AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-10kleaf: system_dlkm: Add flatten images supportRamji Jiyani
2023-09-29kleaf: system_dlkm build images for list of fsandroid-u-qpr1-beta-2.1_r0.8android-gs-shusky-5.15-u-qpr1-beta2Ramji Jiyani
2023-09-16download_from_ci: --update-16k: Fix version fetchandroid-u-qpr2-beta-1_r0.7android-u-qpr1-beta-2_r0.8Ramji Jiyani
2023-09-04kleaf: Drop --verbose_failures for builds.Yifan Hong
2023-08-29kleaf: system_dlkm_image: Fix load out of order errorRamji Jiyani
2023-08-29kleaf: Set arch specific gki default module listsUlises Mendez Martinez
2023-08-24build_utils: system_dlkm: AVB hashtree footer with SHA256Ramji Jiyani
2023-08-23kleaf: checkpatch: add COMPLEX_MACRO into checkpatch ignore listguibing
2023-08-22kleaf: config_utils: properly check for unset configs.Yifan Hong
2023-08-22kleaf: delete CONFIG_DELETED_UNSET from defconfig_must_present_test_module.Yifan Hong
2023-08-18kleaf: download_from_ci: Skip abi stgdiff reportsUlises Mendez Martinez
2023-08-17kleaf: checkpatch_presubmit: Properly check for BUILD file.Yifan Hong
2023-08-17kleaf: Skip checkpatch_presubmit if project has no BUILD file.Yifan Hong
2023-08-15kleaf: checkpatch: properly let executes git.Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: update code snippet in docs.Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: mention breakage of hermeticity.Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: update help message to mention forwarded args.Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: only unlink existing log file.Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: add docs.Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: Move DIST_DIR logic from to checkpatch_presu...Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: Move BUILD_NUMBER logic from to checkpatch_p...Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: Add //build/kernel/static_analysis:checkpatch_presubmitYifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: update banner to include git sha1.Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: add missing popd.Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: --checkpatch_pl are provided as abs pathYifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: --ignored_checks resolved against workspace root.Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: checkpatch: quieter script.Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: docs: update title.Yifan Hong
2023-08-11kleaf: Implement checkpatch().Yifan Hong
2023-08-10kleaf: tests: Add case for missing exported symbolUlises Mendez Martinez
2023-08-04kleaf: enable --kleaf_localversion by default.Yifan Hong
2023-08-01kleaf: ScmversionTest use config=local.Yifan Hong
2023-07-31kleaf: shard integration tests.Yifan Hong
2023-07-31kleaf: Don't clean between integration tests.Yifan Hong
2023-07-31kleaf: combine some integration testsYifan Hong
2023-07-31kleaf: delete integration tests on incremental builds.Yifan Hong
2023-07-31kleaf: integration_test: delete unused stuff.Yifan Hong
2023-07-31kleaf: Fix ScmversionIntegratonTest when running locally.Yifan Hong
2023-07-27kleaf: Fix hermetic_tools setup scripts.Yifan Hong
2023-07-27kleaf: integration_test: don't delete modules_prepare archive if test fails.Yifan Hong
2023-07-27kleaf: KLEAF_INTERNAL_BUILDTOOLS_PREBUILT_BIN has highest priority.Yifan Hong
2023-07-27kleaf: Disable integration test_dash_dash_help.Yifan Hong
2023-07-26kleaf: warn if no android_release in BRANCH.Yifan Hong
2023-07-25kernel_sbom: use Maennich
2023-07-25kleaf: don't fuss about full KMI string.Yifan Hong
2023-07-25kleaf: Fix missing first declare line in env.shYifan Hong
2023-07-25kleaf: Improve error in get_kmi_string.pyYifan Hong
2023-07-25kleaf: Deprecate define_db845c macroUlises Mendez Martinez
2023-07-25kernel_sbom: Clarify download locationsMatthias Maennich
2023-07-25Kleaf: add support for producing a SPDX SBOMMatthias Maennich