run the test, HFP NBS back to back, with DUT as source. # # The test starts then stops the stream playback for three times. In each # iteration, it checks the Bluetooth device can successfully receive the # stream when it is played; also check the absence of the streama when stop # playing. # # Purpose: Run the test, HFP NBS back to back, with DUT as source # Deprecated variables: # TIME = 'SHORT' # Approximately 5 mins # TEST_CATEGORY = 'Functional' from autotest_lib.server import utils NAME = 'bluetooth_AdapterAUHealth.au_hfp_nbs_dut_as_source_back2back_test.force_offload.floss' METADATA = { 'contacts': ['chromeos-bt-team@google.com'], # ChromeOS > Platform > Connectivity > Bluetooth 'bug_component': 'b:167317', 'criteria': 'Pass all audio file checking', 'hw_agnostic': False, 'requirements': ['bt-audPath-0001-v01', 'bt-audPath-0002-v01'] } # TODO(b/336088266): schedule this test within the supporting boards via project 3d. ATTRIBUTES = '' TEST_TYPE = 'server' DEPENDENCIES = 'bluetooth, working_bluetooth_btpeer:1' args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(args) def run(machine): host = hosts.create_host(machine) job.run_test('bluetooth_AdapterAUHealth', host=host, num_iterations=1, args_dict=args_dict, test_name=NAME.split('.')[1], tag='.'.join(NAME.split('.')[1:]), floss=True, force_offload=True) parallel_simple(run, machines)