AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-12-09re-enable format string warning in CIupstream/v2020.12.18Ben Ashbaugh
2020-12-09use PRId64 and PRIu64 when printing 64-bit valuesBen Ashbaugh
2020-12-09fix test format string warningsBen Ashbaugh
2020-12-09fix origin argument names for rect functionsBen Ashbaugh
2020-12-09Enable GitHub Actions for pull requests (#141)James Price
2020-11-27Added definitions for cl_img_generate_mipmap. (#135)Jeremy Kemp
2020-11-27Added missing define for cl_img_use_gralloc_ptr. (#134)Jeremy Kemp
2020-11-27Use the alignment attribute under Integrity OS. (#131)Jeremy Kemp
2020-11-24Comprehensive CMake Package Config support (#107)Nagy-Egri Máté Ferenc
2020-11-20Added definitions for cl_img_mem_properties. (#136)Jeremy Kemp
2020-10-14switch the default version for the OpenCL headers to OpenCL 3.0Ben Ashbaugh
2020-10-07re-enable anonymous unions by default (#125)Ben Ashbaugh
2020-09-30Avoid anon structs when MSVC uses /Za (#116)Nagy-Egri Máté Ferenc
2020-09-27update APIs and enums for cl_intel_unified_shared_memory for rev Q (#108)Ben Ashbaugh
2020-09-22header changes for cl_intel_mem_force_host_memory (#114)Ben Ashbaugh
2020-09-02Add definitions for cl_ext_cxx_for_opencl (#109)Kévin Petit
2020-08-30Add definitions for cl_arm_scheduling_controls (#110)Kévin Petit
2020-08-11Add cl_intel_create_buffer_with_properties and cl_intel_mem_channel_property ...Mikhail Lychkov
2020-07-29add cl_api prefix for clSetContextDestructorCallbackBen Ashbaugh
2020-07-29update ICD dispatch table with clSetContextDestructorCallbackBen Ashbaugh
2020-07-29deprecate clSetProgramReleaseCallbackBen Ashbaugh
2020-07-29add clSetContextDestructorCallbackBen Ashbaugh
2020-07-20Introduce cl_properties type (#97)Kévin Petit
2020-07-20switch device enqueue boolean query to capabilities queryBen Ashbaugh
2020-06-19Fix build of dependent software with clang (#93)pkubaj
2020-06-09add APIs and enums for cl_intel_unified_shared_memory (#65)upstream/v2020.06.16Ben Ashbaugh
2020-06-03Add cl_khr_device_uuid definitions (#91)Einar Hov
2020-05-12Add cl_half.h header (#60)James Price
2020-05-11add tokens for cl_amd_device_attribute_query (#90)XZiar
2020-05-04Add Windows CI using Travis (#82)Kévin Petit
2020-04-28update headers for OpenCL 3.0 (#88)Ben Ashbaugh
2020-04-22Add cl_khr_extended_versioning macro (#85)Kévin Petit
2020-04-13Synchronize experimental enum etc with cl.xml (#83)Alastair Murray
2020-04-02Include the DirectX sharing headers from CL/cl_icd.h. (#81)fodinabor
2020-03-27add missing error code CL_CONTEXT_TERMINATED_KHRBen Ashbaugh
2020-03-25Change license to Apache 2.0 (#76)James Price
2020-03-22Add enum value for `cl_khronos_vendor_id` (#71)Ewan Crawford
2020-03-22Experimental enum cl_khronos_vendor_id (#75)Ewan Crawford
2020-03-12experimental enums for language queriesupstream/v2020.03.13Ben Ashbaugh
2020-03-12add experimental enum CL_COMMAND_SVM_MIGRATE_MEMBen Ashbaugh
2020-03-12move two subgroup queries from cl_kernel_info to cl_kernel_sub_group_infoBen Ashbaugh
2020-02-18add experimental enums (#70)Ben Ashbaugh
2020-02-14Add CL_IMPORT_DMA_BUF_DATA_CONSISTENCY_WITH_HOST_ARM definition (#72)Kévin Petit
2020-01-23Add tests and Travis CI config (#64)James Price
2020-01-16Add definitions for cl_arm_import_memory_android_hardware_buffer (#61)Kévin Petit
2020-01-16Add version guards to ICD declarations (#63)James Price
2020-01-09Add cl_khr_extended_versioning definitions (#59)Kévin Petit
2019-12-16Add API function pointer and ICD dispatch table definitions (#50)Kévin Petit
2019-08-06Add definitions for cl_arm_job_slot_selection (#52)Kévin Petit