AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-07-22Add benchmark for Exceptions code performance.Artem Serov
2016-07-19Add scipy infoSerban Constantinescu
2016-07-15Translate stanford benchmarks into javaJulien Duraj
2016-07-08Remove redundant code from C benchmark filesJulien Duraj
2016-07-08Import LLVM Stanford Benchmarks C files & licenseJulien Duraj
2016-07-04Update documentation regarding porting benchmarksJulien Duraj
2016-06-22Allow sorting results according to the median diff in `compare.py`.Alexandre Rames
2016-06-22Fix the order of results for `compare.py --significant-changes`.Alexandre Rames
2016-06-21Do not pass `--debug` to the benchmark app when verbose is set.Alexandre Rames
2016-06-20Add -Xnodex2oat option when running JIT mode.xueliang.zhong
2016-06-17Merge "Fix the time units in a help message."Alexandre Rames
2016-06-17Merge "Fix the android-root run of the benchmarks."Alexandre Rames
2016-06-16Fix the time units in a help message.Anton Kirilov
2016-06-14Fix the android-root run of the benchmarks.Serban Constantinescu
2016-06-14Accept an arbitrary number of java files on the command-line for `build.sh`.Alexandre Rames
2016-06-14Allow relative paths for the `-b` option in `build.sh`.Alexandre Rames
2016-06-14Fix the geomean relative difference in compare.pyAlexandre Rames
2016-06-06Extend fastaredux benchmark (LoadClass overhead in AOT)xueliang.zhong
2016-06-01Change the output OAT file name to avoid clashes between different ISAs.Anton Kirilov
2016-05-27Optimize the boot.oat compilation.Anton Kirilov
2016-05-27Fix the boot.oat compilation.Anton Kirilov
2016-05-26Android Root - Add -Xbootclasspath option to dalvikvm.Serban Constantinescu
2016-05-26Merge "Remove `tools/benchmarks/compare.py`."Alexandre Rames
2016-05-26Merge "Print geomean in `compare.py`."Alexandre Rames
2016-05-26Merge "Fix `PrintDiff()` and add a regression test."Alexandre Rames
2016-05-26Remove `tools/benchmarks/compare.py`.Alexandre Rames
2016-05-26Fix passing of dex2oat options in `tools/compilation_statistics/run.py`.xueliang.zhong
2016-05-23Print geomean in `compare.py`.Alexandre Rames
2016-05-23Fix `PrintDiff()` and add a regression test.Alexandre Rames
2016-05-19Refactor the geomean code.Alexandre Rames
2016-05-18Add Wilcoxon and t-test statistics.Bilyan Borisov
2016-05-18Update `utils_stats.py` to print median, MAD, and MAD (% median).Bilyan Borisov
2016-05-18Introduce a new `report.py` script to generate reports from result files.Alexandre Rames
2016-05-12Merge "Clean up the compilation statistics script."Alexandre Rames
2016-05-11Enable testing with alternate android_root.Stuart Monteith
2016-05-06Clean up the compilation statistics script.Anton Kirilov
2016-05-03Enable custom file with PMU counters description.Artem Serov
2016-05-03Implement passing of options to dalvikvm.Artem Serov
2016-05-03Add absolute values of PMU counters for perf.Artem Serov
2016-05-03Enable running a single benchmark in perf tools.Artem Serov
2016-04-29Merge "Boot.oat compilation statistics with mode"Anton Kirilov
2016-04-29Boot.oat compilation statistics with modeBilyan Borisov
2016-04-28Do not print mean values by default in `compare.py`.Alexandre Rames
2016-04-28Use the result of computations in the ceil/floor benchmark.Alexandre Rames
2016-04-28Update `PrintDiff` to not print anything for inexistent data.Alexandre Rames
2016-04-26Clean the `PrintTable()` method.Alexandre Rames
2016-04-26Improve the filter option.Alexandre Rames
2016-04-22Merge "Add a micro-benchmark for `floor` and `ceil`."Alexandre Rames
2016-04-22Merge "Move `benchmarks/micro/Intrinsics.java` under the `intrinsics` sub-dir...Alexandre Rames
2016-04-21Merge "Add support for AOT, interpreter only and JIT."Alexandre Rames