# # NOTE! Don't add files that are generated in specific # subdirectories here. Add them in the ".gitignore" file # in that subdirectory instead. # # Normal rules # .* *.o *.o.* *.a *.s *.ko *.so *.so.dbg *.mod.c *.i *.lst *.symtypes # # Top-level generic files # u-boot u-boot.bin u-boot.map u-boot.srec System.map examples/hello_world examples/hello_world.bin examples/hello_world.srec include/asm include/asm-arm/arch include/asm-arm/proc include/config.h include/config.mk include/version_autogenerated.h include/bmp_logo.h tools/bmp_logo tools/crc32.c tools/envcrc tools/environment.c tools/gen_eth_addr tools/img2srec tools/mkimage !.gitignore # # Generated include files # # stgit generated dirs patches-* # quilt's files patches series # cscope files cscope.* *.orig *.rej